42 research outputs found

    Between Meaning-Making and Learning the “Rule”: The Case of a Prospective Teacher of Mathematics at the Secondary Level

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    This article reports on a case study intended to improve understanding of the development and characteristics of prospective mathematics teachers’ oral explanations. The teaching practices of Donna, who taught algebraic operations, were analyzed, after which she was interviewed. The presence of an important tension in how Donna explained mathematics emerged where her explanations were divided between contextualized understandings and formalized knowledge, highlighting the difficulties in teaching of transition from one to the other. The article concludes with a discussion of a plausible rationale for this tension, which emerges from an understanding of mathematics as reduced to a call for formalized procedures.Cet article présente une étude de cas visant l’amélioration des connaissances sur le développement et les caractéristiques des explications orales que fournissent les enseignants candidats en mathématiques. L’auteur a analysé les pratiques d’enseignement de Donna, qui a présenté des opérations d’algèbre, et a ensuite passé la stagiaire en entrevue. La présence d’une tension importante dans les explications mathématiques de Donna s’est fait sentir quand ses explications étaient partagées entre des connaissances contextualisées et des connaissances formelles, mettant en évidence la difficulté de passer d’une sorte de connaissances à l’autre. L’article conclut avec une discussion sur une explication plausible de cette tension en tant que résultat d’une interprétation des mathématiques comme n’étant que des procédures formalisées


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    As mathematics educators, our focus of attention is mainly placed on the learning and teaching of mathematics. But, as we study phenomena of mathematical learning and teaching, we often come across intriguing mathematical phenomena that capture our interest. We find ourselves often bouncing mathematical ideas back and forth, not just looking for (new/better) ways of teaching or presenting a mathematical concept, but also of uncovering and discovering potential understandings of the concept. These mathematical issues we encounter represent for us a significant aspect of our work, and are also very stimulating. One of these issues arose for us as we were tackling issues of division of numbers and of conventions relating to the remainder; issues that are, mathematically speaking, as we hope to communicate, very interesting and thought provoking. Thus, we explore four different avenues/curiosities about division, where operations with positive and negative numbers are considered, as well as the meaning one can draw out of these operations

    Vésicules extracellulaires : biomarqueurs et véhicules de propagation de protéinopathies

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    La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est une maladie neurodégénérative invalidante pour laquelle le diagnostic ne peut être donné qu’une fois la dégénérescence neuronale bien entamée, rendant impérative la découverte d’un biomarqueur ; un outil biologique permettant de prédire l’apparition de la pathologie ou d’évaluer sa progression. Mon projet de maîtrise visait donc l’étude des vésicules extracellulaires (VE) issues du sang comme test diagnostique ou comme marqueur de la progression de la MP. La quantification des VE effectuée par cytométrie de flux à haute sensibilité a révélé une augmentation spécifique des VE dérivées d’érythrocytes (VEE) chez les parkinsoniens comparés à leurs contrôles, ainsi qu’une forte corrélation avec la progression de la maladie. L’analyse quantitative de l’alphasynucléine (α-Syn), principale protéine impliquée dans la pathologie de la maladie, a montré un niveau similaire entre les individus. Cependant, l’analyse protéomique des VEE a révélé une modulation de certaines protéines entre les patients et les donneurs sains. Nos résultats suggèrent que les VEE pourraient conduire au développement d’un marqueur pour suivre l’évolution de la maladie ainsi que l’effet de nouvelles thérapies.341812 Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a debilitating neurodegenerative disease for which the diagnosis can only be confirmed once the degeneration state is very advanced, making imperative the discovery of a biomarker: a biological tool to predict the onset of pathology or its progression. My master’s project was designed to study extracellular vesicles (EV) from the blood in order to discover if they could be used as a diagnostic test or as a marker of disease progression. Quantification of EV performed by high-sensitivity flow cytometry demonstrated an increase in PD patients compared to their controls and a strong correlation with the progression of the disease only in EV derived from erythrocytes (EEV). Quantitative analysis of α-Syn, the main protein involved into PD pathogenesis, showed a similar level between individuals. However, analysis of the EEV proteome reveals a modulation of some proteins between patients and healthy donors. Our results suggest that EEV have the potential to lead to the development of a marker abled to track disease course as well as measuring the effect of new therapies

    Layering methodological tools to represent classroom collectivity

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    Our research is guided by the question: “How might we observe, document, display, and analyze data from a collective systems perspective?” In this research forum, we share new research tools for studying mathematics classrooms, highlight opportunities for observation and analysis by layering these tools, and then illustrate how the layering of tools allows for visual distinctions across lessons and classrooms.Research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

    Portrait of blood-derived extracellular vesicles in patients with Parkinson's disease.

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    The production of extracellular vesicles (EV) is a ubiquitous feature of eukaryotic cells but pathological events can affect their formation and constituents. We sought to characterize the nature, profile and protein signature of EV in the plasma of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and how they correlate to clinical measures of the disease. EV were initially collected from cohorts of PD (n = 60; Controls, n = 37) and Huntington's disease (HD) patients (Pre-manifest, n = 11; manifest, n = 52; Controls, n = 55) - for comparative purposes in individuals with another chronic neurodegenerative condition - and exhaustively analyzed using flow cytometry, electron microscopy and proteomics. We then collected 42 samples from an additional independent cohort of PD patients to confirm our initial results. Through a series of iterative steps, we optimized an approach for defining the EV signature in PD. We found that the number of EV derived specifically from erythrocytes segregated with UPDRS scores corresponding to different disease stages. Proteomic analysis further revealed that there is a specific signature of proteins that could reliably differentiate control subjects from mild and moderate PD patients. Taken together, we have developed/identified an EV blood-based assay that has the potential to be used as a biomarker for PD

    Réflexions méthodologiques, épistémologiques et éthiques sur les données de recherche recueillies en salle de classe : l’expérience vécue par le chercheur

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    Cet article se situe en continuité d’un premier et aborde une variété de questions concernant les données de recherche, relativement aux travaux conduits en salle de classe. L’entrée sur le sujet se fait à partir des travaux de recherche en didactique des mathématiques que mon équipe mène sur le calcul mental. Ceux-ci ont été des déclencheurs de réflexions méthodologiques, épistémologiques et éthiques relatives aux notions de collecte, de production et de fiabilité des données. À partir d’une anecdote, ce deuxième article traite de la question de l’expérience vécue par le chercheur en classe relativement à la nature des données de recherche.This article addresses questions concerning research data related to work conducted in classrooms. I use my own work in didactics of mathematics regarding mental mathematics. It acts as an important trigger for epistemological, methodological, and ethical reflections about data collection, production and reliability. Through an anecdote, this second article discusses issues related to the researcher’s experience in the classroom and the developed relation with the research data gathered.Este artículo es la continuación de otro previo y aborda una variedad de preguntas sobre los datos de investigación, en particular en los trabajos realizados en el aula. Se inicia el tema a partir de los trabajos de investigación en didáctica de la matemática que mi equipo desarrolla sobre el cálculo mental. Estos trabajos han desencadenado una serie de reflexiones metodológicas, epistemológicas y éticas sobre las nociones de toma, producción y fiabilidad de los datos. A partir de una anécdota, este segundo artículo trata de la cuestión de la experiencia vivida por el investigador en el aula en relación con la naturaleza de los datos de investigación