1,804 research outputs found

    CLIWOC multilingual meteorological dictionary

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    This dictionary is the first attempt to express the wealth of archaic logbook wind force terms in a form that is comprehensible to the modern-day reader. Oliver and Kington (1970) and Lamb (1982) have drawn attention to the importance of logbooks in climatic studies, and Lamb (1991) offered a conversion scale for early eighteenth century English wind force terms, but no studies have thus far pursued the matter to any greater depth. This text attempts to make good this deficiency, and is derived from the research undertaken by the CLIWOC project1 in which British, Dutch, French and Spanish naval and merchant logbooks from the period 1750 to 1850 were used to derive a global database of climatic information. At an early stage in the project it was apparent that many of the logbook weather terms, whilst conforming to a conventional vocabulary, possessed meanings that were unclear to twenty-first century readers or had changed over time. This was particularly the case for the important element of wind force; but no special plea is entered for the evolution in nautical vocabulary, which often reflected more wide-ranging changes in the respective native languages.The key objective was to translate the archaic vocabulary of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century mariner into expressions directly comparable with the Beaufort Scale (see Appendix I). Only then could the projects scientific programme be embarked upon. This dictionary is the result of the largest undertaking into logbook studies that has yet been carried out. Several thousand logbooks from British, Dutch, French and Spanish archives were examined, and the exercise offered a unique opportunity to explore the vocabulary of the one hundred year period beginning in 1750. The logbooks from which the raw data have been abstracted range widely across the North and South Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. Only the Pacific, largely in consequence of the paucity of regular naval activity in that area, is not well represented. The range of climates encountered in this otherwise wide geographic domain gives ample opportunity for the full range of the mariners nautical weather vocabulary to be assessed, from the calms of the Equatorial regions, through the gales of the mid-latitude systems to the fearsome storms of the tropical latitudes. The Trade Winds belts, the Doldrums, the unsettled mid-latitudes, even the icy wastes of the high latitudes, are all embraced in this study. It is not here intended to pass any judgements on the climatological record of the logbooks, and this text seeks only to provide a means of understanding archaic wind force terms and, other than to indicate those items that were not commonly used, no information is given on the frequency with which different terms appeared in the logbooks. Attention is, furthermore, confined to Dutch, English, French and Spanish because these once great imperial powers were the only nations able to support wide-ranging ocean-going fleets with their attendant collections of logbooks and documents over this long period of time. The work is offered to the wider academic community in the hope that they will prove to be of as much value as it has been to the CLIWOC team

    Phytoplankton, bacterioplankton and nitrate reductase activity distribution in relation to physical structure in the northern Alborán Sea and Gulf of Cadiz (southern Iberian Peninsula)

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    The IctioAlborán-Cadiz 95 cruise (July 1995) covered the northwest sector of the Alborán Sea, the Straits of Gibraltar and the Gulf of Cadiz. We present and discuss the distribution of phytoand bacterioplankton abundance, nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase (NR) activity according to circulation patterns described previously in the literature. The water-column integrated values of chlorophyll-a in the Alborán Sea were higher and more variable (12 to 318 mg m⁻³) than in the Gulf of Cadiz (3 to 49 mg m⁻³). This reflects the higher dynamism of the Alborán sector, related to the existence of characteristic mesoscale physical structures. The plankton (2-80 μm equivalent spherical diameter) in the upwelling region of the Alborán Sea had a biovolume 30 times higher than in the nutrient-poorer water of the Gulf of Cadiz. Large organisms were abundant and dominated the size spectrum of one coastal station in the Alborán zone, whereas the slope of the size spectrum became more negative at the Gulf of Cadiz station, as a consequence of the dominance of small cells. Bacterial abundance maxima ( 3 X 10⁶ bact ml⁻¹) also occurred in the upwelling region. We found relatively high nitrate and chlorophyll a concentrations in Cape Trafalgar's cold surface waters, probably due to the interaction between topography and strong tidal currents. The spatial pattern of the NR activity is discussed according to chlorophyll a, nitrate and bacteria distributions. The existence of high NR activity but low chlorophyll a and bacterial abundance suggests that this could be related with dissimilatory activity in large-sized particles.La campaña IctioAlborán-Cádiz 95 (julio de 1995) cubrió el sector noroeste del mar de Alborán, estrecho de Gibraltar y golfo de Cádiz. En este trabajo se presentan y discuten las distribuciones de abundancia de fitoplancton y bacterioplancton, concentración de nitrato y actividad nitrato reductasa (NR) de acuerdo con los patrones de circulación descritos en la bibliografía. Los valores de clorofila a integrados en la columna de agua en Alborán fueron mayores y más variables (12 a 318 mg/m³) que en el golfo de Cádiz (3 a 49 mg/m³). Esto refleja el mayor dinamismo de la zona de Alborán, relacionado con la existencia de estructuras físicas características a mesoescala. El análisis de la comunidad nano-microplanctónica (2-80 μm, diametro esférico equivalente) de la región de afloramiento del mar de Alborán mostró un biovolumen 30 veces mayor que el de aguas más pobres en nutrientes del golfo de Cádiz. Por otro lado, el espectro de tamaños en una estación costera de Alborán está dominado por organismos planctónicos grandes, mientras que la pendiente del espectro de tamaño se hace más negativa en una estación del golfo de Cádiz, como consecuencia de la mayor abundancia de plancton de pequeño tamaño. En la región de afloramiento se dieron también máximos de abundancia bacteriana ( 3 X 10⁶ bact ml⁻¹). Se han encontrado valores relativamente altos de nitrato y clorofila a en las frías aguas superficiales cercanas al cabo de Trafalgar, lo que se debe, probablemente, a la interacción entre topografía y fuertes corrientes mareales. Se discute el patrón espacial de la actividad NR en relación con las distribuciones de clorofila a, nitrato y bacterias. En muestras con valores elevados de actividad NR pero bajos de clorofila y abundancia de bacterias, se sugiere que esta actividad se relaciona con actividad disimilatoria en agregados de gran tamaño.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    A parallel computation approach for solving multistage stochastic network problems

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comThis paper presents a parallel computation approach for the efficient solution of very large multistage linear and nonlinear network problems with random parameters. These problems result from particular instances of models for the robust optimization of network problems with uncertainty in the values of the right-hand side and the objective function coefficients. The methodology considered here models the uncertainty using scenarios to characterize the random parameters. A scenario tree is generated and, through the use of full-recourse techniques, an implementable solution is obtained for each group of scenarios at each stage along the planning horizon. As a consequence of the size of the resulting problems, and the special structure of their constraints, these models are particularly well-suited for the application of decomposition techniques, and the solution of the corresponding subproblems in a parallel computation environment. An augmented Lagrangian decomposition algorithm has been implemented on a distributed computation environment, and a static load balancing approach has been chosen for the parallelization scheme, given the subproblem structure of the model. Large problems – 9000 scenarios and 14 stages with a deterministic equivalent nonlinear model having 166000 constraints and 230000 variables – are solved in 45 minutes on a cluster of four small (11 Mflops) workstations. An extensive set of computational experiments is reported; the numerical results and running times obtained for our test set, composed of large-scale real-life problems, confirm the efficiency of this procedure.Publicad

    Experimental study of solid mixing mechanism in a 2D fluidized bed

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    The main mechanism of solids mixing in bubbling fluidized beds is well understood. When a bubble rises through the bed, it carries a wake of particles to the bed surface. A downflow of solids exists in the region surrounding the rising bubbles, resulting on an overall convective circulation of particles in the axial direction (1). In this work, a new method to characterize solids mixing in a 2D fluidized bed is developed. This mixing index is able to macroscopically characterize the rate of mixing in a fluidized bed by means of DIA. The mixing index is analogous to the Lacey’s mixing index of particle mixing (2). The experiments are carried out in a pseudo-2D fluidized bed using glass beads as bed material. These glass beads have the same density and diameter but half of them are painted in black (Figure-1). At the beginning of each experiment, the particles are placed in a perfectly lateral segregated state and then the fluidizing air is suddenly injected while images are recorded. Two different regions are detected in the time evolution of the mixing index. The first one is a region with a fast convective mixing, where the initial boundary between the black and white particles is broken. The second one is a region where diffusive mixing is dominant and the particles clusters are mixed with the bulk following an exponential trend (Figure-1). These two mechanisms, as well as the overall mixing time are characterized for different superficial gas velocities and particle sizes. REFERENCES M.J. Rhodes, X.S. Wang, M. Nguyen, P. Stewart, K. Liffman. Study of mixing in gas-fluidized beds using DEM model. Chem. Eng. Sci., 56(8):2859-2866, 2001. P.M.C. Lacey. Developments in the theory of particle mixing. J. Appl. Chem., 4:257-268, 1954. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    A parallel computation approach for solving multistage stochastic network problems

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    This paper presents a parallel computation approach for the efficient solution of very large multistage linear and nonIinear network problems with random parameters. These problems resul t from particular instances of models for the robust optimization of network problems with uncertainty in the values of the right-hand side and the objective function coefficients. The methodology considered here models the uncertainty using scenarios to characterize the random parameters. A. scenario tree is generated and, through the use of full-recourse techniques, an implementable solution is obtained for each group of scenarios at each stage along the planning horizon. As a consequence of the size of the resulting problems, and the special structure of their constraints, these models are particularly well-suited for the application of decomposition techniques, and the solution of the corresponding subproblems in a parallel computation environment. An Augmented Lagrangian decomposition algorithm has been implemented on a distributed computation environment, and a static load balancing approach has been chosen for the parallelization scheme. given the subproblem structure of the model. Large problems -9000 scenarios and 14 stages with a deterministic equivalent nonlinear model having 166000 constraints and 230000 variables- are solved in 15 minutes on a cluster of 4 small (16 Mflops) workstations. An extensive set of computational experiments is reported; the numerical results and running times obtained for our test set, composed of large-scale real-life problems, confirm the efficiency of this procedure

    Technology Acceptance Among Teachers: An SLR on TAM and Teachers

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    Nowadays, the introduction of information and communication technologies in formal education contexts is still an interesting study subject for the research community. The fast technological development entails a constant change process where new information systems and devices emerge on a daily basis. This constant change demands an effort on the part of educational agents in order to adapt to the new possibilities. Teachers bear a determinant weight in technology innovation processes. Consequently, there is a rising number of studies focused on analysing the attitude of teachers towards the use of ICTs within their classrooms. Knowing the factors that lead teachers to accept ICTs is especially useful both to guide the development of educational technologies and to design teacher training initiatives. One of the most used tools to develop studies on technology adoption is the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). This theory, which comes from the field of behavioural psychology, is widely used in spheres such as organisational sciences, electronic commerce or health technologies, on account of its parsimony and easy adaptation. In the past few decades, the application of TAM and TAM-based models has been extended to the field of education. Today, we can find studies that use these models to explore the attitudes of teachers and students. Our research is based on the development of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of publications related to the use of TAM or TAM-based models to conduct quantitative empirical studies on the acceptance of ICTs on the part of teachers. To this end, we have used three repositories: SCOPUS, ISI WOS, and Google Scholar, where we have introduced the terms TAM AND "technology Acceptance Model" AND "in-service teachers". We have obtained 248 results from all the repositories, to which we have applied several exclusion and inclusion criteria. Once the article selection was made, we carried out a meta-analysis by extracting data regarding different variables, such as the country of the study, the educational level, the technology under study and the model employed. The results offer an overview of the state-ofthe- art of the research in this field

    Impact of converter losses on the optimal power flow solution of hybrid networks based on VSC-MTDC

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    This paper studies the impact of voltage source converter (VSC) losses on the solution of the optimal power flow (OPF) of hybrid AC/DC systems with a multi-terminal configuration. The motivation of this analysis is that the expected development of high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems will entail an increase of the number of converter stations, and consequently, converter losses might not be negligible when compared with conventional transmission losses of AC and DC lines. Towards this end, an extended OPF model is proposed considering a combination of VSC based multi-terminal HVDC grids (VSC-MTDC) and AC systems. The OPF model represents converter losses according to the state-of-the art modeling where different expressions are used when the converter functions as an inverter or as a rectifier. Three simpler alternative approaches are also implemented and the obtained OPF solutions are assessed. In order to compare the OPF solutions, a comparison metric is proposed. Obtained results show that modeling the converter losses in a simplified way could lead to very different power flow solutions, especially for the DC branches.Postprint (author's final draft

    Epitaxial integration of CoFe₂O₄ thin films on Si (001) surfaces using TiN buffer layers

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    Epitaxial cobalt ferrite thin films with strong in-plane magnetic anisotropy have been grown on Si (001) substrates using a TiN buffer layer. The epitaxial films have been grown by ion beam sputtering using either metallic, CoFe₂, or ceramic, CoFe₂2O₄, targets. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Rutherford spectrometry (RBS) in random and channeling configuration have been used to determine the epitaxial relationship CoFe₂O₄ [100]/TiN [100]/Si [100]. Mossbauer spectroscopy, in combination with XRD and RBS, has been used to determine the composition and structure of the cobalt ferrite thin films. The TiN buffer layer induces a compressive strain in the cobalt ferrite thin films giving rise to an in-plane magnetic anisotropy. The degree of in- plane anisotropy depends on the lattice mismatch between CoFe₂O₂ and TiN, which is larger for CoFe₂O₄ thin films grown on the reactive sputtering process with ceramic targets