296 research outputs found

    The use of the international classification of functioning, disability and health in primary care: Findings of exploratory implementation throughout life

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    __Purpose:__ The International Classification of Functioning (ICF) has found widespread acceptance since it was launched in 2001. Yet, little is known about its use in Primary Care. This paper aims to contribute to the dialogue about the practical use of the ICF by exploring how this framework constitutes a supplementary source to inform disability-related decision making in integrated Primary Care. __Method:__ The implementation process of the ICF in a Latin American Primary Care and Community-Based Rehabilitation setting is described and the ICF diagram is applied to a life story as an example of its current use. Participant observation, in-depth study of reports of team meetings and the review of clinical files are the main data collection methods. Data analysis is enabled by the combination of single-case study with theory testing, which facilitates the generation of hypotheses in this exploratory study. __Results:__ A valuable time component of the ICF may support continuity in Primary Care and the universal application of the ICF framework can promote comprehensiveness by integrating individual rehabilitation and collective disability prevention. A way to mitigate the perceived dominance of biomedical disease and deficiency thinking is proposed in order to encourage the biopsychosocial focus of Primary Care. Finally, the implementation of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in the health condition domain of the ICF highlights the importance of social responsibility towards disability. __Conclusion:__ This study suggests that a creative implementation of the ICF during life course to everyone who uses universally accessible healthcare may strengthen the integrative functions of Primary Care, and may be at the heart of the information system of this essential part of the healthcare system. Further research on the complementary use of ICF and ICD-10 is suggested in order to support community-based multisectoral intervention which may be coordinated by Primary Care

    Psychometric Properties of the Grief Cognitions Questionnaire for Children (GCQ-C)

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    Negative thinking is seen as an important mediating factor in the development of prolonged grief disorder (PGD), a syndrome encompassing debilitating symptoms of grief. No measure of specific grief related cognitions is available yet. Based on an adult measure of negative thinking in adults we developed a questionnaire for children, the Grief Cognitions Questionnaire for Children (GCQ-C). This study investigated several psychometric properties of the GCQ-C. Both reliability and validity were investigated in this study, in which hundred fifty-one children and adolescents (aged 8–18 years) participated. Findings showed that items of the GCQ-C represented one underlying dimension. Furthermore, the internal consistency and temporal stability were found to be adequate. Third, the findings supported the concurrent validity (e.g., significant positive correlations with self-report indices of PGD, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder), convergent and divergent validity of the GCQ-C. This study provides further evidence for the importance of negative thinking in PGD in children and adolescents

    Testing the Direction of Longitudinal Paths between Victimization, Peer Rejection, and Different Types of Internalizing Problems in Adolescence

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    The transition to secondary school is accompanied by the fragmentation of peer groups, while adolescents are also confronted with heightened incidents of bullying and increased levels of internalizing problems. Victimization, peer rejection, and internalizing problems are known to be interrelated, but how they influence each other over time remains unclear. We tested the direction of these associations by applying a cross-lagged path model among a large sample of Finnish adolescents (N = 5645; 49.1 % boys; M age at T1 = 14.0 years) after they transitioned to secondary school (grades 7–9). Self-reported depression, anxiety, and victimization and peer-reported rejection were measured 3 times over the course of 1 year. Results showed that depression was predictive of subsequent victimization for both boys and girls, in line with a symptoms-driven model; for girls, anxiety was reciprocally related to victimization, in line with a transactional model; for boys, victimization was related to subsequent anxiety, in line with an interpersonal risk model. Peer rejection was not directly related to depression or anxiety, but among girls peer rejection was bi-directionally related to victimization. Overall, our results suggest that associations between internalizing problems and peer relations differ between depression and anxiety and between genders. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed

    Parents’ need-related experiences when raising an adolescent with cerebral palsy

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    Objectives: Raising a child with cerebral palsy (CP) has been shown to strongly affect parents’ well-being and is often described as challenging or complex. Although quantitative studies have shown that these parents are at risk for increased levels of stress, a more comprehensive and in-depth insight into their experiences is needed in order to better understand these parents and to effectively support them. By relying on a self-determination theory perspective, this qualitative study puts the basic psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence forward as a structuring framework to explore both possibilities for need-satisfying experiences as well as risks for need-frustrating experiences when raising an adolescent with CP. Methods: Nine parents of adolescents with CP, aged 10 to 18 years, participated in an in-depth interview concerning their need-related experiences in raising their son or daughter with CP. The data were analyzed with deductive thematic analysis. Results: Parents’ experiences were classified into five themes and nine subthemes. Next to the need-related themes, the themes “accepting the diagnosis” and “uncertainty about the future” were also identified as essential to capture parents’ experiences. Conclusions: Although raising an adolescent with CP entails threats for parents’ need for autonomy, relatedness, and competence, it can also offer opportunities to feel closely connected with others and to feel effective when achieving unexpected goals. In order to fully capture parents’ experiences, we also need to take into account their acceptance of the diagnosis and their worries about the future

    Seeking the roots of entrepreneurship: Childhood and adolescence extraversion predict entrepreneurial intention in adults

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    Entrepreneurial personality research has mostly used cross-sectional data, giving rise to the question of whether the results can be used to predict entrepreneurial outcomes. Using a unique longitudinal dataset, we investigate whether and from what age personality in childhood and adolescence predicts entrepreneurial intention in young adulthood. We cover a time span of 17 years by assessing personality at four different developmental phases (6–9, 9–12, 12–15, and 14–17 years of age) and one measurement of entrepreneurial intention in young adulthood (23–26 years of age). We employ a variable-oriented approach by studying the Big Five traits—imagination, conscientiousness, extraversion, benevolence, and emotional stability—individually and a person-oriented approach by studying the “entrepreneurial personality profile,” a configuration of these traits. Extraversion as measured at 9–12 years already predicts entrepreneurial intention in young adulthood. This relationship becomes stronger as the age at which extraversion is measured increases. Unlike earlier literature, we do not find clear prospective relationships regarding the other traits. Our study presents insights into the antecedents of entrepreneurial intention and highlights the importance of extraversion in childhood and adolescence. The difference between our results and those of previous cross-sectional research highlights the importance of using longitudinal data

    What works in school-based programs for child abuse prevention? The perspectives of young child abuse survivors

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    Previous research has shown that youth consider school-based child abuse prevention programs as one of the most important strategies for preventing child abuse and neglect. This study asked young child abuse survivors how school-based child abuse prevention programs should be shaped and what program components they perceive as essential. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 Dutch young adults that were a victim of child abuse or neglect. A literature review that resulted in 12 potential program components was used to guide the interviews. All young adults agreed that school-based child abuse prevention programs are important and have positive effects on children’s awareness of child abuse. Teaching children that they are never to blame for child abuse occurrences was considered one of the most important components of school-based programs, next to teaching children how to escape from threatening situations and to find help, increasing children’s social–emotional skills, promoting child abuse related knowledge, recognizing risky situations, and increasing children’s self-esteem. Further, the participants found it important to provide children with aftercare when a school program has ended. Overall, young child abuse survivors have a strong view on what should be addressed in school-based child abuse prevention programs to effectively prevent child abuse.</p

    What works in school-based programs for child abuse prevention? The perspectives of young child abuse survivors

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    Previous research has shown that youth consider school-based child abuse prevention programs as one of the most important strategies for preventing child abuse and neglect. This study asked young child abuse survivors how school-based child abuse prevention programs should be shaped and what program components they perceive as essential. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 Dutch young adults that were a victim of child abuse or neglect. A literature review that resulted in 12 potential program components was used to guide the interviews. All young adults agreed that school-based child abuse prevention programs are important and have positive effects on children’s awareness of child abuse. Teaching children that they are never to blame for child abuse occurrences was considered one of the most important components of school-based programs, next to teaching children how to escape from threatening situations and to find help, increasing children’s social–emotional skills, promoting child abuse related knowledge, recognizing risky situations, and increasing children’s self-esteem. Further, the participants found it important to provide children with aftercare when a school program has ended. Overall, young child abuse survivors have a strong view on what should be addressed in school-based child abuse prevention programs to effectively prevent child abuse.</p

    Relations between problem behaviors, perceived symptom severity and parenting in adolescents and emerging adults with ASD : the mediating role of parental psychological need frustration

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    Research in parents of youngsters with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) increasingly documents associations between children's problem behaviors and symptom severity and more dysfunctional and less adaptive parenting behaviors. However, the mechanisms underlying these associations have not been examined thoroughly. This study examines the mediating role of parental need frustration in the relation between child maladjustment (i.e., problem behavior and autism severity) and parenting behavior (i.e., controlling and autonomy-supportive parenting). The sample included 95 parents of adolescents/emerging adults with ASD (M _age_ = 18.8 years, _SD_ = 2.3). Parents completed questionnaires assessing their parenting strategies and psychological need frustration as well as the internalizing and externa
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