349 research outputs found

    Community Property and Tort Liability in Washington

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    Of no small proportions was the task faced by the judges of this state when the legislature saw fit to superunpose upon our background of common law a system of community property, a development of the civil law And nowhere are the difficulties of reconciling these two conflicting systems felt more acutely than in the field of tort liability. In addition to inherent difficulties there is the urge which constantly influences judges to circumvent existing law when it requires turning away a just claimant empty-handed (or, what amounts to the same thing, turning hun away with a judgment winch cannot be satisfied). This urge is, often buttressed by a strong public policy in favor of protectmg the class of claimants to which the plaintiff belongs. Little wonder then that the decisions in this field do not always preserve inviolate the symmetry of the edifice of justice

    Pressure-Sensor Assembly Technique

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    Nielsen Engineering & Research (NEAR) recently developed an ultrathin data acquisition system for use in turbomachinery testing at NASA Glenn Research Center. This system integrates a microelectromechanical- systems- (MEMS-) based absolute pressure sensor [0 to 50 psia (0 to 345 kPa)], temperature sensor, signal-conditioning application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), microprocessor, and digital memory into a package which is roughly 2.8 in. (7.1 cm) long by 0.75 in. (1.9 cm) wide. Each of these components is flip-chip attached to a thin, flexible circuit board and subsequently ground and polished to achieve a total system thickness of 0.006 in. (0.15 mm). Because this instrument is so thin, it can be quickly adhered to any surface of interest where data can be collected without disrupting the flow being investigated. One issue in the development of the ultrathin data acquisition system was how to attach the MEMS pressure sensor to the circuit board in a manner which allowed the sensor s diaphragm to communicate with the ambient fluid while providing enough support for the chip to survive the grinding and polishing operations. The technique, developed by NEAR and Jabil Technology Services Group (San Jose, CA), is described below. In the approach developed, the sensor is attached to the specially designed circuit board, see Figure 1, using a modified flip-chip technique. The circular diaphragm on the left side of the sensor is used to actively measure the ambient pressure, while the diaphragm on the right is used to compensate for changes in output due to temperature variations. The circuit board is fabricated with an access hole through it so that when the completed system is installed onto a wind tunnel model (chip side down), the active diaphragm is exposed to the environment. After the sensor is flip-chip attached to the circuit board, the die is underfilled to support the chip during the subsequent grinding and polishing operations. To prevent this underfill material from getting onto the sensor s diaphragms, the circuit board is fabricated with two 25- micrometer-tall polymer rings, sized so that the diaphragms fit inside the rings once the chip is attached

    Spirituelt baseret lederskab: Når spiritualitet og rationalitet integreres

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    Artiklen præsenterer et overblik over en ny udvikling i ledelsesteori og -praksis, »spirituelt baseret ledelse« (SBL). Mange af vidensamfundets ledere oplever i dag hyppigt et pres, både fra deres samvittighed og deres organisationer, for at udvide deres perspektiv på organisatorisk og personlig succes i forhold til de klassiske økonomiske perspektiver. Spirituelt baseret ledelse kan bidrage til at opfylde behovet for en mere inklusiv ledelsesoptik. Selv om SBL er et begreb, som endnu ikke hører til det gængse lederskabsvokabularium eller til MBA-pensum i Danmark, er der tale om et meningsfuldt begreb, som kan bidrage til den enkelte leders indsigt i sit lederskab og såvel personlig som professionel succes.Udgangspunktet er den enkelte leders søgen efter mening og selvforståelse ud fra egen spiritualitet. I organisatorisk sammenhæng er der tale om en gryende international kultur, hvor rationalitet og spiritualitet integreres, og hvor virksomheden og dens ledere orienterer sig mod bredere og dybere funderede forståelsesrammer for organisationens – og den enkelte lederes egen – identitet, formål, værdier, visioner og succes.Med udgangspunkt i begrebet »spiritualitet« samt resultaterne af et internationalt forskningsprojekt præsenteres SBL som et overordnet perspektiv på andre nyere tilgange til ledelse såsom organisationsetik, værdiledelse, virksomheders sociale ansvar og bæredygtighed, og det forklares, hvorfor dette perspektiv er ved at vinde indpas som en vigtig forståelsesramme for ledelse. Et appendiks giver et overblik over SBL’s evolution siden 1990´erne

    Marokkansk demokratisk teater

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    Marokko – jubilæum uden jubel

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    Julie Pruzan-Jørgensen gør status for 10-års jubilæum for kong Mohammed VI og hvad det betyder for et marrokansk demokrati.&nbsp

    Politologien på feltarbejde. Erfaringer fra en antropologisk inspireret studie af demokratisering i Marokko

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    Hvad kan antropologisk inspirerede tilgange tilføre studiet af demokratisering i Mellemøsten? Den metodisk/disciplinært orienterede artikel argumenterer for, at sådanne tilgange kan bibringe nye og uventede indsigter i lokale politiske dynamikker. På baggrund af en antropologisk inspireret marokkansk case studie fremhæves det, at demokratisering ikke nødvendigvis er det mest relevante prisme at nedlægge over politiske udviklinger i Marokko, idet demokratiseringsperspek-tivet risikerer at fordreje fokus normativt og at skygge for andre, væsentlige indsig-ter. Endvidere argumenteres der for nødvendigheden af, at studier af demokrati-sering i Mellemøsten i højere grad analyserer „Islam“ som en flertydig, dynamisk og forhandlet erfaringsramme

    High-pressure study of X-ray diffuse scattering in ferroelectric perovskites

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    We present a high-pressure x-ray diffuse scattering study of the ABO3_3 ferroelectric perovskites BaTiO_3 and KNbO_3. The well-known diffuse lines are observed in all the phases studied. In KNbO_3, we show that the lines are present up to 21.8 GPa, with constant width and a slightly decreasing intensity. At variance, the intensity of the diffuse lines observed in the cubic phase of BaTiO_3 linearly decreases to zero at 11\sim 11 GPa. These results are discussed with respect to x-ray absorption measurements, which leads to the conclusion that the diffuse lines are only observed when the B atom is off the center of the oxygen tetrahedron. The role of such disorder on the ferroelectric instability of perovskites is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted in PR

    Grid Fin Stabilization of the Orion Launch Abort Vehicle

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    Wind tunnel tests were conducted by Nielsen Engineering & Research (NEAR) and Rose Engineering & Research (REAR) in conjunction with the NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) on a 6%-scale model of the Orion launch abort vehicle (LAV) configured with four grid fins mounted near the base of the vehicle. The objectives of these tests were to 1) quantify LAV stability augmentation provided by the grid fins from subsonic through supersonic Mach numbers, 2) assess the benefits of swept grid fins versus unswept grid fins on the LAV, 3) determine the effects of the LAV abort motors on grid fin aerodynamics, and 4) generate an aerodynamic database for use in the future application of grid fins to small length-to-diameter ratio vehicles similar to the LAV. The tests were conducted in NASA Ames Research Center's 11x11-foot transonic wind tunnel from Mach 0.5 through Mach 1.3 and in their 9x7-foot supersonic wind tunnel from Mach 1.6 through Mach 2.5. Force- and moment-coefficient data were collected for the complete vehicle and for each individual grid fin as a function of angle of attack and sideslip angle. Tests were conducted with both swept and unswept grid fins with the simulated abort motors (cold jets) off and on. The swept grid fins were designed with a 22.5deg aft sweep angle for both the frame and the internal lattice so that the frontal projection of the swept fins was the same as for the unswept fins. Data from these tests indicate that both unswept and swept grid fins provide significant improvements in pitch stability as compared to the baseline vehicle over the Mach number range investigated. The swept fins typically provide improved stability as compared to the unswept fins, but the performance gap diminished as Mach number was increased. The aerodynamic performance of the fins was not observed to degrade when the abort motors were turned on. Results from these tests indicate that grid fins can be a robust solution for stabilizing the Orion LAV over a wide range of operating conditions

    Random hypergraphs and their applications

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    In the last few years we have witnessed the emergence, primarily in on-line communities, of new types of social networks that require for their representation more complex graph structures than have been employed in the past. One example is the folksonomy, a tripartite structure of users, resources, and tags -- labels collaboratively applied by the users to the resources in order to impart meaningful structure on an otherwise undifferentiated database. Here we propose a mathematical model of such tripartite structures which represents them as random hypergraphs. We show that it is possible to calculate many properties of this model exactly in the limit of large network size and we compare the results against observations of a real folksonomy, that of the on-line photography web site Flickr. We show that in some cases the model matches the properties of the observed network well, while in others there are significant differences, which we find to be attributable to the practice of multiple tagging, i.e., the application by a single user of many tags to one resource, or one tag to many resources.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Wear Minimization for Cuckoo Hashing: How Not to Throw a Lot of Eggs into One Basket

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    We study wear-leveling techniques for cuckoo hashing, showing that it is possible to achieve a memory wear bound of loglogn+O(1)\log\log n+O(1) after the insertion of nn items into a table of size CnCn for a suitable constant CC using cuckoo hashing. Moreover, we study our cuckoo hashing method empirically, showing that it significantly improves on the memory wear performance for classic cuckoo hashing and linear probing in practice.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, 7 figures; to appear at the 13th Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2014