Utjecaj fluorida proizvedenih aluminijskim industrijskim postrojenjem na biljke i područja nastanjena ljudima


Fluorine is a highly reactive common element that does not occur in nature in the elemental state. It exists in the form of fluorides and accounts for about 0.3 g/kg of the Earth’s crust. Generally, it is found in the form of a number of minerals like fluorspar, cryolite and fluor-apatite. Fluoride has both positive and negative effects on individual health. Fluoride, in the form of fluorspar and cryo- lite is distributed extensively in the lithosphere, and is renowned as the thir- teenth most common among elements in the earth’s crust. Hydrogen fluorides in gaseous form accumulate in the leaves of generally sensitive plants against a concentration gradient and therefore, considered as a most phytotoxic air pollut- ant and affects plants at extremely low concentration. As per our study, it is found that the fluoride impacts on fauna are in normal condition, but in coming times it may have adverse impact on fauna and flora of surroundings of Hindalco Industries Limited.Fluor je vrlo reaktivan element koji se u elementarnom obliku ne pojavljuje u prirodi. Postoji u obliku fluorida u zemljinoj kori, gdje se nalazi u omjeru od oko 0,3 g/kg. Općenito, nalazi se u obliku velikog broja minerala poput fluorita, kriolita i apatita. Fluorid ima i pozitivne i negativne učinke na ljudsko zdravlje. Fluorid, u obliku fluorita i kriolita, široko je rasprostranjen u litosferi, a poznat je i kao trinaesta najčešća tvar u Zemljinoj kori. Fluorovodici u plinovitom obliku nagomilavaju se u listovima uglavnom osjetljivih biljaka prema gradijentu koncentracije. Stoga se smatraju najfitotoksičnijim onečišćujućim tvarima u zraku, a djeluju na biljke i pri ekstremno niskim koncentracijama. Prema našoj studiji utvrđeno je da su učinci fluorida na faunu u uobičajenim okvirima, ali u budućnosti može imati štetan utjecaj na faunu i floru u okruženju tvornice Hindalco Industries Limited

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