234 research outputs found


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    Javanese culture has recognized astronomy as a tool to ease life from hundreds years ago. One of the applications of the astronomy science is horoscope that is called neptu. Different with modern horoscope which is announced thorough direct language, the Javanese horoscope contains advices about daily life which are usually delivered using metaphor. This paper will discuss about the use of metaphor in delivering horoscope message and its relationship with Javanese culture. This study is an anthropological linguistics which investigates relationships between language and a culture of a society as an effort of revitalizing local wisdom

    The Cohesion and Coherence of the Editorials in The Jakarta Post

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    Concept of discourse involves three dimensions that are as language use, communication of beliefs (human cognition), and interaction in social situation. As a language use, discourse consists of two elements: cohesion and coherence. Discourse is divided into spoken and written discourse. Written discourse such as newspaper is very familiar today. One of the famous newspapers in Indonesia is The Jakarta Post. The most essential article in a newspaper is its editorial. Therefore, the research has been intended to find cohesion and coherence devices of the editorials in The Jakarta Post. In this research, substantive data were texts consisting of cohesion and coherence devices. The sources were editorials in The Jakarta Post May 2011 edition that consisted of 28 editorial articles. The data was analyzed using Identity Method. Results of the analysis showed that editorials in The Jakarta Post May 2011 contain all kinds of cohesion and coherence devices. The editorials contain grammatical cohesion (reference, ellipsis, substitution, conjunction) and lexical cohesion (reiteration and collocation). Coherence devices (repetition, personal reference, transition) are also contained in the data

    Code-Mixing and Code-Switching at a Language Boundary: Pasar Cileumeuh, Cilacap, Central Java Case Study

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    Cilacap is geographically located in Central Java region and bordering directly with West Java. Ethnographically, Cilacap becomes a transitional area between Javanese and Sundanese ethnic. In linguistics, such area is called as language boundary. These conditions make some Cilacap residents speak Javanese, especially Banyumasan dialect, and some others speak Sundanese. Unlike the Indramayu and Cirebon communities in West Java who claim not to be part of the Javanese ethnic although using Javanese language, Sundanese speakers in Cilacap claim convincingly to be the part of the Sundanese ethnic group. In areas where the Javanese and Sundanese have direct contact, such as Pasar Cileumeuh, the communities are mostly bilingual. Uniquely, it is eassy to find conversations between Javanese and Sundanese speakers where they use their own language but they know one another. However, Bahasa Indonesia is also used as a connecting language. With that explanations, it is interesting to know: 1) the structure and 2) the motivation of the code mixing and code switching events in Pasar Cileumeuh. This paper is aimed to answer the questions. Keywords: code mixing, code switching, language boundary, pasar Cileumeu

    The Dynamicity of The Perceptive Verb Look: A Cognitive Linguistics Study

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    Perceptive verbs have important function, especially in Cognitive Linguistics perspective, because these verbs are directly related to real experience. Cognitive linguistics focuses on the study of the relationship between language, mind, and socio-physical experience. Thus, this paper discusses how the lexical-semantic characteristics particularly the dynamicity or aktionsarten of the verb look. The verb look itself consists of agentive and perceptive verb class. The dynamicity of agentive and the perceptive verb look were analyzed using the distributional method combined with several techniques. Most of the verb look constructions appear as phrasal verbs. At least, there are 17 phrasal verbs with look as the root and the constructions consist of at least 20 different meanings. The dynamicity test is also applicated for the phrasal verbs. The results of the research show unique lexical characteristics of the perceptive verb look and it influences the meaning as well as the construction of the verb. The relationship between lexical characteristic with its construction shows the schema of cognition processing language


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    Kata “islami” dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) memiliki makna “bersifat keislaman”. Namun demikian, banyak terjadi perdebatan yang mengadu anatara islami dan tidak islami. Ini salah satunya terjadi karena “islami” masih dimaknai secara setruktural atau referensial. Dalam pandangan semantik referensial, pembahasan kata “islami” terbatas pada (+) islami dan (-) islami. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini membahas kata “islami” dalam pandangan non-Aristotelian dengan mengaplikasikan analisis semantik prototipe yang dikenalkan oleh Coleman dan Kay (1981). Analisis ini akan mengukur pemaknaan kata “islami” secara gradual dalam skala tertentu. Kata “islami” dijabarkan ke dalam tiga variabel: (1) tampilan, (2) pengetahuan, dan (3) perilaku. Variabel tersebut kemudian dikembangkan menjadi delapan contoh kasus yang dinilai dalam bentuk kuesioner. Sejumlah 33 responden terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Variabel perilaku menjadi variabel paling menentukan dalam pemaknaan kata “islami”. Analisis ini bernaung pada kajian besar Linguistik Kognitif. Kata Kunci: islami, semantik prototipe, Linguistik Kognitif

    Code-Mixing and Code-Switching at a Language Boundary: Pasar Cileumeuh, Cilacap, Central Java Case Study

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    Cilacap is geographically located in Central Java region and bordering directly with West Java. Ethnographically, Cilacap becomes a transitional area between Javanese and Sundanese ethnic. In linguistics, such area is called as language boundary. These conditions make some Cilacap residents speak Javanese, especially Banyumasan dialect, and some others speak Sundanese. Unlike the Indramayu and Cirebon communities in West Java who claim not to be part of the Javanese ethnic although using Javanese language, Sundanese speakers in Cilacap claim convincingly to be the part of the Sundanese ethnic group. In areas where the Javanese and Sundanese have direct contact, such as Pasar Cileumeuh, the communities are mostly bilingual. Uniquely, it is eassy to find conversations between Javanese and Sundanese speakers where they use their own language but they know one another. However, Bahasa Indonesia is also used as a connecting language. With that explanations, it is interesting to know: 1) the structure and 2) the motivation of the code mixing and code switching events in Pasar Cileumeuh. This paper is aimed to answer the questions. Keywords: code mixing, code switching, language boundary, pasar Cileumeu

    Uyghur and China in The American Media Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of CNN News Articles

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    This paper analyzes the textual aspects in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) Norman Fairclough model of CNN news discourse about Uyghur issue. When this research is conducted, there are only at least five articles specifically discussing Uyghur issue that are 29th December 2011, 29th February 2012, 29th February 2012, 30th October 2013, and 5th September 2014 publications. The research focuses on analyzing the text representation and the relation between participants in the discourse. Objectives of the paper are: 1) to analyze the text representation of news in the news channel of CNN related to the Uyghur case, and 2) to analyze the relation between participants in the news channel of CNN related to the Uyghur case. The subject of this paper is Uyghur issue as reflected in the news articles of CNN International. The paper applies qualitative descriptive method. As a consequence: CNN often put formality features and a vague vocabulary to block and obscure the negative value from the readers to China. The relation here is presented by CNN to China rather than CNN to Uyghur. It is reflected by the power of the status of China

    Pengaruh Industri Gula Kelapa Terhadap Kondisi Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Pra Sejahtera Di desa Sendang Kecamatan Donorojo Kabupaten Pacitan Jawa Timur

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    Abstrak                Desa Sendang merupakan desa yang terletak di pesisir pantai dengan ketinggian 234 meter diatas permukaan laut, sehingga memungkinkan untuk tumbuhnya tanaman kelapa (monografi Desa Sendang 2008). Kondisi inilah yang menyebabkan penduduk desa Sendang memanfaatkan pohon kelapa untuk industri gula kelapa. Usaha industri gula kelapa ini dikelola oleh sejumlah 591 kepala rumah tangga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui kondisi rumah tangga pra sejahtera di Desa Sendang Kecamatan Donorojo Kabupaten Pacitan, (2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh industri gula kelapa terhadap kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga pra sejahtera di desa Sendang Kecamatan Donorojo Kabupaten Pacitan.                  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei dengan pendekatan deskripsi kuantitatif dengan prosentase. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah berjumlah  591 Kepala Rumah Tangga Pra Sejahtera. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini ditentukan sampel sebanyak 15% dari populasi atau sejumlah 88,65 dibulatkan menjadi 89 kepala rumah tangga Pra Sejahtera di tujuh dusun yaitu dusun Kendal\, dusun Sambi, dusun Kaliaren, dusun Krajan, dusun Gedangan, dusun Guworejo, dusun Ngejring, dari delapan dusun yaitu dusun Gebang. Tekhnik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dengan kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan deskripsi kuantitatif dengan prosentase.                 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi rumah tangga pra sejahtera di desa Sendang ini terdiri dari delapan dusun yaitu dusun Kendal, dusun Sambi, dusun Kaliaren, dusun Krajan, dusun Gedangan, dusun Guworejo, dan dusun Ngejring paling banyak yaitu berjumlah 3 sampai 5 orang sebanyak 54 responden dari 89 responden atau sebesar 60,7 %. Karena dengan jumah anggota keluarga yang besar, penghasilan yang diperoleh kepala keluarga hanya mampu digunakan untuk makan saja. Sehingga untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga akan sangat sulit. Dalam kehidupan rumah tangga Pra Sejahtera ini masyarakat desa Sendang berupaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dengan cara menciptakan lapangan kerja baru sebagai tambahan penghasilan yang merupakan usaha turun temurun yaitu industri Gula Kelapa sejak tahun 1997 sampai sekarang.   Kata Kunci : Industri Gula Kelap

    The Analysis of Women and Men Language Features on America’s Got Talent

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    The purpose of this study are: 1) To find out the female language features of female judges in America's Got Talent 2018: and 2) To find out the male language features of the male judges in America's Got Talent 2018. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The methods and data collection techniques used in this study are the simak method that uses the sadap technique with the advanced techniques of simak bebas libat cakap and the catat technique. Data is taken from America’s Got Talent video. The data analysis method and technique used is the padan method with the pilah unsur penentu technique with daya pilah sebagai pembeda referent. The results of data analysis are then presented descriptively. As the result, there are six female language features used by female judges in America's Got Talent, namely lexical hedges, rising intonation on declarative, empty adjectives, intensiers, superpolite forms, and emphatic stress. There are three male language features used by male judges in America's Got Talent, namely direct forms, interrupt, and swear words

    EFL Students’ Perception on the Use of Social Media Platforms as Learning Tools

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has spread to all parts of the world including Indonesia. The existence of the Covid 19 problem has changed many aspects of human life, including in the field of education. Therefore, the use of social media devices has become an alternative learning tool in providing material to students during the Covid-19 pandemic. With this new challenge, every human being is challenged to change old habits into new ones, especially in the world of education. This study aims at determining the EFL students' perceptions regarding the use of various social media tools to support online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research was qualitative using a descriptive approach. The sampling technique used in this study was random sampling by distributing questionnaires via google form and conducting interviews with 25 selected students to explore students' perceptions about the use of social media in English learning. The data that has been collected is analyzed in an elaborated way. In the application of learning using social media, there are many positive responses given by students, but there are also students who experience some problems in the application of learning using social media. Even among them, they also experience various difficulties in using it, especially in internet access. The results show that the use of social media platforms provides several advantages in its implementation, such as the flexibility of time, the effectiveness of its use, ease, interactive, fun use. However, the challenges are very monotonous learning activities, spending quotas, boredom and difficulty expressing their creativity, bad responses and an erratic schedule
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