21 research outputs found

    Occurrence of enterotoxic Staphylococcus aureus in raw milk from yaks and cattle in Mongolia.

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    Staphylococcal food poisoning is considered one of the leading foodborne illnesses in humans worldwide and is associated with contaminated foods of animal origin, such as milk and dairy products. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of staphylococci and the enterotoxigenic properties of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw milk from yaks (Bos mutus) and cattle in Mongolia. Staphylococci were isolated from 72 (74%) of the 97 raw milk samples. Of the samples containing staphylococci, 69% (50 of 72) were from yaks and 30.5% (22 of 72) were from cattle. S. aureus was detected in 10% of yak (7 of 72) and 21% of cattle (15 of 72) milk samples. Staphylococcal enterotoxin C was detected in 23% (5 of 22) of the S. aureus strains investigated, based on the reverse passive latex agglutination technique. Three of the five enterotoxigenic strains were from yaks and two were from cattle. None of the S. aureus strains tested produced staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, or D. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of staphylococci and enterotoxigenic S. aureus in milk from yaks and cattle in Mongolia

    Characterisation of Dichelobacter nodosus and detection of Fusobacterium necrophorum and Treponema spp. in sheep with different clinical manifestations of footrot

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to determine the proportion of Dichelobacter nodosus, Fusobacterium necrophorum and Treponema spp. in sheep with different clinical manifestations of footrot compared to healthy sheep both at flock and individual level. The second aim was to characterise D. nodosus with respect to virulence, presence of intA gene and the serogroups.Swab samples (n=1000) from footrot-affected (n=10) and healthy flocks (n=10) were analysed for the presence of D. nodosus, F. necrophorum and Treponema spp. by real-time PCR and culturing (D. nodosus only). Dichelobacter nodosus isolates (n=78) and positive swabs (n=474) were analysed by real-time PCR for the aprV2/B2 and the intA genes and by PCR for the fimA gene (isolates only).D. nodosus was more commonly found in flocks affected with footrot than in clinically healthy flocks. A significant association was found between feet with severe footrot lesions and the aprV2 gene and between feet with moderate or no lesions and the aprB2 gene, respectively. F. necrophorum was more commonly found in flocks with footrot lesions than in flocks without lesions. No significant association was found between sheep flocks affected with footrot and findings of Treponema spp. or the intA gene. Benign D. nodosus of six different serogroups was detected in twelve flocks and virulent D. nodosus of serogroup G in one.In conclusion, D. nodosus and F. necrophorum were more commonly found in feet with footrot than in healthy feet. The majority of D. nodosus detected was benign, while virulent D. nodosus was only detected in a single flock

    A shotgun metagenomic investigation of the microbiota of udder cleft dermatitis in comparison to healthy skin in dairy cows

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    Udder cleft dermatitis (UCD) is a skin condition affecting the fore udder attachment of dairy cows. UCD may be defined as mild (eczematous skin changes) or severe (open wounds, large skin changes). Our aims were to compare the microbiota of mild and severe UCD lesions with the microbiota of healthy skin from the fore udder attachment of control cows, and to investigate whether mastitis-causing pathogens are present in UCD lesions. Samples were obtained from cows in six dairy herds. In total, 36 UCD samples categorized as mild (n = 17) or severe (n = 19) and 13 control samples were sequenced using a shotgun metagenomic approach and the reads were taxonomically classified based on their k-mer content. The Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to compare the abundance of different taxa between different sample types, as well as to compare the bacterial diversity between samples. A high proportion of bacteria was seen in all samples. Control samples had a higher proportion of archaeal reads, whereas most samples had low proportions of fungi, protozoa and viruses. The bacterial microbiota differed between controls and mild and severe UCD samples in both composition and diversity. Subgroups of UCD samples were visible, characterized by increased proportion of one or a few bacterial genera or species, e.g. Corynebacterium, Staphylococcus, Brevibacterium luteolum, Trueperella pyogenes and Fusobacterium necrophorum. Bifidobacterium spp. were more common in controls compared to UCD samples. The bacterial diversity was higher in controls compared to UCD samples. Bacteria commonly associated with mastitis were uncommon. In conclusion, a dysbiosis of the microbiota of mild and severe UCD samples was seen, characterized by decreased diversity and an increased proportion of certain bacteria. There was no evidence of a specific pathogen causing UCD or that UCD lesions are important reservoirs for mastitis-causing bacteria

    A Case-Series Report on The Use of a Salicylic Acid Bandage as a Non-Antibiotic Treatment for Early Detected, Non-Complicated Interdigital Phlegmon in Dairy Cows

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    Interdigital phlegmon (IP) is an important cause of lameness in cattle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment effect of a salicylic acid bandage in the interdigital space in dairy cows with early detected IP. Dairy cows (n = 109) with IP diagnosed and treated by the farmer were included in the study. On day 0, the rectal temperature, general condition, coronary circumference, and lameness score were recorded. The cow was immobilized in a trimming chute and the interdigital space was cleaned and inspected. For treatment, 1–2 tablespoons of 100% salicylic acid powder were applied into the interdigital space followed by bandaging of the hoof. On days 1–2 and days 3–5, the rectal temperature, the general condition, and the lameness score were recorded. On days 3–5, the cow was restrained, the bandage was taken off, and the coronary circumference was recorded again. Treatment of IP with salicylic acid gave a satisfactory treatment result. Within three–five days, treated cows responded with reduced lameness, lower body temperature, decreased coronary swelling, and an improved general condition compared to the day when the treatment started. Salicylic acid therefore proved to be an alternative in the treatment of early-detected non-complicated IP

    Antimicrobial susceptibility of porcine <it>Brachyspira hyodysenteriae</it> and <it>Brachyspira pilosicoli</it> isolated in Sweden between 1990 and 2010

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    Abstract Background The anaerobic spirochetes Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira pilosicoli cause diarrheal diseases in pigs. Their fastidious nature has hampered standardization of methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. For monitoring of antimicrobial susceptibility wild type cutoff values are needed to define where the wild type distribution of MICs ends and no approved cutoffs are available for Brachyspira spp. In this study antimicrobial susceptibility data for both species (in total 906 isolates) were compiled and analyzed and wild type cut off values for B. hyodysenteriae proposed. Methods The MICs of tiamulin, valnemulin, tylosin, tylvalosin, doxycycline and lincomycin were determined by broth dilution in brain heart infusion broth supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum. Results The compiled MICs from the broth dilution tests of the B. hyodysenteriae type strain, B78T (ATCC® 27164T), showed that the method yields reproducible results. In an international perspective the frequencies of isolates with decreased antimicrobial susceptibility were low among both B. hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli. However, in B. pilosicoli a constant level of 10-15% isolates with tiamulin MICs >4 μg/ml was detected between 2002 and 2010 and in B. hyodysenteriae a gradual increase in tiamulin MICs was seen between 1990 and 2003 although this increase has ceased during the last years. The wild type cutoff values proposed for B. hyodysenteriae are: tiamulin >0.25 μg/ml, valnemulin >0.125 μg/ml, tylosin >16 μg/ml, tylvalosin >1 μg/ml, lincomycin >1 μg/ml and doxycycline >0.5 μg/ml. Conclusions The broth dilution method used in this study has over the years generated tightly grouped MIC populations for the field isolates and reproducible results for the control strain B78T and is therefore a suitable antimicrobial susceptibility test method for monitoring of Brachyspira spp. Here we propose wild type cutoff values for six antimicrobial agents for B. hyodysenteriae tested by broth dilution based on MIC distributions and the current knowledge on mechanisms of resistance in this species. There are few studies on antimicrobial resistance mechanisms and MIC distributions in B. pilosicoli but to some extent the cutoff values proposed for B. hyodysenteriae may be applicable also for monitoring of antimicrobial susceptibility in B. pilosicoli.</p

    Genome-Wide Relatedness of <i>Treponema pedis,</i> from Gingiva and Necrotic Skin Lesions of Pigs, with the Human Oral Pathogen <i>Treponema denticola</i>

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    <div><p><i>Treponema pedis</i> and <i>T. denticola</i> are two genetically related species with different origins of isolation. <i>Treponema denticola</i> is part of the human oral microbiota and is associated with periodontitis while <i>T. pedis</i> has been isolated from skin lesions in animals, <i>e.g.,</i> digital dermatitis in cattle and necrotic ulcers in pigs. Although multiple <i>Treponema</i> phylotypes may exist in ulcerative lesions in pigs, <i>T. pedis</i> appears to be a predominant spirochete in these lesions. <i>Treponema pedis</i> can also be present in pig gingiva. In this study, we determined the complete genome sequence of <i>T. pedis</i> strain T A4, isolated from a porcine necrotic ear lesion, and compared its genome with that of <i>T. denticola</i>. Most genes in <i>T. pedis</i> were homologous to those in <i>T. denticola</i> and the two species were similar in general genomic features such as size, G+C content, and number of genes. In addition, many homologues of specific virulence-related genes in <i>T. denticola</i> were found in <i>T. pedis</i>. Comparing a selected pair of strains will usually not give a complete picture of the relatedness between two species. We therefore complemented the analysis with draft genomes from six <i>T. pedis</i> isolates, originating from gingiva and necrotic ulcers in pigs, and from twelve <i>T. denticola</i> strains. Each strain carried a considerable amount of accessory genetic material, of which a large part was strain specific. There was also extensive sequence variability in putative virulence-related genes between strains belonging to the same species. Signs of lateral gene-transfer events from bacteria known to colonize oral environments were found. This suggests that the oral cavity is an important habitat for <i>T. pedis</i>. In summary, we found extensive genomic similarities between <i>T. pedis</i> and <i>T. denticola</i> but also large variability within each species.</p></div