10 research outputs found

    Analysis of CERN 2015 Test Beam Data of the AHCAL engineering prototype

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    The goal of the CALICE Collaboration is to develop calorimeters for a future e + e − linear collider. The Analog Hadronic Calorimeter (AHCAL) is a high granularity calorimeter, developed to use the Particle Flow method, to reach a good jet energy resolution. The AHCAL technological prototype, scalable to full collider detector, is composed of 3 × 3 cm ^2 scintillator tiles read out by Silicon Photomultipliers. During the year 2015 two periods of test beams at CERN have been performed, to validate the detector calibration with muon and electron beams, to study the shower evolution with hadron beams, and compare two different kinds of absorber material: steel and tungsten absorber. This talk will focus on the analysis of the test beam data taken at CERN, with particular stress on the calibration of the detector and compare these results with the Monte Carlo simulation

    Calibration and Analysis of Data taken with the Technological Prototype of the Analog Hadron Calorimeter (AHCAL) for a Detector at the International Linear Collider

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    This thesis presents results obtained with the high granularity Analog Hadron Calorimeter (AHCAL) technological prototype. It studies the structure of hadronic showers combining for the first time the time information and the energy information of each hit in the detector.High granularity is a stringent requirement for the calorimeter system of an experiment at the International Linear Collider (ILC), where the application of the Particle Flow Algorithm is foreseen to achieve an unprecedented jet energy resolution.The CALICE Collaboration is studying several technologies satisfying this requirement. One of them is the AHCAL which consists of 30×30×3 mm^3 scintillating tiles, read out by Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). A technological prototype based on this technology, built for proving the scalability of the calorimeter to a full linear collider detector, has been operated at CERN in July 2015 in muon, electron and pion beam. The muon and electron data have been analyzed to cross check the calibration of the amplitude measurements and to tune the main parameters in the simulation.The analysis of the pion data focuses on the correlation between the time of the hit in the detector and the radial distance of the hit from the shower’s center of gravity. For a better understanding of this dependence, the same correlation has been studied in defined hit energy ranges. The delayed component is observed only for small hit energies, while large hit energies show, within uncertainties, no delayed component. This is consistent with the interpretation that the late component is predominantly caused by neutrons, which mainly lead to small hit energies

    Analysis of Testbeam Data of the Highly Granular RPC-Steel CALICE Digital Hadron Calorimeter and Validation of Geant4 Monte Carlo Models

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    We present a study of the response of the highly granular Digital Hadronic Calorimeter with steel absorbers, the Fe-DHCAL, to positrons, muons, and pions with momenta ranging from 2 to 60 GeV/c. Developed in the context of the CALICE collaboration, this hadron calorimeter utilises Resistive Plate Chambers as active media, interspersed with steel absorber plates. With a transverse granularity of 1 × 1 1\,\times\,1\,cm2^{2} and a longitudinal segmentation of 38 layers, the calorimeter counted 350,208 readout channels, each read out with single-bit resolution (digital readout). The data were recorded in the Fermilab test beam in 2010-11. The analysis includes measurements of the calorimeter response and the energy resolution to positrons and muons, as well as detailed studies of various shower shape quantities. The results are compared to simulations based on Geant4, which utilise different electromagnetic and hadronic physics lists

    Characterisation of different stages of hadronic showers using the CALICE Si-W ECAL physics prototype

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    A detailed investigation of hadronic interactions is performed using -mesons with energies in the range 2–10 GeV incident on a high granularity silicon–tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter. The data were recorded at FNAL in 2008. The region in which the -mesons interact with the detector material and the produced secondary particles are characterised using a novel track-finding algorithm that reconstructs tracks within hadronic showers in a calorimeter in the absence of a magnetic field. The principle of carrying out detector monitoring and calibration using secondary tracks is also demonstrated

    Die verfahrenstechnische Beurteilung von lastschaltbarem und stufenlosem Antrieb bei Ackerschleppern

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    TIB Hannover: RA 4212(103) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    International Large Detector: Interim Design Report

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    The ILD detector is proposed for an electron-positron collider with collision centre-of-mass energies from 90~\GeV~to about 1~\TeV. It has been developed over the last 10 years by an international team of scientists with the goal to design and eventually propose a fully integrated detector, primarily for the International Linear Collider, ILC. In this report the fundamental ideas and concepts behind the ILD detector are discussed and the technologies needed for the realisation of the detector are reviewed. The document starts with a short review of the science goals of the ILC, and how the goals can be achieved today with the detector technologies at hand. After a discussion of the ILC and the environment in which the experiment will take place, the detector is described in more detail, including the status of the development of the technologies foreseen for each subdetector. The integration of the different sub-systems into an integrated detector is discussed, as is the interface between the detector and the collider. This is followed by a concise summary of the benchmarking which has been performed in order to find an optimal balance between performance and cost. To the end the costing methodology used by ILD is presented, and an updated cost estimate for the detector is presented. The report closes with a summary of the current status and of planned future actions

    The ILD detector at the ILC

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    The International Large Detector, ILD, is a detector concept which has been developed for the electron-positron collider ILC. The detector has been optimized for precision physics in a range of energies between 90 GeV and 1 TeV. ILD features a high precision, large volume combined silicon and gaseous tracking system, together with a high granularity calorimeter, all inside a 3.5 T solenoidal magnetic field. The paradigm of particle flow has been the guiding principle of the design of ILD. In this document the required performance of the detector, the proposed implementation and the readiness of the different technologies needed for the implementation are discussed. This is done in the framework of the ILC collider proposal, now under consideration in Japan, and includes site specific aspects needed to build and operate the detector at the proposed ILC site in Japan