31 research outputs found

    Utjecaj fluorida proizvedenih aluminijskim industrijskim postrojenjem na biljke i područja nastanjena ljudima

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    Fluorine is a highly reactive common element that does not occur in nature in the elemental state. It exists in the form of fluorides and accounts for about 0.3 g/kg of the Earth’s crust. Generally, it is found in the form of a number of minerals like fluorspar, cryolite and fluor-apatite. Fluoride has both positive and negative effects on individual health. Fluoride, in the form of fluorspar and cryo- lite is distributed extensively in the lithosphere, and is renowned as the thir- teenth most common among elements in the earth’s crust. Hydrogen fluorides in gaseous form accumulate in the leaves of generally sensitive plants against a concentration gradient and therefore, considered as a most phytotoxic air pollut- ant and affects plants at extremely low concentration. As per our study, it is found that the fluoride impacts on fauna are in normal condition, but in coming times it may have adverse impact on fauna and flora of surroundings of Hindalco Industries Limited.Fluor je vrlo reaktivan element koji se u elementarnom obliku ne pojavljuje u prirodi. Postoji u obliku fluorida u zemljinoj kori, gdje se nalazi u omjeru od oko 0,3 g/kg. Općenito, nalazi se u obliku velikog broja minerala poput fluorita, kriolita i apatita. Fluorid ima i pozitivne i negativne učinke na ljudsko zdravlje. Fluorid, u obliku fluorita i kriolita, široko je rasprostranjen u litosferi, a poznat je i kao trinaesta najčešća tvar u Zemljinoj kori. Fluorovodici u plinovitom obliku nagomilavaju se u listovima uglavnom osjetljivih biljaka prema gradijentu koncentracije. Stoga se smatraju najfitotoksičnijim onečišćujućim tvarima u zraku, a djeluju na biljke i pri ekstremno niskim koncentracijama. Prema našoj studiji utvrđeno je da su učinci fluorida na faunu u uobičajenim okvirima, ali u budućnosti može imati štetan utjecaj na faunu i floru u okruženju tvornice Hindalco Industries Limited

    Utjecaj fluorida proizvedenih aluminijskim industrijskim postrojenjem na biljke i područja nastanjena ljudima

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    Fluorine is a highly reactive common element that does not occur in nature in the elemental state. It exists in the form of fluorides and accounts for about 0.3 g/kg of the Earth’s crust. Generally, it is found in the form of a number of minerals like fluorspar, cryolite and fluor-apatite. Fluoride has both positive and negative effects on individual health. Fluoride, in the form of fluorspar and cryo- lite is distributed extensively in the lithosphere, and is renowned as the thir- teenth most common among elements in the earth’s crust. Hydrogen fluorides in gaseous form accumulate in the leaves of generally sensitive plants against a concentration gradient and therefore, considered as a most phytotoxic air pollut- ant and affects plants at extremely low concentration. As per our study, it is found that the fluoride impacts on fauna are in normal condition, but in coming times it may have adverse impact on fauna and flora of surroundings of Hindalco Industries Limited.Fluor je vrlo reaktivan element koji se u elementarnom obliku ne pojavljuje u prirodi. Postoji u obliku fluorida u zemljinoj kori, gdje se nalazi u omjeru od oko 0,3 g/kg. Općenito, nalazi se u obliku velikog broja minerala poput fluorita, kriolita i apatita. Fluorid ima i pozitivne i negativne učinke na ljudsko zdravlje. Fluorid, u obliku fluorita i kriolita, široko je rasprostranjen u litosferi, a poznat je i kao trinaesta najčešća tvar u Zemljinoj kori. Fluorovodici u plinovitom obliku nagomilavaju se u listovima uglavnom osjetljivih biljaka prema gradijentu koncentracije. Stoga se smatraju najfitotoksičnijim onečišćujućim tvarima u zraku, a djeluju na biljke i pri ekstremno niskim koncentracijama. Prema našoj studiji utvrđeno je da su učinci fluorida na faunu u uobičajenim okvirima, ali u budućnosti može imati štetan utjecaj na faunu i floru u okruženju tvornice Hindalco Industries Limited

    Anti-thrombotic efficacy of S007-867: Pre-clinical evaluation in experimental models of thrombosis in vivo and in vitro.

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    Pharmacological inhibition of platelet collagen interaction is a promising therapeutic strategy to treat intra-vascular thrombosis. S007-867 is a novel synthetic inhibitor of collagen-induced platelet aggregation. It has shown better antithrombotic protection than aspirin and clopidogrel with minimal bleeding tendency in mice. The present study is aimed to systematically investigate the antithrombotic efficacy of S007-867 in comparison to aspirin and clopidogrel in vivo and to delineate its mechanism of action in vitro. Aspirin, clopidogrel, and S007-867 significantly reduced thrombus weight in arterio-venous (AV) shunt model in rats. In mice, following ferric chloride induced thrombosis in either carotid or mesenteric artery; S007-867 significantly prolonged the vessel occlusion time (1.2-fold) and maintained a sustained blood flow velocity for >30 min. Comparatively, clopidogrel showed significant prolongation in TTO (1.3-fold) while aspirin remained ineffective. Both S007-867 and aspirin did not alter bleeding time in either kidney or spleen injury models, and thus maintained hemostasis, while clopidogrel showed significant increase in spleen bleeding time (1.7-fold). The coagulation parameters namely thrombin time, prothrombin time or activated partial thromboplastin time remained unaffected even at high concentration of S007-867 (300 µM), thus implying its antithrombotic effect to be primarily platelet mediated. S007-867 significantly inhibited collagen-mediated platelet adhesion and aggregation in mice ex-vivo. Moreover, when blood was perfused over a highly thrombogenic combination of collagen mimicking peptides like CRP-GFOGER-VWF-III, S007-867 significantly reduced total thrombus volume or ZV50 (53.4 ± 5.7%). Mechanistically, S007-867 (10-300 μM) inhibited collagen-induced ATP release, thromboxane A2 (TxA2) generation, intra-platelet [Ca+2] flux and global tyrosine phosphorylation including PLCγ2. Collectively the present study highlights that S007-867 is a novel synthetic inhibitor of collagen induced platelet activation, that effectively maintains blood flow velocity and delays vascular occlusion. It inhibits thrombogenesis without compromising hemostasis. Therefore, S007-867 may be further developed for the treatment of thrombotic disorders in clinical settings

    Synergistic use of airborne hyperspectral and LiDAR data for mapping Mediterranean forest in Portugal

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    Forests are the major source of biodiversity and provide natural sources of wood, fodder, gums, resins, and medicines. Forests encounter damage by nature and human factors, which needs to be monitored for all tree species, whether invasion or intentional damage. This study focuses on the classification of an open tall stand coastal surrounding site for the mapping and classification of tree species and ground features using airborne imagery. So, improving the classification and mapping accuracy of forest in surrounding coastal regions is essential for the restoration and management decisions. The first objective of this thesis is to use segmented Principal Component (PC) images to classify the ground features including different tree species and to improve the classification results. More specific goals include (a) Use of hyperspectral images to map and classify the forest region using a segmented PC image, (b) Investigating the gain in mapping accuracy with segmented PC image as opposed to hyperspectral imagery alone. The second objective is to assess and investigate the fusion of airborne hyperspectral imagery and LiDAR derived Canopy Height Model for classification and assessing the results. These objectives aim at investigating the gain in mapping accuracy with fusion image as opposed to hyperspectral imagery alone. Thus, overall this study assesses the differences in classification outputs using a data fusion technique, segmented PC image and individual hyperspectral images, which differ in accuracy, in Mediterranean forest. MLC based supervised image classification method provided better accuracy (96.3%) with segmented PC images, (~92.9%) with the fusion of CHM and hyperspectral images than with hyperspectral image alone (89.6% with MLC and 67.5% with SAM). According to my results, CHM and HSI provide better classification and mapping results over extensive areas of forests. The overall accuracy of the classified maps ranged from 67.5 to 96.3% and k coefficient was found between 0.61 and 0.95. Segmented PC and PC fusion techniques provided a significant step to improve the distinction and classification results. Using the above methods, tree species and associated features could be classified and mapped, despite the problem of spectral mixing of different features. In future, more high spatial and spectral resolution images will provide a platform for the incorporation of enhanced characteristics for mapping and classification purposes

    An Approach for Route Optimization in Applications of Precision Agriculture Using UAVs

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    This research paper focuses on providing an algorithm by which (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) UAVs can be used to provide optimal routes for agricultural applications such as, fertilizers and pesticide spray, in crop fields. To utilize a minimum amount of inputs and complete the task without a revisit, one needs to employ optimized routes and optimal points of delivering the inputs required in precision agriculture (PA). First, stressed regions are identified using VegNet (Vegetative Network) software. Then, methods are applied for obtaining optimal routes and points for the spraying of inputs with an autonomous UAV for PA. This paper reports a unique and innovative technique to calculate the optimum location of spray points required for a particular stressed region. In this technique, the stressed regions are divided into many circular divisions with its center being a spray point of the stressed region. These circular divisions would ensure a more effective dispersion of the spray. Then an optimal path is found out which connects all the stressed regions and their spray points. The paper also describes the use of methods and algorithms including travelling salesman problem (TSP)-based route planning and a Voronoi diagram which allows applying precision agriculture techniques

    Need for pan-India compatibility of geospatial databases in terms of map projections and parameters

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    The present study is taken up to record variations in the extent of area of two polygons—(i) a ground measured area of a university campus, (ii) enclosing the Ganga basin—and to examine the changes in both shape and area of another (iii) polygon covering India under different map projections with various parameters. The exercise brought forth interesting results. Depending on final ranks worked out based on minimum differences in extent of areas and shape distortion in the case of India, it is suggested to adopt either (i) Lambert Conformal Conical (LCC) projection with Everest India-Nepal datum, First Standard Parallel (FSP) 24.50, Second Standard Parallel (SSP) 28.50, Latitude of Origin (LO) 16.253259, Central Meridian (CM) 80.8749 or (ii) LCC projection with WGS 84 datum, FSP 24.50, SSP 28.50, LO 16.253259, CM 80.8749 or (iii) Polyconic with Everest India-Nepal datum, CM 84.50, LO 13.00, for mapping both smaller areas on larger scales and larger areas on smaller scales

    Development of dendritic growth patterns of polythiophene copper composite during electropolymerization: Characterization and bidirectional sensing applications

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    The development of three dimensional dendritic growth patterns of conductive polythiophene and its copper composite by electrochemical method from systems containing (A) thiophene, perchloric acid, acetonitrile and (B) thiophene, perchloric acid, cupric chloride and acetonitrile have been studied. Height of three dimensional hyper branched polymer aggregates is measured at different time of polymerization. Morphology and growth kinetic studies have been made and aggregates have been characterized by electrical conductivity, FT-IR, X-ray diffraction and TGA/DTG analysis. ESR and SEM-EDS studies confirm the presence of metal ion in the polymer composite. SEM studies show the formation of globular aggregates while TEM studies reveal the formation of nanosized polythiophene particles in the range 20-50 nm which increase on addition of copper salt. Solid-state potassium ion sensor with conductive polythiophene copper composite as novel matrix for assembling ion sensing membrane has been demonstrated. Cyclic voltammetric and amperometric studies show excellent electrocatalytic ability for H2O2 sensing at lower operating potential

    Mapping Tree Species in Coastal Portugal Using Statistically Segmented Principal Component Analysis and Other Methods

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    Hyperspectral sensors record radiances in a large number of wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum and can be used to distinguish different tree species based on their characteristic reflectance signatures. Reflectance spectra were measured from airborne hyperspectral AISA Eagle/Hawk imagery in order to identify different Mediterranean tree species at a coastal test site in Portugal. A spectral range from 400 to 2450 nm was recorded at 2-m spatial resolution. The hyperspectral data are divided into five spectral data ranges. The chosen ranges for segmentation are based on statistical properties as well as on their wavelengths, as radiances of a particular wavelength may overlap with neighboring wavelengths. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied individually to each spectral range. The first three principal components (PCs) of each range are chosen and are fused into a new data segment of reduced dimensionality. The resulting 15 PCs contain 99.42% of the information content of the original hyperspectral image. These PCs were used for a maximum likelihood classification (MLC). Spectral signatures were also analyzed for the hyperspectral data, and were validated with ground data collected in the field by a handheld spectro-radiometer. Different RGB combinations of PC bands of segmented PC image provide distinct feature identification. A comparison with other classification approaches (spectral angle mapper and MLC of the original hyperspectral imagery) shows that the MLC of the segmented PCA achieves the highest accuracy, due to its ability to reduce the Hughes phenomenon

    Development of dendritic growth patterns of polythiophene copper composite during electropolymerization: Characterization and bidirectional sensing applications

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    421-430The development of three dimensional dendritic growth patterns of conductive polythiophene and its copper composite by electrochemical method from systems containing (A) thiophene, perchloric acid, acetonitrile and (B) thiophene, perchloric acid, cupric chloride and acetonitrile have been studied. Height of three dimensional hyper branched polymer aggregates is measured at different time of polymerization. Morphology and growth kinetic studies have been made and aggregates have been characterized by electrical conductivity, FT-IR, X-ray diffraction and TGA/DTG analysis. ESR and SEM-EDS studies confirm the presence of metal ion in the polymer composite. SEM studies show the formation of globular aggregates while TEM studies reveal the formation of nanosized polythiophene particles in the range 20-50 nm which increase on addition of copper salt. Solid-state potassium ion sensor with conductive polythiophene copper composite as novel matrix for assembling ion sensing membrane has been demonstrated. Cyclic voltammetric and amperometric studies show excellent electrocatalytic ability for H2O2 sensing at lower operating potential