26 research outputs found

    Metabolomic Changes in Wood Inhabiting Filamentous Fungi during Ontogenesis

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    GC–MS-based metabolomic profiling of different strains of basidiomycetes Lignomyces vetlinianus, Daedaleopsis tricolor and Sparassis crispa were studied. On different stages of growth in the methanol extracts of mycelium the different compounds including amino acids, organic acid of TCA cycle, sugars, fatty acids, sugar alcohols, and sugar acids were detected. Changes in the metabolite network occurring with age of the mycelium of L. vetlinianus and D. tricolor are discussed. The exponential phase of mycelium growth is characterized by pronounced differences during of growth, which manifests itself both in the analysis of specific compounds and in the modeling of the statistical model of the metabolic network. The metabolomic network in the stationary growth phase is less susceptible to changes over time, and is also characterized by a lower dispersion of samples from one aging group. For some compounds, including biotechnologically significant ones, targeted analysis by GC–MS was performed. 4, 6-dimethoxy-phthalide (4, 6-dimetoxy-1 (3H) -isobenzofuranone) was isolated from the mycelium of Lignomyces vetlinianus, accumulating in the mycelium in the form of large aggregates. The accumulation of sparassol and other orsellinic acid derivatives in Sparassis crispa culture under various conditions is described

    Biodegradation Potential of SteccherinumOchraceum: Growth on Different Wood Types and Preliminary Evaluation of Enzymatic Activities

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    White-rot fungi isa source of a great variety of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes suitable for biotechnological applications, e.g. in pulp and paper, textile and food industries, bioethanol production, degradation of recalcitrant environmental pollutants,and others. Steccherinumochraceum is a xylotrophicwhite-rot basidiomycetethat can be found in variousclimatic zones on different woody substrates (mostly well decayed). For this research, seventeenstrains of S. ochraceumwere collected in different regions of Russia from various wood substrates (aspen, alder, oak, hazel, birch and willow). Phylogeneticanalyseswere performedbasedon the nucleotide sequences of ITS1, ITS2, 5.8S rRNA, 28S rRNA, ÎČ-tubulin and tef1.Oxidaseandcellulaseactivitieswereassessedbyplate-tests with ABTS and CMC. Forevaluation of biodegradation potential,solid state fermentation on alder and pine sawdust wasperformed. Weightanddensitylossaswellas the C:Nratioweremeasuredafter 90 days of cultivation.All S. ochraceum strains exhibited high oxidative activity towards ABTS, indicating secretion of oxidative enzymes (i.e. laccases and class II peroxidases). Cellulase activity was medium or low for most strains and in some strains – absent. Allstrainswereabletodegradealderandpinesawdust. There was no correlation between the enzymatic activity, biodegradation potential and geographic origin of S. ochraceum strains. However, S. ochraceum strains isolated from the same wood substrates exhibited similar characteristics in most cases. Strain LE-BIN 3398 was the most effective for degrading both alder and pine sawdust and could be regarded as a promising source of oxidative enzymes for biotechnology. Keywords: basidiomycetes, biodegradation, solid state fermentation, oxidase activity, Steccherinumochraceu

    Fungal systematics and evolution : FUSE 6

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    Fungal Systematics and Evolution (FUSE) is one of the journal series to address the “fusion” between morphological data and molecular phylogenetic data and to describe new fungal taxa and interesting observations. This paper is the 6th contribution in the FUSE series—presenting one new genus, twelve new species, twelve new country records, and three new combinations. The new genus is: Pseudozeugandromyces (Laboulbeniomycetes, Laboulbeniales). The new species are: Albatrellopsis flettioides from Pakistan, Aureoboletus garciae from Mexico, Entomophila canadense from Canada, E. frigidum from Sweden, E. porphyroleucum from Vietnam, Erythrophylloporus flammans from Vietnam, Marasmiellus boreoorientalis from Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, Marasmiellus longistipes from Pakistan, Pseudozeugandromyces tachypori on Tachyporus pusillus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Belgium, Robillarda sohagensis from Egypt, Trechispora hondurensis from Honduras, and Tricholoma kenanii from Turkey. The new records are: Arthrorhynchus eucampsipodae on Eucampsipoda africanum (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) from Rwanda and South Africa, and on Nycteribia vexata (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) from Bulgaria; A. nycteribiae on Eucampsipoda africanum from South Africa, on Penicillidia conspicua (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) from Bulgaria (the first undoubtful country record), and on Penicillidia pachymela from Tanzania; Calvatia lilacina from Pakistan; Entoloma shangdongense from Pakistan; Erysiphe quercicola on Ziziphus jujuba (Rosales, Rhamnaceae) and E. urticae on Urtica dioica (Rosales, Urticaceae) from Pakistan; Fanniomyces ceratophorus on Fannia canicularis (Diptera, Faniidae) from the Netherlands; Marasmiellus biformis and M. subnuda from Pakistan; Morchella anatolica from Turkey; Ophiocordyceps ditmarii on Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) from Austria; and Parvacoccum pini on Pinus cembra (Pinales, Pinaceae) from Austria. The new combinations are: Appendiculina gregaria, A. scaptomyzae, and Marasmiellus rodhallii. Analysis of an LSU dataset of Arthrorhynchus including isolates of A. eucampsipodae from Eucampsipoda africanum and Nycteribia spp. hosts, revealed that this taxon is a complex of multiple species segregated by host genus. Analysis of an SSU–LSU dataset of Laboulbeniomycetes sequences revealed support for the recognition of four monophyletic genera within Stigmatomyces sensu lato: Appendiculina, Fanniomyces, Gloeandromyces, and Stigmatomyces sensu stricto. Finally, phylogenetic analyses of Rhytismataceae based on ITS–LSU ribosomal DNA resulted in a close relationship of Parvacoccum pini with Coccomyces strobi.http://www.sydowia.at/index.htmpm2021Medical Virolog

    Lomasomes and Other Fungal Plasma Membrane Macroinvaginations Have a Tubular and Lamellar Genesis

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    The plasma membrane of filamentous fungi forms large-sized invaginations, which are either tubes or parietal vesicles. Vesicular macroinvaginations at the ultrastructural level correspond to classical lomasomes. There is an assumption that vesicular macroinvaginations/lomasomes may be involved in macrovesicular endocytosis. The original aim of this study was to test for the presence of macroendocytosis in xylotrophic basidiomycetes using time-lapse and Z-stacks fluorescent microscopic technologies. However, the results were unexpected since most of the membrane structures labeled by the endocytic tracer (FM4-64 analog) are various types of plasma membrane macroinvaginations and not any endomembranes. All of these macroinvaginations have a tubular or lamellar genesis. Moreover, under specific conditions of a microscopic preparation, the diameter of the tubes forming the macroinvaginations increases with the time of the sample observation. In addition, the morphology and successive formation of the macroinvaginations mimic the endocytic pathway; these invaginations can easily be mistaken for endocytic vesicles, endosomes, and vacuole-lysosomes. The paper analyzes the various macroinvagination types, suggests their biological functions, and discusses some features of fungal endocytosis. This study is a next step toward understanding complex fungal physiology and is a presentation of a new intracellular tubular system in wood-decaying fungi

    Role of lipids in the thermal plasticity of basidial fungus Favolaschia manipularis

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    In this study, we examined the lipid composition of two strains of the tropical basidiomycete Favolaschia manipularis (Berk.) Teng, which differ in their adaptive potential to high (35°C) and low (5°C) temperatures. The results suggest that adaptation to extreme temperatures involves a change in the molecular composition of sterols, in addition to other well-known mechanisms of regulating membrane thickness and fluidity, such as changes in the lipid unsaturation and in the proportion of bilayer and non-bilayer-forming lipids. It was demonstrated for the first time that adaptation to high temperature stress in fungi is accompanied by the accumulation of 9(11)-dehydroergosterol and ergosterol peroxide. Furthermore, increased thermal plasticity correlates with high storage lipid (triglycerides) content, accumulation of phosphatidic acid in the membrane, and an equal proportion of bilayer and non-bilayer lipids in the membrane.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents