137 research outputs found

    Pengukuran Kemampuan Belajar Mandiri pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Profesi Dokter

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    Self directed learning is autonomy of learners to control their learning process. Capacity to perform self-directed learning can be developed during the learning process. Previous studies showed potential barriers to performing self-directed learning among medical students. This study aimed to analyse difference of self-directed learning capacity among medical students before and after undergoing professional education program in a certain clinical department. This study was an observational study with comparative cross-sectional approach. The subjects were medical students on the professional education program at a certain clinical department at a teaching hospital Surakarta city. Thirty-three students underwent the 4-weeks program from August to September 2012, were selected by purposive sampling. We used the instrument from Fischer, King and Tague, which was further translated into Bahasa Indonesia and validated. Data was analysed using t-test statistical test. The study found no statistically significant difference on average self-directed learning capacity before (149.6) and after (151.9) following the professional education program at a certain clinical department (p=0.47). More studies are needed particularly to investigate alternatives of interventions to increase self-directed learning in the professional phase of medical education. Keywords: Self-directed learning, medical professional education, medical students


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    Body Mass Index, Sleep Quality, Stress Conditions Determine Menstrual Cycles Among Female Adolescents

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    Menstrual cycles are an important indicator of women's health. Menstrual cycles can be affected by body mass index (BMI), sleep quality, and stress. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between BMI, sleep quality, stress and the menstrual cycle. The subjects of this research were the female adolescents at the age of at least 15 years old that had experienced menstruation for at least 2 years. The dependent variable is the menstrual cycle while the independent variables are BMI, sleep quality, and stress conditions. Observational analytic research method with Cross sectional design was used in this research. The subjects were 148 female students. The BMI data were obtained through the anthropometric measurement. The sleep quality data were taken with PSQI questionnaire, and the stress condition data obtained from PSS-10 questionnaire which were then analysed using Chi-Square test and Logistic Regression. Results of study showed that there is a significant relationship between BMI, sleep quality, stress conditions and the adolescent menstrual cycle. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the female adolescents with abnormal BMI are at risk of having menstrual cycle disorders 1.91 times. The adolescents with poor sleep quality are at risk experiencing menstrual cycle disorders 2.05 times, and the adolescents with stress conditions at risk of the menstrual cycle disorders 2.26 times. There is a relationship between BMI, sleep quality, stress conditions and the menstrual cycle. Stress conditions most influence the regularity of the menstrual cycle

    Covid-19 risk factors and health protocol compliance among mall employees and officers in Yogyakarta

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    Purpose: This study aimed to analyze risk factors, compliance with health protocols, and the COVID-19 screening test among mall employees at Yogyakarta city, Indonesia.Methods: We analyzed secondary data from a cross-sectional study in Yogyakarta City from May-August 2020. The population was all employees at all malls in Yogyakarta City who participated in the screening rapid test zero survey conducted by the Yogyakarta City Government. Results: Bivariate analysis showed a significant relationship between ensuring proper mask install (OR = 6.33, p = 0.023, 95% CI = 1.03-38.81), applying a minimum distance of > 1 meter when outside home (OR = 27.34, p = 0.001, 95% CI = 3.01-248.32) and applying a minimum distance of > 1 meter when at work (OR = 22.25, p = 0.003, 95% CI = 2,45-201.65) with the reactive COVID-19 results. Multivariate analysis showed the most dominant variable associated with the reactive rapid test results is not keeping a minimum distance of > 1 meter when outside the house with a value of (OR=11.91, p=0.047, 95% CI = 1.03-137.37). Conclusion: The risk factor for Covid-19 for employees and mall staff is physical distancing > 1 meter when outside the house.  The city administration should keep working with mall managers to tighten health protocols in malls and other public areas to prevent Covid-19 transmission

    Calcium supplementation dose and vegetable intake determine preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia is one of the cause of high maternal mortality rates. Risk factors for preeclampsia include a lack of nutrients such as vitamin A, calcium, sodium and potassium. Calcium intake in pregnant women is not only obtained from calcium supplementation, but also obtained from consumed foods such as vegetables. to analyzed the relationship between calcium supplementation dose and vegetable intake with preeclampsia in third trimester of pregnant women. observational analytic used a prospective cohort design. A total of 65 third trimester pregnant women participated in the study in Bantul, Yogyakarta. The calcium supplementation dose was obtained through interview using a questionnaire, while vegetable intake was obtained through the food frequency and food recall 2x24 hours. 16 third trimester pregnant women experienced preeclampsia. The mean calcium dose consumed per day was 476.2 mg. The average intake of vegetables per day for pregnant women was 250.9 gr. Kaplan-Mier with the log rank method states that there was a significant difference between calcium supplementation dose (p=0.007) and preeclampsia. There was a significant difference between vegetable intake (p=0.007) and preeclampsia. there was a significant relationship between calcium supplementation dose and vegetable intake with preeclampsia in third trimester pregnant women


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    The risk factors for high blood pressure are industrial noise exposure, age, body mass index, and length of exposure to noise. Exposure to noise is often found in industrial workers. Therefore, workers are at increased risk for high blood pressure. The purpose of this study is to investigate the association of noise level, age, body mass index, and length of exposure to noise with blood pressure on textile industryworkers. This study was observational research with cross sectional design. The population were textile industry workers in Surakarta. The sample selection used purposive random sampling. Inclusion criterias were women, length of working at least one year, less disciplined use ear protection equipment.The total samples were 245 peoples.Statistical analysis used bivariate correlations and multiple linear regression. There was an association between all variables with blood pressure.However, on multiple linear regression test, length of exposure to noiseexclused. Variables that associated with systolic blood pressure were the noise level (p=0.026), age (p=0.002), body mass index (p=000). Variables thatassociated with diastolic blood pressure were the noise level (p=0.011), age (p=0.15), body mass index (p=0.000). The risk factors for high blood pressure among industrial worker are the noise level, age, and body mass index. Keyword: blood pressure, textile industry worker

    Identifikasi Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Pengobatan Penderita Tuberkulosis di Kabupaten Bima 2014-2016

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    Abstract Tuberculosis is the world health problems. Indonesia is the second largest country with TB sufferers after India. The treatment success rate atBima District in 2016 was 89.10%. The aim of the study was to find out the determinants of the successful treatment of tuberculosis patients in Bima District. This study is an analytical using a retrospective cohort design. The population is all TB patient in Bima District. The independent variables are gender, age, distance of the house, anatomic location of the disease, history of previous treatment and the basis of diagnosis. The dependent variable is the success of treatment consisting of recovery and complete treatment. Data was obtained from the TB register secondary data TB.03 Bima District Health Office. Chi-square and Fisher exact test was employed for data analysis. Obtained 1,402 TB sufferers , 1,232 TB patients data included in the study analysis with an average ≥ 15 years as many as 1198 (97%), and 803 (65%) were men. A total 1,154 (94%) entered the definition of successful treatment. The success of treatment for TB patients is influenced by gender (RR:1.016; CI 95%:0.987 to 1.046; p=0.369) and age (RR:1.070; CI 95%:1.054 to 1.086; p=0.163) but statistically insignificant. Distance of houses with health facilities (RR:0.962; CI 95%:0.995 to 0.930; p=0.139), anatomic location of disease (RR :0.934; CI 95%:0.920 to 0.948; p=0.109), previous treatment history (RR:0.998; CI 95%:0.936 to 1.064; p=1.00), basic diagnosis (RR:0.935; CI 95%:0.922 to 0.949; p=0.399) did not affect the success of TB treatment and statistically insignificant. There are no factors that proved to significantly be the deciding factor for the success of the treatment of TB. Abstrak Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan masalah kesehatan dunia. Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penderita TB terbanyak kedua setelah India. Angka keberhasilan pengobatan TB di Kabupaten Bima pada tahun 2016 adalah 89,10%. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor determinan keberhasilan pengobatan penderita TB di Kabupaten Bima. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan menggunakan desain kohort retrospektif. Populasi adalah seluruh penderita TB di Kabupaten Bima. Variabel bebas yaitu jenis kelamin, usia, jarak rumah, lokasi anatomi penyakit, riwayat pengobatan sebelumnya, dan dasar diagnosis. Variabel terikat adalah keberhasilan pengobatan terdiri atas sembuh dan pengobatan lengkap. Data diperoleh dari data sekunder register TB.03 Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bima. Analisis data dengan univariat, bivariat dengan uji Chi-square dan fisher exact test. Didapatkan 402 Penderita TB, 1.232 data pasien masuk dalam analisis penelitian dengan usia rata-rata ≥15 tahun 1.198 (97%), dan 803 (65%) adalah laki-laki. Sebanyak 1.154 orang (94%) masuk dalam definisi berhasil pengobatan. Keberhasilan pengobatan penderita TB dipengaruhi oleh jenis kelamin (RR=1,016; CI 95%:0,987-1,046; p=0,369) dan usia (RR=1,070; CI 95%:1,054-1,086; p=0,163) tetapi secara statistik tidak signifikan. Jarak rumah dengan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan (RR=0,962; CI 95%:0,930-0,995; p=0,139), lokasi anatomi penyakit (RR=0,934; CI 95%:0,920-0,948; p=0,109), riwayat pengobatan sebelumnya (RR=0,998; CI 95%:0,9361,064; p=1,00), dasar diagnosis (RR=0,935; CI 95%:0,922-0,949; p=0,399) tidak mempengaruhi keberhasilan pengobatan TB dan secara statistik tidak signifikan. Tidak ada faktor yang terbukti secara signifikan menjadi faktor penentu bagi keberhasilan pengobatan TB

    Hubungan Antara Malnutrisi, Suplementasi Gizi Dan Malaria Pada Anak 0-5 Tahun

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    Abstract: Backgrounds: Studies in 1950s until 1980s led to the controversial conclusion that malnourished children were less susceptible to malaria infection. In addition, animal studies appeared to support the reported malaria suppressive effect of a poor diet, leading to the perception that malnourished children are less susceptible to malaria infection, morbidity and mortality. The goal of the article was to perform a literature review on recent studies about the interaction between nutrition and malaria among children under 5 years of age which are the most vulnerable group for both malnutrition and malaria. Methods: Literature on nutrition and malaria was searched in Medline and PubMed databases using combinations of the following keywords: malaria, nutrition, malnutrition, micronutrient, iron, zinc, vitamin A, and child. In total, 271 articles from Medline and 222 articles from PubMed were found. Among these, 13 relevant articles were included. Also, an article from other source (searched by Yahoo), i.e. recommendation of relevance to the topic, was included. Results and conclusion: From review of the literature, it is known that there has been a debate about iron supplementation in malaria endemic area in the last decade. However, recent studies show a positive impact of iron supplementation on malaria morbidity and mortality. In addition, a consensus recommendation about iron supplementation in malaria endemic areas was made by the International Nutritional Anaemia Consultative Group (INACG) because of the urgent need to control Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) especially in vulnerable groups: pregnant women and children less than 5 years of age. A debate about other micronutrient supplementation such as zinc and vitamin A in malaria cases also exists. Some studies have found a positive impact of such supplementation in malaria settings, but others have revealed no impact. In addition, studies about the association between protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) and malaria have shown conflicting results. However, the most recent studies have concluded that malnourished children are at higher risk of malaria morbidity than are non-malnourished children. Keywords: malaria, nutrition, malnutrition, micronutrient, iron, zinc, vitamin A, and chil