1,825 research outputs found


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    High hydrostatic pressure (ННP) technology has been widely used in the developed countries food industry for production and preservation of raw materials and products. In our country the possibility of a new processing method is being now tested only on experimental installations. For research we selected a pressure range from 200 to 700 MPa, the exposure duration at room temperature was 20 minutes. This article presents the results of the high pressure impact on pH, water-binding capacity of broiler chickens meat, moreover comparative assessment of range of losses that occur during heat treatment and high hydrostatic pressure were analyzed. The dynamics of change of the ultimate sheer stress depending on the ННP value is shown. It is established that the new technology in the selected range does not significantly affect the pH value. However the value of water-binding capacity increases along with increasing of pressure: during processing by 200 MPa it increases by 10.5%, within the range of 200–300 MPa it increases by additional 3.0%, and within the range from 300 to 700 MPa the value increased only slightly. Significant changes were observed in the determination of losses while technological processing of meat. Thus the losses during conventional boiling of broiler chickens fillets were 28.5% higher than during high-pressure processing. It is noted that within the range of 200–700 MPa this parameter increases by only 4.8%. As the pressure increased, the texture of the meat becomes denser, as evidenced by the results of the study of the structural and mechanical properties of the raw material. Based on the results of the implemented work, it is recommended to use ННP technology within the range of 600–700 MPa, processing time of 20 min at 20±1 ºС for production of poultry meat products

    Polycultural information and educational environment of the military higher school as a factor for forming the administrative competence of the cadets

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    The article analyzes the resources of the polycultural information and educational environment of the military higher school, the trends of its renewal and the positive impact on the process of forming the cadets’ administrative competence in the block of general cultural training of future officersАнализируются ресурсы поликультурной информационно-образователь-ной среды военной образовательной организации высшего образования, тенденции ее обновления и условия позитивного влияния на процесс формирования управленческой компетентности курсантов в блоке общекультурной подготовки будущих офицеро

    Problems of improving clients quality service in the tour operator activities

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    The problem of quality management services relevance for the tour operator activities. Due to the increasing needs of customers, increases need to improve service technology and raising service quality management.Проблема управления качеством услуг актуальна для туристских фирм в связи с возрастающими потребностями клиентов, увеличивается необходимость в совершенствовании технологий обслуживания и повышения уровня управления качеством услуг. В статье предложен вариант стандарта выездного обслуживания клиентов туристских фирм

    New design of cutters for coal mining machines

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    The author designs an up-to-date rock cutter for mining machines and presents a matrix to determine its service life depending on the strength of the rock being broken. The dependence of the cutter service life on the strength of the rock being broken is proved. Advanced designs of rock cutters by the leading companies are described. The author develops an original design of a rock cutter which provides greater cutting surface, increased strength and prolonged service life. Pilot samples of the cutters ready to the test run are presented

    GWAS of random glucose in 476,326 individuals provide insights into diabetes pathophysiology, complications and treatment stratification

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    Conventional measurements of fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels investigated in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) cannot capture the effects of DNA variability on ‘around the clock’ glucoregulatory processes. Here we show that GWAS meta-analysis of glucose measurements under nonstandardized conditions (random glucose (RG)) in 476,326 individuals of diverse ancestries and without diabetes enables locus discovery and innovative pathophysiological observations. We discovered 120 RG loci represented by 150 distinct signals, including 13 with sex-dimorphic effects, two cross-ancestry and seven rare frequency signals. Of these, 44 loci are new for glycemic traits. Regulatory, glycosylation and metagenomic annotations highlight ileum and colon tissues, indicating an underappreciated role of the gastrointestinal tract in controlling blood glucose. Functional follow-up and molecular dynamics simulations of lower frequency coding variants in glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R), a type 2 diabetes treatment target, reveal that optimal selection of GLP-1R agonist therapy will benefit from tailored genetic stratification. We also provide evidence from Mendelian randomization that lung function is modulated by blood glucose and that pulmonary dysfunction is a diabetes complication. Our investigation yields new insights into the biology of glucose regulation, diabetes complications and pathways for treatment stratification.</p

    Local information transfer as a spatiotemporal filter for complex systems

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    We present a measure of local information transfer, derived from an existing averaged information-theoretical measure, namely transfer entropy. Local transfer entropy is used to produce profiles of the information transfer into each spatiotemporal point in a complex system. These spatiotemporal profiles are useful not only as an analytical tool, but also allow explicit investigation of different parameter settings and forms of the transfer entropy metric itself. As an example, local transfer entropy is applied to cellular automata, where it is demonstrated to be a novel method of filtering for coherent structure. More importantly, local transfer entropy provides the first quantitative evidence for the long-held conjecture that the emergent traveling coherent structures known as particles (both gliders and domain walls, which have analogues in many physical processes) are the dominant information transfer agents in cellular automata.Comment: 12 page

    RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League: Evaluation Challenges

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    We summarise the results of RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League in 2016 (Leipzig), including the main competition and the evaluation round. The evaluation round held in Leipzig confirmed the strength of RoboCup-2015 champion (WrightEagle, i.e. WE2015) in the League, with only eventual finalists of 2016 competition capable of defeating WE2015. An extended, post-Leipzig, round-robin tournament which included the top 8 teams of 2016, as well as WE2015, with over 1000 games played for each pair, placed WE2015 third behind the champion team (Gliders2016) and the runner-up (HELIOS2016). This establishes WE2015 as a stable benchmark for the 2D Simulation League. We then contrast two ranking methods and suggest two options for future evaluation challenges. The first one, "The Champions Simulation League", is proposed to include 6 previous champions, directly competing against each other in a round-robin tournament, with the view to systematically trace the advancements in the League. The second proposal, "The Global Challenge", is aimed to increase the realism of the environmental conditions during the simulated games, by simulating specific features of different participating countries.Comment: 12 pages, RoboCup-2017, Nagoya, Japan, July 201

    Security checking experiments with mobile services

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    In this paper, we continue to investigate th