50 research outputs found

    Polytomous Quantal Response of Crocidolomia Pavonana (F.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to Extracts of Aglaia Spp. and Dysoxylum Spp. (Meliaceae)

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    Polytomous Quantal Response of Crocidolomia pavonana (F.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to Extracts of Aglaia spp. and Dysoxylum spp. (Meliaceae). This work was done to study the polytomous binary response of the cabbage head caterpillar Crocidolomia pavonana (F.) to extracts of two species each of Aglaia and Dysoxylum (Meliaceae). Second-instar larvae C. pavonana were fed extract-treated broccoli leaves for 2 days and then the surviving larvae were maintained on untreated leaves until pupation. Relationship between extract concentration and the number of dead larvae in different instars was analyzed using polytomous quantal response analysis based on the conditional logit model. The results showed that twig extract of Dysoxylum acutangulum and seed extract of D. mollissimum possessed strong insect growth regulating activity against C. pavonana larvae as reflected by highly significant responses in the later insect life stages after the feeding treatment was removed, including the significant occurrence of malformed pupae. On the contrary, the feeding treatment with twig extract of Aglaia odorata and seed extract of A. odoratissima resulted in highly significant responses only in the treated larval instar, and after the feeding treatment was removed, responses in the later life stages were insignificant or much less significant. Overall, the above results suggest that Dysoxylum extracts interfered with hormonally-controlled insect development and metamorphosis, whereas the activity of Aglaia extracts was more insecticidal rather than insect growth regulating

    Aktivitas Insektisida Ekstrak Daun Dan Biji Tephrosia Vogelii J. D. Hooker (Leguminosae) Dan Ekstrak Buah Piper Cubeba L. (Piperaceae) Terhadap Larva Crocidolomia Pavonana (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

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    Insecticidal activity of leaf and seed extracts of Tephrosia vogelii J. D. Hooker (Leguminosae) and fruit extract of Piper cubeba L. (Piperaceae) on the cabbage head caterpillar, Crocidolomia pavonana (L.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Ethyl acetate leaf and seed extracts of Tephrosia vogelii and a solid fraction of ethyl acetate fruit extract of Piper cubeba were evaluated for their insecticidal activity on second-instar larvae Crocidolomia pavonana by a leaf-residue feeding method in the laboratory. Leaf extracts of purple and white-flowered T. vogelii showed the same pattern of component separation on silica gel TLC plate (Rf between 0.21 and 0.94), and likewise the separation of components of seed extracts of purple and white-flowered T. vogelii (Rf between 0.31 and 0.96). All four kinds of T. vogelii extracts showed intense UV-absorbing nonpolar spots (Rf > 0.8). Based on LC50 ratio at day 4, leaf extract of purple-flowered T. vogelii (LC50 0.075%) was 4.30, 2.70, 2.21, and 1.64 times more toxic than fruit extract of P. cubeba, seed extract of white-flowered T. vogelii, seed extract of purple-flowered T. vogelii, and leaf extract of white-flowered T. vogelii, respectively. All T. vogelii extracts were more toxic to C. pavonana larvae than P. cubeba fruit extract. At LC95 level, a mixture of leaf extract of purple-flowered T. vogelii and fruit extract of P. cubeba (5:9, w/w) was more toxic to C. pavonana larvae than each extract tested separately. This extract mixture had synergistic joint action against C. pavonana larvae both at LC50 and LC95 level. Thus, leaf extract of purple-flowered T. vogelii and its mixture with P. cubeba fruit extract are promising to be used for controlling C. pavonana

    Aktivitas Residu Protein Cry1Ac Pada Lahan Yang Ditanami Kapas Transgenik-Bt Di Bajeng Dan Soppeng, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Soil samples were collected from each plot at the two field sites at 0, 1, 3, and 5 months after planting, and at one-month intervals after harvest for three months. Soil suspension from each sample was mixed with agar based diet (1 g soil/20 ml soil-diet mixture) then was presented to neonate larvae of H. armigera. Two reference standards were used, i.e. pure Cry1Ac protein (0.165 x 104 to 1.436 x 105 ng per ml of the proteindiet mixture) and non-Bt-soil spiked with Cry1Ac protein (0.11 x 104 to 9.573 x 104 ng per ml of the soil-diet-mixture). Larval mortality was recorded at 7 days of treatment. In both reference standards, mortality of H. armigera larvae occurred in a concentrationdependent fashion, i.e. larval mortality increased with the increase in Cry1Ac protein concentration, with LC50 of 0.95 x 104 and 1.65 x 104 ng/ml, respectively, for the pure protein and spiked non-Bt-soil standards. Result of the bioassay of soil samples from the field sites showed the residues from both transgenic cotton soils did not cause any mortality (0%) in the test insects. This indicates that the concentrations of Cry1Ac residue in soil at the study sites were very low (in the second standard, Cry1Ac at a concentration of 0.33 x 104 ng/ml caused about 10% larval mortality)

    EFIKASI INSEKTISIDA NABATI EKSTRAK DAUN Tephrosia vogelii Hook. TERHADAP Crocidolomia pavonana (F.) dan Plutella xylostella (L.) SERTA PENGARUHNYA PADA Diadegma semiclausum (Hellen)

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    [EFICATION OF BOTANICAL INSECTICIDE OF Tephrosia vogelii Hook. f. LEAF EXTRACT AGAINTS Crocidolomia pavonana (F.) AND Plutella xylostella (L.) AND ITS EFFECT TO Diadegma semiclausum (Hellen)]. The active fraction of hexane extract of Tephrosia vogelii (Tv) leaves was evaluated for this insecticidal activity on second-instar larvae of Crocidolomia pavonana and Plutella xylostella as well as for the safety to the adults of Diadegma semiclausum parasitoid. Fraction (fr) 2-4 of Tv from column chromatography (CC) had strong insecticidal activity on C. pavonana and P. xylostella. In the test with C. pavonana, the fraction was more active by feeding than by contact. Based on LC at 72 hours since treatment (HST), fr 2-4 CC Tv was 1.8 times more toxic to P. xylostella than to C. pavonana. The fr 2-4 CC Tv showed strong antifeedant effect against C. pavonana larvae. At equal test concentrations, the treatment with fr 2-4 CC Tv caused much lower mortality in D. semiclausum parasitoid adults than in its host larvae, P. xylostella. In contrast, an organophosphate profenofos, included in this study as a positive control, was much more detrimental to D. semiclausum than to P. xylostella. In the semifield experiment, fr 2-4 CC Tv had comparable effect with profenofos and bioinsecticide Bacillus thuringiensis in reducing the population of C. pavonana larvae on broccoli plants

    Pengembangan teknologi formulasi insektisida nabati untuk pengendalian hama sayuran dalam upaya menghasilkan produk sayuran sehat

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    The use of synthetic insecticide for pest management to protect insect attacking the holticulture product have been done intensivelly and seems not wise which predicted could cause a negative impact to the environmental and human health. Due to that reason then the research prepared to know the pest management technology especially for holticultural product through the use of material or something that come from the agricultural planting material as natural insecticide which could be developed as commercial products that practice and safe to produce healty holticultural product. Three species of fruits and holticultural plant used for the research namely Annona squamosa (Annonaceae/ seed), Piper retrofractum (Piperaceae/fruit) and Tephrosia vogelii (Leguminosae/Leaves) extracted with methanol. Every extract product tested with larva of Cricidolomia pavonana F. (Lepidoptera : Crambidae), that is one of the pest for holticultural product which treated with direction the planting and in the leaves. The extract was tested also to the food barrier of C. Pavonana. The extract of A. Squamosa was contact toxic than abdomen toxic, while on the contrary the extract of P. retrofractum have more impart to the abdomen toxic than contact toxic. The extract of P. Retrofractum and A. Squamosa at the concertation of 0.2 Ā°/o could protect food activities of the larvas that was about 80 Ā°/o. The mixed extract of T. Voge/ii and A. Squamosa more toxic or more effective than the mixed extract of T. Vogelii and P. Retrofractum. In the developing natural insecticide formula, the using of agristic adjuvant was betterĀ than tween and miracle especially in formulation establishization. The treatment of P. Retrofractum andĀ T. Vogelii in the field could reduce the development of C. Pavonana which finally those both extract could be used wider as combined with A. Squamosa extract in order to increase the effectiveness

    Pengembangan teknologi formulasi insektisida nabati untuk pengendalian hama sayuran dalam upaya menghasilkan produk sayuran sehat

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    The use of synthetic insecticide for pest management to protect insect attacking the holticulture product have been done intensivelly and seems not wise which predicted could cause a negative impact to the environmental and human health. Due to that reason then the research prepared to know the pest management technology especially for holticultural product through the use of material or something that come from the agricultural planting material as natural insecticide which could be developed as commercial products that practice and safe to produce healty holticultural product. Three species of fruits and holticultural plant used for the research namely Annona squamosa (Annonaceae/ seed), Piper retrofractum (Piperaceae/fruit) and Tephrosia vogelii (Leguminosae/Leaves) extracted with methanol. Every extract product tested with larva of Cricidolomia pavonana F. (Lepidoptera : Crambidae), that is one of the pest for holticultural product which treated with direction the planting and in the leaves. The extract was tested also to the food barrier of C. Pavonana. The extract of A. Squamosa was contact toxic than abdomen toxic, while on the contrary the extract of P. retrofractum have more impart to the abdomen toxic than contact toxic. The extract of P. Retrofractum and A. Squamosa at the concertation of 0.2 Ā°/o could protect food activities of the larvas that was about 80 Ā°/o. The mixed extract of T. Voge/ii and A. Squamosa more toxic or more effective than the mixed extract of T. Vogelii and P. Retrofractum. In the developing natural insecticide formula, the using of agristic adjuvant was betterĀ than tween and miracle especially in formulation establishization. The treatment of P. Retrofractum andĀ T. Vogelii in the field could reduce the development of C. Pavonana which finally those both extract could be used wider as combined with A. Squamosa extract in order to increase the effectiveness

    Pengaruh Fraksi Aktif Kulit Batang Dysoxylum Acutangulum Miq. (Meliaceae) Terhadap Reproduksi Crocidolomia Pavonana (F.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

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    Effects of an active fraction of stem bark of Dysoxylum acutangulum Miq. (Meliaceae) on reproduction of Crocidolomia pavonana (F.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). This study was conducted to determine the effect of an active fraction of Dysoxylum acutangulum stem bark on reproduction and longevity of the cabbage pest Crocidolomia pavonana. The feeding treatment with the test material was given to the second-instar larvae C. pavonana at concentrations of 2.54, 3.29 and 3.93 ppm (equivalent to LC10, LC30 and LC50), then the emerging adults were observed for their fecundity, ovarial protein content and longevity. The treatment with the test material at LC50 shortened the lifespan of adult males and females C. pavonana by 2.9 and 1.6 days, respectively, compared with controls. The treatments at LC10, LC30 and LC50 decreased the fecundity of the adult females by 44.0, 64.7 and 58.1%, respectively, compared with controls, and this effect could be associated with the decrease in protein content of ovaries of the females (29.0, 47.8 and 42.8% decrease, respectively). Such treatments also delayed the maturity of ovaries of the females. Suppression of reproductive capacity of C. pavonana could contribute significantly to overall suppression of the pest population if the test material is used in the field