167 research outputs found

    Study of rainfall pattern in Chaksu Tehsil, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

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    The water storage beneath the ground surface is the function of the Rainfall in an area. The underground water is the main source of irrigation and effect the agriculture production. So directly or indirectly the rainfall influences the agriculture. The years with the good rainfall enjoy the high agriculture production as the requirement of water is facilitated. The paper presents the rainfall pattern for last 25 years in study area with the analysis of variation of rainfall year by year. For the study, different techniques and tools are employed so the variation where it is seasonal or annual can be shown

    Assessment of maternal lipid profile in early pregnancy and its correlation with pregnancy outcome

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    Background: Lipoprotein lipid physiology in pregnancy has important implications for the developing fetus as well as the mother. Elevated maternal triglycerides levels measured during early pregnancy have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes affecting both maternal and fetal health. Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, GSVM Medical College Kanpur between January 2020 to October 2021. A total of 146 antenatal women were enrolled in this study, out of which 26 women were lost to follow-up. Lipid profile was done for each subject and was later accessed. Results: Total cholesterol were deranged in patients 30%, serum TG in 40.83%, LDL in 28.33%, HDL in 35.83%. Out of total of 120 patients, 18 (15%) patients had HDP, 6 (5%) had GDM, 13 (10.83%) had a preterm delivery, 14 (11.66%) had FGR 9 (15.83%) had SGA babies, 7 (5.83%) had LGA babies and 38 (31.66%) patients delivered by cesarean section. In this study, only 15% of the study population shows hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and had a statistically significant correlation with triglyceride level.10.83% of the study population had preterm delivery. It showed a statistically significant correlation with serum TG level. Conclusions: Estimation of serum lipid profile during pregnancy can be considered as an early and economical investigation to prevent the deleterious effects of hyperlipidaemia associated with pregnancy.

    Association of increased platelet distribution width and red cell distribution width with recurrent pregnancy loss

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    Background: Recurrent pregnancy loss is defined as three or more consecutive pregnancy losses at or less than 20 weeks of gestation or with a fetal weight less than 500 grams. The aim was to compare platelet distribution width and red cell distribution width between pregnant women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss and pregnant women without a history of pregnancy loss.Methods: This was a prospective study to the evaluation of 70 pregnant women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss and 70 pregnant women without a history of pregnancy loss in the first trimester.Results: When compared pregnant women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss and 70 pregnant women without a history of pregnancy loss, the pregnant women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss had significantly higher platelet distribution width and red cell distribution width (p≤0.001 for both). There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of age, BMI, Hemoglobin, TLC, hematocrit, platelecrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (p>0.05).Conclusions: An increased platelet distribution width and red cell distribution width with recurrent pregnancy loss

    Cervical ectopic pregnancy: ultrasound diagnosis and conservative management

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    An ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fertilized ovum is implanted and develops outside the normal endometrial cavity. Cervical ectopic pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy and can be defined as implantation of blastocyst in the endocervix, below the internal os; representing less than 1 % of all ectopic pregnancies. Ultrasound diagnosis of this abnormal pregnancy was first described by Raskin (1978); thus early diagnosis in either weakly or non-symptomatic women in the first trimester is done; allowing conservative management. A 35 year old female, gravida 4 with living 1 issue and 2 abortions presented with a history of continuous bleeding per vaginum for last 1.5 months. Outside ultrasound depicted single live fetus of 7 weeks in cervical canal. She had a history of undergoing medical termination of pregnancy by surgical procedure of dilatation and evacuation at private hospital for completion of abortion. There was a history of excessive bleeding post procedure and 2 units of blood transfusion; referred in anaemic state to our institute with pack in situ. Pack was removed after 24 hours and managed conservatively. On general examination tachycardia present, BP was normal and patient was haemodynamically stable. On palpation abdomen was soft, non-tender and no organomegaly noticed. Urine pregnancy test was positive, serum βHCG levels were raised, USG depicted heterogeneous collection in cervix. Injection methotrenate (1mg/Kg body wt.) given. βhCG repeated after 7 days; levels decreased significantly. Patient was improved symptomatically and bleeding stopped. Cervical pregnancy is a rare condition, if not diagnosed and treated early during the course of pregnancy can have hazardous complications. Thus early diagnosis and management is necessary for preserving patient’s fertility without significant complications

    Estudio del modelo de lluvia en Chaksu tehsil, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

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    Underground water is the main source of irrigation which depends on the rainfall. Inconsistency and irregularity in the occurrence and intensity of rainfall influence adversely the agriculture and allied activities. The years in which an area received good rainfall yield high agriculture production as water is available in abundant. This paper is an attempt to analysis the rainfall pattern for last 30 years in study area by calculating the rainfall deviationEl agua subterránea es la principal fuente de riego que depende de la lluvia. Se encuentra la inconsistencia e irregularidad en la ocurrencia e intensidad de la lluvia que influyen negativamente en la agricultura y las actividades aliadas. Los años con buenas precipitaciones disfrutan de la alta producción agrícola ya que el agua está disponible en abundancia. Este documento es un intento de analizar el patrón de lluvia durante los últimos 30 años en el área de estudio calculando la desviación de lluvi

    To study the obesity status among Rajput population of Mandi district in Himachal Pradesh in terms of Body mass index and waist hip ratio

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    Body mass index (BMI) and Waist hip ratio (WHR) are the two most commonly used anthropometric measurements to assess obesity. We measured height and weight to calculate BMI and, waist and hip circumference to calculate WHR. In the present study we have tried to understand the prevalence and the trend of obesity among 171 individuals among Rajput population of Himachal Pradesh, India. However, this study explains that WHR is better predictor obesity as mean BMI is found to be in the normal range for all the individuals

    Study of fetomaternal outcome in emergency peripartum hysterectomy at pannadhay zanana hospital, Udaipur, India

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    Background: Peripartum or obstetric hysterectomy is the removal of the corpus uteri alone or with the cervix at the time of a caesarean section or shortly after a vaginal delivery. On one hand, it is the last resort to save a woman's life and on the other hand, her reproductive capability is sacrificed. Many times it is a very difficult decision and requires good clinical judgment. Most of the time the operation is carried out when the condition of patient is too critical to withstand the risks of anesthesia or surgery, but proper timing and meticulous care may reduce or prevent maternal complications. Methods: The study is prospective study and was conducted on cases of peripartum emergency hysterectomy performed at PDZH, Udaipur, during the period from April 2021 to October 2022. Results: Our study depicts following results on the basis of 31498 deliveries during the study period (April 2021 to October 2022), so the overall incidence of peripartum hysterectomy is 1 in 1049 (0.095%). Incidence of hysterectomy following vaginal delivery found to be 0.15%, whereas following caesarean incidence found to be 0.24%. Conclusions: Increase in caesarean section rates may lead to a rise in the number of peripartum hysterectomies required in the future because of increased chances of scar dehiscence and morbidly adherent placenta and Thus, there is a need for institutions to reassess their indication for first caesarean section to decrease the incidence of caesarean sections.

    Study of maternal and perinatal outcome in twin pregnancy at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Twin pregnancy refers to the presence of two fetuses in the uterus. The phenomenon of twinning has fascinated mankind throughout its recorded history. The major problems occurring in twin pregnancy are prematurity, Lbw, IUGR, birth trauma, birth asphyxia and congenital anomalies. The most serious risk is preterm delivery, which accounts for most of the increased perinatal mortality, neonatal morbidity, and long-term morbidity of twins. Methods: This prospective observational study included analysis of 250 women with twin pregnancies, over a period from 01st November 2021 to 31st October 2022 with 28 completed weeks of gestation, admitted at PDMC, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Results: In our study 250 twin pregnancies delivered Out of total 15209 deliveries were studied in our institute. incidence of twin pregnancy was 1.64%. The majority of study participants were in the age group 20 to 29 year and delivered between the gestation age 34-37week, multigravida was 51.2% and in primi it was 48.8%. The 4% patients underwent caesarean section and 48% delivered by vaginal delivery. Conclusions: Twin pregnancy is a great challenge to the concerned obstetricians. Complications associated with twin pregnancies cannot be prevented but can be detected early and controlled adequately by proper and prompt management. Timely diagnosis and treatment of nutritional anaemia and pre-eclampsia helps in preventing additional complications. Hence the need for better obstetric care, neonatal care, health services to get a better fruitful outcome

    Laboratory investigation and core flood demonstration of enhanced biogenic methane generation from lignite

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    Over the last several decades, coalbed methane (CBM) has emerged as an important energy source in developing nations like India as well as worldwide and is expected to play a significant role in the energy portfolio of the future. The current scenario of rapid exhaustion of fossil fuels is leading to the need to explore alternative and efficient fuel resources. The present study demonstrates enhanced methane production per gram of lignite (lowest-rank coal). Optimization of the bioconversion of lignite to methane revealed 55°C temperature and 1.5 g/L NaCl concentration as ambient conditions for the process. A scale-up study in the optimized condition showed 2,800 mM methane production per 25 g of lignite in anaerobic conditions. Further, Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR) and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) analysis showed bioconversion of lignite into simpler intermediate substrates required for methane production. The results highlighted that the bacterial action first converts lignite into volatile fatty acids, which subsequently get converted into methane. Further, the exploration of indigenous microbial consortia in Tharad well (THAA) mainly comprises the order Methanosarcinales and Methanomicrobiales. The pathogenicity of the microbial consortium THAA was declared safe for use in mice via the oral route by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India. The study demonstrated the development of indigenous consortia (TERI THAA), which can potentially enhance methane production from the lowest coal grade under extreme conditions in Indian coal beds
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