1,382 research outputs found

    Comparison of methods for the identification and sub-typing of O157 and non-O157 Escherichia coli serotypes and their integration into a polyphasic taxonomy approach

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    peer-reviewedPhenotypic, chemotaxonomic and genotypic data from 12 strains of Escherichia coli were collected, including carbon source utilisation profiles, ribotypes, sequencing data of the 16S–23S rRNA internal transcribed region (ITS) and Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopic profiles. The objectives were to compare several identification systems for E. coli and to develop and test a polyphasic taxonomic approach using the four methodologies combined for the sub-typing of O157 and non-O157 E. coli. The nucleotide sequences of the 16S–23S rRNA ITS regions were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), sequenced and compared with reference data available at the GenBank database using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) . Additional information comprising the utilisation of carbon sources, riboprint profiles and FT-IR spectra was also collected. The capacity of the methods for the identification and typing of E. coli to species and subspecies levels was evaluated. Data were transformed and integrated to present polyphasic hierarchical clusters and relationships. The study reports the use of an integrated scheme comprising phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and genotypic information (carbon source profile, sequencing of the 16S–23S rRNA ITS, ribotyping and FT-IR spectroscopy) for a more precise characterisation and identification of E. coli. The results showed that identification of E. coli strains by each individual method was limited mainly by the extension and quality of reference databases. On the contrary, the polyphasic approach, whereby heterogeneous taxonomic data were combined and weighted, improved the identification results, gave more consistency to the final clustering and provided additional information on the taxonomic structure and phenotypic behaviour of strains, as shown by the close clustering of strains with similar stress resistance patterns.The authors acknowledge the financial contribution of the Spanish INIA, the Research Council of Norway (project 178230/I10), Foundation for Levy on Foods, the Norwegian Research Fees Fund for Agricultural Goods, the Norwegian Independent Meat and Poultry Association, Nortura SA and NHO Matog Landbruk

    Tele-revista: representaciones, imágenes y libertad política en un informativo de la televisión pública suiza para la emigración española

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    Desde 1973 hasta 2003 la televisión pública suiza emitió el programa Telerevista una vez cada dos semanas, los fines de semana, y con una duración de quince minutos. Tele-revista era un programa en español dirigido a los emigrantes españoles en el país helvético que contenía reportajes de temas relacionados con la realidad de la comunidad española. En una primera parte abordaremos la imagen y la puesta en escena del poder institucional de la administración española en Suiza en el programa y de su evolución a lo largo del tiempo. En una segunda parte trataremos los esfuerzos del programa por formar a los espectadores en cuestiones de democracia y libertades en Suiza. Finalmente nos ocuparemos de la presencia cada vez mayor en la información cultural del programa de las particularidades y de las relaciones entre cultura popular y alta cultura.Between 1973 and 2003 Swiss television used to broadcast at the weekend the biweekly news magazine Tele-revista, which lasted 15 minutes. Tele-revista was sent in Spanish and addressed to Spanish migrants living in Switzerland. It contained reportages about the Spanish community’s reality. This paper focuses first on the image and the staging of the Spanish administration’s institutional power in Switzerland and its evolution in the course of time. Then it will consider the efforts to educate the audience in matters of democracy and liberties in Switzerland. Finally it will treat the increasing presence in the magazine’s cultural section of the characteristics and the relation between popular and high culture

    Formation of stellar inner discs and rings in spiral galaxies through minor mergers

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    Recent observations show that inner disks and rings (IDs and IRs) are not preferentially found in barred galaxies, pointing to the relevance of formation mechanisms different to the traditional bar-origin scenario. Nevertheless, the role of minor mergers in the formation of these inner components (ICs), while often invoked, is still poorly understood. We have investigated the capability of minor mergers to trigger the formation of IDs and IRs in spiral galaxies through collisionless N-body simulations. Our models prove that minor mergers are an efficient mechanism to form rotationally-supported stellar ICs in spirals, neither requiring strong dissipation nor noticeable bars, and suggest that their role in the formation of ICs must have been much more complex than just bar triggering

    A K band survey in the Groth Strip Flanking Fields

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    As a part of our collaboration in the COSMOS Project, devoted to the characterization of galaxies during the ep o c h of maximum star formation in the history of the Universe, we have carried out a deep photometric survey covering about 380 arcmin^(2) in the so-called Groth Strip Flanking Fields. The observations were obtained in the K´ band with the OMEGA-PRIME infrared camera at the 3.5 m telescope at the Hispano–German Calar Alto Observatory . Galaxy counts and photometric redshifts will be computed in order to prepare future observations with EMIR

    GuíaSalud, el organismo del Sistema Nacional de Salud para impulsar la práctica basada en la evidencia

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    VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Nutrición. ¿Nutrición basada en la videncia o en la evidencia? ¿Qué es GuíaSalud? GuíaSalud es un organismo del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) creado en el 2002 por iniciativa de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón y la Fundación Salud Innovación y Sociedad, y adoptado en 2003 por el Consejo Interterritorial como instrumento para mejorar la calidad de la atención sanitaria en el SNS. A nivel organizativo, consta de un Consejo Ejecutivo en el que participan los Departamentos y Consejerías de Salud de las 17 Comunidades Autónomas y el Ministerio de Sanidad, un Comité Científico conformado por 13 profesionales de reconocido prestigio por su labor científicotécnica en relación con las Guías de Práctica Clínica, la Secretaría ostentada por el Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, y una Red de Colaboradores/as que sirve de apoyo para llevar a cabo las diferentes líneas de actuación. GuíaSalud tiene por misión general potenciar la oferta de recursos, servicios y productos basados en la evidencia científica para apoyar la toma de decisión de los profesionales y de los pacientes en el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS), así como impulsar la creación de redes de colaboradores y la cooperación entre entidades relacionadas con las GPC y la Medicina Basada en la Evidencia (MBE). ..

    Wnt pathway genes in osteoporosis and osteoarthritis: differential expression and genetic association study

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    Producción CientíficaIn comparison with hip fractures, increased expression of genes in the Wnt pathway and increased Wnt activity were found in bone samples and osteoblast cultures from patients with osteoarthritis, suggesting the involvement of this pathway in subchondral bone changes. No consistent differences were found in the genetic association study