6 research outputs found

    Oven Pintar Berbasis Kontrol Elektonik Modul untuk Pengeringan Bahan Praktek di Laboratorium Pengecatan

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    Extreme climate change makes the situation and environmental conditions uncertain, causing the painting practice lecture process to be less than optimal. Weather that tends to be cloudy has the potential to damage the paint from student practicum results. Referring to these problems, in this research an LPG-assisted automatic paint dryer was made as the solution offered. The purpose of this research is to make an oven to support the acceleration of drying of student paint. This research is a design type, which is carried out to support effective and efficient learning in accordance with the planned learning series. The instruments used in this study were: (1) paint drying oven machine assessment sheet; and (2) the target audience's response questionnaire. Indicators of research success are based on process and results. This smart oven based on electronic control module is very suitable to be used as a tool in improving the quality of painting results, especially in automotive painting. Making a smart oven based on electronic control of this module does not require too much money and is very easy to understand in operating the system because of the simplicity of how the oven machine system works. Questionnaire responses of students who have used smart ovens show results that agree and strongly agree with the existence of this smart oven.  

    Oven Pintar Berbasis Kontrol Elektonik Modul untuk Pengeringan Bahan Praktek di Laboratorium Pengecatan

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    Perubahan iklim yang ekstrem membuat situasi dan kondisi lingkungan menjadi tidak menentu menyebab proses perkuliahan praktik pengcatan menjadi kurang optimum. Cuaca yang cenderung mendung berpotensi merusak cat dari hasil praktikum mahasiswa. Merujuk dari permasalahan tersebut, pada penelitian ini dibuatlah alat pengering cat otomatis berbantuan LPG sebagai solusi yang ditawarkan. Penelitian ini berjenis rancang bangun, yang dilakukan untuk mendungkung terjadinya pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan rangkaian pembelajaran yang telah direncananakan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) lembar penilaian mesin oven pengering cat; dan (2) lembar angket respon khalayak sasaran. Indikator keberhasilan penelitian didasarkan atas proses dan hasil. Oven pintar berbasis kontrol elektronik modul ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan alat bantu dalam perbaikan kualitas hasil pengecatan, terutama pada pengecatan di bidang otomotif. Pembuatan oven pintar berbasis kontrol elektronik modul ini tidak memerlukan biaya yang terlalu mahal serta dalam pengoperasian sistem sangat mudah untuk dipahami sebab sederhananya cara kerja sistem mesin oven tersebut dibuktikan melalui respon mahasiswa yang positif

    Pengembangan Lanjutan Instruksi Kerja Plat dan Tempa Sebagai Pedoman Praktikum di Jurusan Teknik Mesin

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    Pola pendidikan merupakan hal terpenting dalam suatu proses pembelajaran, karena hal tersebut akan mempengaruhi sebuah hasil yang nantinya akan diperoleh. Oleh karena itu dalam proses pembelajaran penting untuk menyelaraskan tujuan, agar tercapai kondisi pembelajaran yang optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang pengembangan lanjutan instruksi kerja plat & tempa sebagai pedoman pada mata kuliah praktikum plat & tempa di Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Sedangkan secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses dan kualitas pengembangan lanjutan instruksi kerja plat & tempa yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa dan pendidik di Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Penelitian ini masih menggunakan metode pengembangan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model prosedural yaitu model deskriptif yang menunjukkan langkah-langkah yang harus ditempuh untuk menghasilkan suatu produk. Sumber data diperoleh dari sumber literatur instruksi kerja pada mata kuliah praktikum Plat & Tempa yang telah digunakan, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket dengan sampel mahasiswa yang sedang atau pernah mengikuti mata kuliah Praktek Plat & Tempa. Secara keseluruhan, nilai rata-rata dari mahasiswa yang menggunakan pengembangan bahan ajar instruksi kerja adalah 3,11 dari rentang nilai 4, yaitu berada pada kategori sangat layak dan dapat digunakan. Dengan adanya instruksi kerja ini diharapkan praktikan mampu lebih berkembang dibandingkan dengan praktikum sebelumnya dan memenuhi syarat untuk belajar secara mandiri dalam praktikum Plat & Tempa

    Development Of Plate & Forging Work Instructions As Practicum Guidelines in the Department of Mechanical Engineering

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    Education is a complex process, various problems in the learning process need to be aligned and strengthened in order to create appropriate learning conditions, so that optimal learning results are obtained. To complete the learning and learning components in tertiary institutions, especially in the Plat & Forging practicum course, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Surabaya, it is necessary to have media or tools that are able to stimulate learning effectively and efficiently, one of which is by utilizing work instructions as a guide, especially in subjects practicum based courses. This research uses the development method. The development model used is a procedural model, namely a descriptive model that shows the steps that must be taken to produce a product. Sources of data were obtained from literature sources of work instructions in the Plate & Forging practicum course that had been used, the data collection technique used the questionnaire method with a sample of students who were or had taken the Plate & Forging Practice course. Overall, the average score of students who use the development of work instruction teaching materials is 3.38 out of a range of 4, which is in the very feasible and usable category. With this work instruction, it is hoped that the practitioner will be able to translate from the form of images and writings to become a workpiece, so that independence is achieved in the Plate & Forging practicum activitie

    Clinical insights: Anxiety levels and sleep quality among Hang Tuah Faculty of Medicine's class of 2017-2022 pre-clinical and clinical Students

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    Anxiety is a global psychiatric phenomenon, while poor sleep quality remains a pressing public health issue. The arduous medical education journey exposes students to prolonged stress, potentially exacerbating anxiety and sleep disturbances. This study investigates the correlation between anxiety and sleep quality in Hang Tuah Faculty of Medicine students, bridging the pre-clinical and clinical phases. Employing an analytical observational approach with a cross-sectional design, this study enrolled students from pre-clinical (batches 2020, 2021, 2022) and clinical years (batches DM45, DM46, DM47). Among the 409 approached participants, 296 met the inclusion criteria after excluding 113 samples. Data collection utilized online questionnaires with acquired informed consent. Sleep quality was evaluated via the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, generating scores from 0 to 21. This study showed significantly robust evidence of an association between anxiety and sleep quality (p-value: 0.0001; r: 0.342) across both pre-clinical and clinical students. This study underscores a direct relationship: elevated anxiety levels correspond to diminished sleep quality. Such findings resonate with the prevailing challenges in medical education and their impact on students' mental and physical well-being. Implementing targeted interventions is crucial to address these concerns. In conclusion, this study underscores the undeniable link between anxiety and sleep quality among Hang Tuah Faculty of Medicine students, encompassing the years 2017 to 2022. The implications are far-reaching, emphasizing the necessity of interventions that enhance both psychological well-being and sleep quality. By recognizing and addressing these challenges, medical institutions can foster healthier academic environments and better equip students for their medical careers