383 research outputs found

    An analysis of core-competences of successful multinational team leaders

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    Copyright @ 2010 The Authors. This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below.Researchers have endeavoured to understand the factors that enable effective functioning of multinational teams (MNTs) but with few exceptions they have ignored studying the competences of MNT leaders. In this paper we present those competences leaders must possess in order to effectively lead MNTs. Our findings are based on 70 problem-centred interviews with MNT leaders and members from five multinational corporations. The competences our interviewees mentioned most frequently for effective leadership were knowledge management and transfer. Results further indicated that a leader must be cross-culturally competent and multilingual in order to motivate MNT members to fully explore, exploit and transfer valuable knowledge within the team and beyond

    Language competencies, policies and practices in multinational corporations: A comprehensive review and comparison of Anglophone, Asian, Continental European and Nordic MNCs

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    The importance of language differences in multinational companies (MNCs) can hardly be overlooked. This paper therefore provides the first large-scale quantitative overview of language competencies, policies and practices in MNCs. It is based on data from more than 800 subsidiaries, located in thirteen different countries with headquarters in more than 25 different countries, which were aggregated into four distinct home country clusters. This comprehensive study allows us to differentiate prior conceptual or case-based findings according to home, host and corporate languages and to develop managerial implications which vary according to the different country clusters

    Hablas vielleicht un peu la mia language? A comprehensive overview of the role of language differences in headquarters-subsidiary communication

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    The management of human resources in headquarters (HQ)-subsidiary relationships requires intensive communication, but effective communication often depends on having a shared language. Hence, language differences can be a serious threat to the successful management of human resources in multinational corporations (MNCs). In this large-scale quantitative study, encompassing data from more than 800 subsidiaries in thirteen countries, we investigated four related issues. First, in terms of the importance of language differences, we found that HQ-subsidiary relationships are clearly affected by language differences and that the latter form a distance category of their own, which should not be subsumed under the related, but separate concept of cultural differences. Second, regarding the consequences of language differences for communication outcomes, we found that a lack of a shared language is associated with misunderstanding, conflict and parallel information networks which could harm HQ-subsidiary interactions. Third, with regard to the impact of language differences on communication methods, we found that alack of a shared language is associated witha significantly lower level of oral (face-to-face and phone) communication, but not written communication. Fourth, and finally, in terms of a potential solution to communication problems caused by language differences, we found that expatriates can facilitate both communication and knowledge transfer between HQ and subsidiaries

    Constructing Soliton and Kink Solutions of PDE Models in Transport and Biology

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    We present a review of our recent works directed towards discovery of a periodic, kink-like and soliton-like travelling wave solutions within the models of transport phenomena and the mathematical biology. Analytical description of these wave patterns is carried out by means of our modification of the direct algebraic balance method. In the case when the analytical description fails, we propose to approximate invariant travelling wave solutions by means of an infinite series of exponential functions. The effectiveness of the method of approximation is demonstrated on a hyperbolic modification of Burgers equation.Comment: Published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    Do we need to distance ourselves from the distance concept? Why home and host country context might matter more than (cultural) distance

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    We scrutinize the explanatory power of one of the key concepts in International Business: the concept of (cultural) distance. Here we focus on its effect on entry mode choice, one of the most researched fields in international business strategy. Our findings might, however, be equally be relevant for the field of International Business as a whole. Our analysis is based on a review of 92 prior studies on entry mode choice, as well as an empirical investigation in over 800 subsidiaries of MNCs, covering nine host and fifteen home countries across the world. We conclude that the explanatory power of distance is highly limited once home and host country context are accounted for, and that any significant effects of cultural distance on entry mode choice might simply be caused by inadequate sampling. Entry mode studies in particular, and International Business research in general, would do well to reconsider its fascination with distance measures, and instead, focus first and foremost on differences in home and host country context. We argue that serious engagement with deep contextualization is necessary in International Business research to pose new and relevant questions and develop new and innovative theories that explain empirical phenomena

    Fishing for cures : the zebrafish as a powerful tool to identify novel therapies against glioblastoma by targeting MTH1 and beyond

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive form of brain cancer. Despite today’s combinatory therapy consisting of surgery, radio- and chemotherapy, the prognosis remains dismal. Fostered by extensive tumor heterogeneity, cancer cell plasticity and the presence of cancer stem cells, GBM evades almost any therapeutic strategy, leading to high mortality. Thus, the development of novel therapies is of urgent need. With the identification of the Hallmarks of Cancer several cancer specific characteristics have been described that could serve as promising anti-cancer targets, including the combination of an elevated proliferation rate, crucial changes in cancer metabolism and consequently, an altered redox environment. Cancer cells and GBM in particular depend on effective anti- oxidant defense systems and non-oncogenic addiction enzymes such as MTH1, an enzyme that detoxifies oxidized bases to prevent DNA damage and subsequent cell death. While potential anti-cancer targets are constantly being identified, the development of novel therapies against GBM is, amongst other reasons, hampered by the lack of orthotopic animal models that support large drug discovery screens. During the last decade, the zebrafish has been introduced as a clinically relevant model for human malignancies including cancer. Owing its biological and technical advantages, the zebrafish is the only vertebrate animal suitable for automated drug discovery screens to facilitate the identification and validation of novel cancer therapies. In this thesis, we primarily focused on complementing established biochemical and cellular assays with a broad application of the zebrafish model to: 1. Describe factors that render cancer cells sensitive to MTH1 inhibitors 2. Validate MTH1 as a arget in GBM and GBM stem cells 3. Develop a new orthotopic in vivo model for GBM In Paper I we have demonstrated that the cellular redox environment and activation of the hypoxia signaling axis determine sensitivity to MTH1 inhibition in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting that MTH1 inhibition may present a promising approach to treat cancers characterized by deregulated hypoxia signaling and redox imbalance. In Paper II we have tested this hypothesis and showed that depletion or inhibition of MTH1 efficiently reduces viability of patient-derived GBM cultures independent of aggressiveness i in vitro and in vivo, thus providing supporting data that MTH1 represents a promising target for GBM therapy in particular. In Paper III we addressed the lack of an orthotopic animal model for GBM which is suitable for large drug discovery screens. We found that GBM cultures transplanted into the blastoderm of zebrafish embryos form a congregated tumor in the central nervous system, fully recapitulating the human disease. As no intracranial transplantation is required, we have developed an orthotopic animal model for GBM that could readily be implemented in fully automatable drug discovery screens in order to accelerate the identification and development of novel therapies against GBM

    Is our attachment hurting us? : unraveling the associations between partners’ attachment pairings, negative emotions during conflict and intimate partner violence

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    Essai doctoral présenté en vue de l’obtention du doctorat en psychologie, option clinique (D. Psy)L’insécurité d’attachement et l’expérience accrue d’émotions négatives lors de conflits constituent des facteurs de risque significatifs pour la violence conjugale (VC). Cependant, les recherches antérieures ont surtout examiné l'attachement de chaque partenaire séparément dans l'association entre l'attachement et la VC, et l’examen du rôle des émotions négatives en tant que mécanismes explicatifs est limité. La présente étude est basée sur un devis observationnel dyadique pour (1) examiner l'interaction entre l’attachement des partenaires (i.e. pairage) et la perpétration de VC et (2) vérifier la contribution des émotions négatives durant une discussion conflictuelle dans ces associations. Un échantillon inclusif de 178 couples de jeunes adultes âgés de 18 à 29 ans a été recruté au sein de la communauté. Les résultats ont révélé que l’évitement d’une personne était positivement lié à la VC seulement lorsque le partenaire avait un évitement faible. Les autres pairages d'attachement (anxiété-anxiété ; évitement-anxiété) n'étaient pas liés à la perpétration de VC. Les résultats ont également montré que l’évitement d’une personne était indirectement lié à sa propre perpétration de VC via ses propres émotions négatives lors de la discussion conflictuelle. L’évitement d’une personne était également indirectement associé à la perpétration de VC de son partenaire via les émotions négatives de ce dernier. Enfin, l'anxiété d'une personne était indirectement associée à sa propre perpétration de VC via ses propres émotions négatives lors de la discussion conflictuelle. Ces résultats suggèrent que d’investiguer les pairages d'attachement des couples et les émotions négatives lors de conflits offre des pistes importantes pour améliorer la prévention et l'intervention en matière de VC et approfondir notre compréhension des mécanismes impliqués dans les liens entre l'attachement et la VC.Insecure romantic attachment and heightened negative emotions during conflict are significant risk factors for intimate partner violence (IPV). Previous research has mainly examined each partner's attachment separately when studying the association between attachment and IPV, while the role of negative emotions as an explanatory mechanism has been overlooked. The current study used a dyadic observational design to (1) examine the interplay between partners’ attachment (i.e., pairings) in association with their IPV perpetration and (2) verify the contribution of negative emotions during a conflict discussion in these associations. An inclusive community sample of 178 young adult couples aged 18 to 29 years were recruited. Results revealed that attachment avoidance was positively associated with IPV perpetration only when the partner showed low levels of attachment avoidance. Other attachment pairings (i.e., anxiety-anxiety; avoidance-anxiety) were unrelated to IPV perpetration. Results also showed that a person’s attachment avoidance was indirectly associated with their own IPV perpetration through their own negative emotions during the conflict discussion. A person’s attachment avoidance was also indirectly associated with their partner’s IPV perpetration through their partner’s negative emotions. Finally, a person’s attachment anxiety was indirectly associated with their own IPV perpetration through their own negative emotions during the conflict discussion. These findings suggest that focusing on couples' attachment pairings and negative emotions during conflict provides valuable insights for refining prevention and intervention for IPV and furthers our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the link between attachment and IPV

    Einflussfaktoren auf den Spracherwerb

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    Bildung ist eine wichtige Grundlage, um gut leben zu können und die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe zu stärken. Sprache ist hierfür ein erster, wichtiger Baustein. Doch gerade bei Geflüchteten können sich zusätzliche Hindernisse auf dem Weg des Spracherlernens ergeben, die ein bedarfsgerechtes Angebot unabdingbar machen

    Außerschulische Integration von jungen Geflüchteten in Groß- und Kleinstädten

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    Jede Ortsgröße hat Vor und Nachteile bezüglich der Integration von Migranten. Geht es speziell um die Integration von Geflüchteten (Politisches Bildungsforum Hamburg 2016), spielen die verschiedenen Stadtgrößen, also Groß und Kleinstädte eine besonders wichtige Rolle. Dieser Beitrag thematisiert eine kleine Studie zu dem Einfluss der Stadtgröße auf Integrationsprozesse junger (unter 30 jährigen) Geflüchteter mit den jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteilen, die in deutschen Großstädten (z.B. Berlin ca. 3,47 Mio. und München ca. 1,43 Mio.) und in Kleinstädten (z.B. Gotha ca. 48.000 Einwohner und Waldkraiburg mit ca. 23.000 Einwohner.) untergebracht wurden