17 research outputs found


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    The development of the creative economy as the basis for the city's growth has given rise to a creative city concept. Cities are a vehicle for residents to move, innovate, and be creative. To foster creative behavior in the city economy requires continuous communication and support from all stakeholders, including Government, economic actors, and society. The first parameter of a creative city is that it can develop the potential for a creative economy. Second, there is a role and synergy between the government, academics, business actors, and the community (community). This research aims to produce multi-stakeholder communication models based on the Quadro Helix approach by Malang creative city. This methodology research will be conducted using qualitative methods through in-depth interviews, observation, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on government, academics, business actors, society (community). The result found that Communication synergy between the government, business, community, and academics is essential in developing Malang as a Creative City. The quadrohelix stakeholders are united in the creative Economy Committee, which helps formulate a roadmap for Malang as a creative city

    Branding the Creative City of Design: Lesson from Singapore

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    Over the last two decades, creative cities have become an issue of interest as governments in several countries have worked to develop ecosystems where the creative class can innovate and share ideas. Many city governments focus more on developing creative cities and pay less attention to their city's branding. This study aims to see Singapore as a newly appointed UNESCO creative city brand, even though it already has a destination brand. There are challenges about which brand should come first or how to strategically brand a city and ensure all interests are accommodated in the branding process. This study uses a qualitative method with in-depth interview data collection techniques with the Head of the Singapore Polytechnic Department of Architecture and Design, literature studies through books, journals, newspapers, and related matters, as well as observations in the city of Singapore. The results of this study show that Singapore's branding as a creative city of design is a component of the city-state's leading branding. First, the city branding process includes identifying the uniqueness of the city brand. In this case, the emphasis on Singapore is built and grown by design. Next is the development of a brand identity that differentiates Singapore from other UNESCO design creative cities. Finally, the delivery of brand messages to all relevant stakeholders. This research contributes to the development of branding concepts related to creative cities

    The Quadruple Helix Communication Model in Yogyakarta’s Creative City Development

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    Developing a creative city is a challenge that requires the collaboration of all creative actors. It is challenging when the development of creative cities adopts the quadruple helix model. The study was essential to introduce the quadruple helix communication model. It employed a qualitative research method to understand how each creative actor communicates and collaborates in the development process of Yogyakarta as a creative city. The result found that the proposed quadruple helix communication model was the development of the transactional communication model. This model emphasized the provision of space for both one way-way and two-way communication to emerge. The quadruple helix communication model helped the development planning of Yogyakarta as a creative city. The use of one-way or two-way communication related to the achieved goal: to inform, consult, collaborate, or empower. Further, this model identified the role of each creative actor in Yogyakarta in developing the creative city

    Analisis Kota Yogyakarta Sebagai Kota kreatif: Pendekatan Sinergitas Quadro Helix

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the development of Yogyakarta as creative city. The analysis was done based on the quadro helix model approach. Building the concept of quadro helix with producing creativity and innovation capability requires the participation of four sectors, namely government, academician, entrepreneur, and society. This framework emphasizes a societal responsibility of universities, in addition to their role of educating and conduction research. The quadruple helix model has been argued to include both the civil society and the users of innovation. Therefore, it requires an approach that combines the synergy between academicians, entrepreneurs, government, and society in aquadro helix model. The objective of this research is to develop a creativity model through a quadro helix model in improving innovation performance ofthe creative cities. Creative cities based on local potentials as regional excellence and identity need to be encouraged to increase added value and competitiveness, and be able to become the centre of growth for the surrounding area. Based on this background, an understanding of how the concept of creative city is applied in Indonesia's creative city is interesting to look at. In this research, the analysis was focused on Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta that was as a creative city. This study used qualitative research method. This method systematically describes the facts or characteristics of a particular population or a particular field factually and accurately. Particularly, in-depth interview and focus group discussion were conductedto obtain detailed information from government, academics, and community groups. Findings of research indicate some challenges in the development of Yogyakarta as creative city. First was to identify the economic potentials of the city. Second was the existence of creative class within community. Third was the existence of supporting environment for the creativity of community to grow. Of these three challenges, the government of the City of Yogyakarta was slow in providing relevant infrastructures

    Pemetaan Objek Wisata Dalam Pengembangan Sektor Pariwisata Di Dlingo, Bantul

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    The development of tourism sector is one of the efforts to excavate the revenue of Bantul regency. Dlingo subdistrict, Bantul has a potential for a high tourism sector. The tourism sector is very varied, even some local people who do not know about the potential tourism objects including tourist villages offered by Dlingo sub-district, such as Tourism village and nature tourism objects. If tourism in a region is mapped, it can know the types and potential of other natural tourism both in the stage of development and not yet developed, so that by the existence of tourism mapping can set the points Tourist attractions and make it easy for local and foreign tourists to choose the tourist attractions that they want to visit. The results of tourism mapping can determine the points of tourist attractions and make it easier for local and foreign tourists to choose the tourist attractions that they want to visit. Besides, the development of tourism potential will increase the income and income of the Community


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    Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memegang peranan penting dan strategis dalam membangun perekonomian nasional. Melihat kondisi yang cukup baik di atas, ternyata keberadaan UMKM Kopi di Kabupaten Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah masih mempunyai beberapa kendala, yakni pada branding/media promosi dan juga perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Merek Dagang. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pelaku UMKM Kopi di Winogiri memiliki perlindungan merek dagang dan dapat membranding produknya melalui sosial media. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini yang pertama adalah memberikan sosialisasi kesadaran akan pentingnya branding/merk dan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Merek Dagang bagi UMKM. Kedua, pendampingan pembuatan branding melalui media sosial dan fasilitasi pendfataran merek dagang. Hasil yang dicapai dalam pengabdian ini adalah 5 pelaku UMKM Kopi Wonogiri telah melalukan branding produk melalui sosial media Instagram dan telah mendafatarkan merek dagang pada Direktorat Jendral Kekayaan Intelktual

    Are there relationship among stressor, behavior, and employee performance? : a case of civil servants in Bantul, DIY, Indonesia

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    High stressors can be experienced by employees, both by civil servants and private sector employees. This could have an impact on the positive and negative behaviors of employees and could eventually affect employee performance. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of stressors on deviant behavior (negative and positive) and work performance of civil servants in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This research is a survey research using questionnaires given in private to civil servants as respondents, with a purposive sampling technique. Research results concluded that; (1) stressor of individual and task demands has a significant positive effect on negative behavior, (2) stressor of role demand has no significant effect on negative behavior, (3) stressor of individual demand has a significant negative effect on positive behavior, (5) stressor of task demand has no significant effect on positive behavior, (6) stressor of role demand has no significant effect on positive behavior, (7) negative attitudes have a significant negative effect on employee performance, and (8) positive behaviors have a significant positive effect on employee performance.peer-reviewe

    Perancangan Destination Branding Desa Wisata Gamplong Sebagai Sentra Tenun Yogyakarta

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the development of the tourism industry and the creative economy in Indonesia, including the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Along with the transition from Pandemic to Endemic, Yogyakarta as the country's number two tourist destination after Bali is predicted to enjoy a revival of the tourism sector. One of the developing tourism sectors is the tourist village. This awakening is supported by the favorable geographical location of the villages, as well as the support from the local government and the media to communicate between managers. One of the tourism villages that is starting to rise is the Gamplong Tourism Village, which is located in Moyudan District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This tourist village, which is located in the west of Yogyakarta City, is quite interesting for tourists to stop by, especially because there is still a traditional weaving craft industry using Non-Machine Weaving Tools (ATBM). In addition to weaving, craftsmen are also able to produce woven crafts for souvenirs. Through Community Service carried out by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta with the Community Empowerment Program for the Gamplong Tourism Village, it is carried out through Destination Branding Design as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic which aims to build awareness while increasing domestic tourist visits. This activity goes hand in hand with the easing of community mobility including the opening of several tourist villages. To face the new normal conditions, the Gamplong Tourism Village must prepare, among others: (a) a tourist village branding book (b). Tourism village profile video; (c). Tourism Village Profile Book; (d). Branding on social media Instagram; and (e). Protection of intellectual property for SMEs in the Gamplong Tourism Village. By making a destination branding design, it is hoped that the Gamplong Tourism Village can rise and recover as an effort to drive the creative economy


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    The area on the slopes of Mount Arjuna that has the potential to be developed as a center for Arjuna coffee is Toyomarto, which is located in Singosari District, Malang Regency at an altitude of 700-1400 meters above sea level. The types of coffee produced from the Toyomarto, Singosari plantations are Arabica and Robusta. The characteristics of the coffee have a sweet-sour character and a fruity aroma such as bananas, apples, and so on. The problem, in the field, shows that the low quality of coffee is due to the absence of standard methods of cultivation and post-harvest handling. At different altitudes, it shows differences in coffee production as well. The average productivity of Arabica coffee at an altitude of 1100 m above sea level is 55.97 tons, significantly different from coffee cultivated at an altitude below 1000 m above sea level. Meanwhile, Robusta coffee production is not significantly different at all altitudes where it is cultivated

    Environmental factors, motivational factors, and individual personality in the relationship model framework of knowledge sharing behavior

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    This research aimed to analyze the relationship model of environmental factors, motivational factors, individual personality factors, and individual innovation capability in the term of knowledge sharing behavior. Environmental factors consist of organizational climate and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), while motivational factor consist of trust, social capital, and job satisfaction. This research was implemented in two phases. First, we analyzed the relationship of motivational factors and environmental factors on knowledge sharing behavior. Second, we analyzed influence of environmental factors on individual innovation capabilities moderated by individual personality. Data was analyzed using hierarchical regression, multiple regression, and simple linear regression analysis. Sample was employees of Islamic banks in DIY. Results showed that the organizational climate, organizational citizenship behaviour, social capital, trust and job satisfaction affected knowledge sharing behavior positively. Results also showed that individual personality didn’t moderate the relationship between environmental factors and knowledge sharing behavior, and that knowledge sharing behavior impacted individual innovation capability positively.peer-reviewe