51 research outputs found


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    Este é um estudo de natureza qualitativa, com abordagem exploratória, situado no campo dos estudos culturais,utilizando ferramentas propostas por Michel Foucault para a análise textual. Tem como objetivo analisar como osdiscursos veiculados pela mídia atravessam os sujeitos e os instituem como sujeitos doadores de órgãos. O corpus deanálise foi composto por matérias do jornal Folha de São Paulo, considerado o mais influente do país. Tais reportagenspõem em funcionamento discursos que foram analisados e que representam o modo como instituem doadores deórgãos. Os discursos do jornal são vistos como artefatos da cultura, que produzem verdades e governam sujeitos,determinando ações possíveis de ser feitas, a fim de que ocorram mais transplantes

    Forecasting Informatics Competencies for Nurses in the Future of Connected Health

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    The IMIA-NIstudents’ and emerging professionals’ working group conducted a large international survey in 2015 regarding research trends in nursing informatics. The survey was translated into half-a-dozen languages and distributed through 18 international research collaborators’ professional connections. The survey focused on the perspectives of nurse informaticians. A total of 272 participants responded to an open ended question concerning recommendations to advance nursing informatics. Five key areas for action were identified through our thematic content analysis: education, research, practice, visibility and collaboration. This chapter discusses these results with implications for nursing competency development. We propose how components of various competency lists might support the key areas for action. We also identify room to further develop existing competency guidelines to support in-service education for practicing nurses, promote nursing informatics visibility, or improve and facilitate collaboration and integration with other professions. </p

    Nursing informatics competencies for emerging professionals: International leaders panel

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    © 2016 IMIA and IOS Press. To achieve a cursory review of the competencies necessary for acquire a successful career in a competitive job market, the panel will bring together leaders from renowned academic, successful health corporations, and international leaders in nursing informatics to the table for discussion, dialogue, and make recommendations. Panelists will reflect on their experiences within the different types of informatics organizations and present some of the current challenges when educating skillful professionals. The panel will provide personal experiences, thoughts, and advice on the competencies development in nursing informatics from their lens

    Nursing Informatics 2018

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    The curriculum associated with nursing informatics (NI) education is not standardized, therefore the perspectives of new and emerging nurse informaticians is important. How these curricula differences affect career opportunities of new nursing informaticians, and in turn influenced current career choices will be explored. Synthesizing opinions with themes extracted from a 2014 international study—Advancing nursi informatics in the next decade: Recommendations from an international survey will be summarized.</p

    Nursing Informatics 2018

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    Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of diseases such as dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya fever, zika virus fever, some of which can cause irreversible central nervous system problems and death. This study investigates what technologies are being used for combatting and monitoring the Aedes mosquitoes and to propose joining these technologies into a single and complete solution using the Smart Cities concept. A search for newscasts on Google and mobile apps in app stores were performed to identify technological solutions for combat to Aedes mosquitoes. Also, a model for joint technology was proposed. Results identified the following technologies: 170 software, two sensors, two drones, one electronic device, ten mosquito traps/lures, seven biological tools, six biotechnologies, and eight chemical formulations. Technological resources and adoption of preventive measures by the population could be a useful method for the mosquito control. Examples include a georeferenced model for identification and examination of larvae, application of chemical/biological products, real-time mapping, sending of educational materials via email or social media for the population, and alerts to health professionals in the zones of combat/risk. In combination, these technologies may indicate a better solution to the current problem.</p

    Nursing Informatics 2018

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    In nursing, a community of practice have been recognized as an important construct to build capacity and support knowledge dissemination activities. The purpose of this poster is to use a community of practice framework to describe the collaborative work of an international nursing informatics, graduate student and emerging professional group.</p

    Nurses and Midwives in the Digital Age

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    Technological development has enabled Artificial Intelligence (AI) to better support health care delivery and nursing. The need for nurses to be involved and steer the development and implementation of AI in health care is recognized. A 60-minute scientific debate is organized to explore if AI will replace nursing

    Desenvolvimento de um software educativo de diagnósticos de enfermagem

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    Introdução: A interface humano-técnica é essencial em sistemas eletrônicos simulados associados a atividades de ensino-aprendizagem. Casos clínicos interativos reforçam a habilidade de raciocínio diagnóstico, etapa do Processo de Enfermagem avançado. Objetivo: Construir um software educativo, baseado na NANDA International, para melhoria da acurácia de diagnósticos de enfermagem.  Método: Estudo metodológico em três fases: elaboração e validação de estudos de caso; construção; homologação e avaliação. Realizado entre janeiro/2012 e julho/205, em hospital universitário do sul do Brasil. Participaram professores, enfermeiros, alunos de graduação e alunos de pós-graduação de enfermagem e tecnologia da informação. Aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (130035).  Resultados: Construção de cinco estudos de caso e duas versões do software: uma simula o processo de raciocínio para estabelecimento do diagnóstico; outra, destinada a professores, possibilita editar/criar os casos.  Conclusão: O software auxilia no processo de ensino-aprendizagem gerando diagnósticos acurados, subsidiando intervenções mais adequadas. Palavras-chave: Software. Diagnóstico de enfermagem. Educação. Informática em  enfermagem.

    Nurses and Midwives in the Digital Age

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    Nurses need to have sufficient competencies in nursing informatics to be able to provide safe and efficient care. The Self-Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competencies Scale (SANICS) has been developed and validated as a self-report measure of informatics competencies in Western settings. In this work, we describe the ongoing study that aims to validate and translate SANICS into the Mexican setting.</p