196 research outputs found

    Pérdida de importancia del centro de trabajo e incidencia sobre el inicio de la jornada: Comentario a la Sentencia de la Audiencia Nacional 127/2019, de 31 de octubre

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    De conformidad con cuanto establece el artículo 34.5 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores (ET), «el tiempo de trabajo se computará de modo que tanto al comienzo como al final de la jornada diaria el trabajador se encuentre en su puesto de trabajo». Lo escueto de la previsión legal, con la referencia al elemento locativo dado por el puesto de trabajo, deja en el aire numerosos supuestos en los cuales, o bien puede existir tiempo de trabajo sin la estricta presencia en puesto alguno dentro de la entidad, o bien desaparecer o difuminarse la importancia del centro de trabajo en favor de lugares variables y más o menos itinerantes para el desarrollo de la prestación de servicios.De conformidad con cuanto establece el artículo 34.5 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores (ET), «el tiempo de trabajo se computará de modo que tanto al comienzo como al final de la jornada diaria el trabajador se encuentre en su puesto de trabajo». Lo escueto de la previsión legal, con la referencia al elemento locativo dado por el puesto de trabajo, deja en el aire numerosos supuestos en los cuales, o bien puede existir tiempo de trabajo sin la estricta presencia en puesto alguno dentro de la entidad, o bien desaparecer o difuminarse la importancia del centro de trabajo en favor de lugares variables y más o menos itinerantes para el desarrollo de la prestación de servicios

    La reducción de jornada anual en un sector de nueva creación. Ni aplicación del convenio, ni condición más beneficiosa: falta de acción. Comentario a la sentencia de la Audiencia Nacional, Sala de lo Social, 128/2019, de 31 de octubre

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    Un conflicto colectivo de enjundia, como el derivado de la operatividad de una condición más beneficiosa en materia de jornada anual en supuestos de sucesión de, obediente a la aparición de un nuevo sector nacional por mor de la especialización técnico-productiva, encuentra respuesta judicial de remisión a su sede apropiada al apreciar la excepción de falta de jurisdicción, de límites tan polémicos como su propia aplicación en el caso concret

    Exact value of 3 color weak Rado number

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    For integers k, n, c with k, n ≥ 1 and c ≥ 0, the n color weak Rado number W Rk(n, c) is defined as the least integer N, if it exists, such that for every n coloring of the set {1, 2, ..., N}, there exists a monochromatic solution in that set to the equation x1 + x2 + ... + xk + c = xk+1, such that xi = xj when i = j. If no such N exists, then W Rk(n, c) is defined as infinite. In this work, we consider the main issue regarding the 3 color weak Rado number for the equation x1 + x2 + c = x3 and the exact value of the W R2(3, c) = 13c + 22 is established

    New insights on the mechanism of polyethylenimine transfection and their implications on gene therapy and DNA vaccines

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    Polyethylenimine (PEI) has been demonstrated as an efficient DNA delivery vehicle both in vitro and in vivo. There is a consensus that PEI-DNA complexes enter the cells by endocytosis and escape from endosomes by the so-called “proton sponge” effect. However, little is known on how and where the polyplexes are de-complexed for DNA transcription and replication to occur inside the cell nucleus. To better understand this issue, we (i) tracked the cell internalization of PEI upon transfection to human epithelial cells and (ii) studied the interaction of PEI with phospholipidic layers mimicking nuclear membranes. Both the biological and physicochemical experiments provided evidence of a strong binding affinity between PEI and the lipidic bilayer. Firstly, confocal microscopy revealed that PEI alone could not penetrate the cell nucleus; instead, it arranged throughout the cytoplasm and formed a sort of aureole surrounding the nuclei periphery. Secondly, surface tension measurements, fluorescence dye leakage assays, and differential scanning calorimetry demonstrated that a combination of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between PEI and the phospholipidic monolayers/bilayers led to the formation of stable defects along the model membranes, allowing the intercalation of PEI through the monolayer/bilayer structure. Results are also supported by molecular dynamics simulation of the pore formation in PEI-lipidic bilayers. As discussed throughout the text, these results might shed light on a the mechanism in which the interaction between PEI and the nucleus membrane might play an active role on the DNA release: on the one hand, the PEI-membrane interaction is anticipated to facilitate the DNA disassembly from the polyplex by establishing a competition with DNA for the PEI binding and on the other hand, the forming defects are expected to serve as channels for the entrance of de-complexed DNA into the cell nucleus. A better understanding of the mechanism of transfection of cationic polymers opens paths to development of more efficiency vectors to improve gene therapy treatment and the new generation of DNA vaccinesThis work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades" (Project PID2019–109517RB-I00)S

    3-color Schur numbers

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    Let k ≥ 3 be an integer, the Schur number Sk(3) is the least positive integer, such that for every 3-coloring of the integer interval [1, Sk(3)] there exists a monochromatic solution to the equation x1+ · · · + xk= xk+1, where xi , i = 1, . . . , k need not be distinct. In 1966, a lower bound of Sk(3) was established by Znám (1966). In this paper, we determine the exact formula of Sk(3) = k 3 + 2k 2 − 2, finding an upper bound which coincides with the lower bound given by Znám (1966). This is shown in two different ways: in the first instance, by the exhaustive development of all possible cases and in the second instance translating the problem into a Boolean satisfiability problem, which can be handled by a SAT solver

    Recursos interactivos para prácticas con Software Estadístico en Informática

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    Depto. de Estadística e Investigación OperativaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasFALSEsubmitte

    Raman spectrum of group IV nanowires: influence of temperature

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    Group IV semiconductor nanowires are characterized by Raman spectroscopy. The results are analyzed in terms of the heating induced by the laser beam on the nanowires. By solving the heat transport equation one can simulate the temperature reached by the NWs under the exposure to a laser beam. The results are illustrated with Si and Si1-xGex nanowires. Both bundles of nanowires and individual nanowires are studied. The main experimental conditions contributing to the nanowire heating are discusse

    MicroRaman Spectroscopy of Si Nanowires: Influence of Size

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    Si Nanowires (NWs) were studied by Raman microspectroscopy. The Raman spectrum of the NWs reveals important thermal effects, which broaden and shift the one phonon Raman bands. The low thermal conductivity of the NWs and the low thermal dissipation are responsible for the temperature enhancement in the NW under the excitation with the laser beam. We have modeled, using finite element methods, the interaction between the laser beam and the NWs. The Raman spectrum of Si NWs is interpreted in terms of the temperature induced by the laser beam excitation, in correlation with finite element methods (fem) for studying the interaction between the laser beam and the NWs