180 research outputs found

    On Learning Monotone DNF Formulae under Uniform Distributions

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    AbstractWe show how to learn in polynomial time monotone d-term DNF formulae (formulae in disjunctive normal form with at most d terms) using positive examples drawn from a distribution that is a generalization of the uniform distribution


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    Approximate solution of NP optimization problems

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    AbstractThis paper presents the main results obtained in the field of approximation algorithms in a unified framework. Most of these results have been revisited in order to emphasize two basic tools useful for characterizing approximation classes, that is, combinatorial properties of problems and approximation preserving reducibilities. In particular, after reviewing the most important combinatorial characterizations of the classes PTAS and FPTAS, we concentrate on the class APX and, as a concluding result, we show that this class coincides with the class of optimization problems which are reducible to the maximum satisfiability problem with respect to a polynomial-time approximation preserving reducibility

    Store-Operated Ca 2+ Entry in Skeletal Muscle Contributes to the Increase in Body Temperature during Exertional Stress

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    Exertional heat stroke (HS) is a hyperthermic crisis triggered by an excessive accumulation of Ca2+ in skeletal muscle fibers. We demonstrated that exercise leads to the formation of calcium entry units (CEUs), which are intracellular junctions that reduce muscle fatigue by promoting the recovery of extracellular Ca2+ via store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). Here, we tested the hypothesis that exercise-induced assembly of CEUs may increase the risk of HS when physical activity is performed in adverse environmental conditions (high temperature and humidity). Adult mice were: (a) first, divided into three experimental groups: control, trained-1 month (voluntary running in wheel cages), and acutely exercised-1 h (incremental treadmill run); and (b) then subjected to an exertional stress (ES) protocol, a treadmill run in an environmental chamber at 34â—¦C and 40% humidity. The internal temperature of the mice at the end of the ES was higher in both pre-exercised groups. During an ES ex-vivo protocol, extensor digitorum longus(EDL) muscles from the trained-1 month and exercised-1 h mice generated greater basal tension than in the control and were those that contained a greater number of CEUs, assessed by electron microscopy. The data collected suggest that the entry of Ca2+ from extracellular space via CEUs could contribute to exertional HS when exercise is performed in adverse environmental conditions

    Ablation of Calsequestrin-1, Ca2+ unbalance, and susceptibility to heat stroke

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    Introduction: Ca2+ levels in adult skeletal muscle fibers are mainly controlled by excitation-contraction (EC) coupling, a mechanism that translates action potentials in release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) release channels, i.e. the ryanodine receptors type-1 (RyR1). Calsequestrin (Casq) is a protein that binds large amounts of Ca2+ in the lumen of the SR terminal cisternae, near sites of Ca2+ release. There is general agreement that Casq is not only important for the SR ability to store Ca2+, but also for modulating the opening probability of the RyR Ca2+ release channels. The initial studies: About 20 years ago we generated a mouse model lacking Casq1 (Casq1-null mice), the isoform predominantly expressed in adult fast twitch skeletal muscle. While the knockout was not lethal as expected, lack of Casq1 caused a striking remodeling of membranes of SR and of transverse tubules (TTs), and mitochondrial damage. Functionally, CASQ1-knockout resulted in reduced SR Ca2+ content, smaller Ca2+ transients, and severe SR depletion during repetitive stimulation. The myopathic phenotype of Casq1-null mice: After the initial studies, we discovered that Casq1-null mice were prone to sudden death when exposed to halogenated anaesthetics, heat and even strenuous exercise. These syndromes are similar to human malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) and environmental-exertional heat stroke (HS). We learned that mechanisms underlying these syndromes involved excessive SR Ca2+ leak and excessive production of oxidative species: indeed, mortality and mitochondrial damage were significantly prevented by administration of antioxidants and reduction of oxidative stress. Though, how Casq1-null mice could survive without the most important SR Ca2+ binding protein was a puzzling issue that was not solved. Unravelling the mystery: The mystery was finally solved in 2020, when we discovered that in Casq1-null mice the SR undergoes adaptations that result in constitutively active store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). SOCE is a mechanism that allows skeletal fibers to use external Ca2+ when SR stores are depleted. The post-natal compensatory mechanism that allows Casq1-null mice to survive involves the assembly of new SR-TT junctions (named Ca2+ entry units) containing Stim1 and Orai1, the two proteins that mediate SOCE

    Skeletal muscle is a primary target of SOD1G93A-mediated toxicity

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    The antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) is a critical player of the antioxidative defense whose activity is altered in several chronic diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. However, how oxidative insult affects muscle homeostasis remains unclear. This study addresses the role of oxidative stress on muscle homeostasis and function by the generation of a transgenic mouse model expressing a mutant SOD1 gene (SOD1(G93A)) selectively in skeletal muscle. Transgenic mice developed progressive muscle atrophy, associated with a significant reduction in muscle strength, alterations in the contractile apparatus, and mitochondrial dysfunction. The analysis of molecular pathways associated with muscle atrophy revealed that accumulation of oxidative stress served as signaling molecules to initiate autophagy, one of the major intracellular degradation mechanisms. These data demonstrate that skeletal muscle is a primary target of SOD1(G93A) -mediated toxicity and disclose the molecular mechanism whereby oxidative stress triggers muscle atrophy

    Deletion of small ankyrin 1 (SANK1) isoforms results in structural and functional alterations in aging skeletal muscle fibers

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    Muscle-specific ankyrins 1 (sAnk1) are a group of small ankyrin 1 isoforms, of which sAnk1.5 is the most abundant. sAnk1 are localized in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane from where they interact with obscurin, a myofibrillar protein. This interaction appears to contribute to stabilize the SR close to the myofibrils. Here we report the structural and functional characterization of skeletal muscles from sAnk1 knockout mice (KO). Deletion of sAnk1 did not change the expression and localization of SR proteins in 4- to 6-mo-old sAnk1 KO mice. Structurally, the main modification observed in skeletal muscles of adult sAnk1 KO mice (4\u20136 mo of age) was the reduction of SR volume at the sarcomere A band level. With increasing age (at 12\u201315 mo of age) extensor digitorum longus (EDL) skeletal muscles of sAnk1 KO mice develop prematurely large tubular aggregates, whereas diaphragm undergoes significant structural damage. Parallel functional studies revealed specific changes in the contractile performance of muscles from sAnk1 KO mice and a reduced exercise tolerance in an endurance test on treadmill compared with control mice. Moreover, reduced Q\u3b3 charge and L-type Ca2+ current, which are indexes of affected excitation-contraction coupling, were observed in diaphragm fibers from 12- to 15-mo-old mice, but not in other skeletal muscles from sAnk1 KO mice. Altogether, these findings show that the ablation of sAnk1, by altering the organization of the SR, renders skeletal muscles susceptible to undergo structural and functional alterations more evident with age, and point to an important contribution of sAnk1 to the maintenance of the longitudinal SR architecture

    Endothelial cells from umbilical cord of women affected by gestational diabetes: A suitable in vitro model to study mechanisms of early vascular senescence in diabetes

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    Human umbilical cord endothelial cells (HUVECs) obtained from women affected by gestational diabetes (GD-HUVECs) display durable pro-atherogenic modifications and might be considered a valid in vitro model for studying chronic hyperglycemia effects on early endothelial senescence. Here, we demonstrated that GD- compared to C-HUVECs (controls) exhibited oxidative stress, altered both mitochondrial membrane potential and antioxidant response, significant increase of senescent cells characterized by a reduced NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) activity together with an increase in cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor-2A (P16), cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor-1 (P21), and tumor protein p53 (P53) acetylation. This was associated with the p300 activation, and its silencing significantly reduced the GD-HUVECs increased protein levels of P300 and Ac-P53 thus indicating a persistent endothelial senescence via SIRT1/P300/P53/P21 pathway. Overall, our data suggest that GD-HUVECs can represent an “endothelial hyperglycemic memory” model to investigate in vitro the early endothelium senescence in cells chronically exposed to hyperglycemia in vivo

    Despite lost contractility, a sub-population of rat muscle fibers maintains an assessable excitation-contraction coupling mechanism after long-standing denervation

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    J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2009 Dec;68(12):1256-68. A subpopulation of rat muscle fibers maintains an assessable excitation-contraction coupling mechanism after long-standing denervation despite lost contractility. Squecco R, Carraro U, Kern H, Pond A, Adami N, Biral D, Vindigni V, Boncompagni S, Pietrangelo T, Bosco G, Fanò G, Marini M, Abruzzo PM, Germinario E, Danieli-Betto D, Protasi F, Francini F, Zampieri S. Source Interuniversitary Institute of Myology, Chieti, Italy. Abstract To define the time course and potential effects of electrical stimulation on permanently denervated muscle, we evaluated excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) of rat leg muscles during progression to long-term denervation by ultrastructural analysis, specific binding to dihydropyridine receptors, ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR-1), Ca channels and extrusion Ca pumps, gene transcription and translation of Ca-handling proteins, and in vitro mechanical properties and electrophysiological analyses of sarcolemmal passive properties and L-type Ca current (ICa) parameters. We found that in response to long-term denervation: 1) isolated muscle that is unable to twitch in vitro by electrical stimulation has very small myofibers but may show a slow caffeine contracture; 2) only roughly half of the muscle fibers with "voltage-dependent Ca channel activity" are able to contract; 3) the ECC mechanisms are still present and, in part, functional; 4)ECC-related gene expression is upregulated; and 5) at any time point, there are muscle fibers that are more resistant than others to denervation atrophy and disorganization of the ECC apparatus. These results support the hypothesis that prolonged "resting" [Ca] may drive progression of muscle atrophy to degeneration and that electrical stimulation-induced [Ca] modulation may mimic the lost nerve influence, playing a key role in modifying the gene expression of denervated muscle. Hence, these data provide a potential molecular explanation for the muscle recovery that occurs in response to rehabilitation strategies developed based on empirical clinical observations. PMID: 19915489 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
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