1,085 research outputs found


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    La Asamblea Extraordinaria del CFCyE, 31, resuelve aprobar el documento que figura como Anexo I de la presente resolución, donde se establecen pautas comunes para la orientación del tema en todas las jurisdicciones del paísAnexo: "Criterios básicos para el desarrollo de normas de convivencia en las instituciones escolares


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    La Asamblea Extraordinaria del CFCyE, 19, resuelve aprobar por unanimidad, el Documento Serie A, No. 9: Red Federal de Formación Docente Continua, que forma parte como Anexo I de la presente Resolució

    The influence of stocking rate and mixed grazing of Angora goats and Merino sheep on animal and pasture production in southern Australia. 4. Gastrointestinal parasitism

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    Gastrointestinal nematodes limit the growth, production and welfare of goats but there are few reliable sources of information for recommending management practices across flocks. The effects of animal species (Angora goat, Merino sheep, mixed-grazed goats and mixed-grazed sheep at the ratio of 1:1) and stocking rate (SR: 7.5, 10, 12.5 animals/ha) on gastrointestinal parasitism were determined in a replicated experiment on improved annual temperate pastures in southern Australia, from 1981 to 1984. Detailed monitoring of gastrointestinal nematodes was undertaken on animals before, during (five times per year) and at the conclusion of studies using faecal strongyle egg counts (WEC) and total worm counts. Sheep had a greater proportion of nematodes as Teladorsagia spp. and goats a greater incidence of Trichostrongylus spp. Both goats and sheep developed resistance to Nematodirus spp. during the experiment. WEC was similar in goats and sheep at the start of the experimental period but, thereafter, was consistently greater in goats than in sheep. While WEC was highly related to total worm count, the regressions for sheep and goats were different. Increasing the SR increased the WEC of goats and mixed-grazed goats but not of sheep. During the experiment, WEC declined at 7 and 10 animals/ha but increased at 12.5/ha. Mixed grazing with goats provided beneficial effects for sheep at all stocking rates, but the effects for goats were dependent on the stocking rate, being beneficial at 7.5 and 10/ha but harmful at 12.5/ha. The WEC of separately grazed goats were generally higher than the WEC of mixed grazed goats. The WEC of mixed sheep were lower than those of separately grazed sheep. During the experiment, the WEC of mixed grazed sheep declined faster than the WEC of separately grazed sheep but the WEC of separately grazed goats at 12.5/ha and of mixed grazed goats at 10 and 12.5/ha increased. Under the environmental and pastoral conditions examined, Angora wether goats should not be grazed at SR above those recommended for wether sheep. In the present study, the impact of gastrointestinal-nematode infections in goats was reduced at lower SR. Further, mixed grazing of Angora wether goats with wether sheep at or below the recommended SR resulted in reduced gastrointestinal parasitism for both sheep and goats, compared with monospecific grazing conditions. Goats did not represent a gastrointestinal-nematode hazard to sheep. © 2014 CSIRO

    Decree No. 119 - Mining

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    This decree establishes the necessary guidelines for implementing the Mining Law of 2009, including administrative oversight, regulation, and the management of the mining registry

    Labour Reallocation in Recession and Recovery:Evidence for Europe

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    This paper builds upon Bartelsman, Lopez-Garcia, and Presidente (2018) and provides empirical evidence on the cyclical features of labour reallocation in a sample of European Union (EU) countries over the Great Recession and the slow recovery. The analysis makes use of cross-country micro-aggregated data on firm dynamics and productivity from release 6 of the ECB CompNet database. While productivity-enhancing reallocation generally is counter-cyclical, with a stronger effect providing a silver lining in downturns, it was weaker during the Great Recession in the EU, but reverted back to more normal patters in the most recent years

    Supreme Decree No. 28984 - Regulation of the Regime of Incentives for Small and Marginal Field Production

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    The purpose of this decree is to regulate Article 64 of Law No. 3058- Hydrocarbons Law by establishing a regime of incentives for oil and natural gas in small and marginal fields

    El Caribeno

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    Gestión y producción multilingüe en sistemas de información web : repsol.com, un caso de éxito

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    Líder en comunicació digital, www. repsol. com ha resolt les seves necessitats multilíngües, exigents i àmplies, gràcies a sistemes avançats. Linguaserve ha contribuït tant en la interoperabilitat, per a l'intercanvi i la gestió multilingüe amb el client, com en la gestió i la producció multilingüe de continguts, mitjançant metodologies i eines comprovades, plataformes integrades i un equip molt professional.Líder en comunicación digital, www. repsol. com ha resuelto sus exigentes y amplias necesidades multilingües gracias a sistemas avanzados. Linguaserve ha contribuido tanto en la interoperabilidad, para el intercambio y gestión multilingüe con el cliente, como en la gestión y producción multilingüe de contenidos, mediante metodologías y herramientas probadas, plataformas integradas y un equipo altamente profesional.A leader in digital communication, www. repsol. com has met its demanding and extensive multilingual needs by using advanced systems. Linguaserve has contributed in terms of both interoperability-for multilingual exchanges and management with clients-and multilingual content production and management by means of proven methods and tools, integrated platforms and a highly professional team

    Decree No. 8.097 - Organic Regulation for the Popular Power Ministry of Electric Energy

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    Determines the organic and funcional structure of the Popular Power Ministry of Electric Energy. Art. 25 states that this Ministry has as one of it\u27s goals the research, creation and implementation of plans for the development of renewable energy resources

    Ateneo de Castellón, ANUARIO 1992 - 93 • N.6 •

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    SUMARIO Memoria de activitats del Curs 1992- 93 .. Francesc Esteve y Galvez, La vinguda del Profesor Bosch . Francesc Esteve y Galvez, En Memoria de Pascual Meneu . Francisco Vidal Serrulla, Lo que una madurez descubre de la pintura .. Vicente Albero Silla, Conferencia de Río : Perspectivas hacia el Siglo XXI . Miguel Bellido RIbes, Medio Externo y Medio Interno: La Bolsa o la Vida .. Tomas Escuder Palau, Espai Urba i Poder .. Daniel Gozalbo Belles, Castelló i el Naiximent del Metre .. L. Miralles Conesa, En el V centenario de su nacimiento:Paracelso y el paracelsismo en España . Alvar Monferrer I Monfort, Certamen Literari de la Mare de Deu del Lledó .. Alvar Monferrer I Monfort, Los centros de la religiosidad popular en el S. XIX: Ermitas y santuarios en la provincia de Castellón según D. Pascual Madoz . Records Urbans . Boix, A.; Jordan, M.M.; Esteve, V.; Sanfeliu, T., Aspectos sobre la medición de contaminantes atmosféricos en inmisión . Boix, A.; Jordan, M.M.; Ripolles, T.; SANFELIU, T., Mineralogía aplicada de unas arcillas con vistas a la formulación de pastas para gres. .. .. El Ateneo colabora con el Congreso de Mineralogía celebrado en Castel1ón . Francesc Michavila, Ciclo Manuel Azaña - Palabras del Rector Jose Prat Garcia, Ciclo Manuel Azaña - Azaña, del Ateneo de Madrid al Gobierno de la Nación. Ramon Godes Bengoechea, Ciclo Manuel Azaña - Azaña en Castel1ón .. Santiago Fortuño LLorens, Ciclo Manue l Azaña - Aspectos literarios en la obra de Manuel Azaña .. Santos Julia, Manuel Azaña, un democrata radical Nieves Salvador, Poetas del Ateneo .. Concurso de Redacción Escolar Caja Rural Credicoop .. Notas Bibliográficas .