111 research outputs found

    Spatial confinement of muonium atoms

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    We report the achievement of spatial confinement of muonium atoms (the bound state of a positive muon and an electron). Muonium emitted into vacuum from mesoporous silica reflects between two SiO2_2 confining surfaces separated by 1 mm. From the data, one can extract that the reflection probability on the confining surfaces kept at 100 K is about 90% and the reflection process is well described by a cosine law. This technique enables new experiments with this exotic atomic system and is a very important step towards a measurement of the 1S-2S transition frequency using continuous wave laser spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Measurement of the spatial extent of inverse proximity in a Py/Nb/Py superconducting trilayer using low-energy muon-spin rotation

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    The authors acknowledge the financial support of the EPSRC (Grant No. EP/J01060X).Muon-spin rotation has been used to observe directly the spatial variation of the magnetic flux density near the ferromagnetic-superconducting interface in a permalloy-niobium trilayer. Above the superconducting transition temperature Tc the profile of the induced magnetic flux density within the niobium layer has been determined. Below Tc there is a significant reduction of the induced flux density, predominantly near the ferromagnetic-superconducting interfaces. We are uniquely able to determine the magnitude and spatial variation of this reduction in induced magnetization due to the presence of the Cooper pairs, yielding the magnitude and length scale associated with this phenomenon. Both are inconsistent with a simple Meissner screening and indicate the existence of another mechanism, the influence of which is localized within the vicinity of the ferromagnetic interface.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Depth dependent spin dynamics of canonical spin glass films: A low-energy muon spin rotation study

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    We have performed depth dependent muon spin rotation/relaxation studies of the dynamics of single layer films of {\it Au}Fe and {\it Cu}Mn spin glasses as a function of thickness and of its behavior as a function of distance from the vacuum interface (5-70 nm). A significant reduction in the muon spin relaxation rate as a function of temperature with respect to the bulk material is observed when the muons are stopped near (5-10 nm) the surface of the sample. A similar reduction is observed for the whole sample if the thickness is reduced to e.g. 20 nm and less. This reflects an increased impurity spin dynamics (incomplete freezing) close to the surface although the freezing temperature is only modestly affected by the dimensional reduction

    Do topology and ferromagnetism cooperate at the EuS/Bi2_2Se3_3 interface?

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    We probe the local magnetic properties of interfaces between the insulating ferromagnet EuS and the topological insulator Bi2_2Se3_3 using low energy muon spin rotation (LE-μ\muSR). We compare these to the interface between EuS and the topologically trivial metal, titanium. Below the magnetic transition of EuS, we detect strong local magnetic fields which extend several nm into the adjacent layer and cause a complete depolarization of the muons. However, in both Bi2_2Se3_3 and titanium we measure similar local magnetic fields, implying that their origin is mostly independent of the topological properties of the interface electronic states. In addition, we use resonant soft X-ray angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SX-ARPES) to probe the electronic band structure at the interface between EuS and Bi2_2Se3_3. By tuning the photon energy to the Eu anti-resonance at the Eu M5M_5 pre-edge we are able to detect the Bi2_2Se3_3 conduction band, through a protective Al2_2O3_3 capping layer and the EuS layer. Moreover, we observe a signature of an interface-induced modification of the buried Bi2_2Se3_3 wave functions and/or the presence of interface states

    The elevated Curie temperature and half-metallicity in the ferromagnetic semiconductor Lax_{x}Eu1−x_{1-x}O

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    Here we study the effect of La doping in EuO thin films using SQUID magnetometry, muon spin rotation (μ\muSR), polarized neutron reflectivity (PNR), and density functional theory (DFT). The μ\muSR data shows that the La0.15_{0.15}Eu0.85_{0.85}O is homogeneously magnetically ordered up to its elevated TCT_{\rm C}. It is concluded that bound magnetic polaron behavior does not explain the increase in TCT_{\rm C} and an RKKY-like interaction is consistent with the μ\muSR data. The estimation of the magnetic moment by DFT simulations concurs with the results obtained by PNR, showing a reduction of the magnetic moment per Lax_{x}Eu1−x_{1-x}O for increasing lanthanum doping. This reduction of the magnetic moment is explained by the reduction of the number of Eu-4ff electrons present in all the magnetic interactions in EuO films. Finally, we show that an upwards shift of the Fermi energy with La or Gd doping gives rise to half-metallicity for doping levels as high as 3.2 %.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Spectroscopic perspective on the interplay between electronic and magnetic properties of magnetically doped topological insulators

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    We combine low energy muon spin rotation (LE-μ\muSR) and soft-X-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SX-ARPES) to study the magnetic and electronic properties of magnetically doped topological insulators, (Bi,Sb)2_2Te3_3. We find that one achieves a full magnetic volume fraction in samples of (V/Cr)x_x(Bi,Sb)2−x_{2-x}Te3_3 at doping levels x ≳\gtrsim 0.16. The observed magnetic transition is not sharp in temperature indicating a gradual magnetic ordering. We find that the evolution of magnetic ordering is consistent with formation of ferromagnetic islands which increase in number and/or volume with decreasing temperature. Resonant ARPES at the V L3L_3 edge reveals a nondispersing impurity band close to the Fermi level as well as V weight integrated into the host band structure. Calculations within the coherent potential approximation of the V contribution to the spectral function confirm that this impurity band is caused by V in substitutional sites. The implications of our results on the observation of the quantum anomalous Hall effect at mK temperatures are discussed

    Direct observation of the oxygen isotope effect on the in-plane magnetic field penetration depth in optimally doped YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta}

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    We report the first direct observation of the oxygen-isotope (16^{16}O/18^{18}O) effect on the in-plane penetration depth λab\lambda_{ab} in a nearly optimally doped YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} film using the novel low-energy muon-spin rotation technique. Spin polarized low energy muons are implanted in the film at a known depth zz beneath the surface and precess in the local magnetic field B(z)B(z). This feature allows us to measure directly the profile B(z)B(z) of the magnetic field inside the superconducting film in the Meissner state and to make a model independent determination of λab\lambda_{ab}. A substantial isotope shift Δλab/λab=2.8(7)\Delta\lambda_{ab}/\lambda_{ab}=2.8(7)% at 4 K is observed, implying that the in-plane effective supercarrier mass mab∗m_{ab}^\ast is oxygen-isotope dependent with Δmab∗/mab∗=5.5(1.4)\Delta m_{ab}^\ast/m_{ab}^\ast = 5.5(1.4)%.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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