123 research outputs found


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    Estudou-se a degradação de solo agrícola contaminado por longo tempo de aplicação de agrotóxicos (paraquate, clorotalonil e deltametrina) pelos fungos basidiomicetos Pleurotus ostreatus e Phanerochete crysosporium com e sem uso de surfactantes. Determinou-se a degradação dos três produtos em meio de cultura pelos fungos, sendo testados vários substratos para inoculação dos fungos ao solo. As enzimas produzidas durante a degradação também foram avaliadas. Todos os produtos foram degradados em meio de cultura em porcentagens variadas de maneira sequencial. O período de maior degradação revelou a maior quantidade de enzimas, sendo o bagaço de caju o substrato com maior crescimento fúngico e produção de enzimas.Verificou-se degradação completa do herbicida paraquate no solo na presença de surfactantes. A degradação do clorotalonil foi acelerada pela presença do surfactante e só ocorreu após a degradação do paraquate. O inseticida deltametrina, que apresentava menor concentração no solo, foi o substrato menos degradado. Houve maior produção de enzimas no início do crescimento fúngico, quando o herbicida paraquate foi degradado.

    Lignocellulosic composites from brazilian giant bamboo (Guadua magna) Part 1: Properties of resin bonded particleboards

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    This experiment evaluated the utilization of the recently identified Brazilian giant bamboo, Guadua magna (Londoño & Filg.) to manufacture medium density particleboard. Four board types were tested: two of them exclusively with particles of bamboo and two in a mixture of bamboo with Pinus taeda wood particles. The target density of the panels was 0.65 g/cm3 for all treatments. The particleboards were bonded using 8% content of urea-formaldehyde (UF) and phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resins, based on dry weight mat. Mechanical, physical and nondestructive properties of the panels were assessed. The particleboards produced with PF showed better dimensional stability than UF particleboards. The addition of wood particles improved the mechanical properties of EM, fM and IB. The flexural properties of the panels (EM, fM) could be modeled using either EMd or density and the models fitted presented high predictability (>66%)

    utjecaj sezonskih promjena tropske klime na reprodukcijske pokazatelje i hormonski status jaraca sanske pasmine

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    This study evaluated the effects different seasons (rainy, rainy-dry transition, dry, dry-rainy transition) throughout the year on the reproduction and endocrine profile of Saanen bucks reared in a tropical climate. During these seasons environmental data were recorded (ambient temperature and relative air humidity) to calculate the temperature and humidity index. Reproductive parameters were also evaluated in the same periods to check seasonal variations, wherey semen was collected twice a month from nine Saanen bucks using an artificial vagina. Furthermore, scrotal circumference, scrotal surface temperature and serum levels of testosterone, triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and cortisol were measured. The climate parameters influenced the reproductive parameters, mainly during the dry period, when higher values of ambient temperature reduced sperm quality, however, scrotal circumference and surface temperature, as well as serum levels of testosterone increased. In conclusion, Saanen bucks reared in a tropical climate are subject to heat stress, evinced by transient seasonal variations in reproductive parameters, where the first season is the most favorable to reproduction.U ovom je radu istražen utjecaj različitih sezona (kišna, prijelaz iz kišne u suhu, suha, prijelaz iz suhe u kišnu) tijekom godine na reprodukcijski i endokrini status jaraca sanske pasmine uzgojenih u tropskoj klimi. Zabilježeni su podaci iz okoliša (temperatura i relativna vlažnost zraka) za vrijeme različitih sezona kako bi se izračunao indeks topline. Za ista su razdoblja procijenjeni reprodukcijski pokazatelji kako bi se istražile njihove sezonske varijacije u koju je svrhu od 9 jaraca sanske pasmine primjenom umjetne vagine, prikupljano sjeme dva puta mjesečno. Osim toga mjereni su obujam skrotuma, temperatura površine skrotuma te razina testosterona, trijodotironina (T3), tiroksina (T4) i kortizola u serumu. Klimatski uvjeti su utjecali na reprodukcijske pokazatelje, najviše za vrijeme suhog razdoblja, kad veće vrijednosti temperature okoliša smanjuju kvalitetu sjemena jaraca. Obujam i temperatura površine skrotuma, kao i serumska razina testosterona, u navedenoj sezoni su povećani. Zaključeno je da su sanski jarci uzgojeni u tropskoj klimi pod utjecajem toplinskog stresa, što se vidi iz sezonskih varijacija njihovih reprodukcijskih pokazatelja, pri čemu je kišna sezona najpovoljnija za reprodukciju

    Lignocellulosic composites from brazilian giant bamboo (Guadua magna). Part 2: Properties of cement and gypsum bonded particleboards

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    In the first part of this study, the feasibility of manufacturing resin-bonded particleboard from the recently identified Brazilian giant bamboo (Guadua magna) was evaluated. In this second part, the main goal was to study the material properties of the cement and gypsum-composites made from that bamboo species. The effect of CaCl2 addition in the physical and mechanical properties was also evaluated. Initially, the hydration test was performed to determine the inhibition index of the bamboo particles in the cement and gypsum setting. Three concentrations of CaCl2 were used to produce bamboo cementbonded particleboards (BCBP): 0%, 2% and 4%. CaCl2 was not added into bamboo gypsum-bonded particle boards (BGBP). Mechanical and physical properties were evaluated and nondestructive testing was performed as well. The inhibition index of Guadua magna in the cement or gypsum setting was classified as “low inhibition”. The addition of CaCl2 at bamboo-cement boards increased the internal >bonding and reduced the water absorption. Other properties were not significantly affected. The bamboocement boards presented higher bending strength and lower moisture content than bamboo-gypsum boards

    Transcription activity contributes to the firing of non-constitutive origins in African trypanosomes helping to maintain robustness in S-phase duration

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    The co-synthesis of DNA and RNA potentially generates conflicts between replication and transcription, which can lead to genomic instability. In trypanosomatids, eukaryotic parasites that perform polycistronic transcription, this phenomenon and its consequences are still little studied. Here, we showed that the number of constitutive origins mapped in the Trypanosoma brucei genome is less than the minimum required to complete replication within S-phase duration. By the development of a mechanistic model of DNA replication considering replication-transcription conflicts and using immunofluorescence assays and DNA combing approaches, we demonstrated that the activation of non-constitutive (backup) origins are indispensable for replication to be completed within S-phase period. Together, our findings suggest that transcription activity during S phase generates R-loops, which contributes to the emergence of DNA lesions, leading to the firing of backup origins that help maintain robustness in S-phase duration. The usage of this increased pool of origins, contributing to the maintenance of DNA replication, seems to be of paramount importance for the survival of this parasite that affects million people around the world

    Soybean oil increases SERCA2a expression and left ventricular contractility in rats without change in arterial blood pressure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our aim was to evaluate the effects of soybean oil treatment for 15 days on arterial and ventricular pressure, myocardial mechanics and proteins involved in calcium handling.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Wistar rats were divided in two groups receiving 100 μL of soybean oil (SB) or saline (CT) i.m. for 15 days. Ventricular performance was analyzed in male 12-weeks old Wistar rats by measuring left ventricle diastolic and systolic pressure in isolated perfused hearts according to the Langendorff technique. Protein expression was measured by Western blot analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Systolic and diastolic arterial pressures did not differ between CT and SB rats. However, heart rate was reduced in the SB group. In the perfused hearts, left ventricular isovolumetric systolic pressure was higher in the SB hearts. The inotropic response to extracellular Ca<sup>2+ </sup>and isoproterenol was higher in the soybean-treated animals than in the control group. Myosin ATPase and Na<sup>+</sup>-K<sup>+</sup>ATPase activities, the expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump (SERCA2a) and sodium calcium exchanger (NCX) were increased in the SB group. Although the phosfolamban (PLB) expression did not change, its phosphorylation at Ser<sup>16 </sup>was reduced while the SERCA2a/PLB ratio was increased.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, soybean treatment for 15 days in rats increases the left ventricular performance without affecting arterial blood pressure. These changes might be associated with an increase in the myosin ATPase activity and SERCA2a expression.</p

    Preparation, characterization, and pharmacological activity of Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt ex Bor (Poaceae) leaf essential oil of B-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes

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    This study aimed to evaluate the orofacial antinociceptive effect of the Cymbopogon winterianus essential oil (LEO) complexed in B-cyclodextrin (LEO-CD) and to assess the possible involvement of the central nervous system (CNS). The LEO was extracted, chromatographed, and complexed in B-cyclodextrin. The complex was characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry derivative (TG/DTG). Male Swiss mice (2-3 months) were treated with LEO-CD (50–200 mg/kg, p.o.), vehicle (distilled water, p.o.), or standard drug (i.p.) and subjected to the orofacial nociception formalin-, capsaicin-, and glutamateinduced. After the formalin test, the animals were perfused and the brains subjected to immunofluorescence for Fos. The rota-rod test (7 rpm/min) was carried out. Geraniol (37.57%) was the main compound of LEO. DSC and TG/DTG proved the complexation. The orofacial nociceptive behavior was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced. The number of Fos-positive cells was significantly changed in the dorsal raphe nucleus (p < 0.01), locus coeruleus (p < 0.001), trigeminal nucleus (p < 0.05), and trigeminal thalamic tract (p < 0.05). LEO-CD did not cause changes in motor coordination in the rota-rod test. Thus, our results suggested that LEO-CD has an orofacial antinociceptive profile, probably mediated by the activation of the CNS without changing the motor coordination