37 research outputs found

    The Performance of GNSS Services for the Area Navigation Applications of Civil Aviation in CR

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    Disertační práce pojednává o navigační výkonnosti GPS/EGNOS v oblasti polohy uživatele. Posouzení navigačních systémových schopností podpory zabezpečení nových letových postupů vychází ze statických observací a příkladů jejich zpracování. Systém GPS/EGNOS je prvním primárním navigačním systémem, který má být využíván pro postupy konečného přiblížení civilního letectví ve vzdušném prostoru České republiky. První část práce se proto zabývá popisem přínosů využití nových postupů, shrnuje dosavadní vývoj a současný stav. Část druhá se věnuje vymezení prvků analyzovaného primárního navigačního systému GPS/EGNOS a jeho charakteristikám. Následně je zpracována metodika kritického hodnocení výkonnosti poskytované navigační služby GPS/EGNOS, která využívá nové metody šetření přesnosti, integrity a kontinuity navigační služby satelitního systému z hlediska polohy uživatele. Současně je vytvořen podpůrný software pro analýzu dat v oblasti polohy uživatele. Na základě statických experimentálních měření a zpracování signálu v prostoru zkoumaného systému a jeho podrobné analýzy jsou prezentována zjištění a provedeny závěry o stavu systému. V závěru práce je navrženo a ověřeno využití permanentních geodetických stanic pro pravidelné hodnocení výkonnosti GNSS pro účely civilního letectví a provedeny závěry o zjištěných chybách a navigační výkonnosti na základě měření vybraných stanic na území ČR.The dissertation deals with the assessment of navigation performance of GPS/EGNOS system in user position domain. Examination is based on a static signal in space monitoring and evaluation campaign to assess the ability to provide sufficient performance for new navigation procedures. GPS/EGNOS system is the first primary navigation system to be used in the airspace of Czech Republic. The first part describes the benefits of using new procedures, summarizes navigation development and current status. The second part defines components of GPS/EGNOS primary navigation system being analysed and its characteristics with the potential impact on the quality of approach navigation services to be provided and ensured by EGNOS. Subsequently, the methodology for critical evaluation of GPS/EGNOS signal in space navigation performance in position domain to be monitored by of air traffic services was formulated, using new methods for investigation of accuracy, integrity and continuity with the focus on final approach procedures. Simultaneously supporting software for data analysis against performance requirements in position domain was designed. Based on campaigns of static experimental measurements and detailed analysis of combined GPS/EGNOS performance against the demands, the level of performance is analysed, the findings are presented and conclusions are made. In the last part, the usage of permanent geodetic stations for regular evaluation of GNSS performance for civil aviation purposes is designed and verified, and the conclusions based on navigation performance evaluation of observations from all selected station in the Czech Republic.

    Cost-based Optimization of XML Query Processing in Radegast XDB

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá cenovou optimalizací algoritmů pro sestavení plánu vykonání XML dotazu. Práce se zabývá popisem algoritmů binárních spojení a také popisem algoritmů pro sestavení plánu XML dotazu. Tyto algoritmy jsou následně rozšířeny o cenovou a heuristickou optimalizaci. Součástí práce je experimentální testování vylepšení uvedených algoritmů.This diploma thesis deals with cost-based optimization of algorithms for building of XML query plan. Thesis deals with the description of binary join algorithms and also with the description of algorithms for building of XML query plan. These algorithms are then extended by cost-based and heuristic-based optimizations. Part of the work is experimental testing of improvements to these algorithms.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Recording and Processing of Car Control Parameters

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vytvořením aplikace s grafickým uživatelským rozhraním pro záznam, zpracování a zobrazení řídících parametrů auta. Práce se zabývá výběrem grafické knihovny, vytvořením grafického rozhraní, implementací a řešením problémů a na závěr testováním aplikace.This bachelor work deals with creation of application with graphical user interface for recording, processing and displaying car control parametrs. Thesis deals with selection of graphical library, creation of graphical interface, implementation and problem solving and finally testing of application.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    The role of mid-range universities in knowledge transfer: the case of non-metropolitan regions in Central and Eastern Europe (examples from Hungary and the Czech Republic)

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    The paper focuses on the specific role of mid-range universities in knowledge transfer and explores the knowledge flows from these mid-range universities facing a number of extra constraints in transitional Central Eastern European (CEE) regions. Mid-range universities, very often located outside of the metropolitan regions, represent the keystones of regional innovation systems for the less developed regions where the “density of contacts” is much lower and possible spillovers emerge more sparsely. The first part of the paper focuses on the types of possible linkages between mid-range universities and industry, and limitations of these relations bringing examples from Western Europe where the position of universities in the collaboration with business sector and their role in the innovation system is quite different form their CEE counterparts. It is mainly due to the different development path of innovation systems and development trajectories in post-communist countries described in the paper. Based on case studies bringing examples mainly from the non-metropolitan regions of Hungary and the Czech Republic, where the number of constraints, such as the lack of critical mass in their techno-economic systems, the traditionally weaker role of university based experimental researches, the mismatch between the economic and knowledge sectors, the weak regional innovation systems and less intense university–industry links are the major impediments of knowledge transfer. The paper argues that ambitious university-based developmental models have to be revised in CEE regions and the future role of universities has to be reconsidered as potential engines of local economic development from a more realistic perspective. The paper also argues, that the regional techno-economic system needs to achieve a certain degree of maturity in order to be able to determine the foci of a research and innovation-oriented regional development within the reindustrializing CEE regions and makes policy recommendation for the mid-range universities to take on new role, which means a stronger regional engagement in also medium-tech innovations and in social and organizational innovation

    The role of mid-range universities in knowledge transfer: the case of non-metropolitan regions in Central and Eastern Europe (examples from Hungary and the Czech Republic)

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    The paper focuses on the specific role of mid-range universities in knowledge transfer and explores the knowledge flows from these mid-range universities facing a number of extra constraints in transitional Central Eastern European (CEE) regions. Mid-range universities, very often located outside of the metropolitan regions, represent the keystones of regional innovation systems for the less developed regions where the “density of contacts” is much lower and possible spillovers emerge more sparsely. The first part of the paper focuses on the types of possible linkages between mid-range universities and industry, and limitations of these relations bringing examples from Western Europe where the position of universities in the collaboration with business sector and their role in the innovation system is quite different form their CEE counterparts. It is mainly due to the different development path of innovation systems and development trajectories in post-communist countries described in the paper. Based on case studies bringing examples mainly from the non-metropolitan regions of Hungary and the Czech Republic, where the number of constraints, such as the lack of critical mass in their techno-economic systems, the traditionally weaker role of university based experimental researches, the mismatch between the economic and knowledge sectors, the weak regional innovation systems and less intense university–industry links are the major impediments of knowledge transfer. The paper argues that ambitious university-based developmental models have to be revised in CEE regions and the future role of universities has to be reconsidered as potential engines of local economic development from a more realistic perspective. The paper also argues, that the regional techno-economic system needs to achieve a certain degree of maturity in order to be able to determine the foci of a research and innovation-oriented regional development within the reindustrializing CEE regions and makes policy recommendation for the mid-range universities to take on new role, which means a stronger regional engagement in also medium-tech innovations and in social and organizational innovation

    Characterization of Powder Metallurgy Processed Pure Magnesium Materials for Biomedical Applications

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    Magnesium and its alloys are modern lightweight materials applicable in a wide range of industrial fields from aerospace and automotive to biomedical applications. Its main advantages are a good strength to weight ratio and biocompatibility in combination with biodegradability. However, due to the high reactivity of pure Mg and the mechanical properties, not really sufficient for engineering applications, mainly magnesium alloys are used. Good mechanical properties of magnesium and its alloys can be furthermore significantly upgraded by decreasing the grain size, nowadays performed mainly via severe plastic deformation (SPD) techniques, powder metallurgy (PM) processing or by a combination of both method

    Institutional framework and typology of economic transition in post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe

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    Departing from the concept of transformation and transition, this article highlights some main directions and problem areas of this process. It starts with description of transitory architecture in countries of Central and Eastern Europe based mostly on the concept of “Washington consensus” as the main method being used during the first stages of transition in many post-communist countries. Firstly we start with description of “Washington consensus” and its application in different countries in transition – from Latin America to the region of post-communist countries. After this theoretical part we start with concrete examples from particular countries where the key transitional processes will be described. Main focus will be put on the privatisation process in the Czech Republic in comparison to other post-communist countries. Typology of transitory processes in particular countries from “shock therapy” to “gradualist” ones will be placed. Than alternative approaches to transition will be introduced, focusing on the concept of path dependency, network analysis, regulation theory and their approaches to state socialism and post-communist transformations. Summarisation of main findings and the counterbalance to neo-liberal approach will be discussed. Is there some “post- Washington consensus” which has learnt from previous mistakes

    Sodobni trendi suburbanizacije na območju Češke in prostorske spremembe trgovine

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    The main topic of the article is commercial suburbanisation in the Czech Republic on the example of changes in retail. In the first part it is described the mechanism of suburbanisation, its causes, forms and social, economic and ecological consequences. In the next part we deal with the transition of retail, its spatial dimension with special regard to suburbanisation process. Spatial changes in retail on the example of Olomouc and their causes and consequences are described.Proces suburbanizacije predstavlja enega od najpomembnejših procesov v mestih v deželah tranzicije. Odraža se v spremembi morfologije, funkcij in sociodemografske strukture. V tem smislu bi lahko govorili tudi o sonaravnem širjenju suburbanih struktur, ki mu nasproti stoji stihijsko razpršeno širjenje suburbanih območij. Prostorska neskladja, ki izvirajo iz sodobnih procesov suburbanizacije na območju Češke so predmet sodobnega preučevanja planerjev, urbanistov in geografov. V ospredju so predvsem ekonomski, ekološki in socialni učinki. V prispevku so v prvem delu prikazane nekatere ključne posledice suburbanizacije na območju Češke. V nadaljevanju je prikazan razvoj trgovine na obnmočju Češke od leta 1989 naprej, s posebnim poudarkom na obdobje druge polovice 90. let 20. stoletja. Na primeru Olomouca so prikazane spremembe v nakupovalnih navadah, ki so posledica selitve nakupovalnih središč v suburbanizirana območja, kot tudi spremembe mreže nakupovalnih centrov

    3D model of selected object

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je vytvoření digitálního 3D modelu Dolního morového hřbitova ve Žďáru nad Sázavou. Primárně je stavba zaměřena klasickými geodetickými metodami. Výsledná podoba modelu je zpracována v programu AutoCAD 2015. Doplňkově jsou představeny další možnosti tvorby digitálních modelů stavebních objektů a s nimi související výhody a nevýhody. Velká pozornost je věnována zejména fotogrammetrické metodě založené na korelaci snímků a práci s programem 123D Catch a Cinema 4D.The objective of this diploma thesis is creating digital 3D model of Dolní morový hřbitov in Žďár nad Sázavou. The building is measured primarily by classical geodetic methods. The final appearance of the model is created in AutoCAD 2015. Complementary are presented additional possibilities for creating digital models of building objects and their associated advantages and disadvantages. Much attention is paid to the photogrammetric method based on correlation of images, and work with the program 123D Catch and Cinema 4D.