118 research outputs found

    The thermoelastic behavior of the infinite thermosensitive threelayer body under the action of a volumetric heat source

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    Запропоновано чисельно-аналітичний підхід до визначення термопружного стану безмежного трискладового тіла за дії об’ємного джерела тепла з урахуванням залежності термомеханічних характеристик від температури. Він базується на використанні перетворення Кірхгофа, узагальнених функцій, функцій Гріна нестаціонарної задачі теплопровідності для трискладового простору зі сталими характеристиками та лінійних сплайнів. Наведено результати числових досліджень температури, напружень та переміщень.The numerical-analytical approach of determining a thermoelastic state of infinite thermosensitive (thermomechanical properties depend on temperature) threelayer body with thermal insulated and smoothly fixed cylindrical surface under the action of the dependent on axial coordinate and time heat source is presented. To find the temperature field to the initial system of three nonlinear one-dimensional thermal conductivity equations and contact conditions, Kirchhoff transformation was applied. Having assumed that coefficients of thermal conductivity are in linear dependence on temperature and coefficients of thermal diffusivity are constant within each component, the obtained problem was reduced to a single equation with generalized on the coordinate derivatives relative to the function, that within each region coincides with the corresponding Kirchhoff variable. By using Green's function of the linear non-stationary termal conductivity problem for a threelayer space, integral representation, in which the subintegral functions include the time-dependent unknown Kirchhoff variable values at the surfaces of division on the right was obtained. The approach of finding them for a case where the heat source is uniformly distributed over the volume of intermediate layer and has pulsing character change of intensity over time is illustrated. Approximating the subintegral functions with these unknown values by linear splines from the integral representation, the recurrent system of two non-linear algebraic equations for the nodal values of the Kirchhoff variable was obtained. Having solved it, expressions for the entered variables and, correspondingly, the searched temperature field were found. Since it changes only in thickness, in the considered body only radial and circular stress and axial displacement will arise. The numerical investigations were carried out for the case, where the number of pulses of heat source equals two and the materials of the half infinite components and intermediate layer are niobium and platinum, for which thermal diffusivity within the range of the studied temperatures almost does not change. The influence of thermosensitivity on distribution of temperature, stresses and displacements was illustrated and analyzed

    Early-life risk factors for occurrence of atopic dermatitis during the first year

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    Associations of family history, infection during pregnancy, cord blood cytokine concentrations, and skin function parameters with atopic dermatitis were analyzed. Stratum corneum hydration was measured with an impedance meter until 5 days after delivery and again at 1 month. Complete data were obtained for 110 infants, including 27 diagnosed by a physician as having atopic dermatitis during their first year and 26 diagnosed as having infantile eczema during their first month. The risk of atopic dermatitis during the first year of life was related to maternal atopic dermatitis, lower concentrations of macrophage inflammatory protein in cord blood, and greater skin moisture in the surface and stratum corneum of the forehead and cheek at 1 month of age but not to viral or bacterial infection during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Paternal hay fever was associated negatively with the development of atopic dermatitis. High concentrations of interleukin-5, interleukin-17, and macrophage chemotactic protein-1 and only surface moisture in the cheek were associated with greater risk of infantile eczema in the first month. The association of atopic dermatitis in infancy with reduced neonatal macrophage inflammatory protein levels suggests a link with immature immune responses at birth

    Current status of foreign investment in Ukraine

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    The database of the Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory as a unit of an international virtual observatory

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    Results of the development and organization of the digital database of the Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory (NAO) are presented. At present, three telescopes are connected to the local area network of NAO. All the data obtained, and results of data processing are entered into the common database of NAO. The daily average volume of new astronomical information obtained from the CCD instruments ranges from 300MB up to 2GB, depending on the purposes and conditions of observations. The overwhelming majority of the data are stored in the FITS format. Development and further improvement of storage standards, procedures of data handling and data processing are being carried out. It is planned to create an astronomical web portal with the possibility to have interactive access to databases and telescopes. In the future, this resource may become a part of an international virtual observatory. There are the prototypes of search tools with the use of PHP and MySQL. Efforts for getting more links to the Internet are being made

    Формування концепції поділу державної влади

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    Процюк І. В. Формування концепції поділу державної влади / І. В. Процюк // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: В. В. Завальнюк (голов. ред.) [та ін.] ; відп. за вип. М. В. Афанасьєва. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2015. – Вип. 75. – C. 7-16.Статтю присвячено дослідженню формування й розвитку принципу поділу влади. Проаналізовано позиції науковців, які є основоположниками цього принципу. Звернено увагу на необхідність його закріплення як основоположної засади демократичної правової держави в законодавстві та реалізації в державно-правовій практиці.Формирование концепции разделения государственной власти. Статья посвящена исследованию формирования и развития принципа разделения власти. Проанализированы мнения ученых, являющихся основоположниками данного принципа. Обращено вни- мание на необходимость его закрепления как основополагающей основы демократического правового государства в законодательстве и реализации в государственно-правовой практике.Formation of the concept of separation of powers. The article investigates the formation and development of the principle of separation of powers. Analyzed the opinions of scientists, is the founder of this principle. Drawn attention to the need to consolidate it as the fundamental basis of a democratic state of law in the legislation and in the implementation of state-legal practice

    Meta-Mass Shift Chemical (MeMSChem) profiling of metabolomes from coral reefs

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    Untargeted metabolomics of environmental samples routinely detects thousands of small molecules, the vast majority of which cannot be identified. Meta-mass shift chemical (MeMSChem) profiling was developed to identify mass differences between related molecules using molecular networks. This approach illuminates metabolome-wide relationships between molecules and the putative chemical groups that differentiate them (e.g., H2, CH2, COCH2). MeMSChem profiling was used to analyze a publicly available metabolomic dataset of coral, algal, and fungal mat holobionts (i.e., the host and its associated microbes and viruses) sampled from some of Earth's most remote and pristine coral reefs. Each type of holobiont had distinct mass shift profiles, even when the analysis was restricted to molecules found in all samples. This result suggests that holobionts modify the same molecules in different ways and offers insights into the generation of molecular diversity. Three genera of stony corals had distinct patterns of molecular relatedness despite their high degree of taxonomic relatedness. MeMSChem profiles also partially differentiated between individuals, suggesting that every coral reef holobiont is a potential source of novel chemical diversity