8 research outputs found

    System development of silicon photonics links for CERN experiments and accelerators

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    Future upgrades of the CERN Experiments and Accelerators require optical links capable of handling the large data volume generated in particle detectors and beam position (BPMs) sensors. Silicon Photonics optical transceivers are a promising candidate to process the required data rate as well as efficiently operate in the harsh radiation environment. We present the experimental characterisation of silicon modulators together with demonstration of optical transmitters based on custom designed Silicon Photonics integrated circuits.Future upgrades of the CERN Experiments and Accelerators require optical links capable of handling the large data volume generated in particle detectors and beam position (BPMs) sensors. Silicon Photonics optical transceivers are a promising candidate to process the required data rate as well as efficiently operate in the harsh radiation environment. We present the experimental characterisation of silicon modulators together with demonstration of optical transmitters based on custom designed Silicon Photonics integrated circuits

    Towards optical data transmission for high energy physics using silicon photonics

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    Future upgrades of CERN experiments will require low power optical data links to support ever-increasing data-rates at ever-higher radiation levels. Silicon photonics is a CMOS optoelectronic technology compatible with these requirements. We present the results of an optical transceiver proof of concept based on a silicon photonics integrated circuit coupled to existing radiation tolerant electronic ASICs

    Beam test performance of prototype silicon detectors for the Outer Tracker for the Phase-2 Upgrade of CMS

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    Beam test performance of prototype silicon detectors for the Outer Tracker for the Phase-2 Upgrade of CMS

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    A new CMS tracker detector will be installed for operation at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). This detector comprises modules with two closely spaced parallel sensor plates and front-end ASICs capable of transmitting tracking information to the CMS Level-1 (L1) trigger at the 40 MHz beam crossing rate. The inclusion of tracking information in the L1 trigger decision will be essential for selecting events of interest efficiently at the HL-LHC. The CMS Binary Chip (CBC) has been designed to read out and correlate hits from pairs of tracker sensors, forming so-called track stubs. For the first time, a prototype irradiated module and a full-sized module, both equipped with the version 2 of the CBC, have been operated in test beam facilities. The efficiency of the stub finding logic of the modules for various angles of incidence has been studied. The ability of the modules to reject tracks with transverse momentum less than 2 GeV has been demonstrated. For modules built with irradiated sensors, no significant drop in the stub finding performance has been observed. Results from the beam tests are described in this paper.ISSN:1748-022

    The DAQ and control system for the CMS Phase-1 pixel detector upgrade

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    Abstract: In 2017 a new pixel detector was installed in the CMS detector. This so-called Phase-1 pixel detector features four barrel layers in the central region and three disks per end in the forward regions. The upgraded pixel detector requires an upgraded data acquisition (DAQ) system to accept a new data format and larger event sizes. A new DAQ and control system has been developed based on a combination of custom and commercial microTCA parts. Custom mezzanine cards on standard carrier cards provide a front-end driver for readout, and two types of front-end controller for configuration and the distribution of clock and trigger signals. Before the installation of the detector the DAQ system underwent a series of integration tests, including readout of the pilot pixel detector, which was constructed with prototype Phase-1 electronics and operated in CMS from 2015 to 2016, quality assurance of the CMS Phase-1 detector during its assembly, and testing with the CMS Central DAQ. This paper describes the Phase-1 pixel DAQ and control system, along with the integration tests and results. A description of the operational experience and performance in data taking is included

    The DAQ and control system for the CMS Phase-1 pixel detector upgrade

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    In 2017 a new pixel detector was installed in the CMS detector. This so-called Phase-1 pixel detector features four barrel layers in the central region and three disks per end in the forward regions. The upgraded pixel detector requires an upgraded data acquisition (DAQ) system to accept a new data format and larger event sizes. A new DAQ and control system has been developed based on a combination of custom and commercial microTCA parts. Custom mezzanine cards on standard carrier cards provide a front-end driver for readout, and two types of front-end controller for configuration and the distribution of clock and trigger signals. Before the installation of the detector the DAQ system underwent a series of integration tests, including readout of the pilot pixel detector, which was constructed with prototype Phase-1 electronics and operated in CMS from 2015 to 2016, quality assurance of the CMS Phase-1 detector during its assembly, and testing with the CMS Central DAQ. This paper describes the Phase-1 pixel DAQ and control system, along with the integration tests and results. A description of the operational experience and performance in data taking is included

    Strategic R&D Programme on Technologies for Future Experiments - Annual Report 2021

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    This report summarises the activities and main achievements of the CERN strategic R&D programme on technologies for future experiments during the year 2021