18,505 research outputs found

    The Future of Private Loans: Who is Borrowing, and Why?

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    Examines developments in private loans within the student lending industry, characteristics of loan borrowers, and trends that might impact the growth of private loans in the future

    Vehicle test report: Electric Vehicle Associates electric conversion of an AMC Pacer

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    Tests were performed to characterize certain parameters of the EVA Pacer and to provide baseline data that can be used for the comparison of improved batteries that may be incorporated into the vehicle at a later time. The vehicle tests were concentrated on the electrical drive subsystem; i.e., the batteries, controller and motor. The tests included coastdowns to characterize the road load, and range evaluations for both cyclic and constant speed conditions. A qualitative evaluation of the vehicle's performance was made by comparing its constant speed range performance with other electric and hybrid vehicles. The Pacer performance was approximately equal to the majority of those vehicles assessed in 1977

    Vehicle test report: Electric Vehicle Associates electric conversion of an AMC Pacer

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    The change of pace, an electric vehicle was tested. These tests were performed to characterize certain parameters of the electric vehicle pacer and to provide baseline data that can be used for the comparison of improved batteries that may be incorporated into the vehicle at a later time. The vehicle tests were concentrated on the electrical drive subsystem, the batteries, controller and motor. Coastdowns to characterize the road load, and range evaluations for both cyclic and constant speed conditions were performed. The vehicle's performance was evaluated by comparing its constant speed range performance with described vehicles. It is found that the pacer performance is approximately equal to the majority of the vehicles tested in the 1977 assessment

    A re-interpretation of the Triangulum-Andromeda stellar clouds: a population of halo stars kicked out of the Galactic disk

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    The Triangulum-Andromeda stellar clouds (TriAnd1 and TriAnd2) are a pair of concentric ring- or shell-like over-densities at large RR (\approx 30 kpc) and ZZ (\approx -10 kpc) in the Galactic halo that are thought to have been formed from the accretion and disruption of a satellite galaxy. This paper critically re-examines this formation scenario by comparing the number ratio of RR Lyrae to M giant stars associated with the TriAnd clouds with other structures in the Galaxy. The current data suggest a stellar population for these over-densities (fRR:MG<0.38f_{\rm RR:MG} < 0.38 at 95% confidence) quite unlike any of the known satellites of the Milky Way (fRR:MG0.5f_{\rm RR:MG} \approx 0.5 for the very largest and fRR:MG>>1f_{\rm RR:MG} >>1 for the smaller satellites) and more like the population of stars born in the much deeper potential well inhabited by the Galactic disk (fRR:MG<0.01f_{\rm RR:MG} < 0.01). N-body simulations of a Milky-Way-like galaxy perturbed by the impact of a dwarf galaxy demonstrate that, in the right circumstances, concentric rings propagating outwards from that Galactic disk can plausibly produce similar over-densities. These results provide dramatic support for the recent proposal by Xu et al. (2015) that, rather than stars accreted from other galaxies, the TriAnd clouds could represent stars kicked-out from our own disk. If so, these would be the first populations of disk stars to be found in the Galactic halo and a clear signature of the importance of this second formation mechanism for stellar halos more generally. Moreover, their existence at the very extremities of the disk places strong constraints on the nature of the interaction that formed them.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures; published in MNRA

    Multi-agent collaborative search : an agent-based memetic multi-objective optimization algorithm applied to space trajectory design

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    This article presents an algorithm for multi-objective optimization that blends together a number of heuristics. A population of agents combines heuristics that aim at exploring the search space both globally and in a neighbourhood of each agent. These heuristics are complemented with a combination of a local and global archive. The novel agent-based algorithm is tested at first on a set of standard problems and then on three specific problems in space trajectory design. Its performance is compared against a number of state-of-the-art multi-objective optimization algorithms that use the Pareto dominance as selection criterion: non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), Pareto archived evolution strategy (PAES), multiple objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO), and multiple trajectory search (MTS). The results demonstrate that the agent-based search can identify parts of the Pareto set that the other algorithms were not able to capture. Furthermore, convergence is statistically better although the variance of the results is in some cases higher

    Evidence for a circumplanetary disk around protoplanet PDS 70 b

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    We present the first observational evidence for a circumplanetary disk around the protoplanet PDS~70~b, based on a new spectrum in the KK band acquired with VLT/SINFONI. We tested three hypotheses to explain the spectrum: Atmospheric emission from the planet with either (1) a single value of extinction or (2) variable extinction, and (3) a combined atmospheric and circumplanetary disk model. Goodness-of-fit indicators favour the third option, suggesting circumplanetary material contributing excess thermal emission --- most prominent at λ2.3μ\lambda \gtrsim 2.3 \mum. Inferred accretion rates (107.8\sim 10^{-7.8}--107.3MJ10^{-7.3} M_J yr1^{-1}) are compatible with observational constraints based on the Hα\alpha and Brγ\gamma lines. For the planet, we derive an effective temperature of 1500--1600 K, surface gravity log(g)4.0\log(g)\sim 4.0, radius 1.6RJ\sim 1.6 R_J, mass 10MJ\sim 10 M_J, and possible thick clouds. Models with variable extinction lead to slightly worse fits. However, the amplitude (ΔAV3\Delta A_V \gtrsim 3mag) and timescale of variation (\lesssim~years) required for the extinction would also suggest circumplanetary material.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in ApJL on 2019 May 1

    Design of a large span-distributed load flying-wing cargo airplane with laminar flow control

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    A design study was conducted to add laminar flow control to a previously design span-distributed load airplane while maintaining constant range and payload. With laminar flow control applied to 100 percent of the wing and vertical tail chords, the empty weight increased by 4.2 percent, the drag decreased by 27.4 percent, the required engine thrust decreased by 14.8 percent, and the fuel consumption decreased by 21.8 percent. When laminar flow control was applied to a lesser extent of the chord (approximately 80 percent), the empty weight increased by 3.4 percent, the drag decreased by 20.0 percent, the required engine thrust decreased by 13.0 percent, and the fuel consumption decreased by 16.2 percent. In both cases the required take-off gross weight of the aircraft was less than the original turbulent aircraft

    Preliminary design characteristics of a subsonic business jet concept employing laminar flow control

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    Aircraft configurations were developed with laminar flow control (LFC) and without LFC. The LFC configuration had approximately eleven percent less parasite drag and a seven percent increase in the maximum lift-to drag ratio. Although these aerodynamic advantages were partially offset by the additional weight of the LFC system, the LFC aircraft burned from six to eight percent less fuel for comparable missions. For the trans-atlantic design mission with the gross weight fixed, the LFC configuration would carry a greater payload for ten percent fuel per passenger mile

    On the Klein-Gordon equation and hyperbolic pseudoanalytic function theory

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    Elliptic pseudoanalytic function theory was considered independently by Bers and Vekua decades ago. In this paper we develop a hyperbolic analogue of pseudoanalytic function theory using the algebra of hyperbolic numbers. We consider the Klein-Gordon equation with a potential. With the aid of one particular solution we factorize the Klein-Gordon operator in terms of two Vekua-type operators. We show that real parts of the solutions of one of these Vekua-type operators are solutions of the considered Klein-Gordon equation. Using hyperbolic pseudoanalytic function theory, we then obtain explicit construction of infinite systems of solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation with potential. Finally, we give some examples of application of the proposed procedure

    Preliminary design characteristics of a subsonic business jet concept employing an aspect ratio 25 strut braced wing

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    The advantages of replacing the conventional wing on a transatlantic business jet with a larger, strut braced wing of aspect ratio 25 were evaluated. The lifting struts reduce both the induced drag and structural weight of the heavier, high aspect ratio wing. Compared to the conventional airplane, the strut braced wing design offers significantly higher lift to drag ratios achieved at higher lift coefficients and, consequently, a combination of lower speeds and higher altitudes. The strut braced wing airplane provides fuel savings with an attendant increase in construction costs