21 research outputs found

    Obstacles à l’insertion socioprofessionnelle de personnes ayant des problèmes graves de santé mentale : données empiriques et repères théoriques

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    Les auteurs décrivent les obstacles à l'insertion socioprofessionnelle des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves selon les perspectives de divers acteurs. Des groupes thématiques (22) ont été formés dans la plupart des régions du Québec et ont réuni 87 personnes utilisatrices de services participant à une démarche d'insertion socioprofessionnelle, 47 non participants et 51 employeurs. Quatre-vingt responsables de programmes de réadaptation au travail ont répondu à un questionnaire structuré. Les obstacles identifiés par ces groupes de répondants sont comparés à ceux décrits dans d'autres études. Il s'avère que les résultats sont semblables : l'obstacle le plus saillant est relatif aux préjugés à l'endroit de la maladie mentale et des personnes qui souffrent de problèmes de santé mentale, quel que soit l'acteur interrogé. Ces obstacles sont revus en fonction des théories du sentiment d'efficacité (Bandura, 1977, 1997), de l'attribution causale (Weiner, 1986) et du comportement planifié (Ajzen, 1991, 1996). Cette analyse des obstacles à l'insertion socioprofessionnelle faite à la lumière de ces trois théories permet de proposer des points d'appui à de nouveaux outils et stratégies d'insertion.Barriers to socio-professional integration of people with severe mental disorders: empirical data and theoretical points of reference The authors describe the barriers related to socio-professional integration of people with severe mental disorders according to different perspectives of various people involved. Focus groups (22) have been conducted in almost every region in Quebec involving 87 participants in vocational rehabilitation programs, 47 non participants and 51 employers. Eighty (80) vocational program administrator completed a questionaire. The barriers identified by these groups are compared with those described in other studies. It seems that the results are similar: the main obstacle is prejudice towards mental illness and people with mental disorders, no matter who is questionned. Barriers to socio-professional integration are reviewed according to the theories of feeling of self-efficiency (Bandura, 1977,1997), causal attribution (Weiner, 1986) and planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991, 1996). Analysis of barriers to socio-professional integration carried out in the light of these three theories, allows to suggest points of reference for new tools and integration strategies.Obstáculos a la inserción socioprofesional de personas con problemas graves de salud mental: datos empíricos y marcos teóricos Los autores describen los obstáculos que se presentan a la inserción socioprofesional de personas con problemas mentales graves según las perspectivas de varios actores. Fueron formados 22 grupos temáticos en la mayoría de las regiones del Quebec y se reunieron a 87 personas usuarias que participan en un program dirigido hacia la inserción socioprofesional, 47 no participantes y 51 empleadores. 80 responsables de programas de readaptación al trabajo respondieron a un cuestionario estructurado. Los obstáculos identificados en las respuestas de estos grupos son comparados con los descritos en otras investigaciones. Se revela que los resultados son similares: el obstáculo más saliente se relaciona con los perjuicios con respecto a la enfermedad mental y de personas que sufren problemas de salud mental, cualquiera que sea el actor entrevistado. Estos obstáculos están, enmarcados en función de la teorías del sentimiento de eficacia (Bandura, 1977, 1997), de la atribución causal (Weiner, 1986) y del comportamiento planificado (Ajzen, 1991, 1996). Este análisis de los obstáculos a la inserción socioprofesional a partir de la luz aportada por estas tres teorías permite proponer ciertos puntos de apoyo a nuevos instrumentos y estrategias de inserción.Obstáculos à inserção sócio-profissional de pessoas que sofrem de problemas graves de saúde mental: dados empíricos e referências teóricas Os autores descrevem os obstáculos à inserção sócio-profissional das pessoas atingidas por problemas mentais graves segundo a perspectiva de vários autores. 22 grupos temáticos foram formados na maior parte das regiões do Quebec e reuniram 87 pacientes que participam de um programa de inserção sócio-profissional, 47 não-participantes e 51 empregadores. 80 responsáveis por programas de readaptação ao trabalho responderam a um questionário estruturado. Os obstáculos identificados por eles foram comparados aos descritos em outros estudos. Provou-se que os resultados foram semelhantes: o obstáculo mais evidente está associado aos preconceitos com a doença mental e as pessoas que sofrem de problemas de saúde mental, pouco importa a pessoa interrogada. Estes obstáculos são examinados segundo as teorias do sentimento de eficácia (Bandura, 1977, 1997), da atribuição causal (Weiner, 1986) e do comportamento planificado (Ajzen, 1991, 1996). Esta análise dos obstáculos à inserção sócio-profissional feita à luz destas três teorias permite propor pontos de apoio a novas ferramentas e estratégias de inserção

    Gene expression profile of androgen modulated genes in the murine fetal developing lung

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Accumulating evidences suggest that sex affects lung development. Indeed, a higher incidence of respiratory distress syndrome is observed in male compared to female preterm neonates at comparable developmental stage and experimental studies demonstrated an androgen-related delay in male lung maturation. However, the precise mechanisms underlying these deleterious effects of androgens in lung maturation are only partially understood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To build up a better understanding of the effect of androgens on lung development, we analyzed by microarrays the expression of genes showing a sexual difference and those modulated by androgens. Lungs of murine fetuses resulting from a timely mating window of 1 hour were studied at gestational day 17 (GD17) and GD18, corresponding to the period of surge of surfactant production. Using injections of the antiandrogen flutamide to pregnant mice, we hunted for genes in fetal lungs which are transcriptionally modulated by androgens.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results revealed that 1844 genes were expressed with a sexual difference at GD17 and 833 at GD18. Many genes were significantly modulated by flutamide: 1597 at GD17 and 1775 at GD18. Datasets were analyzed by using in silico tools for reconstruction of cellular pathways. Between GD17 and GD18, male lungs showed an intensive transcriptional activity of proliferative pathways along with the onset of lung differentiation. Among the genes showing a sex difference or an antiandrogen modulation of their expression, we specifically identified androgen receptor interacting genes, surfactant related genes in particularly those involved in the pathway leading to phospholipid synthesis, and several genes of lung development regulator pathways. Among these latter, some genes related to Shh, FGF, TGF-beta, BMP, and Wnt signaling are modulated by sex and/or antiandrogen treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show clearly that there is a real delay in lung maturation between male and female in this period, the latter pursuing already lung maturation while the proper is not yet fully engaged in the differentiation processes at GD17. In addition, this study provides a list of genes which are under the control of androgens within the lung at the moment of surge of surfactant production in murine fetal lung.</p

    Approche du discours politique : « socialisme » et « socialiste » chez Jaurès

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    Provost Geneviève. Approche du discours politique : « socialisme » et « socialiste » chez Jaurès. In: Langages, 4ᵉ année, n°13, 1969. L'analyse du discours, sous la direction de Jean Dubois et Joseph Sumpf. pp. 51-68

    Problèmes théoriques et méthodologiques en analyse du discours

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    Chauveau. Problèmes théoriques et méthodologiques en analyse du discours. In: Langue française, n°9, 1971. Linguistique et société. pp. 6-21

    Regulation of human Dicer by the resident ER membrane protein CLIMP-63

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    The ribonuclease Dicer plays a central role in the microRNA pathway by catalyzing the formation of microRNAs, which are known to regulate messenger RNA (mRNA) translation. In order to improve our understanding of the molecular context in which Dicer functions and how it is regulated in human cells, we sought to expand its protein interaction network by employing a yeast two-hybrid screening strategy. This approach led to the identification and characterization of cytoskeleton-linking endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein of 63 kDa (CLIMP-63) as a novel Dicer-interacting protein. CLIMP-63 interacts with Dicer to form a high molecular weight complex, which is electrostatic in nature, is not mediated by RNA and is catalytically active in pre-microRNA processing. CLIMP-63 is required for stabilizing Dicer protein and for optimal regulation of a reporter gene coupled to the 3′ untranslated region of HMGA2 mRNA in human cells. Interacting with a portion of the luminal domain of CLIMP-63 and within minutes of its synthesis, our results suggest that Dicer transits through the ER, is glycosylated and can be secreted by cultured human cells with CLIMP-63. Our findings define CLIMP-63 as a novel protein interactor and regulator of Dicer function, involved in maintaining Dicer protein levels in human cells

    Biological control of silverleaf whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) using predatory bugs, Dicyphus hesperus (Hemiptera: Miridae) and Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)

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    The silverleaf whitefly (SLW), Bemisia tabaci, is an exotic pest that causes sporadic crop damage in Canadian greenhouses, mainly on tomatoes. Its plant feeding is responsible for both direct damage as well as the transmission of plant viruses. Interestingly, omnivorous predators, which are used as biological control agents for multiple whitefly species, can establish on greenhouse crops even before the pest has established, using alternative food resources and host plants to support the predator. However, the efficiency of such indigenous omnivorous biological agents in the suppression of high density and intense SLW infestations remains unknown. This research aimed to assess the potential of two indigenous omnivorous biological agents, Dicyphus hesperus and Orius insidiosus to control SLW infestations and their effects on tomato plant health and yield at both early stages of the crop cycle, and at high pest densities. This study showed that populations of B. tabaci are able to grow rapidly. However, neither of the introduced densities of B. tabaci nor the infestation time had a significant effect on the incidence of tomato irregular ripening disorder (TIR) and yield. Our results also show that the introduction of three or five D. hesperus adults per cage reduces the number of B. tabaci larvae and pseudo-nymphs, while O. insidiosus did not significantly reduce SLW populations. Our results suggest that D. hesperus could control high levels of SWL and at an early stage in the cropping cycle.L’aleurode du tabac (SLW), Bemisia tabaci, est un ravageur exotique qui cause des dommages sporadiques dans les serres canadiennes, principalement en culture de tomates. Son comportement alimentaire est responsable de dommages directs et de la transmission de virus. Les prédateurs omnivores peuvent s’établir en serre avant l’arrivée des ravageurs, en utilisant des proies et hôtes alternatifs. Toutefois, l’efficacité des prédateurs indigènes contre B. tabaci reste inconnue. Cette étude avait pour objectif de tester la réponse des plants de tomate aux infestations hâtives et de fortes intensités de B. tabaci, et le potentiel de deux punaises omnivores indigènes, Dicyphus hesperus et Orius insidiosus. Les résultats démontrent que les populations de B. tabaci augmentent rapidement. Cependant, ni la densité ni le temps d’infestation n’avaient d’effet significatif sur le trouble du désordre de maturation (TIR) et sur le rendement. L’introduction de trois et cinq D. hesperus adultes réduisait le nombre de larves et nymphes de B. tabaci, alors que l’utilisation d’O. insidiosus n’a pas permis de réduire significativement les populations. Nos résultats suggèrent que D. hesperus pourrait réguler de fortes et brèves infestations de B. tabaci