169 research outputs found

    Coupling of the lattice and superlattice deformations and hysteresis in thermal expansion for the quasi one-dimensional conductor TaS3_3

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    An original interferometer-based setup for measurements of length of needle-like samples is developed, and thermal expansion of o-TaS3_3 crystals is studied. Below the Peierls transition the temperature hysteresis of length LL is observed, the width of the hysteresis loop δL/L\delta L/L being up to 51055 \cdot 10^{-5}. The behavior of the loop is anomalous: the length changes so that it is in front of its equilibrium value. The hysteresis loop couples with that of conductivity. The sign and the value of the length hysteresis are consistent with the strain dependence of the charge-density waves (CDW) wave vector. With lowering temperature down to 100 K the CDW elastic modulus grows achieving a value comparable with the lattice Young modulus. Our results could be helpful in consideration of different systems with intrinsic superstructures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett., accepted for publicatio

    A millimeter-wave inflatable frequency-agile elastomeric antenna

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    This letter reports a millimeter-wave frequency agile microstrip antenna printed on an ultrasoft elastomeric PDMS substrate. The microstrip patch antenna is supported by a PDMS membrane suspended over an air cavity. The distance H between the patch and the ground plane, and thus the resonant frequency of the antenna, are tuned using pneumatic actuation, taking advantage of the extreme softness of the PDMS membrane. A continuous frequency shift varying from 55.35 to 51 GHz ( ≈8%) has been obtained for a tuning range of H between 200µm and 575µm. In all configurations, the antenna remains matched and its radiation characteristics are very satisfactory

    A millimeter-wave microstrip antenna array on ultra-flexible micromachined polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymer

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    The use of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), an ultra flexible polymer, as a substrate for the realization of reconfigurable microwave devices in the 60-GHz band is presented. As bulk PDMS is demonstrated to be lossy at millimeter waves, membrane-supported devices are considered. A new reliable and robust technological process has been developped to micromachine membrane-supported transmission lines and microstrip antenna arrays. It is shown that transmission lines printed on 20-µm thick membranes exhibit similar performances as bulk substrates commonly used at millimeter-wave frequencies. A microstrip antenna array has been also designed and fabricated to demonstrate the feasibility of directive antennas supported by large membranes. Promising applications for mechanical beam-steering, beam forming and frequency tunable antennas are expected


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    В работе рассматривается задача рассеяния электромагнитных волн на различных дифракционных структурах. Решение задачи рассеяния осуществляется на основе метода интегральных уравнений. По диаграммам обратного рассеяния при разных частотах падающей волны принимается решение о форме исследуемого объекта.This paper considers the problem of scattering of electromagnetic waves in different diffraction structures. The solution of the scattering problem is based on the method of integral equations. On diagrams of backscattering at various frequencies of the incident wave, the decision about the form of the object is carried out


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    В работе рассматривается задача оптимизация характеристик рассеяния электромагнитных волн на периодической электродинамической структуре. Решение задачи рассеяния осуществляется на основе метода интегральных уравнений, оптимизация характеристик проводится на основе генетического алгоритма. Даны рекомендации по параметрам периодической структуры при заданных углах наблюдения.This paper considers the problem of optimization of the characteristics of scattering of electromagnetic waves on periodic electrodynamic structure. The solution of the scattering problem is based on the method of integral equations, the optimization of the characteristics is based on the genetic algorithm. Recommendations on the parameters of the periodic structure under given angles are given


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    В работе рассматриваются особенности рассеяния электромагнитных волн на угловых дифракционных структурах. Решение задачи проводится на основе метода интегральных уравнений. Проведен сравнительный анализ характеристик рассеяния структур с различной формой.The paper discusses the characteristics of scattering of electromagnetic waves on the angular diffraction structures. The solution of the problem is based on the method of integral equations. A comparative analysis of the scattering characteristics of structures with different shape is carried out

    A Compact Solid State Detector for Small Angle Particle Tracking

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    MIDAS (MIcrostrip Detector Array System) is a compact silicon tracking telescope for charged particles emitted at small angles in intermediate energy photonuclear reactions. It was realized to increase the angular acceptance of the DAPHNE detector and used in an experimental program to check the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule at the Mainz electron microtron, MAMI. MIDAS provides a trigger for charged hadrons, p/pi identification and particle tracking in the region 7 deg < theta < 16 deg. In this paper we present the main characteristics of MIDAS and its measured performances.Comment: 13 pages (9 figures). Submitted to NIM

    Elaboration of a Novel Design Pirani Pressure Sensor for High Dynamic Range Operation and Fast Response Time

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    AbstractWe report a novel design for realizing Pirani sensor with a working range from a 1kPa up to pressure over than atmospheric one. The sensor is specifically designed to achieve high sensitivity, fast response time and high robustness. The proof of concept is composed of four metallic resistors interconnected to form a Wheatstone bridge. Two of them act simultaneously as the heating and sensing elements and the two others are used as a temperature reference. The heating element consists of a metallic wire of platinum Pt (3μm width, 1mm length) maintained on each lateral side by periodic silicon oxide SiO2 micro-bridges. The sensor design, fabrication technologies, electrical characterizations and voltage-pressure responses are described and shown. A future perspective is given, which describe the extension of this concept to elastic wave transduction of pressure using a combination of heater element and thin plate elastic waveguide

    Hybrid subterahertz atmospheric pressure plasmatron for plasma chemical applications

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental study of a new hybrid plasmatron scheme, which was used to realize a gas discharge at atmospheric pressure supported by continuous focused submillimeter radiation with a frequency of 263 GHz. The implemented design allowed organizing a self-consistent interaction between submillimeter radiation and the supercritical plasma in a localized area both in terms of gas flow and electrodynamic. It is experimentally shown that the gas discharge absorbs up to 80% of the introduced submillimeter radiation power. The hybrid subterahertz plasmatron as an effective reactor for non-equilibrium plasma chemical processes was tested for the atmospheric nitrogen fixation