8,402 research outputs found

    Quantum reflection of atoms from a solid surface at normal incidence

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    We observed quantum reflection of ultracold atoms from the attractive potential of a solid surface. Extremely dilute Bose-Einstein condensates of ^{23}Na, with peak density 10^{11}-10^{12}atoms/cm^3, confined in a weak gravito-magnetic trap were normally incident on a silicon surface. Reflection probabilities of up to 20 % were observed for incident velocities of 1-8 mm/s. The velocity dependence agrees qualitatively with the prediction for quantum reflection from the attractive Casimir-Polder potential. Atoms confined in a harmonic trap divided in half by a solid surface exhibited extended lifetime due to quantum reflection from the surface, implying a reflection probability above 50 %.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (December 2004)5 pages, 4 figure

    The Price of Pay to Play in Securities Class Actions

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    This paper studies the effect of campaign contributions to lead plaintiffs — “pay to play’’ — on the level of attorneys’ fees in securities class actions. We find that state pension funds generally pay lower attorneys’ fees when they serve as lead plaintiffs in securities class actions than do individual investors serving in that capacity. This differential disappears, however, when we control for campaign contributions made to officials with influence over state pension funds. Thus, pay to play appears to increase agency costs borne by shareholders in securities class actions

    Global 21cm signal experiments: a designer's guide

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    [Abridged] The spatially averaged global spectrum of the redshifted 21cm line has generated much experimental interest, for it is potentially a direct probe of the Epoch of Reionization and the Dark Ages. Since the cosmological signal here has a purely spectral signature, most proposed experiments have little angular sensitivity. This is worrisome because with only spectra, the global 21cm signal can be difficult to distinguish from foregrounds such as Galactic synchrotron radiation, as both are spectrally smooth and the latter is orders of magnitude brighter. We establish a mathematical framework for global signal data analysis in a way that removes foregrounds optimally, complementing spectra with angular information. We explore various experimental design trade-offs, and find that 1) with spectral-only methods, it is impossible to mitigate errors that arise from uncertainties in foreground modeling; 2) foreground contamination can be significantly reduced for experiments with fine angular resolution; 3) most of the statistical significance in a positive detection during the Dark Ages comes from a characteristic high-redshift trough in the 21cm brightness temperature; and 4) Measurement errors decrease more rapidly with integration time for instruments with fine angular resolution. We show that if observations and algorithms are optimized based on these findings, an instrument with a 5 degree beam can achieve highly significant detections (greater than 5-sigma) of even extended (high Delta-z) reionization scenarios after integrating for 500 hrs. This is in contrast to instruments without angular resolution, which cannot detect gradual reionization. Abrupt ionization histories can be detected at the level of 10-100's of sigma. The expected errors are also low during the Dark Ages, with a 25-sigma detection of the expected cosmological signal after only 100 hrs of integration.Comment: 34 pages, 30 figures. Replaced (v2) to match accepted PRD version (minor pedagogical additions to text; methods, results, and conclusions unchanged). Fixed two typos (v3); text, results, conclusions etc. completely unchange

    Geodetic, teleseismic, and strong motion constraints on slip from recent southern Peru subduction zone earthquakes

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    We use seismic and geodetic data both jointly and separately to constrain coseismic slip from the 12 November 1996 M_w 7.7 and 23 June 2001 M_w 8.5 southern Peru subduction zone earthquakes, as well as two large aftershocks following the 2001 earthquake on 26 June and 7 July 2001. We use all available data in our inversions: GPS, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) from the ERS-1, ERS-2, JERS, and RADARSAT-1 satellites, and seismic data from teleseismic and strong motion stations. Our two-dimensional slip models derived from only teleseismic body waves from South American subduction zone earthquakes with M_w > 7.5 do not reliably predict available geodetic data. In particular, we find significant differences in the distribution of slip for the 2001 earthquake from models that use only seismic (teleseismic and two strong motion stations) or geodetic (InSAR and GPS) data. The differences might be related to postseismic deformation or, more likely, the different sensitivities of the teleseismic and geodetic data to coseismic rupture properties. The earthquakes studied here follow the pattern of earthquake directivity along the coast of western South America, north of 5°S, earthquakes rupture to the north; south of about 12°S, directivity is southerly; and in between, earthquakes are bilateral. The predicted deformation at the Arequipa GPS station from the seismic-only slip model for the 7 July 2001 aftershock is not consistent with significant preseismic motion
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