23 research outputs found

    Ethical standards in students' perception : selected aspects

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    Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytania oscylujące wokół zagadnienia postrzegania przez studentów zachowań etycznych swoich wykładowców, obserwacji tych zachowań, relacji z wykładowcą w procesie kształcenia i ich oddziaływań na zachowania i sądy moralne studentów. Zastosowano w tym celu wystandaryzowany kwestionaiusz Etyk autorstwa B. Wojciszke i W. Baryły do pomiaru 3 kodów etycznych: etyki autonomii, etyki dobra powszechnego, etyki godności wśród studentów uniwersytetów i szkół wyższych z terenu województwa śląskiego i małopolskiego (próba N = 577). Badani studiowali pedagogikę, w większości były to kobiety (n = 547). Badania zostały przeprowadzone w 2015 i 2016 roku. W tym artykule zaprezentowano wybrane kody etyczne w kontekście zakładanych efektów kształcenia na kierunku pedagogika, poziomu wykształcenia i postrzegania przez studentów zachowań etycznych swoich wykładowców.The purpose of this article is to attempt to answer the questions, how students perceive ethical values in behaviour of academic teachers, how observation of these behaviours, contact with the teacher in the process of education affect ethics in behaviour of students, their moral judgments. We used standardized Ethics Questionnaire by B. Wojciszke and W. Baryła for the measuring 3 ethics codes and we verified the level of ethics autonomy, ethics of common good, ethics of dignity among students and colleges from the area of the Silesian and Małopolskie voivodeships (sample N = 577). Participants were studying pedagogy, mostly women (n = 547). The study was conducted in 2015 and 2016. In this paper we analyzed the differences in the selected ethics codes and assumed results of education in pedagogy, the level of education and the students perception of ethical behave of their lecturers

    Level and dynamics of changes of ethical standards in the process of university-level education in students' perception

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    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja badań poziomu i dynamiki standardów etycznych studentów (w kontekście etyki kolektywizmu i produktywności) kształtowanych w toku kształcenia uniwersyteckiego. Teoretycznymi wyznacznikami badań była koncepcja kodów etycznych B. Wojcieszke i W. Baryły oraz koncepcja wymiarów kultury w aspekcie kolektywizmu – indywidualizmu G. Hofstede i G. J.Hofstede’ów. Wyniki badań ukazują niski poziom wiedzy i umiejętności nabywanych przez studentów w zakresie etyki, brak zróżnicowań istotnych statystycznie w zakresie oddziaływania swoim przykładem(swoim zachowaniem) przez nauczycieli akademickich oraz istotne zróżnicowania statystyczne w aspekcie związku etyki z poziomem kształcenia studentów w poszczególnych latach studiów.The objective of the paper is presentation of the studies on the level and dynamics of ethical standards in students (in the context of ethics of collectivism and productivity) developed in the course of university-level education. The theoretical determinants of the studies was the concept of ethical codes by B. Wojcieszke and W. Baryła and the concept of dimensions of culture in the aspect of collectivism - individualism by G. Hofstede and G. J. Hofstede. The results of the studies show the low level of knowledge and skills acquired by students in the scope of ethics, lack of statistically significant differentiation in the scope of affecting with one's own example (behaviour) by academic teachers and statistically significant differentiation in the aspect of the relationship of ethics with the level of education of students in the individual years of studies

    W stronę fińskiej edukacji – inspiracje dla kształcenia studentów kierunków nauczycielskich

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    Ze wstępu: "W latach siedemdziesiątych w Finlandii prowadzone były długie polityczne debaty dotyczące reformowania systemu edukacji, które zakończyły się ustanowieniem podstawowej i fundamentalnej w fińskiej szkole zasady równości w dostępie do edukacji. Basic Education Act był dokumentem, w którym zapisano, iż wszystkie dzieci w początkowym okresie edukacji powinny uczęszczać do tej samej szkoły przez pierwsze 9 lat. Wdrożenie tego zapisu rozpoczęto w 1972 roku w północnej części Finlandii, a potem kontynuowano (1976 roku) w południowej części kraju. Był to początek przemiany fińskiej myśli edukacyjnej. Finowie dążyli do zapewnienia wszystkim dzieciom dobrych szkół, aby zniknęły dylematy rodziców do której szkoły zapisać dziecko, która szkoła umożliwi dziecku lepszy rozwój? W Finlandii tego typu pytania nie są już zadawane, każda szkoła bowiem w taki sam sposób dba o dobrostan dziecka."(...)Article describes educational system in Finland, which is composed of: • nine-year basic education (comprehensive school) for the whole age group, preceded by one year of voluntary pre-primary education, • upper secondary education, comprising general education and vocational education and training (vocational qualifications and further and specialist qualifications), • higher education, provided by universities and polytechnics - universities of applied sciences. The education system is flexible and the administration based on the principal of “Centralised steering – local implementation”. Steering is conducted through legislation and norms, core curricula, government planning and information steering. Municipalities are responsible for the provision of education and the implementation. Equality is the most important word in Finnish education. Education is free of charge for pupils/students (textbooks and other materials, tools, free daily meal in basic education, school health care and other welfare services). Teachers are independent and very prestigious as a profession. They are are highly qualified and committed. The second part of the article describes the inspiration for learning and teaching process for Polish students. The Author concentrated on educating teachers, training programmes, the role of tradition and innovation/modernity, sustainable development, finish passion. The Author thesis is: the knowledge about other countries education systems is important but more important is to prepare own good quality national education system

    Various scenarios of the cell pattern formation in Arabidopsis lateral root

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    During lateral root (LR) development a coordinate sequence of cell divisions, accompanied by a change of the organ form takes place. Both the order of anatomical events and morphological features may vary for individual primordia. At early stages of LR primordia development oblique division walls are inserted in cells that are symmetrically located on both sides of the axis of the developing LR primordium, and thereby allow for the protrusion of the LR. We hypothesize that both oblique cell wall insertion and continuous changes in primordium form could be a consequence of a local change in stress distribution in the region of the LR initiation

    Postawy twórcze dzieci w młodszym wieku szkolnym – tendencje zmian

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    In the article, the authors put forward and develop a thesis on the regression of creative attitudes in the course of school education. The process of developing creative attitudes among children is analyzed in the perspective of the role and objectives of school education. The authors examine the level and dynamics of the development of creative attitudes in the course of school education (the first 3 years of early school teaching). Creative attitudes include: divergent thinking, creative motivation, and strategies of coping with difficult tasks (intrapersonal and interpersonal strategies). The research was conducted on a representative nationwide sample. The data gathered as a result of this research point to a low level of creative attitudes among early school children, and their negative development in the course of school education

    Dissecting the chromosomal composition of mutagen-induced micronuclei in Brachypodium distachyon using multicolour FISH

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    Background and Aims Brachypodium distachyon (Brachypodium) is a model species for temperate cereals and other economically important grasses. Its favourable cytogenetic features and advanced molecular infrastructure make it a good model for understanding the mechanisms of instability of plant genomes after mutagenic treatment. The aim of this study was to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the composition and origin of micronuclei arising from genomic fracture, and to detect possible ‘hot spots’ for mutagen-induced DNA breaks. • Methods Seeds of Brachypodium were treated with maleic hydrazide (MH) or X-rays. The structure of mutagen- induced micronuclei was analysed in root-tip meristematic cells using multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridization (mcFISH) with various repetitive (5S rDNA, 25S rDNA, telomeric, centromeric) and low-repeat [small and large pools of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones specific for chromosome Bd1] DNA sequences. • Key Results The majority of micronuclei derive from large, acentric fragments. X-rays caused more interstitial DNA breaks than MH. Double-strand breaks rarely occurred in distal chromosome regions. Bd1 contributed to the formation of more mutagen-induced micronuclei than expected from random chromosome involvement. • Conclusions mcFISH with chromosome-specific BAC clones offers insight into micronuclei composition, in so far as it allows their origin and formation to be determined more specifically. A reliable assay for micronuclei composition is crucial for the development of modern genotoxicity tests using plant cells. The combination of mutagenic treatments and well-developed cytomolecular resources in Brachypodium make this model species very promising for plant mutagenesis research

    Detecting Brachypodium distachyon Chromosomes Bd4 and Bd5 in MH- and X-Ray-Induced Micronuclei Using mcFISH

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    Micronuclei are biomarkers of genotoxic e ects and chromosomal instability. They are formed when chromosome fragments or whole chromosomes fail to disjoin into daughter nuclei. We present qualitative and quantitative analyses of the involvement of specific chromosome regions of chromosomes Bd4 and Bd5 in the formation of micronuclei of Brachypodium distachyon root tip cells following maleic hydrazide (MH) treatment and X-radiation. This is visualised by cytomolecular approaches using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (mcFISH) in combination with 5S and 25S rDNA probes. The results showed that the long arm of submetacentric chromosome Bd4 forms micronuclei at twice the frequency of its short arm, suggesting that the former is more prone to double-strand breaks (DSBs). In contrast, no di erence was observed in the frequency of micronuclei derived from the long and short arms of submetacentric chromosome Bd5. Interestingly, the proximal region of the short arm of Bd5 is more prone to DSBs than its distal part. This demonstrates that 5S rDNA and 35S rDNA loci are not “hot spots” for DNA breaks after the application of these mutagens

    Friend of the National Park Program – conceptualization, operationalization and implementation

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationThe article presents an educational program called Friend of the National Park, which is the result of cooperation of Malopolska national parks ( Babiogórski PN, Gorczański PN, Magurski PN, Ojcowski PN, Tatrzański PN) and two universities of Cracow (Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow University and University of Agriculture). Problematic gives the background to the program, context relations man – environment, adopted the concept of theoretical, methodological aspects of the construction program and experiential dimension of the implementation of the program on the basis of the program for the period from 1 May to 30 September 2015, mostly in the Malopolska national parks participating in the program. Friend of the National Park is dedicated to all school-age children who want to explore and know better connection between human beings, know more about the nature and everything what is around us. Children and their parents or teachers can joy together during the activities off ered in summer by the Malopolska National Parks

    Epigenetic chromatin modifications in barley after mutagenic treatment

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    In addition to their normal developmental processes, plants have evolved complex genetic and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms to cope with various environmental stresses. It has been shown that both DNA methylation and histone modifications are involved in DNA damage response to various types of stresses. In this study, we focused on the involvement of two mutagenic agents, chemical (maleic acid hydrazide; MH) and physical (gamma rays), on the global epigenetic modifications of chromatin in barley. Our results indicate that both mutagens strongly influence the level of histone methylation and acetylation. Moreover, we found that gamma irradiation, in contrast to MH, has a more robust influence on the DNA methylation level. This is the first study that brings together mutagenic treatment along with its impact at the level of epigenetic modifications examined using the immunohistochemical method

    Nauka - Sztuka - Edukacja: opracowanie i upowszechnianie Innowacyjnego modelu diagnozy, metod, form pracy i opieki nad uczniem zdolnym plastycznie. Raport zawierający wnioski i rekomendacje dotyczące dalszego wdrażania i upowszechniania modelu

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    Ze wstępu: Projekt przygotowany przez pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych Wydziału Psychologii i Nauk Humanistycznych Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego miał na celu stworzenie nowej sieci współpracy w dziedzinie edukacji dzieci zdolnych plastycznie z klas 1–3 szkoły podstawo-wej. Współpraca ta podjęta została z podmiotami zagranicznymi z trzech państw, takimi jak Univerza na Primorskem (Słowenia), Uniwersytet Katolicki w Ružomberku (Słowacja) i Liceum przy Donieckim Uniwersytecie Narodowym (Ukraina). Partnerem polskim było Polskie Stowarzyszenie Wychowania Pozaszkolnego im. Aleksandra Kamińskiego. Główne założenie tej współpracy polegało na opracowaniu Innowacyjnego Modelu diagnozy, metod, form pracy i opieki nad uczniem zdolnym plastycznie prze-znaczonego dla nauczycieli klas 1–3 oraz studentów i wykładowców uczelni wyższych na kierunkach pedagogicznych. (...)Realizowany przez Krakowską Akademię im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego projekt pt.: Nauka – Sztuka – Edukacja, opracowanie i upowszechnianie Innowacyjnego Modelu diagnozy, metod, form pracy i opieki nad dzieckiem zdolnym plastycznie, współfinansowany jest ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Małopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego na lata 2007–201