2,385 research outputs found

    Evaluation of clinical indices, microbiological and matrix metalloproteinase-8 levels in subgingival biofilm of patients with fixed appliance, before and during orthodontic treatment

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    Summary Objectives: The aim of the present prospective study was to investigate changes in clinical parameters, periodontopathogens (PP) levels and active matrix metalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8) concentration in gingival crevicular fluid of patients before and during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances. Material and Methods: Fifty-five adolescents (30 females, 25 males; ages 12-17 years), who were scheduled for fixed orthodontic treatment, were selected and included in this study. Clinical parameters and subgingival samples were obtained at six time points: 1 week before appliance insertion (T0), 3 (T1), 6 (T2) weeks, 3 (T3), 6 (T4) months and 1 year after therapy begin. Gingival index (GI) and plaque index (PI) were assessed to evaluated changes on the clinical status and, subgingival samples were used to analyze changes of aMMP-8 concentration and levels of the following PP: Agreggatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Tannerella forsythia (Tf), Treponema denticola (Td), Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Fusobacterium spp (Fs), Parvimonas micra (Pm) Campylobacter rectus (Cr), Eubacterium nodatum (En), Eikenella corrodens (Ec) and Capnocytophaga spp (Cs). Results: Scores for GI and PI increased after appliance insertion. GI showed a continuous increase from T2 (p<0.05) until T5 (p<0.0001). PI increased following brackets placement reaching its maximum peak at T3 (p<0.05), 3 months after therapy begin. Moreover, a significant increase of aMMP-8 concentration (p<0.05) and frequency of Tf, Fs, Cr, Cs, and Ec was noted. For the other tested bacteria, the frequency tended to increase, but without significant differences. As well, no significant differences were found between upper and lower jaws for all parameters evaluated. Conclusion: Orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance in adolescents favors dental plaque accumulation and may transitionally increase GI, PI, aMMP-8 concentration and, subsequently, the growth of PP leading to gingival inflammation, even 1 year after therapy began.Zusammenfassung Ziele: Das Ziel dieser prospektiven Studie war es, Veränderungen der klinischen Parametern, des Niveaus der parodontalen Markerkeime und der aktiven Matrix Metalloproteinase (aMMP-8) Konzentration in der gingivalen Krevikularflüssigkeit von Patienten vor und während der Behandlung mit festsitzenden Apparaturen zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden: Fünfundfünfzig Jugendliche (30 weiblich, 25 männlich; im Alter von 12-17 Jahren), die für eine feste kieferorthopädische Behandlung vorgesehen waren, wurden selektiert und in diese Studie einbezogen. Klinische Parameter und subgingivale Proben wurden zu sechs Zeitpunkten erhoben: Eine Woche vor Einsetzen der festsitzenden Apparatur (T0), 3 (T1), 6 (T2) Wochen, 3 (T3), 6 (T4) Monate und 1 Jahr nach Therapiebeginn. Gingivitis- und Plaque-Indizes wurden auf Veränderungen der klinischen Parameters untersucht und subgingivale Proben wurden entnommen, um Veränderungen der aMMP-8-Konzentration und des Niveaus der folgenden parodontalen Markerkeime zu analysieren: Agreggatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Tannerella forsythia (Tf), Treponema denticola (Td), Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Fusobacterium spp (Fs), Parvimonas micra (Pm), Campylobacter rectus (Cr), Eubacterium nodatum (En), Eikenella corrodens (Ec) und Capnocytophaga spp (Cs) . Ergebnisse: Die Werte für GI und PI stiegen nach dem Einsetzen der Apparatur. GI zeigte eine kontinuierliche Erhöhung ab T2 (p<0,05) bis T5 (p<0,0001). PI stieg nach dem Kleben der Brackets an und erreichte seinen Maximum-Peak bei T3 (p<0,05), 3 Monate nach Therapiebeginn. Auch eine signifikante Steigerung der aMMP-8-Konzentration und der Frequenz von Tf, Fs, Cr, Cs und Ec wurde festgestellt. Bei den anderen untersuchten Keimen stieg die Frequenz tendenziell an, aber es wurde kein signifikanter Unterschied festgestellt. Auch wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen Ober- und Unterkiefer für alle ausgewerteten Parameter ermittelt. Fazit: Die kieferorthopädische Behandlung mit festsitzender Apparatur bei Jugendlichen begünstig die Ansammlung von Zahnbelägen und kann die GI-, PI-, aMMP-8-Konzentration und damit das Wachstum von parodontalen Markerkeimen, die zu Zahnfleischentzündungen führen, vorübergehend erhöhen, sogar 1 Jahr nach Therapiebeginn.104 Blätte


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    RESUMO: O estudo apresenta os resultados do projeto de pesquisa bibliográfico e documental, elaborado no decorrer do Estágio Supervisionado II do curso de graduação em Serviço Social na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). A pesquisa buscou analisar a cobertura de atendimento da rede socioassistencial do município de João Pessoa que oferecem serviços a crianças e adolescentes. A metodologia da pesquisa foi norteada por uma dimensão técnica, ideológica e cientifica, buscando ultrapassar o senso comum, direcionado por um eixo investigativo e analítico no materialismo histórico dialético. Os dados coletados na pesquisa foram analisados de maneira quantitativa e qualitativa, possibilitando mensurar a informações e apreender os fenômenos envolvidos. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa revelaram uma visão ampliada dos serviços da rede socioassistenciais que estão distribuídos em João Pessoa e a capacidade desses serviços em atender as demandas de crianças e adolescentes conforme o Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS)

    Salvage technoscience: Conserving and extracting the value of the Amazon Rainforest

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    Very few forests take up as much space in contemporary Western imagination as the Amazon. It is the archetypical mythological forest that many people want to save and even more people want to exploit. Over the years, it has been the object of multiple campaigns to ‘save the rainforest’ from resource extraction both within South America and beyond, within scientific communities as well as broader publics. This article addresses a concern with how to extract the resources of the Amazon Forest in ways that are more sustainable than past and contemporary logging, mining and farming. This concern is promoted by Brazilian scientists who have allied themselves with well-intended tech industry initiatives and small-scale entrepreneurs. We refer to this combination of conservation with extraction as salvage technoscience, an approach currently dominating the struggle for the resources of the Amazon by attempting to reconcile the opposing views of the forest as an economic asset and as an object to be preserved. Our contribution thus demonstrates the interwoven nature of capitalist extraction and environmental conservation under the auspices of technoscientific progress

    Dynamic Capabilities in Cybersecurity Intelligence: A Meta-Synthesis to Enhance Protection Against Cyber Threats

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    Advanced cybersecurity threats with automated capabilities are on the rise in industries such as finance, healthcare, technology, retail, telecoms, and transportation, as well as government. It is necessary to conduct analyses of cybersecurity-related resources and capabilities to build cybersecurity intelligence (CI). The purpose of this paper is to suggest a dynamic capability in a cybersecurity intelligence (DCCI) model based on existing literature that helped firms reduce risks of cyber violations and advance the development of systems and the life cycle of firms. Through a meta-synthesis, an abduction and induction approach through eight methodological steps analyzed in forty-seven case studies the presence of cybersecurity capabilities to build CI. Combining theoretical and practical information security maturity models as a foundation, we understand capabilities building to improve the predictability of cyber incidents. The results evidenced four second-order dimensions to build CI named doing, enabling, improving, and managing cybersecurity, and eight first-order outcomes to represent the DCCI model. This research makes an unprecedented contribution to international and national scenarios, as it will allow firms to innovate their resource management processes and abilities to enable better cybersecurity projects and reduce the impacts of potential cyberattacks with the probability of eradicating vulnerabilities

    Na terra do nunca: cultura visual, arte e maternidade

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    En este texto traza las contribuciones que el arte contemporáneo hace para la cultura de la imagen asociada a las madres, es decir, cuánto las prácticas artísticas de la contemporaneidad colaboran con la desmistificación de la maternidad que los medios ponen como algo pleno, bello y natural, cuando sabemos que la verdadera cara de la maternidad difiere mucho de esa imagen. Se construye una interlocución entre relato de experiencias, prácticas artísticas y referenciales teóricos feministas y de la cultura visual. Es parte de la investigación e intercambio entre madres artistas que interfieren, participan y producen conocimientos para sus agentes y también otras discusiones para el campo del arte y las visualidades.Neste texto traço as contribuições que a arte contemporânea faz para a cultura da imagem associada às mães, isto é, o quanto as práticas artísticas da contemporaneidade colaboram com a desmistificação da maternidade que a mídia coloca como algo pleno, belo e natural, quando sabemos que a verdadeira face da maternidade difere muito dessa imagem. É construída uma interlocução entre relato de experiências, práticas artísticas e referenciais teóricos feministas e da cultura visual. É parte da investigação e intercâmbio entre mães artistas que interferem, participam e produzem conhecimentos para seus agentes e também outras discussões para o campo da arte e visualidades

    Na terra do nunca: cultura visual, arte e maternidade

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    Neste texto traço as contribuições que a arte contemporânea faz para a cultura da imagem associada às mães, isto é, o quanto as práticas artísticas da contemporaneidade colaboram com a desmistificação da maternidade que a mídia coloca como algo pleno, belo e natural, quando sabemos que a verdadeira face da maternidade difere muito dessa imagem. É construída uma interlocução entre relato de experiências, práticas artísticas e referenciais teóricos feministas e da cultura visual. É parte da investigação e intercâmbio entre mães artistas que interferem, participam e produzem conhecimentos para seus agentes e também outras discussões para o campo da arte e visualidades

    Innovation in energy sector: a comparative study in Brazil and Portugal

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    Comunicação apresentada no 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship - ECIE, 19-20 setembro 2013, Bruxelas, Bélgica     