34 research outputs found

    Review on the Performances of Cihateup Duck (Anas platyrhynchos Javanica) as Genetic Resource of Local Poultry in Indonesia

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    Cihateup duck is one of the local Indonesian poultry genetic resources originated from West Java. These ducks are raised in Tasikmalaya and its surrounding area. Cihateup duck raised as layer or meat type duck is potential to provide business opportunities for people in West Java. For future development of Cihateup duck, some important potential characteristics of Cihateup ducks are required. This paper describes the phenotype performance, rearing management of Cihateup ducks and its genetic relationship with other ducks. Cihateup ducks have longer neck, wing, femur and tibia compared with other Indonesian ducks. Egg production (200 egg/head/year) is lower than Alabio and Mojosari ducks. The quality of meat (taste and flavour) is less preferred by consumers because of its odor. Genetic relationship between Cihateup duck with local ducks in Java is closer than Alabio ducks from South Kalimantan. Key words: Cihateup duck, performance, genetic resourc

    The Characteristics of Meat Duck, Problems and Prevention of Off Flavor Due to Lipid Oxidation

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    Source of poultry meat in Indonesia is currently dominated by chicken while local resources such as ducks have the potential to grow and be used as an alternative meat producer. Duck contribution towards the provision of a relatively small meat of 2.29%, compared with free-range chicken to reachs 20.33%. Sources of duck meat in Indonesia comes from local duck, and culled female ducks. Acceptance of most local duck meat is still relatively low, although in some areas local duck dishes are excellent. Meat ducks are generally less desirable, because taste and smell is different from chicken. Because consumers are not accustomed to the taste of typical meat, especially those that give the sensation of irregularities off meat – flavor or smell fishy/ rancid. Similarly, the color of duck meat is darker than that of chicken meat, high fat content of about 2.7 to 6.8%, which also influences consumer preferences. The high fat content, especially acid-unsaturated fatty acids in meat duck gives a tendency to produce off – flavors. Efforts to increase the consumption of duck meat should be based on the cause of the lack of acceptance by consumers. The smell of rancid meat duck is the most dominant cause of which is not liked by consumers. Efforts to reduce the off flavor of duck meat could be by adding antioxidant in feed stuffs. Key words: Duck meat, off-flavor, lipid oxidation, antioxidant

    Evaluation of Zapoteca tetragona forage as alternative protein source in ruminants' feeding

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    The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional characteristics of Zapoteca tetragona (Willd.) H. Hern to assess the suitability of this plant for ruminant nutrition. The nutritional evaluation consisted of in vitro and in vivo trials. Secondary compounds including total phenols, condensed tannin and non-protein amino acids (NPAA) were determined. Two stage in vitro digestibility was conducted using substrates with increasing levels of Z. tetragona replacing elephant grass (Pennise - tum purpureum) as control feed. The inclusion of 30% Z. tetragona was compared to 100% elephant grass by in vitro gas production technique and in vivo digestibility trial using sheep. Forage from Z. tetragona was appreciably high in crude protein (CP) and lower in neutral detergent fibre. Moreover, it was rich in Ca and P. Total phenols, condensed tannin and NPAA contents were very low. In vitro gas production technique showed that after 48 h incubation, the gas produced from Z. tetragona was higher than elephant grass (P<0.05). Increasing level of Z. tetragona led to better dry matter (DM) and CP digestibility compared to elephant grass. In vivo trial showed no difference in DM intake between the two tested feed, however higher CP intake was reported when sheep fed Z. tetragona as well as for CP digestibility and N retention (P<0.05). It can be concluded that Z. tetragona has a strong potential as forage crop with valuable nutritional quality. Moreover, Z. tetragona could represent an alternative feedstuff to conventional forage and a promising substitute fodder in tropical ecosystem

    Pendugaan Beberapa Bentuk Persilangan antara Itik Alabio dengan Itik Cihateup melalui Aplikasi Program Gen Up

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga beberapa bentuk persilangan antara itik Alabio dan Cihateup sebagai itik potong. Persilangan kedua jenis itik ini dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kelemahan-kelemahan yang ditemui pada tetua murni, sehingga mendapatkan kelompok itik yang produktif di masa depan dan diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber informasi dalam program pemuliaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan itik jantan masing-masing jenis 30 ekor yakni itik AA (Alabio >< Alabio). Pemanfaatan heterosis dalam program persilangan antara kelompok-kelompok itik lokal dapat memberikan alternatif jangka pendek dalam meningkatkan produktivitas itik. Program persilangan dilakukan untuk memperbaiki sifat-sifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif ternak yang bersifat ekonomis. Prediksi pendugaan dari setiap persilangan dapat dilakukan dengan mengetahui parameter-parameter seperti direct additive effect, maternal additive effect, direct dominance effect dan maternal dominance effect melalui program Gen Up. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa itik persilangan CA unggul untuk sifat-sifat performans antara lain bobot hidup akhir memiliki tingkat heterosis 7,06%; pertambahan bobot hidup (PBH) sebesar 7,32%; bobot karkas tingkat heterosis 9,24%, dibandingkan dengan itik persilangan AC. Pada prediksi beberapa bentuk persilangan menunjukkan bahwa persilangan backcross antara itik betina CA dengan jantan Cihateup lebih baik. Apabila persilangan untuk tujuan membentuk kelompok itik sintetik, maka persilangan yang baik adalah dengan melakukan persilangan sintetik seimbang

    Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Telur Terhadap Daya Tetas Ayam KUB (Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyimpanan telur ayam Kampung Unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) terhadap daya tetas. Hasil pengamatan menggunakan analisis rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 8 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Kedelapan perlakuan dibedakan atas watu penyimpanan yaitu: L1: Lama Penyimpanan 1 hari, L2: Lama Penyimpanan 2 hari, P3: Lama Penyimpanan 3 hari, L4: Lama Penyimpanan 4 hari, L5:  Lama Penyimpanan 5 hari, L6: Lama Penyimpanan 6 hari, L7: Lama Penyimpanan 7 hari, dan L8: Lama Penyimpanan 8 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama simpan telur ayam KUB untuk masing-masing perlakuan adalah L1 (70.77 ± 25.63 %), L2 (73.77 ± 10.97 %), L3 (76.83 ± 7.18 %), L4 (72.06 ± 11.34 %), L5 (55.66 ± 8.24 %), L6 (49.42 ± 4.26 %), L7 (32.94 ± 11.21 %), dan L8 (17.95 ± 1.81 %). Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa lama penyimpanan telur terhadap daya tetas telur berpengaruh nyata (P&lt;0,05). Jadi, lama penyimpanan telur ayam KUB yang tepat adalah antara L1 sampai L4 atau lama simpan 1 – 4 hari. Hal ini ada kecenderungan semakin lama telur tetas disimpan maka akan menurunkan persentase daya tetas telur

    The Attitude Changes Of Local Farmers Toward The Introduction Of Artificial Insemination In The Extensive Of Cattle Raising In The Seram Bagian Barat District, Maluku Province, Indonesia

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    Special efforts for cow must be pregnant &nbsp;(Upsus Siwab) &nbsp;is a program for the achievement of meat adequacy in 2022 through the optimization strategy of implementing Artificial Insemination (AI) in 34 provinces including Maluku Province. One of them is Seram Bagian Barat District. The type of cattle that are kept are Bali with extensive management. Maluku Province is The AI introduction area, so there are many challenges to meet the targets set. The purpose of this paper is to know the performance of AI introductions and the effect toward farmer attitudes in the SBB District during the 3 years of assistance. The method of this research was a survey, interviews with farmers, field officers, and district officers. Data with the Ishiknas format for 3 years was collected from the Agriculture services of SBB District. Data was tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The basic problems related to the application of AI are (1) it is difficult to detect the oestrus because all cattle are released, (2) the habits of mating cattle naturally, (3) there is no interest in participating of AI, and (4) the knowledge of oestrus is very minimal. The strategy to solved the problem was introduction the hormone of Oestrus Synchronization (SE). The strategy was quite successful, in 2017, the realization of AI was 85%. Realization in 2018 and 2019 were more than 100%. The S/C score was 1.13 times indicates that the cows have very good reproductive performance. There were 15 variations in gestational age with the range of 8 months 4 days - 9 months 17 days. The most average were 9 months 10 days (16.6%) and 9 months 11 days (16.6%). The pregnancy rates of AI was 10 -311 cows/month with an average of 108.8 cows, while in natural marriages 0 - 32 cows/month with an average of 12.5 cows. The birth weights of AI with Bali bulls straw ranged from 17 to&nbsp;23 kg (an average of 19.6 kg), while the natural mating was an average of 16 kg. Another&nbsp;results, the birth weight of AI with Ongole bulls straw on male was an average of 32.2 kg and&nbsp;30 kg on female. In 2017, the implementation of the AI was all done in combination with the SE because no farmers wanted to report the oestrus of cows. In 2018 there were reports from farmers and in 2019, all AI implementations were based on normal oestrus reports. The change in attitudes of farmers regarding adoption of AI was caused by the calves had a higher birth weight and a higher selling price. Implementation of AI in the District of SBB has good prospects for increasing the quantity and quality of cattle and also increasing the income of farmer

    Penggunaan beluntas, vitamin C dan E sebagai antioksidan untuk menurunkan off-odor (25%) daging itik alabio dan Citaheup

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    Meat consumption of Indonesian society is not limited to the beef and chicken. Meat ducks are now starting to become popular and food products that are brilliant prospects. Sources of duck meat usually from male and female ducks dismissed that as a result of low-quality meat. The purpose of this study is looking at providing beluntas, vitamin c and e on the effectiveness of local men ducks. In the present study utilized two strain Cihateup male duck and Alabio male duck, each of which consists of three repeats with four treatment of forages, namely: 1. KO (control), 2. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% (KB), 3. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% + vitamint c 250 mg/kg (KBC), 4. Beluntas commercial feed+ 0.5% + vitamint e 400 IU/kg/dose (KBE). Design made of CRD. The results showed that the feed treatment (KB, KBC, KBE) has no effect on feed intake, feed conversion, final weight, body weight gain, weight cut, the percentage of carcasses and carcass parts percentage Alabio duck, but duck feed Cihateup treatment (KBE) significant effect on final weight, percentage body weight gain and carcass parts of the chest compared with treatment C, KB and KBC. The use of leaf starch levels beluntas 0.5°/o yield better feed conversion. Wheat leaf beluntas as much as 0.5% + Vitamint E in the diet, is able to maintain good performance with the ducks

    Penggunaan beluntas, vitamin C dan E sebagai antioksidan untuk menurunkan off-odor (25%) daging itik alabio dan Citaheup

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    Meat consumption of Indonesian society is not limited to the beef and chicken. Meat ducks are now starting to become popular and food products that are brilliant prospects. Sources of duck meat usually from male and female ducks dismissed that as a result of low-quality meat. The purpose of this study is looking at providing beluntas, vitamin c and e on the effectiveness of local men ducks. In the present study utilized two strain Cihateup male duck and Alabio male duck, each of which consists of three repeats with four treatment of forages, namely: 1. KO (control), 2. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% (KB), 3. Beluntas commercial feed + 0.5% + vitamint c 250 mg/kg (KBC), 4. Beluntas commercial feed+ 0.5% + vitamint e 400 IU/kg/dose (KBE). Design made of CRD. The results showed that the feed treatment (KB, KBC, KBE) has no effect on feed intake, feed conversion, final weight, body weight gain, weight cut, the percentage of carcasses and carcass parts percentage Alabio duck, but duck feed Cihateup treatment (KBE) significant effect on final weight, percentage body weight gain and carcass parts of the chest compared with treatment C, KB and KBC. The use of leaf starch levels beluntas 0.5°/o yield better feed conversion. Wheat leaf beluntas as much as 0.5% + Vitamint E in the diet, is able to maintain good performance with the ducks

    The Characteristics of Meat Duck, Problems and Prevention of Off Flavor Due to Lipid Oxidation

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    Source of poultry meat in Indonesia is currently dominated by chicken while local resources such as ducks have the potential to grow and be used as an alternative meat producer. Duck contribution towards the provision of a relatively small meat of 2.29%, compared with free-range chicken to reachs 20.33%. Sources of duck meat in Indonesia comes from local duck, and culled female ducks. Acceptance of most local duck meat is still relatively low, although in some areas local duck dishes are excellent. Meat ducks are generally less desirable, because taste and smell is different from chicken. Because consumers are not accustomed to the taste of typical meat, especially those that give the sensation of irregularities off meat – flavor or smell fishy/ rancid. Similarly, the color of duck meat is darker than that of chicken meat, high fat content of about 2.7 to 6.8%, which also influences consumer preferences. The high fat content, especially acid-unsaturated fatty acids in meat duck gives a tendency to produce off – flavors. Efforts to increase the consumption of duck meat should be based on the cause of the lack of acceptance by consumers. The smell of rancid meat duck is the most dominant cause of which is not liked by consumers. Efforts to reduce the off flavor of duck meat could be by adding antioxidant in feed stuffs

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    Media Informasi - Whatsapp Berbasis Internet - Balitbangtan - Diklatpim IV/4/2015iv,22p.:ills.; 30 cm(+lampiran