32 research outputs found

    Kala Cinta Tak Terbalas

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    Lagu (Musik dengan Teks): Kala Cinta Tak Terbala

    Sholat Jama'ah Based Management: Menuju Organisasi Beretika, Solid, dan Inovatif

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    Secara umum teori organisasi dan manajemen yang dipelajari di dunia pendidikan berasal dari dunia dan tokoh barat dengan perspektif aturan di luar syariah. Padahal ajaran Islam sudah memiliki panduan yang lengkap dan menyeluruh. Dalam hampir semua aktivitas kehidupan, selalu ada aturan syara’ yang memandu kehidupan umatnya. Dan tentunya, Islam pasti juga memiliki aturan main dalam berorganisasi, bagaimana menjadi pemimpin dan yang dipimpin dalam sebuah organisasi. Mengingat Islam agama yang mengajarkan aktivitas berkelompok dalam sebuah aturan main yang jelas. Salah satu sinyal yang dianggap mewakili panduan berorganisasi adalah tentang sholat jama’ah. Sholat jama’ah memenuhi syarat sebagai suatu organisasi, maka diamati berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan syariah sholat jama’ah untuk dilihat aplikasinya dalam organisasi. Dari hasil interpretasi (hermeneutics) literatur didapatkan hasil bahwa sholat jama’ah memberikan sinyal adanya kriteria pemilihan imam dan bagaimana memilih mereka; adanya pembagian tugas (division of labor), tentang kompetisi internal, tentang posisi wanita dalam organisasi, tentang cara mengoreksi pemimpin yang salah dan juga tentang suksesi. Bahkan wudhu sebagai bentuk persiapan dan salam sebagai penutupnya juga memberi wawasan dalam berorganisasi

    Kita Berdua

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    Lagu (Musik dengan Teks): Kita Berdu

    Strategi Perusahaan Kosmetik Korea Untuk Memperkuat Marketing Di Indonesia

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    Assessment of beauty in other countries is very different, this shows that beauty is something that is very relative and cannot be measured. Several factors cause the construction of beauty in each area to be different, one of which is the cultural factor. It is undeniable, in the current era of globalization, industrial development is growing rapidly in countries around the world. Beauty is very important for Korean society, especially women. This is the basis why cosmetics are the primary needs of society and the demand for cosmetics in the market continues to increase from year to year. In the case of Korea, the number of Muslim tourists is increasing year by year, and their Korean cosmetic purchases are also increasing rapidly. In this study, the author uses a qualitative method by means of structured interviews regarding the use and interest in cosmetic products originating  from Korea by explaining several reference questions, including:  This  study  tries  to  suggest  a  more  successful  entry  strategy  for  Korean cosmetic companies in the Indonesian cosmetic market. However, although a successful entry strategy in this study can explain the Indonesian cosmetic market, it is difficult to explain it as a successful entry strategy into other Southeast Asian countries or Islamic cultural markets. Keywords: Cosmetics; Marketing; Strateg

    Pengaruh Jenis Inisiatif Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Terhadap Brand Preference Perbankan Dengan Moderasi Budaya Individu

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    Corporate is not only focused on achieving good financial performance, but also have responsibility for social and environmental problems. Corporate Social Responsibility as a form of concern emerging companies, including banks, to the environment and society. The marketing point of view, one of the benefits CSR is to create brand preference for the product / brand. Corporate Social Marketing and Corporate Philanthropy are the most often done by corporates in the last five years. This study investigated the influence of type of CSR initiatives on brand preference banking. It also examined the moderating role of individual aspects of the individualism or collectivism. The research is experimental with chi-square analysis techniques. The results of the analysis supporting the types of CSR initiatives influence on brand preference, but the individualism or collectivism did not moderate the effect of type of CSR initiatives on brand preference. The importance of this research is the various CSR initiatives have different effects, so that the management should not be arbitrary in selecting strategies and marketing program

    Memahami Perilaku Pelanggan Blackberry di Surabaya: Peran Kesesuaian Diri dan Kesesuaian Fungsional

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    Sales of the BlackBerry (BB) in the global market continues to decline, but not so with the Indonesian market. The Indonesian market is unique. In this country, the madness of the BlackBerry is not like in other countries. In Indonesia, the BlackBerry dominates the smartphone market. Blackberry successful creating a trend, the BlackBerry boom in Indonesia due to the highly loaded BlackBerry messaging functions. This, along with the character of the people of Indonesia who love messaging, chat, and SMS. Consumers often compare their brand image with a picture of himself in making a purchase. The process of matching between the image of the brand with the consumer's self-concept is called the self-congruity. While consumers are trying to maximize the benefit (utility) in the purchase of products based on objective criteria such as price or performance of the product attributes influenced the functional congruity models. The purpose of this study to understand customer behavior Blackberry influence self congruity and functional congruity towards attitudes and customer loyalty. This study uses a quantitative approach to test the hypothesis. Using 110 respondents consumer Blackberry, generation X and generation Y. Data analysis technique used Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study are self congruity significantly influence the functional congruity, attitudes and brand loyalty. Furthermore, self congruity direct influence on brand loyalty. While the functional congruity the variables significantly influence attitudes, and attitudes affect brand loyalty. whereas age did not moderate the users self congruity and functional congruity toward customer attitude

    Pengaruh Self Congruity Performance dan Alternative Attractiveness Terhadap Turnover Intention Dimediasi oleh Kepuasan Kerja dan Komitmen Organisasional pada Karyawan Marketing Industri Perbankan Surabaya

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    Employee turnover has got much attention in many companies because of its effect both on financial sides and company image. In high density of competition among the same industry or not, is believed could increase employees' turnover intention because employees perceived there are many alternative places to work. Turnover intention could be reduced by increasing employees' organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of employee self congruency, company image attractiveness, performance, alternative attractiveness, job satisfaction and organizational commitment toward turnover intention. Data were collected using a survey method within the context of banking industries. Path analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Results revealed employee self congruence had positive effect on both company image attractiveness and job satisfaction. Company image attractiveness also had positive effect to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Then organizational commitment, job satisfaction and performance had negative effect on turnover intention. While alternative attractiveness had positive effect on turnover intention


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    Lagu (Musik dengan Teks): Azzarin

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the Quality of Life of the B40

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    Previous studies indicated that information and communication technology (ICT) positively impacts communities. However, rural areas are not uniform and territorial inequalities in digital infrastructure may affect the lives in rural areas differently. This study aims to investigate the effect of ICT adoption on rural communities. Data were collected through interviews and observations and were analyzed qualitatively. The finding shows limited access to ICT infrastructure and services limits the benefits of ICT to rural communities. The role of government is important in ensuring equal opportunity to access ICT infrastructure and services to improve their quality of life. Keywords: Information and communication technology (ICT); rural areas; quality of life eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7i21.374

    Relationships Consumer Characteristic and Perceive Business Ethics of Creative Industry in Indonesia: Study of Y Generations

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    Business ethics index is important in global industry .This paper analyze relationships consumer characteristic and perceive business ethics in industry creative. Consumer characteristic to cover consumer sentiment, consumer confident and consumer’ demographic. Perceive Business ethics was measured in personalpast, vicarious–past, personal–future and vicarious-future dimensions. Consumer sentiment and consumer confident were measured based on economic condition in the future expectation. Purposive sampling was used in this study and questionnaire distributed among 136 consumers of creative industry. Statistical results showed that Gender, Religion, Ethnicity, and Age have no relation to the perceive business ethics, but monthly income has significant relation to perceive business ethics. The finding indicates that consumer sentiment has no relation to perceive business ethics, but consumer confidence has significant relation to consumer perceive business ethics