811 research outputs found

    Book reviews

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    Book review

    Solidarity from the Point of View of European Catholic Experts

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    Modern Media Phenomenon

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    Contemporary media culture is defined by the logic of the victorious spectacle expanding to all areas of life. Post-modern capitalism has turned everyday life and culture into entertainment with the help of the spectacular. In fact, such entertainment results in a fake sense of happiness, pop mainstream, the swallowing up alternatives and therefore the creation of a passive consumer society. The media today have a unique power of overwhelming a person with information. They enable a modern person to know much, but understand little. This discussion has cast some light on very popular reality shows, the body and sports. It concludes with a reflection on modern media, which leave a person of this age with a patchwork identity


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    U radu se obrađuju dva molitvenika dubrovačkog podrijetla, Vatikanski hrvatski molitvenik i Dubrovački akademijin molitvenik, u povijesno-umjetničkom kontekstu. Posebna pozornost posvećena je analizi stila i ikonografije minijatura naslikanih u njihovim inicijalima.In questo scritto vengono trattati due antichi libri di preghiere di Dubrovnik, scritti nell’alfabeto latino e nel dialetto ơtokavo. La nascita del primo si colloca aprossimativamente nel 1400, dell’altro attorno al 1450. Etrambi appartengono al genere di liturgia delle ore e comprendono: l’ufficio della Beata Vergine Maria, l’ufficio dei morti, l’ufficio dello Spirito Santo, salmi penitenziali, salmi graduali e un gruppo di preghiere. Oltre a quelle menzionate, i due libri contengono alcune preghiere che attirarono l’attenzione di diversi linguisti croati. Nella bibliografia specifica i due libri sono identificati come: il cosi detto Vatikanski hrvatski molitvenik (libro di preghiere croato nel Vaticano) e il libro cosi detto Akademijin dubrovački molitvenik (libro di preghiere di Dubrovnik nella ‘Accademia croata delle Scienze e delle Arti); sono ornati con le iniziali e le immagini dei santi, opere di artisti sconosciuti. L’autrice considera questi due testi in un contesto artistico-storico, e presta una particolare attenzione all’analisi dello stile e dell’iconografia delle figure dei santi dipinte nelle iniziali. Non essendo possibile arrivare ai nomi degli artisti, autori delle iniziali, servendosi degli archivi o di un’analisi stilistica, l’autrice propone di nominarli con dei nomi: il Maestro delle iniziali de il libro Vatikanski hrvatski molitvenik , il Maestro delle iniziali de Il libro Akademijin dubrovački molitvenik

    Le sacré et le territoire slovÚne

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    La notion du sacrĂ© s’étend de la rĂ©alitĂ© substantielle Ă  l’illusion fonctionnelle. Selon nous, la personne humaine en tant qu’ĂȘtre transcendant est un ĂȘtre sacrĂ© pour qui la religiositĂ© est un phĂ©nomĂšne irrĂ©ductible; cette personne est aussi un ĂȘtre social. La culture concrĂ©tise cette double rĂ©alitĂ© dans un État, dans une nation. AprĂšs 1945, en plus de voir leur existence nationale menacĂ©e par une Yougoslavie impĂ©rialiste, les SlovĂšnes subirent un rĂ©gime communiste totalitaire qui voulait crĂ©er une sociĂ©tĂ© sans classes et un homme libre, mais cette sociĂ©tĂ© est plutĂŽt devenue un « sacré » nourri de collectivisme et d’individualisme. L’État et la nation slovĂšnes, en refusant un droit de dĂ©nominateur commun Ă  la religion traditionnelle et au mythe de la Narodno Osvobodilna Borna (Lutte pour la libĂ©ration nationale), se sont soumis aux effets du postmodernisme en raison de leur propre incapacitĂ© Ă  vivre leur identitĂ©. En se livrant au polycentrisme des valeurs et au plus petit dĂ©nominateur commun de la convivialitĂ©, les citoyens se reconnaissent aujourd’hui davantage dans la mondialisation que dans les idĂ©aux de leur propre nation.The notion of the “sacred” can apply to substantial reality as well as the most functional of illusions. The paper starts from the premise that humans are transcendental and, as such, sacred beings for whom religiosity is irrefutable; they are also social beings. Cultures translate this double reality into states and nations. After 1945, Slovenes did not only see their national existence threatened by an imperialist Yugoslavia; they also bore the brunt of a totalitarian communist regime bent on creating a classless society and a free man. However, this soon turned into a “sacred” enterprise to push collectivism and individualism. By denying traditional religion and Narodno Osvobodilna Borna (national liberation struggle) their role as common identity denominators, the Slovene state and the nation fell under the sway of postmodernism because of their failure to express their real identity. By surrendering to the polycentrism of values and to the least common denominator of congeniality, Slovene citizens now recognize themselves more in the processes of globalization than in the aspirations of their own nation


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    U ovoj studiji autori analiziraju minijature u Misalu kneza Novaka iz 1368. godine koji se čuva u Austrijskoj nacionalnoj biblioteci u Beču pod signaturom Cod. slav. 8. Minijature prikazuju evanđeliste Mateja, Marka, Luku i Ivana, prizor Razapinjanja i Imago pietatis. Na temelju detaljnije povijesne i stilske analize autori smatraju date minijature pokazuju gotičke stilske elemente koje susrećemo u nastavljača Paola Veneziana, a uklapaju se joĆĄ vise u slikarstvo koje se u to vrijeme razvija između Padove i Emilije. Najvjerojatnije su one ipak djelo lokalnog minijaturista koji je djelovao s najviĆĄe probabilnosti u Zadru, a moĆŸda u Ninu, u sluĆŸbi tog istaknutog hrvatskog feudalca kojega ime Misal i danas nosi.In this study the authors analyse the miniatures of the Missal of Duke Novak from 1368 which is housed in the Austrian National Library in Vienna under reference Cod. slav. 8. The miniatures present the evangelists Matthew (fol. 74v), Mark (fol.79v), Luke (fol.84r) and John (fol. 9lr), the crucifixion scene (fol. 158v) and the Imago pietatis (fol. 159v). More detailed historical and stylistic analysis has led the authors to believe that the miniatures show the Gothic stylistic characteristics encountered in the works of the followers of the greatest Venetian painter of Trecento, Paolo Veneziano. The miniatures have even more similarities with the painting which developed at that time in the region between Padua and Emilia and have one of their sources in the painting of Giotto. This comparative analysis mentions the names of Catarino, Guariento, Nicoletto Semitecolo and some of the miniatures of the decorative codexes from those parts during the second half of the fourteenth century. After the iconographic analysis, particularly of the Imago Pietatis miniature and the problem of the large number of wounds on the body of Christ, the authors move on to their own attributive suggestions. The authors are of the opinion that the miniatures were not the work of Nikola Ciprianov de Blondis of Zadar, pupil of Paolo Veneziano who worked in Zadar and Nin, if he is the same painter responsible for the paintings in the Kynzvart Palace in Bohemia (which has not in fact been proved, though the possibility cannot be entirely ruled out). After listing several other Zadar artists of the period and mentioning analogies with a fragment of a painted crucifixion by an unknown artist which can be found in the Museum of Art and Craft in Zagreb, the authors move on to their own hypothesis which classifies the miniatures of Prince Novak\u27s Missal as most probably being the work of a local artist working at this time in Zadar, and perhaps in Nin, in the service of the Croatian feudal lord whose name the missal takes. The true identity of the artist remains to be discovered

    The Implementation of Electronic Health Records: A Two Country Comparison

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    The adoption of electronic health records has been significantly slower in Australia than many European countries. This paper compares the implementation process in Australia with Slovenia, looking at the benefits, drawbacks and success factors of ehealth implementation. The authors use case studies collected in each country to discuss issues around ehealth implementation. Though Slovenia has progressed much further down the road of ehealth the commonality of the experiences between both cases was striking

    An exploratory study of the implementation of electronic health records: a two country comparison

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    The adoption of electronic health records has been significantly slower in Australia than many European countries. This paper compares the implementation process in Australia with Slovenia, looking at the benefits, drawbacks and success factors of e-health implementation. The authors use case studies collected in each country to discuss issues around e-health implementation. Though Slovenia has progressed much further down the road of e-health the commonality of the experiences between both cases was striking
