
Effects of Concentration Titanium on Threshold Character of Deuterium Desorption Temperature Range from Mg-based Composites


The plasma evaporation-sputtering method was applied to make composite materials of the Mg-Ti system. The ion-implanted deuterium desorption temperature variations as a function of the component concentration were studied. It has been established that, by introducing titanium into magnesium, the deuterium desorption temperature can be appreciably decreased (to 400-450 K) in comparison with the case of deuterium desorption from magnesium ( 800 K). A step-like shape of the curve of deuterium desorption temperature evidences on the presence of two different structure states of the Mg-Ti system depending on the ratio of components. The deuterium temperature decrease can be caused by filamentary inclusions of insoluble component (titanium) atoms formed in the process of composite making and annealing, providing the deuterium diffusion from the sample at a lower temperature (channels for deuterium diffusion through the surface barrier). The deuterium desorption data obtained on the example of Mg-Ti, Mg-V and Mg-Zr composites provide support for further research into hydrogen storage materials containing low-soluble chemical elements in the alloy component. When you are citing the document, use the following link

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