14 research outputs found

    Analisis Commognitive Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Non Rutin

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    This study aims to describe the student's commercial analysis in resolving non-routine questions. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were three MTs Az-Zubair students, Sumber anyar, and Larangan Tokol. The instrument used in this study is mathematical questions and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that students have many differences in the work method or error in solving math problems from Word Use (using the right words to inform understanding, such as the basis of writing, and other symbols), visual mediators (choosing and using the right concepts and methods in the matter of non-routine. Keywords: commognitive, non-routine problem

    Students’ Cognitive Barrier in Problem Solving: Picture-based Problem-solving

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    Pre-service teachers in primary education often have difficulty in solving mathematical problems, specifically fractions that are presented with a picture. In solving problems, some thought processes are needed by the teacher to reduce students' cognitive barriers. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal the cognitive barriers experienced by students in solving fraction problems. The cognitive barriers referred to in this study are ways of thinking about structures or mathematical objects that are appropriate in one situation and not appropriate in another situation. This study employed a descriptive-qualitative method. Furthermore, participants were followed up with in-depth semi-structured interviews to find out the cognitive barriers that occurred in solving fraction problems. This study discovers that the participants, in solving fraction problems, experienced all indicators of cognitive barrier and two cognitive obstacles are found as new findings that tend to involve mathematical calculations and violates the rules in dividing images into equal parts in the problem-solving procedure.

    Routines’ errors when solving mathematics problems cause cognitive conflict

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    Many studies showed that cognitive conflict often occurs in learning and when solving mathematics problems. However, very few studies have looked at cognitive conflicts in solving mathematics problems, incredibly improper fraction problems. This descriptive qualitative study described and analyzed students’ errors in solving mathematics problems using a commognitive perspective. The data was collected using a test sheet instrument, where students do the test think-aloud. The answers on the student test sheets were analyzed by adjusting the think-aloud that was carried out, and then the interview process was carried out as a form of triangulation of the method in the study. The data analysis results showed that there was a routine error that causes cognitive conflict when solving the improper fraction problem. The error that occurred indicates that the routine can and cannot resolve the cognitive conflict that occurs. This study’s findings indicated the importance of routine procedures to be understood so that their use is appropriate for solving mathematical problems


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    Terdapat banyak penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa konflik kognitif yang terjadi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu mahasiswa memahami materi dengan baik atau menerapkan konflik kognitif sebagai strategi dalam pembelajaran. Namun, masih sangat sedikit penelitian yang melihat konflik kognitif dalam menyelesaikan masalah khususnya pada mahasiswa PGSD. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang konflik kognitif mahasiswa PGSD dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan peran dari strategi konflik kognitif pada proses penyelesaian masalah geometri. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada mahasiswa yang sedang memprogram mata kuliah Geometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa yang mengalami konflik kognitif terbantu dengan kondisi yang dialaminya. Peran konflik kognitif yang dialami mahasiswa berdampak positif. Konflik kognitif tersebut menjadikan mahasiswa lebih memahami masalah yang hendak diselesaikan


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    One of the courses have often difficult by pre service teacher in primary education is Geometry, evidently by learning outcome that are still low. Difficulties experienced by students led to an error occurred in solving problem in geometry. Errors that occur when students solve problems in geometry really need to be known, especially the type of error. One of procedure that can be used to reveal the student error is Newman procedure. This research employed a descriptive qualitative method that aimed to analyze the errors of pre service teacher in primary education when solve the problems in geometry.  Participants in this research were two students who have taken the courses of Geometry and meet the criteria which is experiencing a mathematical error. Data collection technique use a question sheet and interviews. Question sheet given in order to analyze student errors that appear. While the interviews were conducted to confirm the results of student work. The results showed that the four stages of the procedure of Newman Error Analyze that comprehension, transformation, process skill and encoding occur mathematical error, logical error and strategic error. Furthermore, as new findings in this research, the error experienced by the students at this stage of the procedure Newman can cause errors in the later stages


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    Abstrak  Visual mediator dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu berpikir dalam wacana matematika, dan merupakan bagian penting dalam proses berpikir. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan visual mediator ketika mahasiswa melakukan penalaran statistis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kajian ini sebanyak 42 mahasiswa. Empat diantara 42 mahasiswa tersebut merupakan subjek dalam penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah hasil tes tertulis dan hasil wawancara. Satu soal diberikan kepada mahasiswa. Soal tersebut memuat pertanyaan yang menuntut mahasiswa melakukan penalaran statistis. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengidentifikasi peran visual mediator yang digunakan mahasiswa ketika mereka melakukan penalaran statistis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) visual mediator dapat digunakan sebagai objek awal dan juga sebagai objek final untuk mempermudah dalam menghasilkan substantiation narrative, 2) visual mediator berupa grafik merupakan objek yang dapat mempermudah dalam membuat prediksi data time series, 3) diperlukan penggabungan berbagai visual mediator untuk memberikan substantiation narrative yang tepat dalam membuat kesimpulan dan prediksi data,  4) visual mediator yang sama pada individu berbeda dapat menghasilkan substantiation narrative berbeda dalam membuat kesimpulan dan memprediksi data.  Kajian ini memberikan implikasi bahwa penggunaan berbagai visual mediator merupakan aspek penting dalam memahami objek serta berperan menghasilkan substantiation narrative ketika melakukan penalaran statistis.   Abstract Visual mediators can be used as thinking aids in mathematical discourse and an important part of the thinking process. This study aims to analyze the use of visual mediators when students perform statistical reasoning. This type of research was qualitative research. There were 42 students involved in this study. Four of the 42 students were subjects in this study. Data collection techniques are the results of written tests and interviews. One question given to students. The question contains questions that require students to do statistical reasoning. Data analysis was carried out by identifying the visual role of the mediator used by students when they did statistical reasoning. The results of this study indicate that: 1) visual mediators could be used as initial objects and also as final objects to make it easier to produce substantiation narratives, 2) visual mediators in the form of graphs are objects that can make it easier to predict time series data, 3) it is necessary to combine various visual mediators to provide the right substantiation narrative in making conclusions and predict data, 4) the same visual mediator by different individuals can produce different substantiation narratives in making conclusions and predicting data. This study implies that using various visual mediators is an important aspect of understanding objects and plays a role in producing them

    Primary school teachers’ identity in mathematics: the aspect of specialist teaching and learning

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    Background: identity is closely related to the professional development of teachers in teaching and learning. Teachers of primary school do not have only one identity, because they work as class teachers. Mathematics is one of the school subjects taught, so that primary school teachers also have a mathematical identity in the teaching and learning that they do. Objectives: this study aims to explain the teaching and learning aspects of primary school teachers, as seen from their mathematical identity. Design: this type of research was qualitative by employing an explanatory approach. Setting and participants: forty-six teachers who concluded the primary teacher education, who work as in-service teachers at a primary school in tarakan city, grouped into three types: turning point, failing, and roller coaster. Data collection and analysis: the data collection used an open question questionnaire, and the data reduction process took into account the type of teacher and mathematical identity. Indepth interviews with six primary school teachers representing types were conducted as a triangulation process. Results: based on the mathematics identity of the teacher, there are three findings in implementing teaching and learning, specifically: (a) hesitation in mathematics knowledge (b) teaching mathematics because it is fun versus it is part of the duty of primary school teachers, and (c) support for teaching mathematics. Conclusions: we suggest that a teacher professional development strategy based on mathematics learning is needed, such as group learning activities, especially mathematics. Further research is needed to see the identity of primary school teachers in classroom practices and their changes

    Primary School Teachers’ Identity in Mathematics: The Aspect of Specialist Teaching and Learning

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    Background: Identity is closely related to the professional development of teachers in teaching and learning. Teachers of primary school do not have only one identity, because they work as class teachers. Mathematics is one of the school subjects taught, so that primary school teachers also have a mathematical identity in the teaching and learning that they do. Objectives: This study aims to explain the teaching and learning aspects of primary school teachers, as seen from their mathematical identity. Design: This type of research was qualitative by employing an explanatory approach. Setting and Participants: Forty-six teachers who concluded the Primary Teacher Education, who work as in-service teachers at a primary school in Tarakan city, grouped into three types: turning point, failing, and roller coaster. Data collection and analysis: The data collection used an open question questionnaire, and the data reduction process took into account the type of teacher and mathematical identity. In-depth interviews with six primary school teachers representing types were conducted as a triangulation process. Results: Based on the mathematics identity of the teacher, there are three findings in implementing teaching and learning, specifically: (a) hesitation in mathematics knowledge (b) teaching mathematics because it is fun versus it is part of the duty of primary school teachers, and (c) support for teaching mathematics. Conclusions: We suggest that a teacher professional development strategy based on mathematics learning is needed, such as group learning activities, especially mathematics. Further research is needed to see the identity of primary school teachers in classroom practices and their changes

    Self-confidence attitude of novice primary teachers reflection on teaching mathematics

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    The teacher’s attitude towards mathematics teaching is seen as an essential factor in forming students’ attitudes towards mathematics. However, no one has extensively described the reflection of teachers’ self-confidence in teaching mathematics, especially for novice primary teachers. Therefore, the purpose of this study sought to describe a reflection of the self-confidence attitude of novice primary teachers in teaching mathematics. A questionnaire based on novice primary teachers’ teaching experience was administered to a total of 28 novice primary teachers (N = 22 males, N = 6 females) conveniently selected to participate in the study reported in this article. The semi-structured interviews data explored novice primary teachers’ reflections on the given questionnaire scale items. The qualitative data obtained from semi-structured interviews informed the quantitative information extracted from the questionnaires. The results showed that the reflection of the self-confidence attitude of novice primary teachers in low, moderate, and high participants on the scale of confidence in teaching mathematics raises three essential findings, specifically (1) ability on content knowledge, (2) ability to explain, and (3) ability in classroom management. The resulting reflection in low, moderate, and high participants on the scale was an attitude toward success in teaching mathematics, namely, the appraisal of others, and on the scale, the usefulness of mathematics teaching, namely the ability to understand the usefulness of mathematics