3,065 research outputs found

    Polaronic slowing of fermionic impurities in lattice Bose-Fermi mixtures

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    We generalize the application of small polaron theory to ultracold gases of Ref. [\onlinecite{jaksch_njp1}] to the case of Bose-Fermi mixtures, where both components are loaded into an optical lattice. In a suitable range of parameters, the mixture can be described within a Bogoliubov approach in the presence of fermionic (dynamic) impurities and an effective description in terms of polarons applies. In the dilute limit of the slow impurity regime, the hopping of fermionic particles is exponentially renormalized due to polaron formation, regardless of the sign of the Bose-Fermi interaction. This should lead to clear experimental signatures of polaronic effects, once the regime of interest is reached. The validity of our approach is analyzed in the light of currently available experiments. We provide results for the hopping renormalization factor for different values of temperature, density and Bose-Fermi interaction for three-dimensional 87Rb−40K^{87}\rm{Rb}-^{40}\rm{K} mixtures in optical lattice.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    C ion-implanted TiO2 thin film for photocatalytic applications

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    Third-generation TiO2 photocatalysts were prepared by implantation of C+ ions into 110 nm thick TiO2 films. An accurate structural investigation was performed by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, secondary ion mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, Raman-luminescence spectroscopy, and UV/VIS optical characterization. The C doping locally modified the TiO2 pure films, lowering the band-gap energy from 3.3 eV to a value of 1.8 eV, making the material sensitive to visible light. The synthesized materials are photocatalytically active in the degradation of organic compounds in water under both UV and visible light irradiation, without the help of any additional thermal treatment. These results increase the understanding of the C-doped titanium dioxide, helpful for future environmental applications. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

    Stereo Viewing and Virtual Reality Technologies in Mobile Robot Teleguide

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.” DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2009.2028765The use of 3-D stereoscopic visualization may provide a user with higher comprehension of remote environments in teleoperation when compared with 2-D viewing, in particular, a higher perception of environment depth characteristics, spatial localization, remote ambient layout, faster system learning, and decision performance. Works in the paper have demonstrated how stereo vision contributes to the improvement of the perception of some depth cues, often for abstract tasks, while it is hard to find works addressing stereoscopic visualization in mobile robot teleguide applications. This paper intends to contribute to this aspect by investigating the stereoscopic robot teleguide under different conditions, including typical navigation scenarios and the use of synthetic and real images. This paper also investigates how user performance may vary when employing different display technologies. Results from a set of test trials run on seven virtual reality systems, from laptop to large panorama and from head-mounted display to Cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE), emphasized few aspects that represent a base for further investigations as well as a guide when designing specific systems for telepresence.Peer reviewe

    Magnetism and domain formation in SU(3)-symmetric multi-species Fermi mixtures

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    We study the phase diagram of an SU(3)-symmetric mixture of three-component ultracold fermions with attractive interactions in an optical lattice, including the additional effect on the mixture of an effective three-body constraint induced by three-body losses. We address the properties of the system in D≄2D \geq 2 by using dynamical mean-field theory and variational Monte Carlo techniques. The phase diagram of the model shows a strong interplay between magnetism and superfluidity. In the absence of the three-body constraint (no losses), the system undergoes a phase transition from a color superfluid phase to a trionic phase, which shows additional particle density modulations at half-filling. Away from the particle-hole symmetric point the color superfluid phase is always spontaneously magnetized, leading to the formation of different color superfluid domains in systems where the total number of particles of each species is conserved. This can be seen as the SU(3) symmetric realization of a more general tendency to phase-separation in three-component Fermi mixtures. The three-body constraint strongly disfavors the trionic phase, stabilizing a (fully magnetized) color superfluid also at strong coupling. With increasing temperature we observe a transition to a non-magnetized SU(3) Fermi liquid phase.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figures; Corrected typo

    Triggering mechanisms of static stress on Mount Etna volcano. An application of the boundary element method

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    In the last thirty years, numerous eruptions and associated deformation episodes have occurred at Mt. Etna volcano. Datasets recorded by continuous monitoring of these episodes provide a unique opportunity to study the relationships between volcanism, flank instability and faulting activity. We have investigated the stress triggering mechanism between magmatic reservoir inflation, intrusive episodes and flank dynamics. Using three-dimensional numerical Boundary Elements Models we simulated volcano-tectonic events and calculated Coulomb stress changes. Using this modeling approach, we analyzed four realistic scenarios that are representative of recent kinematics occurring at Mt. Etna. The main results obtained highlight how (1) the inflation of a deep spherical magma source transfers elastic stress to a sliding plane and faults (2) the opening of the NE Rift and S Rift (to a less efficient extent) favor movements of the instable sector and may encourage seismicity on the eastern flank faults, and (3) flank instability may trigger the uprising of magma. Defining the effects of the elastic stress transfer and relationships among the main forces acting on volcano, may help to forecast possible eruption scenarios during future episodes of unrest at Mount Etna and provide an important tool for decision makers during volcanic emergencies involving the highly populated areas of the volcano

    Low temperature deactivation of Ge heavily n-type doped by ion implantation and laser thermal annealing

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    International audienceHeavy doping of Ge is crucial for several advanced micro-and optoelectronic applications, but, at the same time, it still remains extremely challenging. Ge heavily n-type doped at a concentration of 1 X 10(20) cm(-3) by As ion implantation and melting laser thermal annealing (LTA) is shown here to be highly metastable. Upon post-LTA conventional thermal annealing As electrically deactivates already at 350 degrees C reaching an active concentration of similar to 4 x 10(19) cm(-3). No significant As diffusion is detected up to 450 degrees C, where the As activation decreases further to similar to 3 x 10(19) cm(-3). The reason for the observed detrimental deactivation was investigated by Atom Probe Tomography and in situ High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction measurements. In general, the thermal stability of heavily doped Ge layers needs to be carefully evaluated because, as shown here, deactivation might occur at very low temperatures, close to those required for low resistivity Ohmic contacting of n-type Ge

    Novel Treatments and Technologies Applied to the Cure of Neuroblastoma

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial solid tumour in childhood, accounting for approximately 15% of all cancer-related deaths in the paediatric population1. It is characterised by heterogeneous clinical behaviour in neonates and often adverse outcomes in toddlers. The overall survival of children with high-risk disease is around 40–50% despite the aggressive treatment protocols consisting of intensive chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation2,3. There is an ongoing research effort to increase NB’s cellular and molecular biology knowledge to translate essential findings into novel treatment strategies. This review aims to address new therapeutic modalities emerging from preclinical studies offering a unique translational opportunity for NB treatment
