5 research outputs found
Analisis Rasio Keuangan Untuk Menilai Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan Pada PT. Bank Muamalat Di Salatiga
This study aims to determine the effect of financial ratios of the financial performance of banks. This study uses primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews waancara or directly with the PT. Bank Muamalat Salatiga. Samples taken in this research is financial statement of the balance sheet and income statement over the period 2012 - 2014, with the sampling technique used purposive sampling method.
Based on the results of research, data analysis, and discussion in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that the hypothesis. There is the influence of the financial ratios of financial performance banking on PT. Bank Muamalat in Salatiga is received, because of each variable RORA, DER, NPM and ROI have a significant impact on financial performance. So with this financial ratio analysis can know their financial performance at PT. Bank Muamalat in Salatiga in 2012 until 2014
Perkembangan fintech memberikan peluang dan sekaligus tantangan, bukan hanya di bidang layanan jasa tetapi juga di bidang pembiayaan sehingga kajian tentang perkembangan fintech menarik diteliti karena tidak hanya terkait adanya research gap, tetapi juga perubahan perilaku yang terjadi. Selain itu, juga relevan dengan pengembangan teoritis dan kepentingan praktis. Tujuan dari riset ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsian risiko perkembangan fintech dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei melibatkan 100 generasi milenial. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada sejumlah risiko yang harus diwaspadai oleh fintech, tidak hanya mengacu generic competition tapi juga product form competition. Penjelasan tentang aspek keterbatasan dan saran riset lanjutan disampaikan untuk penyempurnaan riset tentang fintech dan mengungkap adanya research gap
Era perkembangan financial technology (fintech) atau teknologi finansial (tekfin) memberikan peluang dan sekaligus tantangan terkait layanan konsumen. Di satu sisi, tuntutan adopsinya juga membutuhkan edukasi sementara di sisi lain ancaman risiko dari fintech juga tidak bisa diabaikan karena menyangkut kepercayaan dan persaingan baik itu dalam bentuk generic competition atau product form competition. Terkait ini, riset tentang risiko adopsi fintech tidak hanya mengacu teoritis semata tetapi juga berkaitan dengan kepentingan praktis. Tujuan riset ini yaitu menguji pengaruh risiko terhadap niat adopsi fintech dengan setting amatan di Solo yang pengujiannya dilakukan dengan analisis regresi berganda. Sampel penelitian 100 mahasiswa dari PT X yang mewakili karakteristik generasi milenial atau dotcom. Hasil riset menunjukan adanya persepsian risiko yang mempegaruhi niat adopsi fintech sehingga temuan ini menjadi acuan operasional fintech dan sekaligus celah research gap, meski ada keterbatasan dari hasil riset sehingga hal ini perlu dipertimbangkan untuk kepentingan generalisasi hasil dan riset lanjutan
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Adopsi E-Paper Di Kalangan Mahasiswa
Research diversity on technology adoption makes this interesting, not least in the media industry in the era of global information society which displays intense competition in quantity and quality. The tight competition in the media industry allows fluctuations that affect the growth of the media industry. Another fact about the media industry is the interest in reading and the availability of abundant information that allows many choices of information as needed. Research Methods: This study used a SEM analysis tool involving 200 students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. They represent the characteristics of the millennial generation through the selection of random samples by distributing questionnaires. Research Results: the model built in this study reinforces TAM's theory of technology adoption, represented by the significance of expediency and ease of use of variables toward attitudes, ease of use variables toward expediency and expediency variables toward adoption intentions and attitudes variables toward adoption intentions. Conclusion: ease of use, expediency and attitude are the supporting factors for the successful adoption of e-paper. The success factors of this adoption need to be explored further to strengthen the success of adoption in other fields
Identification of intention to buy healthy food
Research on the intention to buy healthy food products is interesting to study because many studies show mixed results. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health awareness factors, attitude factors, environmental awareness, lifestyle, and knowledge on purchase intentions of healthy food products with case observation settings in Solo City involving 100 respondents. The results of the analysis show that the four variables of health awareness, attitude, environmental awareness, and lifestyle have a significant effect on buying interest, while the knowledge factor has no effect. Limitations and research suggestions become a reference for further research. However, the knowledge factor that does not affect purchase intention from this research still needs to be examined through the educational process so that it has a long-term effect