97 research outputs found


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    Željeznički prijevoznici danas sve viÅ”e moraju primjenjivati marketinÅ”ke metode i modele poslovanja, osobito u putničkome prijevozu, gdje se susreću sa snažnom konkurencijom u cestovnome prijevozu. Iako su željeznička poduzeća tradicionalno bila usmjerena na jednostavne i usko specijalizirane načine promocije svojih usluga, želja za stjecanjem konkurentske prednost nameće potrebu primjene suvremenih načina marketinÅ”ke komunikacije, među kojima se ističe integrirana marketinÅ”ka komunikacija. Ovaj rad bavi se značajkama integrirane marketinÅ”ke komunikacije, a obrađen je primjer njezine primjene u jednoj kampanji nacionalnoga željezničkog putničkog prijevoznika

    Challenges in the prevention of excessive use of social networks

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je povezati područje prevencije problema u ponaÅ”anju s prekomjernim koriÅ”tenjem druÅ”tvenih mreža. Uvodni dio diplomskog rada podrazumijeva obuhvaćanje općenite teme prevencije i opisivanje razina prevencije. Nakon preventivnog dijela slijedi dio koji pojaÅ”njava pojam druÅ”tvenih mreža uz navođenje najčeŔće koriÅ”tenih druÅ”tvenih mreža u svijetu. U diplomskom radu polazi se od pretpostavke kako određeni dio opće populacije u Hrvatskoj prekomjerno koristi druÅ”tvene mreže. Putem online upitnika postavljenog na LimeSurvey prikupljeni su podaci o navikama koriÅ”tenja, stavovima i pozitivnim/ negativnim posljedicama koriÅ”tenja druÅ”tvenih mreža opće populacije. Online upitnik napravljen je na temelju prijaÅ”njeg upitnika i kvantitativnog istraživanja ā€žHow addicted to Facebook are you?ā€œ (Badurina i Prpić, 2015) na način da se upitnik proÅ”irio i usmjerava se na sve druÅ”tvene mreže. Na taj način prevladava se najveći nedostatak prethodnog istraživanja - isključiva usmjerenost na druÅ”tvenu mrežu Facebook. Putem dobivenih rezultata istraživanja vrlo se jasno mogu sagledati navike koriÅ”tenja, stavovi i pozitivne/ negativne posljedice koriÅ”tenja druÅ”tvenih mreža opće populacije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Za određeni dio populacije koji prekomjerno koristi druÅ”tvene mreže ili koji iskazuje određene negativne posljedice koriÅ”tenja druÅ”tvenih mreža predložene su preporuke za smanjenje koriÅ”tenja druÅ”tvenih mreža i njihovo koriÅ”tenje na osobno odgovoran način. Prilikom stvaranja preporuka za smanjenje koriÅ”tenja druÅ”tvenih mreža kao temelj su poslužila znanja iz prevencije problema u ponaÅ”anju koja će se povezivati s dobivenim rezultatima istraživanja.The aim of this thesis is to explore the connection between the prevention of behavioural problems and the excessive use of social networks. The thesis introduction contains a general overview of the prevention including descriptions of its various levels. The part explaining the prevention in general is followed by the section clarifying the concept of a social network supported by the list of most frequently used social networks globally. The underlying standpoint of the thesis is that a specific part of the population in Republic of Croatia suffers from the excessive use of social networks. Relevant data in support of this standpoint were collected through the on-line questionnaire via LimeSurvey service. These data included usage habits, attitudes and positive / negative consequences of using social networks of the general population. On-line questionnaire was based on the previous questionnaire and quantitative research ā€œHow addicted to Facebook are you?ā€ (Badurina and Prpic, 2015) by way of broadening the questionnaire and focusing on all social networks. The application of such a method represents an efficient way to remedy the key deficiency in the previous research -exclusive focus on a single social network - Facebook. The results of this research clearly present usage habits, attitudes and positive / negative consequences of using social networks by the general population in the Republic of Croatia. The thesis also contains recommendations for a part of the population qualified as excessive users of social networks or population affected by specific negative consequences stemming from the use of social networks visible in the behaviour. These recommendations should contribute to the social networks use reduction and greater individual responsibility when the social networks are used. The aforementioned recommendations were produced on the basis of existing data relative to the prevention of behavioural problems which will be connected in this thesis with the results obtained in the survey conducted for this purpose

    Several More Recent Russianisms

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    The Influence of Test Repetition on Bipodal Visually Controlled Static and Dynamic Balance

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    This study explores the influence of test repetition on bipodal visually controlled balance, both static and dynamic. Our goal was to get an insight into the pattern of changes in posture maintenance results during repeated balance tests. Fifteen young, healthy male recreational athletes were tested for static and for dynamic balance using KAT 2000 balance platform. The subjects first performed three trial tests of static and dynamic balance to get used to the platform followed by seven repetitions of static as well as dynamic test which were recorded. During the repeated tests we could not determine any significant improvements of static balance test resulting from number of test repetitions neither in static nor in dynamic balance (Friedman ANOVA: Static balance p=0.497, Dynamic balance p=0.393). Correlating static and dynamic balance results we found that only one third of the dynamic balance was related to static balance abilities (r2=0.36). Possible patterns in front-back and left-right directions were analyzed as well, however, none of these balance scores were found to be related to the number of repetitions. In conclusion, this study found no significant influence of limited number of repetitions (seven) on test results in static and dynamic posture. However, as large number of repetitions might still influence test results we discourage the use of KAT 2000 as a training tool in patients in which it will be used as an instrument to validate postoperative rehabilitation or investigation results

    Characterisation of pseudorabies virus in domestic pigs and wild boars in Croatia

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    Serological data imply that pseudorabies (Aujeszkyā€™s disease) is present in domestic pigs and wild boars in Croatia. Therefore, this study included testing of brain tissue samples collected from 200 domestic pigs and 105 wild boars originating from seventeen districts of Croatia. The presence of pseudorabies virus (PrV) DNA was confirmed in samples originating from six domestic pigs (3%) and one wild boar (0.95%). Positive samples were sequenced and analysed on the basis of a gC genome fragment. PrV strains have shown to be genetically identical and they are strongly related to some representative strains in the relatively heterogeneous Clade A. The results clearly show that PrV is still circulating among the domestic pig population in Croatia. Furthermore, the presence of pseudorabies virus in wild boars underlines the importance of this species as a PrV reservoir. Continued surveillance is necessary to track the viral spread in order to achieve final eradication of the disease
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