11 research outputs found

    The Development of Studies on Electronic Government in Brazil: A bibliometric and sociometric study

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    This study aims to identify how the field of studies of electronic government is structured in Brazil. For this purpose, a bibliometric and sociometric study was conducted, analyzing 124 articles published in the proceedings of conferences and in Brazilian journals from 2007 to 2012. The main elements of the analysis were the volume of publications per year, the location of the publications and the conceptual and substantive domains of the studies, the methodological approaches used and the network of cooperation between authors and institutions. One of the findings of the study was that the production of works was prolific, but it was not possible to determine whether studies of electronic government were increasing or in decline because of the non-uniform behavior of the volume of publications. There was also little use of a conceptual domain or a clear position regarding the theoretical domain, with discussions being limited to the substantive domain. Finally, cooperation between authors remains limited to a small number of relationship networks. However, the opposite was true when it came to cooperation between institutions, for which there is a large network and room for other institutions to join

    Smart governance in institutional context: An in-depth analysis of Glasgow, Utrecht, and Curitiba

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    Smart governance varies considerably across cities, allegedly due to the influence of the institutional setting. Nevertheless, the institutional factors influencing smart governance have yet to be systematically examined. This research proposes to remedy this by exploring the role of the institutional context in shaping the configuration of smart governance. For this purpose, this study, drawing on insights from institutional theory, zooms in on three cities with dissimilar institutional contexts — Curitiba (Brazil), Glasgow (UK), and Utrecht (the Netherlands). The findings suggest that institutional context does indeed affect how smart governance actualizes in cities. These empirical insights result in a heuristic framework for understanding smart governance in diverse urban environments. The framework exhibits a multi-layered influencing mechanism: institutions co-existing on multiple spatial scales interact and modify – reinforce or dissolve – each other's impact on smart governance. This study opens the door to a different approach to understanding smart governance and sheds new light on how this is interrelated with the institutional context


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    This study aims to identify how the field of studies of electronic government is structured in Brazil. For this purpose, a bibliometric and sociometric study was conducted, analyzing 124 articles published in the proceedings of conferences and in Brazilian journals from 2007 to 2012. The main elements of the analysis were the volume of publications per year, the location of the publications and the conceptual and substantive domains of the studies, the methodological approaches used and the network of cooperation between authors and institutions. One of the findings of the study was that the production of works was prolific, but it was not possible to determine whether studies of electronic government were increasing or in decline because of the non-uniform behavior of the volume of publications. There was also little use of a conceptual domain or a clear position regarding the theoretical domain, with discussions being limited to the substantive domain. Finally, cooperation between authors remains limited to a small number of relationship networks. However, the opposite was true when it came to cooperation between institutions, for which there is a large network and room for other institutions to join.Neste artigo busca-se identificar como o campo de estudos sobre governo eletrônico está estruturado no Brasil. Para isso realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliométrica e sociométrica em 124 artigos publicados em anais de congressos e em periódicos brasileiros no período de 2007 a 2012. Os principais elementos analisados foram o volume de publicações por ano, os veículos de divulgação/publicação, os domínios conceitual e substantivo dos trabalhos, as abordagens metodológicas utilizadas e as redes de cooperação entre autores e instituições. Entre outros resultados, constatou-se uma produção significativa no período, não sendo possível, entretanto, identificar uma tendência de crescimento ou diminuição nas publicações sobre o tema governo eletrônico, uma vez que a variação no volume de publicações anuais não foi uniforme. Notou-se, também, a pouca utilização de teorias ou modelos de referência, ficando as discussões limitadas ao domínio substantivo. Por fim, constatou-se que a cooperação entre autores ainda está limitada a poucas e pequenas redes de relacionamentos. O contrário se observa na cooperação entre instituições, existindo a presença de uma rede maior e havendo oportunidade para entrada de outras instituições que já publicam no tema

    A Tale of two Smart Cities : Investigating the Echoes of New Public Management and Governance Discourses in Smart City Projects in Brazil

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    This study investigates the influence of discourses of New Public Management and e-Governance on the manner in which Information Technology (IT) has been conceived in recent smart city initiatives in Brazil. A critical discourse analysis is conducted as the methodological approach to investigate the role of IT in smart city discourses of two cities. The main result has shown that the role of technology within the two cases strongly reflects the discourses of New Public Management and e-governance, in which there is clearly a latent tension between top-down and bottom-up approaches to smart cities

    Bring your own device (BYOD): Entendendo uma nova prática no ambiente acadêmico

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    This article identifies the perceived factors of the BYOD practice in the academic context. The popularization of the mobile devices generated a movement of the use of these personal devices in the work environment. This phenomenon came to be known as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). This practice has reached educational institutions and involves several discussions between teachers and students. It is not clear whether the use of devices helps or hinders the progress of classes and the learning process. To understand this phenomenon we conduct semi-structured interviews with teachers and university students. Inspired by Grounded Theory, we developed a theoretical model that emerged from data analysis. This model demonstrates that the practice of BYOD in the academic context is determined by driving factors, context factors and practice factors. The various factors identified in the academic context bring practical results such as influence in the learning process and exposure to increased working hours. The factors of practice comprise eight elements: 1) interest; 2) didactic; 3) learning process; 4) ubiquity; 5) productivity; 6) responsibility; 7) usage patterns and; 8) exposure. This phenomenon may be related to the context of society and technological modernityEste artigo identifica os fatores percebidos a partir da prática de BYOD no contexto acadêmico. A popularização dos dispositivos móveis gerou um movimento do uso desses dispositivos pessoais no ambiente de trabalho. Esse fenômeno passou a ser conhecido como Bring your own device (BYOD). Esta prática chegou às instituições de ensino e envolve diversas discussões entre professores e estudantes. Não se sabe ao certo se o uso de dispositivos ajuda ou atrapalha o andamento das aulas e o processo de aprendizagem. Para entender esse fenômeno, realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores e alunos universitários. Inspirados na Grounded theory, desenhamos um modelo teórico que emergiu da análise dos dados. Esse modelo demonstra que a prática do BYOD no contexto acadêmico é determinada por fatores impulsionadores, de contexto e da prática. Os diversos fatores identificados no contexto acadêmico trazem resultados práticos, como a influência no processo de aprendizagem e a exposição ao aumento de jornada de trabalho. Os fatores da prática compreendem oito elementos: 1) interesse; 2) didática; 3) processo de aprendizagem; 4) ubiquidade; 5) produtividade; 6) responsabilidade; 7) padrões de uso; e 8) exposição. Este fenômeno pode estar relacionado ao contexto da sociedade e à modernidade tecnológica.Este artículo identifica los factores percibidos de la práctica de BYOD en el contexto académico. La popularización de los dispositivos móviles ha generado un movimiento del uso de dispositivos personales en el escritorio. Este fenómeno pasó a ser conocido como BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Esta práctica llegó a las instituciones de enseñanza e involucra varias discusiones entre profesores y estudiantes. No se sabe con certeza si el uso de dispositivos ayuda u obstaculiza el proceso de aprendizaje. Para entender este fenómeno realizamos entrevistas semiestructuradas con profesores y estudiantes. Inspirados en la Grounded Theory, diseñamos un modelo que emergió del análisis de los datos. Este modelo demuestra que la práctica de BYOD en el contexto académico está determinada por factores impulsores, de contexto y de práctica. Los diversos factores identificados en el contexto académico traen resultados prácticos como la influencia en el proceso de aprendizaje y la exposición al aumento de jornada de trabajo. Los factores de la práctica comprenden ocho elementos: 1) interés; 2) didáctica; 3) proceso de aprendizaje; 4) ubicuidad; 5) productividad; 6) responsabilidad; 7) patrones de uso; 8) exposición. Este fenómeno puede estar relacionado con el contexto de la sociedad y la modernidad tecnológica

    Citizen Participation Level in Smart Governance: A Literature Review

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    This literature review used and expanded Cardullo & Kitchin\u27s (2018) “scaffold of smart citizen participation” to classify the participation level found in the smart governance literature. This review highlights the importance of the use of a common metric for measuring citizens level of participation in smart governance. The departure point of this work is the literature review developed by Tomor et al. (2019). Their review was updated and compared. We confirmed some challenges positioned by the literature on the indiscriminate use of citizen participation as both an intrinsic characteristic of governance and as an outcome of the collaboration (Meijer & Bolívar, 2015; Tomor et al., 2019). This lack of a common understanding of the level of citizen autonomy creates a confusion in the literature regarding the actual level of participation, which highlights a need for further research about citizen participation and collaboration in smart governance

    Citizen participation in the smart city: findings from an international comparative study

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    This article focuses on understanding the dynamics of citizen participation in smart city initiatives. The literature identifies citizens as key actors, however, our understanding of their roles and influence is underdeveloped. Using modes of urban governance to provide contextual depth, alongside the literature on citizen participation in smart cities, this article conducts an in-depth examination of the roles of citizens. The results of an empirical study of citizen engagement in smart city governance in Brazil, the UK and the Netherlands demonstrate that the roles and functions undertaken by citizens are not static, they participate in a dynamic mode that evolves and changes over time. Also, identifies three emerging patterns of contextually specific citizen interaction: contestation, acceptance and collaboration. This highlights how smart city initiatives have differentiated outcomes and how the mode of governance in a societal and institutional context plays an important role in shaping patterns of citizen participation

    Citizen Participation in the Smart City: Findings from An International Comparative Study

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    This article focuses on understanding the dynamics of citizen participation in smart city initiatives. With different degrees of emphases, the literature identifies citizens as key actors in smart cities. At the same time, our understanding of their roles and influence is underdeveloped. Using modes of urban governance to provide contextual depth, alongside the literature on citizen participation in smart cities, this article conducts an in-depth examination of the roles of citizens in smart city environments. It presents the results of an empirical study of citizen engagement in smart city governance in Brazil, the UK and the Netherlands. The research demonstrates that the roles and functions undertaken by citizens are not static, they participate in a dynamic mode that evolves and changes over time. The empirical research presented here identifies three emerging patterns of contextually specific citizen interaction: contestation, acceptance and collaboration. This highlights how smart city initiatives have differentiated outcomes and how the mode of governance in a societal and institutional context plays an important role in shaping patterns of citizen participation

    Citizen participation in the smart city: findings from an international comparative study

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    This article focuses on understanding the dynamics of citizen participation in smart city initiatives. The literature identifies citizens as key actors, however, our understanding of their roles and influence is underdeveloped. Using modes of urban governance to provide contextual depth, alongside the literature on citizen participation in smart cities, this article conducts an in-depth examination of the roles of citizens. The results of an empirical study of citizen engagement in smart city governance in Brazil, the UK and the Netherlands demonstrate that the roles and functions undertaken by citizens are not static, they participate in a dynamic mode that evolves and changes over time. Also, identifies three emerging patterns of contextually specific citizen interaction: contestation, acceptance and collaboration. This highlights how smart city initiatives have differentiated outcomes and how the mode of governance in a societal and institutional context plays an important role in shaping patterns of citizen participation

    Citizen participation in the smart city: findings from an international comparative study

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    This article focuses on understanding the dynamics of citizen participation in smart city initiatives. The literature identifies citizens as key actors, however, our understanding of their roles and influence is underdeveloped. Using modes of urban governance to provide contextual depth, alongside the literature on citizen participation in smart cities, this article conducts an in-depth examination of the roles of citizens. The results of an empirical study of citizen engagement in smart city governance in Brazil, the UK and the Netherlands demonstrate that the roles and functions undertaken by citizens are not static, they participate in a dynamic mode that evolves and changes over time. Also, identifies three emerging patterns of contextually specific citizen interaction: contestation, acceptance and collaboration. This highlights how smart city initiatives have differentiated outcomes and how the mode of governance in a societal and institutional context plays an important role in shaping patterns of citizen participation