506 research outputs found


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    DYKA PRASTAWA F0211037 Penelitian ini menguji pengaruhnilai-nilai etika perusahaan pada personorganization fitdan person-organization fit pada komitmen dan kepuasan kerja yang dimoderasi intensitas moral dengan objek penelitian pada PT. Indo Veneer Utama di Surakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian penjelasan (explanatory research). Yaitu menjelaskan hubungan kausal antara variabel-variabel penelitian melalui pengujian hipotesis. Metode pengumpulan pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei yaitu dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT. Indo Veneer Utama di Surakarta yang telah bekerja minimal 5 tahun, dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 130 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan SPSS 20 for Windows. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai etika perusahaan berpengaruh terhadap person-organization fit. Person-Organization fit berpengaruh pada komitmen dan kepuasan kerja karyawan. Intensitas moral juga berpengaruh dalam memoderasi hubungan person-orhanization fit dengan komitmen dan kepuasan kerja. Kata kunci: Nilai-nilai Etika Perusahaan, Person-Organization Fit, Komitmen, Kepuasan Kerja, Intensitas Moral


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    Tenaga kerja yang selalu terpapar suhu panas selama bekerja akan mengalami dehidrasi dan selanjutnya menyebabkan kelelahan. Tenaga kerja penggoreng rempeyek di Patran Yogyakarta posisi kerjanya harus selalu berada di depan tungku penggorengan. Untuk mencegah dehidrasi dan kelelahan yang lebih berat maka tenaga kerja harus minum air sebagai pengganti cairan tubuh yang hilang. Air minum yang sering dikonsumsi adalah air putih dan air teh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan kelelahan tenaga kerja penggoreng yang minum air putih dan yang minum air teh. Manfaat penelitian ini adlah sebagai pertimbangan bagi perusahaan dalam pemberian air minum untuk mengurangi kelelahan tenaga kerja yang terpapar oleh panas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian penjelasan (explanatory research) dengan metode penelitian eksperimen semu. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah populasi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yaitu sebanyak 20 orang. Kecepatan rekasi setelah pemberian minum air putih adalah 453,251 milidetik (kelelahan sedang) dan kecepatan reaksi setelah pemberian minum air teh adalah 411,791 milidetik( kelelahan sedang). Dengan uji Anova 2 jalan dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% diperoleh nilai p <0,05 (0,049), yang berarti hipotesa penelitian diterima. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan kelelahan tenaga kerja terpapar panas antara yang minum air putih dan air teh pada industri kecil pembuatan rempeyek di Patran Yogyakarta. Upaya penanggulangan kelelahan yang lebih berat dilakukan dengan mengubah posisi tungku dan tenaga kerja, pengusaha menyediakan air minum teh yang cukup. Kata Kunci: ISBB, Kelelahan, Air Putih, Air teh THE STUDY ABOUT LABOUR FATIGUE, THE INTERVENCE OF DRINK GIVING TO THE LABOUR AT SMALL INDUSTRY OF REMPEYEK IN PATRAN YOGYAKARTA The labour that always comes into contact with hot temperature during working will experience dehydration and hereinafter cause fatigue. The labour of rempeyek fryer in Patran Yogyakarta its job position is always must be in front frying stove. To prevent the dehydartion and fatigue that heavier hence labour have to drink the water as substitution of missing body dilution. Drinking water that is often consumed is minerals water and tea. This research target is to know the existence of difference of fatigue of fryer labour which drink the minerals water and which drink the tea at small industry of rempeyek in Patran Yogyakarta. This research benefit is consideration for company in gift of drinking water to lessen the labor fatigue that affected by heat. This research type is expanatory research with quasi experiment research method. The sample of this research is populaition that fulfills the inclution criterion that is as much 20 people. The reaction speed after drink giving of minerals water is 453,251 miliseconds (medium faigue) and the reaction speed after drink giving of the tea is 411,791 miliseconds (medium fatigue). With the two way Anova testing with the confidence level 95% is reached a value p<0,05 (0,049), that meaning research hypothesizing is accepted. The research results show that there is a differnsce of the labour fatigue that affected by heat between who drink the minerals water and the tea at small industry of making rempeyek in Patran Yogyakarta . The attempt to prevent the fatigue that heavier is done by altering position of stove and labour, the owner provides enough the drinking water of tea. Keyword: ISBB, Fatigue, Minerals Water, Te

    Harmoni Pancasila : Sebuah Komposisi Akapela Untuk Vokal Grup

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    Harmoni Pancasila merupakan sebuah komposisi paduan suara dewasa akapela yang memiliki ide musikal keadaan Bangsa Indonesia saat ini. Komposisi ini terdiri dari 5 bagian atau lagu. Bagian-bagian tersebut menceritakan setiap sila dalam Pancasila. Komposisi ini disusun untuk Format paduan suara dewasa yang terdiri dari sopran, alto, tenor dan bas

    Driver’s Distraction and Understandability of Using GPS Navigation

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    GPS navigation is available on smartphone application providing turn-by-turn navigation instruction on smartphones and the distraction from GPS usage while driving also became an issue. In this paper, we present the strategy to mitigate the level of distraction by manipulating the type of display visual (2D and 3D) and placement (right, steer and left). We conducted field experiments in left-hand real traffic with 12 subjects. Our result illustrated that 3D conditions implied much fewer frequency of eye glances (FOG) than 2D conditions. Furthermore, steer conditions has much higher FOG than right and left placement conditions, but we found no significant effects on the ease of understanding (EOU) for visual display difference and the number of error for all conditions

    The Role of Voucher Sales Information System on Hotel Reservation (Case Study at PT Kaha Tours & Travel Branch Office Malang )

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    Information is a valuable asset and has an important role for an organization or a company. The rapid progress of computer technology at this time make computer as a data processors are reliable in both of application field. In other side of travel, especially travel agencies both of domestic and International, development rapidly. In practice, a travel agents must use system information, which the system can support the marketing division effectively and efficiently. By using the application of the system of sales information on the process of hotel reservation voucher as expected fed decision support system can be help performance marketing travel agent itself in sales practically, therefore the service sales by travel agents hotel vouchers to consumers growing optimally. In other side, the information system of reservation process on the sale of hotel vouchers required to evaluate and improve role of voucher sales information system on hotel reservation at PT KAHA Tours &amp; Travel branch office Malang

    Characterizing growth patterns in longitudinal MRI using image contrast

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    pre-printUnderstanding the growth patterns of the early brain is crucial to the study of neuro-development. In the early stages of brain growth, a rapid sequence of biophysical and chemical processes take place. A crucial component of these processes, known as myelination, consists of the formation of a myelin sheath around a nerve fiber, enabling the effective transmission of neural impulses. As the brain undergoes myelination, there is a subsequent change in the contrast between gray matter and white matter as observed in MR scans. In this work, gray-white matter contrast is proposed as an effective measure of appearance which is relatively invariant to location, scanner type, and scanning conditions. To validate this, contrast is computed over various cortical regions for an adult human phantom. MR (Magnetic Resonance) images of the phantom were repeatedly generated using different scanners, and at different locations. Contrast displays less variability over changing conditions of scan compared to intensity-based measures, demonstrating that it is less dependent than intensity on external factors. Additionally, contrast is used to analyze longitudinal MR scans of the early brain, belonging to healthy controls and Down's Syndrome (DS) patients. Kernel regression is used to model subject-specific trajectories of contrast changing with time. Trajectories of contrast changing with time, as well as time-based biomarkers extracted from contrast modeling, show large differences between groups. The preliminary applications of contrast based analysis indicate its future potential to reveal new information not covered by conventional volumetric or deformation based analysis, particularly for distinguishing between normal and abnormal growth patterns

    A new framework for analyzing white matter maturation in early brain development

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    pre-printThe trajectory of early brain development is marked by rapid growth presented by volume but also by tissue property changes. Capturing regional characteristics of axonal structuring and myelination via neuroimaging requires analysis of longitudinal image data with multiple modalities. Complementary to earlier studies of volume and cortical folding analysis, this paper focuses on white matter tissue changes as seen in multimodal MRI and DTI. We propose a new framework for analyzing early maturation in white matter that generates a normative spatiotemporal model and provides 3D maps of absolute and relative indices of maturation. The method, using a continuous model of intensity changes using modified Legendre polynomials, has been applied to a multimodal dataset (T1W, T2W, PD, DTI) with 8 subjects that have been scanned at approximately 2 weeks, 1 year, and 2 years. We demonstrate that spatial maturation maps generated from different modalities capture different properties of white matter growth which might lead to a better understanding of the underlying neurobiology

    A Comparative Analysis of Islamic and Non-Islamic Banking using Financial Asset-Quality Ratio and Liquidity Ratio

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    The core objective of this research is to compare and examine financial performance of Islamic banks agains Non-Islamic banks. The research observes that Islamic banking has made unprecedented progress over recent years. In Indonesia specifically, they had been increasing their assets by an average of 43% annually since 2007, and their share of the banking sector’s total assets is growing fast.  Focusing on those asset growth, this research aims to compare it to the main banking system used, which is Non-Islamic banks or Conventional banks, by focusing on the asset side of the financial performance. The financial performance measurement were expressed in six financial ratios in which were categorized into Asset-Quality and Liquidity. These six ratios are: Provision to Earning Assets (PEA), Loan Ratio (LR), Loan to Deposits (LTD), Cash to Assets (CTA), Cash to Deposits (CTD), and Return on Asset (ROA). The data was based on balance sheets and income statements of Islamic and Non-Islamic banks from year 2004 to 2014. To test the hypotheses, Mann-Whitney was utilized to compare those financial performances. In general, the research found significant difference in all six ratios, with each bank had their own better performance in some ratios
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