739 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of Aqueous Extract of Bark of Pterocarpus Marsupium Silver Nanoparticles against Streptozotocin and Nicotinamide Induced Type 2 Diabetes in Rats

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    The main aim of this study is to formulate silver nanoparticles with the bark of aqueous extract of Pterocarpus marsupium by green synthesis method without the use of any chemicals to deliver drugs in a controlled manner and to evaluate the formulation against streptozotocin nicotinamide induced type 2 diabetes in wistar rats. The formulation has reduced side effects, thus minimized the dosing frequency when compared it with aqueous extract of Pterocarpus marsupium. There occurs a significant (P<0.01) decrease in the hyperglycemic state after the administration of Pterocarpus marsupium silver nanoparticle which reduce the severity of oxidative and acuity of hyperglycemia, a process that closely linked to glucose oxidation and formation of free radicals. Our results suggested that Pterocarpus marsupium silver nanoparticle has more favourable reduction in lipid level in STZ and nicotinamide - induced diabetic rats, compared with glibenclamide as well as regeneration of ├Я- cells of pancreas. The present study suggests that Pterocarpus marsupium silver nanoparticles can be successfully utilized for the management of diabetes due to their anti-hyperglycemic action

    Maternal and neonatal outcome in primigravida with mobile head at тЙе39 weeks of gestation

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    Background: Primigravida with mobile head at тЙе39 weeks of gestation are prone to the probability of caesarean section. With this study we aimed to identify the maternal and neonatal outcome of primigravida with mobile head at тЙе39 weeks of gestation under the watchful expectancy and good conduct of labour.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among primigravida with mobile head at тЙе39 weeks admitted for delivery in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, govt. medical college, Kottayam, Kerala, from February 2021 to September 2021. A sample size of 247 was identified considering 28% proportion of presentation with deflexed head, 95% confidence interval and 2% margin of error. A detailed history, physical examination and ultrasonography was performed.Results: Of the 250 participants, the mean age of the study subjects was 24.97┬▒3.93 and mean body mass index (BMI) was 23.72┬▒4.78 kg/m2. The most common cause for mobile head was a deflexed head (35.2%). A lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) was conducted in 28.8% participants while vacuum assistance ad forceps assistance was required for 9.6% and 4.4% participants respectively. The most common indication for LSCSC being moderate to thick meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF) 23% followed by 1st degree CPD failed trial in 17% cases. A significant association with maternal morbidity was observed in undiagnosed placenta previa (p=0.039) and vacuum-assisted deliveries (p=0.001). We observed that 3.6% of babies have meconium aspiration syndrome, and 8% of new born were admitted in intensive care for foetal distress.Conclusions: Primigravida with mobile head at term during labour requires intense monitoring. Although the duration of labour appeared to be prolonged in a small proportion of patients with watchful expectancy and good conduct of labour and timely intervention, vaginal delivery is possible with minimal maternal and neonatal morbidity.

    Hardware Trojan Detection and Mitigation in NoC using Key authentication and Obfuscation Techniques

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    Today's Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) contains many cores and integrated circuits. Due to the current requirements of communication, we make use of Network-on-Chip (NoC) to obtain high throughput and low latency. NoC is a communication architecture used in the processor cores to transfer&nbsp; data from source to destination through several nodes. Since NoC deals with on-chip interconnection for data transmission, it will be a good prey for data leakage and other security attacks. One such way of attacking is done by a third-party vendor introducing Hardware Trojans (HTs) into routers of NoC architecture. This can cause packets to traverse in wrong paths, leak/extract information and cause Denial-of-Service (DoS) degrading the system performance. In this paper, a novel HT detection and mitigation approach using obfuscation and key-based authentication technique is proposed. The proposed technique prevents any illegal transitions between routers thereby protecting data from malicious activities, such as packet misrouting and information leakage. The proposed technique is evaluated on a 4x4 NoC architecture under synthetic traffic pattern and benchmarks, the hardware model is synthesized in Cadence Tool with 90nm technology. The introduced Hardware Trojan affects 8% of packets passing through infected router. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique prevents those 10-15% of packets infected from the HT effect. Our proposed work has negligible power and area overhead of 8.6% and&nbsp; 2% respectively

    Self imposed ban by local fisherfolk for the conservation of brown mussel

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    Brown mussel, Perna indica is one of the important bivalve resources off Thiruvananthapuram coast and mussel beds located in the Vizhinjam-Kovalam region is the main area targetted by fishers. This organized bivalve fishery supports the livelihoods around 300 fishermen. Fishing is carried out throughout the year except during monsoon season that starts early in the morning before 6 am and landing at shore by 9 am

    Simple Sensitive Spectrophotometric Determination of Vanadium in Biological and Environmental Samples

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    Abstract: Novel, rapid, highly sensitive and selective spectrophotometric method for the determination of traces of vanadium (V) in environmental and biological samples, pharmaceutical and steel samples was studied. The method is based on oxidation of 2,4-dinitro phenyl hydrazine(2,4-DNPH) by vanadium (V) followed by coupling reaction with N-(1-naphthalene-1-yl)ethane-1,2-diaminedihydrochloride (NEDA) in acidic medium to give red colored derivative or on oxidation of 4-Amino Pyridine by vanadium (V) followed by coupling reaction with NEDA in basic medium to give pink colored derivative. The red colored derivative having an ╬╗ max 495 nm which is stable for 8 days and the pink colored derivative with 525nm is stable for more than 7 days at 35 0 C. Beer&apos;s law is obeyed for vanadium (V) in the concentration range of 0.02 -3.5 ┬╡g ml -1 (red derivative) and 0.03 -4.5┬╡g ml -1 (pink derivative) at the wave length of maximum absorption. The optimum reaction conditions and other analytical parameters were investigated to enhance the sensitivity of the present method. The detailed study of various interferences made the method more selective. The proposed method was successfully applied to the analysis of vanadium in natural water samples, plant material, soil samples, synthetic mixtures, pharmaceutical samples and biological samples. The results obtained were agreed with the reported methods at the 95 % confidence level. The performance of proposed method was evaluated in terms of Student&apos;s t-test and Variance ratio f-test which indicates the significance of proposed method over reported method

    Recent advancements in Edible Oyster (Crassostrea madrasensis) hatchery technology in India

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    Oyster farming remains a vital industry, catering to the culinary preferences of millions while also championing responsible aquaculture practices and environmental conservation. As we forge ahead in our quest for sustainable seafood production, oyster farming serves as a remarkable example of how human innovation can coexist harmoniously with nature, ensuring a legacy for these exquisite molluscs for generations to come. Currently, the time required for freshly produced spat to mature into marketable-sized oysters stands at three to four years in the subtropical countries that dominate the industry. India, with its tropical climate, faster growth rates, abundant suitable areas for oyster farming, and cost-effective labour, has a promising opportunity to enter the oyster export market

    Bivalve seed production

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    The mussels are bivalve molluscs found attached to the hard surfaces in the littoral and sublittoral zones. They attach themselves to the substrate by secreting long threads called byssus. Though they are considered sedentary, they may move from one area to another if faced with unfavourable environmental conditions. Mussels are regarded as one of the best candidates for aquaculture since they are filter feeders feeding at the lowest level in the food chain (primary consumers); they feed on phytoplankton, detritus and associated microscopic flora and fauna. The two important species of mussels in India are the Green mussel Perna viridis(Peacock mussel/MayilpeeliKakka/Kallummekaya) and the Brown mussel Perna indica (Red chippi). The green mussel has a wider distribution along the west and east coasts of India, including the Andaman Islands. In contrast, the brown mussel is restricted to the southwest coast of India. Along the east coast, the green mussel is found in Chilka Lake, Kakinada, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Porto Novo and along the west coast it forms on extensive beds from Muthalappuzha estuary in Trivandrum, Quilon, Alleppey, Cochin, Calicut to Kasargod, Mangalore, Karwar, Goa, Bhatia Creek, Malvan and the Gulf of Kutch (CMFRI, 2000). Now fishery for the green mussel exists in the region from Kollam to Kasargod and for brown mussel from Quilon to Kanyakumari along the Kerala Coas

    Micro-nurseries for bivalve seed production

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    Along the southwest coast of India, mussel farming is practiced by thousands of farmers in the estuarine areas using rack and rope method or on-bottom method, during the post monsoon months. Production of farmed mussel after the peaking in 2009 (18400 t) has stagnated around 9000-10000 t per year. Large scale collection of seed from the natural mussel beds following increased adoption of green mussel farming has led to conflicts between wild mussel pickers and farmers in the past. Moreover, mussel and oyster farmers face an unpredictable wild seed supply and lack of dependable supply of quality seed from hatcheries. Vizhinjam Research Centre of ICAR-CMFRI has developed micro-nursery systems with down-welling and up-welling subsystems for the settlement and metamorphosis of floating larvae to spat and for further nursery rearing of green mussel spat to seed size suitable for farming. This will make large scale bivalve seed production of mussels, edible oyster, pearl oyster and clam possible in the hatchery which can cater to the requirements of thousands of bivalve farmers in coastal areas of India

    Production of green mussel seed using micron-meshed cages for spat rearing

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    Vizhinjam Research Centre of ICAR-CMFRI has developed a cost effective nursery rearing technique for growing green mussel, spat to seed size suitable for mussel, farming using micron meshed cages. This will bring livelihood security for thousands of mussel farmers and fishermen in coastal areas of India

    Micro-nursery for seed production of green mussel

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    Vizhinjam Research Centre of ICAR-CMFRI has developed a micro-nursery system with down-welling and up-welling subsystems for the settlement of floating larvae to 'spat and for further nursery rearing of green mussel spat to produce seed (>20mm) suitable for farming. This will make large scale mussel seed production possible in the hatchery
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