182 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton discovery of 217 s pulsations in the brightest persistent supersoft X-ray source in M31

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    We report on the discovery of a periodic modulation in the bright supersoft X-ray source XMMU J004252.5+411540 detected in the 2000-2004 XMM-Newton observations of M31. The source exhibits X-ray pulsations with a period P~217.7 s and a quasi-sinusoidal pulse shape and pulsed fraction ~7-11%. We did not detect statistically significant changes in the pulsation period on the time scale of 4 years. The X-ray spectra of XMMU J004252.5+411540 are extremely soft and can be approximated with an absorbed blackbody of temperature 62-77 eV and a weak power law tail of photon index ~1.7-3.1 in the 0.2-3.0 keV energy band. The X-ray properties of the source and the absence of an optical/UV counterpart brighter than 19 mag suggest that it belongs to M31. The estimated bolometric luminosity of the source varies between ~2e38 and ~8e38 ergs/s at 760 kpc, depending on the choice of spectral model. The X-ray pulsations and supersoft spectrum of XMMU J004252.5+411540 imply that it is almost certainly an accreting white dwarf, steadily burning hydrogen-rich material on its surface. We interpret X-ray pulsations as a signature of the strong magnetic field of the rotating white dwarf. Assuming that the X-ray source is powered by disk accretion, we estimate its surface field strength to be in the range 4e5 G <B_{0}<8e6 G. XMMU J004252.5+411540 is the second supersoft X-ray source in M31 showing coherent pulsations, after the transient supersoft source XMMU J004319.4+411758 with 865.5 s pulsation period.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, uses emulateapj style. Submitted to Ap

    Dataset: Global seamless tidal simulation using a 3D unstructured-grid model

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    Dataset: We present a new 3D unstructured-grid global ocean model to study both tidal and non-tidal processes, with a focus on the total water elevation. Unlike existing global ocean models, the new model resolves estuaries and rivers down to ~8m without the need for grid nesting. The model is validated with both satellite and in-situ observations for elevation, temperature and salinity. Tidal elevation solutions have a mean complex RMSE of 4.2 cm for M2 and 5.4 cm for all 5 major constituents in the deep ocean (the RMSEs for the other 4 constituents (S2, N2, K1, O1) are respectively: 2.05cm, 0.93cm, 2.08cm, 1.34cm). The non-tidal residual assessed by a tide gauge dataset (GESLA) has a mean RMSE of 7 cm. For the first time ever, we demonstrate the potential for seamless simulation, on a single mesh, from the global ocean into several estuaries along the US west coast. The model is able to accurately capture the total elevation, even at some upstream stations. The model can therefore potentially serve as the backbone in a global tide-surge and compound flooding forecasting framework

    Polarization measurements of the polluted white dwarf G29-38

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    We have made high precision polarimetric observations of the polluted white dwarf G29-38 with the HIgh Precision Polarimetric Instrument 2. The observations were made at two different observatories -- using the 8.1-m Gemini North Telescope and the 3.9-m Anglo AustralianTelescope -- and are consistent with each other. After allowing for a small amount of interstellar polarization, the intrinsic linear polarization of the system is found to be 275.3 +/- 31.9 parts-per-million at a position angle of 90.8 +/- 3.8 degrees in the SDSS g' band. We compare the observed polarization with the predictions of circumstellar disc models. The measured polarization is small in the context of the models we develop which only allows us to place limits on disc inclination and Bond albedo for optically thin disc geometries. In this case either the inclination is near face-on or the albedo is small -- likely in the range 0.05 to 0.15 -- which is in line with other debris disc measurements. A preliminary search for the effects of G29-38's pulsations in the polarization signal produced inconsistent results. This may be caused by beating effects, indicate a clumpy dust distribution, or be a consequence of measurement systematics.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables. Accepted to MNRA

    Moisture Sources of Precipitation in the Great Lakes Region: Climatology and Recent Changes

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    Given the critical role of precipitation on hydroclimate, we quantified the contributions of moisture source regions to precipitation in the Great Lakes Region (GLR) using multiple reanalysis data sets. Results show that the Great Plains (GPs) and the GLR itself are the primary sources of moisture. The moisture sources for the double peaks in the GLR precipitation that occur in June and September are identified, which is caused by a shift in the peak timing of moisture contribution from the GLR and GPs. In particular, moisture from the GPs contributes more to the heavy precipitation, while moisture from the GLR contributes more to the light precipitation. We also found a statistically significant (p \u3c 0.05) increasing trend in the moisture contribution from the mid-Pacific, caused by an intensified zonal moisture transport from the mid-Pacific through changes in atmospheric circulation

    Resonance in Forced Oscillations of an Accretion Disk and Kilohertz Quasi Periodic Oscillations

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    We have performed numerical simulations of a radially perturbed "accretion" torus around a black hole or neutron star and find that the torus performs radial and vertical motions at the appropriate epicyclic frequencies. We find clear evidence that vertical motions are excited in a non-linear resonance when the applied perturbation is periodic in time. The strongest resonant response occurs when the frequency difference of the two oscillations is equal to one-half the forcing frequency, precisely as recently observed in the accreting pulsar, SAX J1808.4-3658, where the observed kHz QPO peak separation is half the spin frequency of 401 Hz.Comment: Matches published version. One important typo corrected in section 2.

    Magnetic and Structural Properties of Ndā‚‚Feā‚ā‚‡ā‚‹ā‚“Mnā‚“ Solid Solutions

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    A series of Nd2Fe17-xMnx solid solutions with x values between 0 and and 6 were prepared and analyzed using magnetic measurements, neutron diffraction, and Mƶssbauer spectroscopy. All of the Nd2Fe17-xMnx samples crystallized in the Th2Zn17-x-type rhombohedral structure. The lattice parameters and unit cell volumes decrease with increasing manganese content up to āˆ¼ x equal to 2, and then increase for higher manganese content. The magnetizations of Nd2Fe17-xMnx decrease with increasing manganese content and Nd2Fe17-xMnx is paramagnetic at room temperature for x greater than 3. The Curie temperature in Nd2Fe17-xMnx solid solutions is maximum for x equal to 0.5 and decreases at a rate of āˆ¼ 10Ā° per substituted manganese up to x equal to 3, after which it drops sharply. These results are discussed in terms of the manganese she occupancies in Nd2Fe17-xMnx

    Neutron Diffraction Structural Study of Ceā‚‚Feā‚ā‚‡ā‚‹ā‚“Gaā‚“

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    Six samples of Ce2Fe17-xGax with nominal Ga content x equal to 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0 have been studied by powder neutron diffraction at room temperature. Both crystalline and magnetic refinements have been carried out. All six samples adopt the Th2Zn17-type rhombohedral structure. The only additional phase found is Ī±-iron. Gallium atoms are found to have high affinity for the iron 18h site, and are absent from the 9d and 18f sites. The Ga substitution for Fe leads to an expansion of both the a and c axes. The Curie temperature increases from 238 K for Ce2Fe17 to 406 K for Ce2Fe15Ga2. Magnetic refinements on the samples with x = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, and 2.0 reveal that the magnetic moments of the four Fe sites are in the basal plane and that their values increase with increasing Ga content

    Insights on Simulating Summer Warming of the Great Lakes: Understanding the Behavior of a Newly Developed Coupled Lake-Atmosphere Modeling System

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    The Laurentian Great Lakes are the world\u27s largest freshwater system and regulate the climate of the Great Lakes region, which has been increasingly experiencing climatic, hydrological, and ecological changes. An accurate mechanistic representation of the Great Lakes thermal structure in Regional Climate Models (RCMs) is paramount to studying the climate of this region. Currently, RCMs have primarily represented the Great Lakes through coupled one-dimensional (1D) column lake models; this approach works well for small inland lakes but is unable to resolve the realistic hydrodynamics of the Great Lakes and leads to inaccurate representations of lake surface temperature (LST) that influence regional climate and weather patterns. This work overcomes this limitation by developing a fully two-way coupled modeling system using the Weather Research and Forecasting model and a three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic model. The coupled model system resolves the interactive physical processes between the atmosphere, lake, and surrounding watersheds; and validated against a range of observational data. The model is then used to investigate the potential impacts of lake-atmosphere coupling on the simulated summer LST of Lake Superior. By evaluating the difference between our two-way coupled modeling system and our observation-driven modeling system, we find that coupled-lake atmosphere dynamics can lead to a higher LST during June-September through higher net surface heat flux entering the lake in June and July and a lower net surface heat flux entering the lake in August and September. The unstratified water in June distributes the entering surface heat flux throughout the water column leading to a minor LST increase, while the stratified waters of July create a conducive thermal structure for the water surface to warm rapidly under the higher incoming surface heat flux. This research provides insight into the coupled modeling system behavior, which is critical for enhancing our predictive understanding of the Great Lakes climate system
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