28 research outputs found


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    Context: Since antiquity, different parts of plants such as bark, stem and leaves have been used in wound healing. Around 10% of the angiosperm plants produce a natural polymer from specialized laticiferous cells called latex. The major role played by the latex is in wound healing and defensive mechanism against infectious diseases in plants.Objective: This paper emphasizes the role of various plant latex proteases in wound healing. The review also emphasizes on the methodology to be adopted in accessing the proteases studied for procoagulant and thrombolytic activities.Methods: This review conglomerates the reports of laticiferous plants of different families viz., Altingiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Apocyanaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Asteraceae, Caricaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lamiaceae, Moraceae, Papaveraceae, Plumbaginaceae, and Solanaceae involved in wound healing. Emphasis was given on the all possible reports on laticiferous plants in wound healing with thorough literature survey.Results: A number of proteases have been studied from plant latex proteases for their role in wound healing. Some have been extensively studied with characterization while some are yet to be explored. This review enables a detailed up-to-date knowledge of laticiferous plants studied scientifically for wound care.Conclusion: In the past 20 years, with biochemical and pharmacological characterization of plant latex it has come to light that proteases are involved in wound healing. However, research on latex protease is still in budding stage. Adopting the proteases having promising applicability in wound care needs to be focussed.Â

    Life History Traits of Talicada nyseus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Butterfly Under Laboratory Conditions

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    The butterfly Talicada nyseus G. (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) is abundant in India and Sri Lanka (Karunaratne, et al., 2002). In India, this butterfly is chiefly found in the peninsular area, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab and foothills of the Himalayas (Singh, 2005). The host plants of this butterfly include Kalanchoe spp. (Saxifragales: Crassulaceae). Adult Talicada nyseus feed on nectar of surrounding flowering plants but are also reported to feed on lichens (Karunaratne, et al., 2002). Recently it has been discovered that Talicada nyseus is infected with maternally inherited Wolbachia bacteria (Ankola, et al., 2011; Salunke, et al., 2012) and exhibits a female biased sex ratio (Ankola, et al., 2011). It is suspected that the presence of the female biased sex ratio in this butterfly is caused by its endosybiont Wolbachia. As an endosymbiont, Wolbachia is known to cause female biased sex ratio in butterfly hosts by inducing two distinct reproductive anomalies: feminization of genetic males (Hiroki et al., 2004) and male killing (Jigginset al., 2001; Charlat et al., 2005). It is essential to record scientific data regarding the life history traits of Talicada nyseus naturally infected with Wolbachia. In the present report life history traits of Talicada nyseus which harbor Wolbachia infection were studied under controlled conditions. The individual Talicada nyseus specimens used for the study were collected from a laboratory reared population which was previously confirmed to be heavily infected with Wolbachia. Five individual mated pairs were used separately for the present study. The life cycle was analyzed at 28.09 ± 0.564° C. The data collected were statistically analyzed by paired t-test with the help of SPSS 7.5. Wolbachia infection in this butterfly was previously documented by Ankola etal. (2011). The fecundity of Talicada nyseus was found to be ranging from 61.6± 12.08 to 66.4 ± 17.75 (Table 1). The fecundity data obtained from the present study is in agreement with our previous report (Ankola et al., 2011). More than 95% hatchability was recorded during the present investigation indicating that there might not be male-killing induced by Wolbachia in Talicada nyseus (Jiggins et al., 2000; Charlat et al., 2007). The hatching time required for eggs ranged from 7.4 ± 1.83 to 9.6 ± 2.71 (Table 1). Furthermore, the time required for th

    King or royal family? Testing for species boundaries in the King Cobra, Ophiophagus hanah (Cantor, 1836), using morphology and multilocus DNA analyses

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    In widespread species, the diverse ecological conditions in which the populations occur, and the presence of many potential geographical barriers through their range are expected to have created ample opportunities for the evolution of distinct, often cryptic lineages. In this work, we tested for species boundaries in one such widespread species, the king cobra, Ophiophagus hannah (Cantor, 1836), a largely tropical elapid snake distributed across the Oriental realm. Based on extensive geographical sampling across most of the range of the species, we initially tested for candidate species (CS) using Maximum-Likelihood analysis of mitochondrial genes. We then tested the resulting CS using both morphological data and sequences of three single-copy nuclear genes. We used snapclust to determine the optimal number of clusters in the nuclear dataset, and Bayesian Phylogenetics and Phylogeography (BPP) to test for likely species status. We used non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis for discerning morphological separation. We recovered four independently evolving, geographically separated lineages that we consider Confirmed Candidate Species: (1) Western Ghats lineage; (2) Indo-Chinese lineage (3) Indo-Malayan lineage; (4) Luzon Island lineage, in the Philippine Archipelago. We discuss patterns of lineage divergence, particularly in the context of low morphological divergence, and the conservation implications of recognizing several endemic king cobra lineages

    Molecular Diagnosis of Male-Killing Spiroplasma Infection in some Species of Butterflies in India

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    Reproductive anomalies which diminish males and increase the females in a given populations of certain insect species are predominantly caused by some endosymbiotic microorganisms. Among such microorganisms, Spiroplasma is the one which is exclusively cause male-killing in their insect host. The present paper provides the information about the infection status of male-killing Spiroplasma in some species of butterflies in India. Out of seven species of butterflies belonging to three different families used for the study, two i.e. Euploea core and D.genutia are found to be infected with Spiroplasma. Both these butterflies lays individual eggs on their host plants and hence the basic strategy of the male-killing phenotype caused by Spiroplasma i.e. sibling cannibalism is questionable in these two species. The detection of male-killing Spiroplasma in Euploea core and D.genutia is a novel finding to our knowledge

    Population structure in the Andaman keelback, Xenochrophis tytleri: geographical distance and oceanic barriers to dispersal influence genetic divergence on the Andaman archipelago

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    Limited gene flow between populations due to geographic distance, presence of barriers or inherent low dispersal ability leads to the formation of genetically structured populations. Strong population structure indicates lowered levels or absence of gene flow which might lead to inbreeding and loss of genetic capacity to recuperate from anthropogenic stress and natural calamities. Terrestrial reptiles are generally known to have low dispersal abilities and few studies have explored drivers of their population structure on continental islands, where both anthropogenic stress and natural calamities are relatively common. We investigated the population structure and drivers of diversification of the Andaman keelback (Xenochrophis tytleri), an endemic, terrestrial and freshwater snake species in the Andaman archipelago, a continental group of islands in the Bay of Bengal. Data was collected from 86 individuals from seven islands and 78 individuals were sequenced for the gene Nuclear Dehydrogenase subunit 4 to identify the number of populations and distribution of genetic diversity across populations. We found 11 haplotypes on seven islands and observed high genetic differentiation between seven populations defined island-wise (F-ST = 0.82). We further tested the number of populations by incorporating spatial data into Bayesian Clustering Analysis (GENELAND) and identified six populations of the Andaman keelback. We tested for the influence of Isolation-by-distance on these populations. While the overall trend showed a positive correlation between geographic and genetic distance, a correlogram revealed that the positive correlation disappears beyond -20-40 km. We also tested for the presence of geographical barriers to gene flow using Monmonier's algorithm (SPADS), which identified five barriers to dispersal confirming that there are oceanic barriers to dispersal for some island populations of the Andaman keelback. As the Andaman Islands are arranged almost in a straight line from North to South, our data are insufficient to tease apart the roles of geographical distance and barriers to gene flow. We conclude that salt waters between near islands are weak barriers and as the geographical distance between islands increases, so does the strength of the barrier

    Prevalence and burden of gastrointestinal parasites in cattle and buffaloes in Jabalpur, India

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    Aim: The study was conducted to determine the prevalence and burden of gastrointestinal (GI) parasites in cattle and buffaloes of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Materials and Methods: The presence of helminths eggs and coccidial oocysts in fecal samples were detected using standard qualitative and quantitative methods. Identification of eggs or oocysts was done on the basis of morphology and size of the eggs or oocysts. Results: Out of 120 cattle and buffaloes examined, 73.33% were found positive for eggs of one or more species of GI parasite. The prevalence of parasitic infection was higher in cattle (75%) as compared to that of buffaloes (70.45%), but the difference was nonsignificant (p>0.05). Sex wise prevalence of GI parasites was higher in males as compared to that of females, but the difference was nonsignificant (p>0.05). The animals above 2 years of age were more affected by GI parasites as compared to animals of 6 months - 2 years of age, but the age wise differences were nonsignificant (p>0.05). Single parasitic infections were more common than mixed infections. The monthly prevalence of GI parasites in cattle and buffaloes were highest in the month of September (81.81%) and least in December (61.11%). The eggs/oocysts per gram in most of the animals, was in the range of 201-300. Conclusion: GI parasites are problem in cattle and buffaloes of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. The prevalence rate of GI parasites varied with month. The burden of parasitic infection was moderate in most animals warranting treatment

    A distinct new species of riparian rock-dwelling gecko (genus: Hemidactylus) from the southern Western Ghats

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    Srikanthan, Achyuthan N., Swamy, Priyanka, Mohan, Ashwini V., Pal, Saunak (2018): A distinct new species of riparian rock-dwelling gecko (genus: Hemidactylus) from the southern Western Ghats. Zootaxa 4434 (1): 141-157, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4434.1.