4 research outputs found

    Effects of Deuterium Concentration on Deuterium Desorption Temperature Range from Ni - In Composites

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    Spectra thermal desorption deuterium from the samples of system Ni-In preliminary implanted by var-ious doses of deuterium ions at Т~100 K. On the basis of these spectra are studied dependences of change are constructed. It is shown that the structure of spectrum, thermal desorption deuterium is function doses. On satura-tion of composite Ni70In30 with deuterium through ion implantation at T ~100 K the ultimate attainable concentration of deuterium makes ~2 at.D/at.Met.The increase in deuterium concentration brings about in composite Ni70In30, in addition to the solid state solution deuterium (decomposition at temperature ~530 K), the formation of the hydride, whose temperature of decomposition in vacuum is ~350 K. Change of the component content in system Ni-In leads to essential change of a kind of a spectrum thermal desorption deuterium, shown in occurrence of additional temperature areas desorption (peaks) that testifies to formation of additional structural formations. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3523

    Effects of Concentration Titanium on Threshold Character of Deuterium Desorption Temperature Range from Mg-based Composites

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    The plasma evaporation-sputtering method was applied to make composite materials of the Mg-Ti system. The ion-implanted deuterium desorption temperature variations as a function of the component concentration were studied. It has been established that, by introducing titanium into magnesium, the deuterium desorption temperature can be appreciably decreased (to 400-450 K) in comparison with the case of deuterium desorption from magnesium ( 800 K). A step-like shape of the curve of deuterium desorption temperature evidences on the presence of two different structure states of the Mg-Ti system depending on the ratio of components. The deuterium temperature decrease can be caused by filamentary inclusions of insoluble component (titanium) atoms formed in the process of composite making and annealing, providing the deuterium diffusion from the sample at a lower temperature (channels for deuterium diffusion through the surface barrier). The deuterium desorption data obtained on the example of Mg-Ti, Mg-V and Mg-Zr composites provide support for further research into hydrogen storage materials containing low-soluble chemical elements in the alloy component. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3550

    Effects of Deuterium Implantation Dose on Hardness and Deuterium Desorption Temperature Range from High Entropy TiVZrNbHf and TiVZrNbHfN Coatings

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    High entropy TiVZrNbHf and TiVZrNbHfN coatings prepared by filtered vacuum arc plasma from a single equiatomic HEA cathode. Similarly were obtained titanium and titanium nitride coatings. The structure of coatings was investigated by X-ray analysis and the changes in nanohardness by nanoindentation method. The effusion of the implanted deuterium was studied by thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). It is shown that the structure of effusion spectrum is a function of deuterium dose. With increasing implantation dose deuterium desorption temperature range from coatings is expanding in the direction of lowering the temperature and the temperature of the peak maximum gas emission gradually shifts to lower temperatures. For nitride coatings deuterium desorption starts at about room temperature and the maximum rate of desorption at a temperature of ~500 K. When irradiation doses more than 5×1017 D/cm2 hardness of nitride coatings decreased by half. Hardness reduction of coatings is caused by occurrence hydride structural formations in coatings. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3536

    Effect of deuterium implantation dose on properties of CrN coatings

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    The methods of X-ray diffraction analysis, atomic-force microscopy, nanoindentation and thermodesorption spectroscopy have been applied to investigate the effect of a dose (from 5∙10¹⁶ to 1.5∙10¹⁸ D/сm²) of implanted deuterium with energy of 24 keV on the structure, surface morphology and mechanical properties of vacuum-arc CrN coatings. Deuterium ion implantation in the range of doses from 5∙10¹⁶ to 1.5∙10¹⁷ D/сm² decreases by 10…15% the nanohardness and elastic modulus of coatings. Under exposition to doses ≥ 1∙10¹⁸ D/сm² the coating nanohardness sharply decreases because of blisters being formed and occupying about 30% of the CrN coating surface. Deuterium implantation did not lead to formation of new phases in the CrN coating.Методами рентгеноструктурного аналізу, атомно-силової мікроскопії, наноіндентування і термодесорбційної спектроскопії досліджено вплив дози (5∙10¹⁶…1.5∙10¹⁸ D/см²) імплантованого дейтерію з енергією 24 кеВ на структуру, морфологію поверхні та механічні властивості вакуумно-дугових покриттів CrN. Імплантований дейтерій в інтервалі доз 5∙10¹⁶…1.5∙10¹⁷ D/см² призводить до зменшення на 10…15% нанотвердості і модуля пружності покриттів. Опромінення дозами ≥ 1∙10¹⁸ D/см² викликає різке зниження нанотвердості покриттів через формування блістерів, які займають близько 30% поверхні покриття CrN. Імплантація дейтерію не призводить до утворення нових фаз у покритті CrN.Методами рентгеноструктурного анализа, атомно-силовой микроскопии, наноиндентирования и термодесорбционной спектроскопии исследовано влияния дозы (5∙10¹⁶…1,5∙10¹⁸ D/см²) имплантированного дейтерия с энергией 24 кэВ на структуру, морфологию поверхности и механические свойства вакуумно-дуговых покрытий CrN. Имплантированный дейтерий в интервале доз 5∙10¹⁶…5∙10¹⁷ D/см² приводит к уменьшению на 10…15% нанотвердости и модуля упругости покрытий. Облучение дозами ≥ 1∙10¹⁸ D/см² вызывает резкое снижение нанотвердости покрытий из-за формирования блистеров, которые занимают около 30% поверхности покрытия CrN. Имплантация дейтерия не приводит к образованию новых фаз в покрытии CrN