76 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar IPA Materi Perubahan Bentuk Benda Melalui Penggunaan Alat Peraga Pada Siswa Kelas VI SD Negeri 1 Sukowetan Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    During this time, there are still many teachers who likens the learning process with students as blank paper and still found a teacher who suppress learning through rote formulas and specific strategies to solve specific problems so that the knowledge gained survive only in short-term memory of the child. Learning through the use of props at SDN 1 Sukowetan encourage students to make observations on an object independently, to train students to learn to find new ideas and their relationships with the concepts that have been known, and can increase the concentration of learning and student learning outcomes. It can be seen from the observation of students in learning activities changes in the shapes of objects through the use of props that have increased as well as the completeness achieved from 60% in the first cycle increased to 90% in the second cycle

    Nilai-nilai Pendidikan dalam Seni Tutur Begalan Dibanyumas

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    Banyumas, as a region in Central JavaProvince~ is geographically locatedbetween two different ethnic groups, namely the Javaneseand the Sundanese. Thismakes Banyumas receive influences from two different culturesand have specificand unique characteristics. Banyumas has a variety ofarts such as, among others,lengger calung, ebeg, baritan, buncisan, angguk, wayang kulit gagrag Banyumas,aksimuda, cowongan, laisan, ·aplang/dhaeng, karawitan, ujungan dan Seni tutur Begalan.Seni Tutur Begalan is one religious or ritual art because it is performed in a specifictraditional wedding ·ceremony in Banyumas. The marriage is specific when it isbetweenthe eldest daughter and the eldest son, the youngest daughter and theyoungest son, the eldest daughter·and the youngest son, and the youngestdaughterand the eldest son. Educational values ·in seni tutur Begalan include,among others, the following;(1) religious values can be found in a variety ofcomponents in the offering .preparedfor the Begalan ceremony, reflecting therelationship between people and good, people and the nature, and people andpeople (habluminallah-habluminannas); (2). social values can be found in the advice orsayings throughpikulan (Brenong Kepang), suggesting a value that serious or trivialproblems canbe solved together; (3) moral values are presented through the lyricsof tembang eling-eling, reflecting three important points, namely tata krama(politeness), temen (seriousness), and .tepa selira.(tolerance), which are important insocial lif

    Penerapan Analisis Diskriminan dalam Pembedaan Kelas Umur Tegakan Pinus

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    This  study  describes the use of discriminant anylisis for pine (Pinus spp.) stand class age distinction.  Aim of this  study were (1) to arrange stand age class based on variable of aerial photograph by non hierarchy cluster analysis, and (2) to find out aerial photograph variable contribute to stand age class distinction by discriminant analysis.  Data used in study was taken from a research conducted by Adi (1998).   Pinus stand was located in KPH Bandung Utara, West Java. The variable of aerial photograph that used in this analysis were tone, shape, texture, topography, pattern, crown, diameter and height. The result showed that validation analysis of discriminant function was significant. Therefore, this function was applicable for grouping new object to stand age class based on discriminant score

    Penerapan Analisis Diskriminan dalam Pembedaan Kelas Umur Tegakan Pinus

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    This  study  describes the use of discriminant anylisis for pine (Pinus spp.) stand class age distinction.  Aim of this  study were (1) to arrange stand age class based on variable of aerial photograph by non hierarchy cluster analysis, and (2) to find out aerial photograph variable contribute to stand age class distinction by discriminant analysis.  Data used in study was taken from a research conducted by Adi (1998).   Pinus stand was located in KPH Bandung Utara, West Java. The variable of aerial photograph that used in this analysis were tone, shape, texture, topography, pattern, crown, diameter and height. The result showed that validation analysis of discriminant function was significant. Therefore, this function was applicable for grouping new object to stand age class based on discriminant score

    The Use of ICT in English Practice at Mechanical Engineering Classes

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    This study evaluates the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools as supporting features in teaching learning progress for student of mechanical engineering. Related to the sufficient of physical instrument provided by the staff management, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools are now available and ready to be used and applied in teaching and learning progress in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Jakarta. But still several obstacles are emerged due to the access to the internet. This paper focuses on the availability to use ICT tools in teaching English in the department of mechanical engineering to develop student achievement in Basic Technical English course. This research article argues that the physical equipment and facility are not the main factor in maintaining the use of ICT while the lack of access to the internet may embrace the progress in teaching learning activity. This study discusses the methods and techniques in teaching and learning progress that can be used to cope with the poor access to the internet. As a conclusion, using ICT tools in teaching and learning activity through off-lined activities can help students in acquiring effective communicative competence in English lesson. The method of investigation used to collect the data was observation sheets supported by some interviews conducted in department of mechanical engineering, State University of Jakarta. The participants of research were the students who had taken the course.     Keywords: information and communication technology (ICT) tools, effective communicative competence, off-lined activities, internet acces

    Kajian Perkembangan Karakteristik Akivitas Perdagangan di Koridor Kauman Kota Semarang

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    Kampung Kauman sebagai salah satu kampung kota yang memiliki sejarah di kota Semarang telah mengalami perkembangan yang pesat, hal ini dapat dilihat dari adanya jumlah bangunan fisik yang menyebabkan adanya suatu pola ruang dan aktivitas yang ditimbulkan, seperti pada kawasan Kampung Kauman yang sebagian besar tumbuh dalam suatu kawasan ditengah kota yang menimbulkan berbagai aktivitas didalamnya. Aktivitas yang timbul pun sangat beragam, salah satunya adalah aktivitas perdagangan. Layaknya di kampung Pecinan, di Kampung Kauman terdapat pula beberapa jenis aktivitas perdagangan yang sudah ada sejak lama, keadaan ini diperjelas dengan adanya jenis aktivitas perdagangan yang merupakan kegiatan USAha keluarga yang sudah menjadi turun temurun sejak lama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali, mengumpulkan serta mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang ada serta merumuskan permasalahan tersebut untuk memperoleh solusi yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan dan perancangan Ruang Pedestrian pada Lahan Privat Kawasan Kampung Kauman. Hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan terhadap 3 variabel yang meliputi variabel perkembangan kampung Kauman sebagai embrio kota Semarang, variabel karakteristik kawasan secara fisik, menggunakan beberapa analisis dalam teori perancangan kota, dan variabel non fisik yang meliputi karakteristik aktivitas masyarakat koridor Kauman secara khusus dan kawasan kampung Kauman secara umum dan kampung Kauman sebagai kampung Islam di kota Semarang. Dalam proses analsis yang dilakukan penulis menemukan beberapa karakteristik seperti perkembangan kampung Kauman merupakan embrio dan cikal bakal kota Semarang dan perkembangan aktivitas perdagangannya masih turun temurun dari keluarga. Karakteristik fisik dan non fisik kawasan ditentukan dengan adanya Masjid Agung Kauman sebagai poros maupun pusat dari keteraturan bangunan dan aktivitas masyarakat Kauman. Karakteristik lain dari kampung Kauman adalah sebagai kampung santri atau kampung Islam dengan budaya perkembangan dan penyebaran agama Islam yang masih begitu kental didalamnya serta didukung oleh beberapa karakteristik fisik dan non fisik yang berhubungan erat dengan agama Islam yang ada di kampung Kauman kota Semarang

    Kualitas Daging Babi Dengan Pemberian Zeolit Dan Tepung Darah Sebagai Sumber Protein Dalam Ransum

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    Zeolite is a composite minerals from mining which can be used as a source of minerals in animal ration. It has high absorbability and cation exchange characteristics. This study was aimed to examine the influence of zeolit and blood meal in the pig ration on pork quality characterictics. The experiment used 27 crossbred pig comprising 19 gilts and 8 barrows, with initial weight of 25.29 + 2.67 kgs. They were set up in a completely randomized factorial design 3 x 3, where the first factor was zeolit levels (0, 3, and 6%) and the second factor was blood meal level (0, 5, and 10%). The results showed that there were no significant influence of zeolite, blood meal or their interaction on all meat quality characteristics including pH, water holding capacity, tenderness, color and intramuscular fat contents of pork, except the measurement at pH of six hours postmortem of the pork was significantly (P < 0.01) affected by blood meal level of the ration. Five percent (5%) blood meal in the ration gave the highest pH of pork compared to the other blood meal levels

    Iklim Mikro dan Respon Fisiologis Sapi Pesisir di Dataran Rendah dan Dataran Tinggi Sumatera Barat

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian bertujuan melihat potensi iklim mikro dan respon fisiologis sapi Pesisir yang dipelihara di dataran rendah (Kota Padang (0-300 m dpl )) dan dataran tinggi (BPTU Padang Mengatas ( 600 m dpl)) Sumatera Barat. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini 8 ekor sapi Pesisir, variabel yang diukur terdiri dari 2 aspek yaitu lingkungan abiotik dan aspek fisiologis sapi Pesisir. Aspek lingkungan abiotik berupa suhu lingkungan (Ta), kelembapan udara (RH) serta Temperature Humidity Index (THI). Variabel fisiologis sapi meliputi suhu rektal (Tr), suhu kulit (Ts), frekuensi pernapasan (RR) dan denyut jantung (HR). Tr dan TS digunakan menghitung suhu tubuh sapi (Tb). Tr dan RR digunakan menghitung Heat Tolerance Coefficient (HTC). Uji beda (t-test) digunakan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan kondisi iklim dan respon fisiologis sapi Pesisir di dataran rendah dan tinggi Sumatera Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan potensi iklim di dataran rendah adalah rerata suhu lingkungan 29,96°C, rerata kelembapan 64,22%, rerata THI 79,96 sedangkan potensi iklim di dataran tinggi adalah rerata suhu lingkungan 25,42°C, rerata kelembapan 69,48%, rerata THI 74,3. Rerata daya tahan panas sapi di dataran rendah 1,78 dan dataran tinggi 1,82. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan potensi iklim dataran rendah untuk pemeliharaan sapi termasuk zona cekaman panas sedangkan dataran tinggi dalam cekaman ringan. Kondisi fisiologis sapi Pesisir di dataran rendah yang berbeda dengan sapi yang di dataran tinggi adalah suhu rektal, suhu kulit, suhu tubuh dan denyut jantung sedangkan frekuensi pernapasan didapatkan sama di kedua dataran. Daya tahan panas sapi Pesisir cukup baik ditemui di kedua dataran Sumatera Barat. (Microclimate and physiological responses of Pesisir cattle at lowland and highland of West Sumatra) ABSTRACT. This research aimed to investigate the potential of microclimate and physiological responses of Pesisir cattle that are maintained in lowland (Padang City (0-300 m asl)) and highland (Padang Mengatas BPTU ( 600 m asl)) in West Sumatra. The experimental animals were 8 pesisir cattle. The measured variables were abiotic environment and physiological responses of Pesisir cattle. Abiotic environmental measures were ambient temperature (Ta), humidity (RH) and Temperature Humidity Index (THI). Physiological variables were rectal temperature (Tr), skin temperature (Ts), respiratory rate (RR), and heart rate (HR). Tr and Ts were used to determine body temperature (Tb). Tr and RR are variables for calculating Heat Tolerance Coefficient (HTC). To determine whether there are differences in climatic conditions and physiological values in the two regions, the data were analyzed using a t-test. The results showed that climate potential in the lowlands was the average Ta 29.96° C, the average Rh 64.22% with an average THI 79.96 while the potential climate in the highlands was the average Ta 25.42°C, the average Rh 69, 48% with a mean THI of 74.3. The average HTC of cattle in the lowlands is 1.78 and the highlands is 1.82. The conclusion showed the climate potential of lowland for raising beef cattle includes heat stress zones, while the highlands there was mild stress. The physiological conditions of Pesisir cattle in the lowlands different from the highlands are Tr, Ts, Tb, and HR while RR is found the same in both plains. HTC of Pesisir cattle is good in both plains of West Sumatera

    Identification of Endoparasites in Rats of Various Habitats

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    Background: Rat is an animal living around people. It is a risk factor for several types of zoonotic diseases. The aims of this study were to determine the rat species from various habitats including houses, gardens, rice fields, and traditional market from a district in Central Java province and to identify endoparasites that infected the liver, stomach, intestine and caecum of these rats.Methods: The rats were caught in three sub districts in Central Java from July to October 2012. The study was analysis descriptively by describing the species of rats and endoparasites.Results: Rat species caught were Rattus tanezumi, R. exulans, R. tiomanicus, R. argentiventer, R. norvegicus and Suncus murinus. Endoparasites that infected the liver were Capillaria hepaticaand Cystycercus Taenia taeniaeformis. Endoparasites infecting the stomach wereMastophorussp. and Gongylonema neoplasticum. Nippostrongylus brassilliensis, Hymenolepis diminuta, Hymenolepis nana, Moniliformissp. and Echinostomasp. were endoparasites found in the intestinal tract. Syphacia muris was found in the caecum. No endoparasite species were found in multiple organs.Conclusion: Zoonotic endoparasites were Capillaria hepatica, Gongylonema neoplasticum, Hymenolepis diminuta, Hymenolepis nana andSyphacia muris. Each endoparasite infected a spesific organ. (Health Science Indones 2014;1:49-53