613 research outputs found

    Thermochronometry across the Austroalpine-Pennine boundary, Central Alps, Switzerland: Orogen-perpendicular normal fault slip on a major ‘overthrust’ and its implications for orogenesis

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    Fifty-one new and 309 published thermochronometric ages (nine systems with closure temperatures ranging from ~450 to 70°C) from the GraubĂŒnden region of the Central Alps demonstrate that a pronounced thermal mismatch between the Austroalpine allochthon (Alpine “orogenic lid”) and the Pennine zone persisted until at least 29 Ma and, allowably, until circa 18 Ma. The observed mismatch supports previous suggestions that the famous “overthrust” between the Austroalpine allochthon and the Pennine zone, historically regarded as primarily an Eocene top-north thrust fault, is in fact primarily an Oligocene-Miocene normal fault that has a minimum of 60 km of displacement with top-south or top-southeast sense of shear. Two hallmarks of Alpine geology, deposition of the foredeep Molasse and emplacement of the Helvetic nappes, appear to be coeval, peripheral manifestations of crustal thickening via the interposition of the Pennine zone as a northward intruding wedge between the Austroalpine “lid” and the European cratonic margin, with the Helvetic system (European margin) acting as the “floor” of the wedge. We presume the Penninic wedge is driven by the buoyant rise of subducted crust no longer able to remain attached to the descending slab. If so, emplacement of the Pennine wedge could have occurred mainly after Adria was juxtaposed against cratonic Europe

    Mutual information in random Boolean models of regulatory networks

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    The amount of mutual information contained in time series of two elements gives a measure of how well their activities are coordinated. In a large, complex network of interacting elements, such as a genetic regulatory network within a cell, the average of the mutual information over all pairs is a global measure of how well the system can coordinate its internal dynamics. We study this average pairwise mutual information in random Boolean networks (RBNs) as a function of the distribution of Boolean rules implemented at each element, assuming that the links in the network are randomly placed. Efficient numerical methods for calculating show that as the number of network nodes N approaches infinity, the quantity N exhibits a discontinuity at parameter values corresponding to critical RBNs. For finite systems it peaks near the critical value, but slightly in the disordered regime for typical parameter variations. The source of high values of N is the indirect correlations between pairs of elements from different long chains with a common starting point. The contribution from pairs that are directly linked approaches zero for critical networks and peaks deep in the disordered regime.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; Minor revisions for clarity and figure format, one reference adde

    Diffusion measurements to understand dynamics and structuring in solutions involving a homologous series of ionic liquids

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    The self-diffusion coefficients of each of the components in mixtures containing pyridine and each of the homologous series 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imides in acetonitrile were determined using NMR diffusometry (i. e., Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo). The nature of solvation was found to change significantly with the proportion of salt in the mixtures. Increased diffusion coefficients (when corrected for viscosity) for the molecular components were observed with increasing proportion of ionic liquid and with increasing alkyl chain length on the cation. Comparison of the molecular solvents suggests increased interactions in solution of the pyridine with other components of the mixture, consistent with the proposed interactions shown previously to drive changes in reaction kinetics. Discontinuities were seen in the diffusion data for each species in solution across different ionic liquids between the hexyl and octyl derivatives, suggesting a change in the structuring in solution as the alkyl chain on the cation changes and demonstrating the importance of such when considering homologous series

    Using Whole Genome Analysis to Examine Recombination across Diverse Sequence Types of Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an important clinical pathogen worldwide and understanding this organism\u27s phylogeny and, in particular, the role of recombination, is important both to understand the overall spread of virulent lineages and to characterize outbreaks. To further elucidate the phylogeny of S. aureus, 35 diverse strains were sequenced using whole genome sequencing. In addition, 29 publicly available whole genome sequences were included to create a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based phylogenetic tree encompassing 11 distinct lineages. All strains of a particular sequence type fell into the same clade with clear groupings of the major clonal complexes of CC8, CC5, CC30, CC45 and CC1. Using a novel analysis method, we plotted the homoplasy density and SNP density across the whole genome and found evidence of recombination throughout the entire chromosome, but when we examined individual clonal lineages we found very little recombination. However, when we analyzed three branches of multiple lineages, we saw intermediate and differing levels of recombination between them. These data demonstrate that in S. aureus, recombination occurs across major lineages that subsequently expand in a clonal manner. Estimated mutation rates for the CC8 and CC5 lineages were different from each other. While the CC8 lineage rate was similar to previous studies, the CC5 lineage was 100-fold greater. Fifty known virulence genes were screened in all genomes in silico to determine their distribution across major clades. Thirty-three genes were present variably across clades, most of which were not constrained by ancestry, indicating horizontal gene transfer or gene loss

    Thermochronometry across the Austroalpine-Pennine boundary, Central Alps, Switzerland: Orogen-perpendicular normal fault slip on a major ‘overthrust’ and its implications for orogenesis

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    Fifty-one new and 309 published thermochronometric ages (nine systems with closure temperatures ranging from ~450 to 70°C) from the GraubĂŒnden region of the Central Alps demonstrate that a pronounced thermal mismatch between the Austroalpine allochthon (Alpine “orogenic lid”) and the Pennine zone persisted until at least 29 Ma and, allowably, until circa 18 Ma. The observed mismatch supports previous suggestions that the famous “overthrust” between the Austroalpine allochthon and the Pennine zone, historically regarded as primarily an Eocene top-north thrust fault, is in fact primarily an Oligocene-Miocene normal fault that has a minimum of 60 km of displacement with top-south or top-southeast sense of shear. Two hallmarks of Alpine geology, deposition of the foredeep Molasse and emplacement of the Helvetic nappes, appear to be coeval, peripheral manifestations of crustal thickening via the interposition of the Pennine zone as a northward intruding wedge between the Austroalpine “lid” and the European cratonic margin, with the Helvetic system (European margin) acting as the “floor” of the wedge. We presume the Penninic wedge is driven by the buoyant rise of subducted crust no longer able to remain attached to the descending slab. If so, emplacement of the Pennine wedge could have occurred mainly after Adria was juxtaposed against cratonic Europe

    Stability of the human faecal microbiome in a cohort of adult men

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    Characterizing the stability of the gut microbiome is important to exploit it as a therapeutic target and diagnostic biomarker. We metagenomically and metatranscriptomically sequenced the faecal microbiomes of 308 participants in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. Participants provided four stool samples—one pair collected 24–72 h apart and a second pair ~6 months later. Within-person taxonomic and functional variation was consistently lower than between-person variation over time. In contrast, metatranscriptomic profiles were comparably variable within and between subjects due to higher within-subject longitudinal variation. Metagenomic instability accounted for ~74% of corresponding metatranscriptomic instability. The rest was probably attributable to sources such as regulation. Among the pathways that were differentially regulated, most were consistently over- or under-transcribed at each time point. Together, these results suggest that a single measurement of the faecal microbiome can provide long-term information regarding organismal composition and functional potential, but repeated or short-term measures may be necessary for dynamic features identified by metatranscriptomics

    A New Constraint on the Escape Fraction in Distant Galaxies Using Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Spectroscopy

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    We describe a new method to measure the escape fraction fesc of ionizing radiation from distant star-forming galaxies using the afterglow spectra of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Optical spectra of GRB afterglows allow us to evaluate the optical depth of the host ISM, according to the neutral hydrogen column density N(HI) observed along the sightlines toward the star-forming regions where the GRBs are found. Different from previous effort in searching for faint, transmitted Lyman continuum photons, our method is not subject to background subtraction uncertainties and does not require prior knowledge of either the spectral shape of the host galaxy population or the IGM Lya forest absorption along these GRB sightlines. Because most GRBs occur in sub-L_* galaxies, our study also offers the first constraint on fesc for distant low-mass galaxies that dominate the cosmic luminosity density. We have compiled a sample of 27 GRBs at redshift z>2 for which the underlying N(HI) in the host ISM are known. These GRBs together offer a statistical sampling of the integrated optical depth to ionizing photons along random sightlines from star-forming regions in the host galaxies, and allow us to estimate the mean escape fraction averaged over different viewing angles. We find =0.02\pm 0.02 and place a 95% c.l. upper limit <= 0.075 for these hosts. We discuss possible biases of our approach and implications of the result. Finally, we propose to extend this technique for measuring at z~0.2 using spectra of core-collapse supernovae.Comment: Five journal pages, including one figure; ApJL in pres

    Bacillus cereus non-haemolytic enterotoxin activates the NLRP3 inflammasome

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    Inflammasomes are important for host defence against pathogens and homeostasis with commensal microbes. Here, we show non-haemolytic enterotoxin (NHE) from the neglected human foodborne pathogen Bacillus cereus is an activator of the NLRP3 inflammasome and pyroptosis. NHE is a non-redundant toxin to haemolysin BL (HBL) despite having a similar mechanism of action. Via a putative transmembrane region, subunit C of NHE initiates binding to the plasma membrane, leading to the recruitment of subunit B and subunit A, thus forming a tripartite lytic pore that is permissive to efflux of potassium. NHE mediates killing of cells from multiple lineages and hosts, highlighting a versatile functional repertoire in different host species. These data indicate that NHE and HBL operate synergistically to induce inflammation and show that multiple virulence factors from the same pathogen with conserved function and mechanism of action can be exploited for sensing by a single inflammasome
