9,973 research outputs found

    The state and autonomous communities in spain: A Relationship that Complicates the Task of Reducing Public Deficit

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    The needs imposed by the economic, ideological and institutional crisis have brought along new functions for the public sector. Nevertheless, within this new scene, the intense decentralisation of financial issues, which is characteristic of the Spanish State, makes it bad-suited for prompt and efficient compliance with decisions taken by the organisations that compose the embryonic global financial governance system and hinders tasks such as the unavoidable reduction of public deficit difficult.Crisis, Regulated capitalism, State and global financial governance, Territorial structure of the State and reduction of public deficit in Spain

    Skills that Pre-service Primary Teachers’ consider important in argumentation approach

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    Argumentation as a form of scientific discourse is a powerful tool that allows students questioning, justifying, and evaluating their and others’ claims. In science education, transmissive teaching predominates and this leads to difficulties in students’ construction of arguments and highlights limitations in teachers' pedagogical abilities in the management of this type of activities. Also, teachers' beliefs and perceptions have a big influence in the way they teach. Thus, the purpose has been to investigate pre-service primary teachers’ beliefs of what would be the skills they need as a core to support argumentation in science classrooms, and what skills students can develop when participate in science lessons based in argumentation. Results show that Pre-service Teachers of Primary pay little attention to the skills they will need in order to manage different methodological strategies as debate, pair work or pair discussion, that support the argumentation approach. Moreover, they lack of awareness about what is a good argument and its components, besides scientific knowledge. These results are significant because they indicate a need in designing specific training programs to support teachers in acquiring knowledge and skills about argumentation.Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech. This study is part of the project “La argumentacıón como estrategıa metodolĂłgıca para el desarrollo de competencıas profesıonales docentes.” [Argumentation as a methodological strategy for the development of professional teacher competences] (PIE15-74) funded by the University of MĂĄlaga in the assembly of 201

    Applications of Raman spectroscopy to urology

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    Raman spectroscopy is an optical technique that can interrogate biological tissues. In doing so it gives us an understanding of the changes in the molecular structure that are associated with disease development. The Kerr gating technique uses a picosecond pulsed laser and fast temporal gating of inelastically (Raman) scattered light. The tissue samples used were taken following fully informed consent and ethics approval. Bladder samples were obtained by taking a biopsy during a TURBT or TURP, prostate samples were taken during TURP and the liver and kidney (pigs) were bought at a supermarket. The bladder and prostate samples were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored in an -80°C freezer until required for experimentation. The liver and kidney tissue were used fresh. The constituent samples were bought from Sigma – Aldrich. Multivariate and least squares analysis were used to ascertain the biochemical basis of the differing pathologies within the bladder and the prostate gland, as well as to test diagnostic algorithms produced by a colleague in our group. Depth profiling through the bladder and prostate gland was shown to be feasible by utilizing the Kerr gating technique as was the suppression of fluorescence from dark tissue (liver and kidney). We have shown for the first time, that we can utilise Raman spectroscopy to determine the biochemical basis of pathologies of the bladder and the prostate gland. With the help of the Kerr gating technique we also obtained spectra from different depths through them. We also suppressed fluorescence and resonantly enhanced Raman spectra from dark tissue. These have major implications in terms of understanding pathogenesis and disease progression and also the potential to accurately assess depth of tumour invasion

    Ground-breaking fresh ideas: introduction to the special issue for young researchers

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    The IJTEL young researcher special issue on ‘Ground-breaking fresh ideas in technology enhanced learning’ is a bit different than other journal special issues. The main idea of IJTEL’s editor in chief Ambjörn Naeve was to have a platform where PhD students and early post-docs can present their visions for TEL. Freed from the empirical limitations of a dissertation, it should allow young researchers to take a step back and bring fresh ideas to the field. This concept was picked up by an enthusiastic group of guest editors consisting of PhD students and young postdocs at JTEL Summer School 2010. But not only is the theme something different, we also tried to innovate in the process: the programme committee included experienced reviewers as well as novel reviewers to get different perspectives on the submitted papers. Furthermore, we provided an ideas clinic, where potential authors could present their ideas and seek feedback and collaboration. An abstract submission prior to the full paper submission completed the effort to provide as much feedback and guidance as possible. The whole process was overseen by managing editor Fridolin Wild to guarantee the high quality standards of both IJTEL and Inderscience.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Human rights: the dark side of the fight against organised crime

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    An in-depth analysis of judicial decisions on money laundering and confiscation of proceeds of crime issued by European national courts and by the European Court of Human Rights in the last decade has been carried out from a human rights, legal guarantees and criminal law basic principles’ perspective. The undertaken study has revealed the violation of the right to property, of the proportionality principle and the infringement of basic principles of substantive and procedural criminal law systems. The most relevant ones have to do with the punishment of money laundering committed through negligence, non-conviction based confiscation and a too-far reaching interpretation of the notion of ‘proceeds of crime’.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    “Comiso de ganancias de origen delictivo vs. derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales”

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    Casi todo en la vida tiene un lado brillante y un lado oscuro. El decomiso de las ganancias, efectos e instrumentos del delito no es una excepción
 Este trabajo propone dirigir la mirada hacia el lado oscuro en lo tocante a los derechos humanos a través del caso Paulet v. UThe United KinddomUniversidad de Målaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    This chapter presents a general overview of the phonetics and phonology of Catalan, taking into consideration both segmental and suprasegmental phenomena. The chapter provides an updated state-of-the-art report of the most recent investigations in this area. Though the report concentrates on the standard variety, Central Catalan, we also highlight the rich dialectal variation that affects both segmental and prosodic properties. After a brief introduction to the dialectal distribution of the language, the first part of the chapter is devoted to segmental phonology. In this part, we first present the basic segmen-tal inventories of the language, as well as syllable structure types; we then describe the phonological processes that affect both vocalic and consonantal systems. The prosodic part of the chapter covers the main prosodic characteristics of the language, followed by a description of the intonational variation found for a variety of sentence types

    Nuevos Horizontes en el estudio de la Alta Habilidad: SuperdotaciĂłn y Talento

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    The following piece of work serve as introduction to the monographic issue about giftedness and talented in the Annals of Psychology Journal. In it, the reasons to tackle this monographic are explained, and the contributions of authors are summarized. such contributions are diverse and swing from the identification process using different procedures, the assessment of domain specific creativity in sciences, the study of the heterogeneity within the group of high ability students, the educational measures available, and lastly and study about these students' academic motivations. The work concludes extracting some general conclusions about what this monographic has contribute and it's meaning.El siguiente trabajo sirve de introducciĂłn al nĂșmero monogrĂĄfico sobre superdotaciĂłn y talento en la revista anales de psicologĂ­a. En Ă©l se detalla el por quĂ© de este nĂșmero especial y se resumen las aportaciones de los distintos autores que tratan diversos temas. Desde la identificaciĂłn, utilizando distintos procedimientos, la evaluaciĂłn de la creatividad de dominio especĂ­fico en ciencias, el estudio de la heterogeneidad de la poblaciĂłn de altas habilidades, las medidas educativas de las que disponemos, y por Ășltimo un estudio sobre las motivaciones acadĂ©micas de estos alumnos. El trabajo concluye extrayendo unas conclusiones generales sobre lo que ha supuesto este monogrĂĄfico y su aportaciĂłn
